How funny is this? Life Uncategorized

What a milestone. One million views and 35,000 lurks.

What a milestone. One million views and 35,000 lurks. In August my three channels got one million views. Actually 1.1 million. The articles are posted on over a dozen different social media venues. But the people of the world ( we have had viewers from 50 different countries ) have supported my channels by comments, up votes, down votes, and just stopping in and reading the articles.

Now four different people since January have lurked here over 35,000 times. Which is interesting being that three of them supposedly have jobs and the fourth lives in a trailer with about a dozen kids. OK maybe only six.

Now you have to understand what my definition of a lurker is. These four go to my channels and cut and paste articles I’ve already done. I call it flattery. But they also tend to make fun of my wife’s decorations and my posting of recipes. What’s funny is that they make fun of furniture that costs more than the furniture in their whole house or trailer. And to make fun of tablecloths???????

Now I have no issues when you disagree with my politics But I just don’t get why they make fun of cities that the  majority are minorities especially since they are left of Bernie Sanders. Guess it has to do with their refusal to let go of Jim Crow.

So in closing, thanks for commenting, viewing, up voting and even down voting




COVID Elections How funny is this? Opinion Politics Uncategorized

How funny is this? Congressman Ryan’s staff forms Union.

How funny is this? Congressman Ryan’s staff forms Union. Ryan is running in he state of Ohio for the Senate seat of Senator Portman who’s not running. So how does the senate staff reward Ryan? They form a union. I call that poetic justice. How about his congressional staff? Oh well.

His Senate campaign staff announced it was unionizing on Tuesday, making history as the first unionized Senate campaign in the Buckeye State’s history.

The staff union said it organized with IBEW Local 1466 and that Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga certified the election.

How funny is this? Opinion Politics Science

Can you believe this? Trump’s Surgeon General Says He Tried to Refinance His Mortgage, But Biden Admin Pulled a Dirty Move to Stop It from Happening.

Can you believe this? Trump’s Surgeon General Says He Tried to Refinance His Mortgage, But Biden Admin Pulled a Dirty Move to Stop It from Happening.

So Jerome Adams the former Surgeon General is denied refinancing his home mortgage cause the Biden administration won’t verify his previous employment?

Jerome Adams, the former surgeon general under Trump who has criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of COVID-19, is alleging he was denied the opportunity to refinance his mortgage after the government refused to verify his previous employment in the high-profile role.

If what Adams is being told is true, this sounds very much like another ominous sign of what’s to come for anyone who holds the wrong political views.


Elections How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Only thing funnier than this is Tim Ryan running for the Senate seat in Ohio. Ohio Sen. Matt Dolan enters U.S. Senate race, bringing establishment voice to GOP primary.

Only thing funnier than this is Tim Ryan running for the Senate seat in Ohio. Ohio Sen. Matt Dolan enters U.S. Senate race, bringing establishment voice to GOP primary. Dolan is presently a state senator. His family owns the Cleveland Indians (Guardians ). A country club Republican. A fan of Rob Portman and Mike DeWine.

Dolan’s comment on former President Trump. “President Trump remains a big influence in the Republican Party, but it’s the Republican ideals that he puts forth that’s resonating with people, and that’s what I’m focused on,” he said. 

Dolan is in the mold of former Governor Kasich and present Senator Portman. RINO, Moderate. If it’s Dolan vs Ryan, it’s Dago Red vs Irish Whiskey. Dolan is now a sitting state senator.


Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this?

But, but we got the vaccine, how could this be?  California hits 4 million COVID-19 cases amid delta variant spread.

But, but we got the vaccine, how could this be?  California hits 4 million COVID-19 cases amid delta variant spread. You were told that the vaccine was the miracle drug. Get the vaccine and you were the new superman, woman, child. So why have four million people got the virus? They locked up, social distanced, and even posted on social media that they were immune. Guess not.

But the coronavirus has since rebounded with ferocity, and California is seeing a level of daily infection higher than at any point during last summer’s surge. How can that be? More folks getting the vaccine and more folks getting the virus. Has the CDC let folks down? did the fauch lie? Again.

So what’s the answer? SMH. According to my link above. Getting more people to roll up their sleeves is especially vital now, officials say, because of the widespread circulation of the delta variant — believed to be the most contagious strain of the coronavirus yet. Double head shake.

Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this?

Here’s what happens when you listen to the fauch. “Even if You’re Fully Vaccinated – You Could Have the Delta Variant in Your System”

Joe Biden urged Americans on Thursday to get the vaccine. He then disclosed that even with the vaccine you can still carry the delta variant.
So why get the vax, then? Let me guess, the fauch told this to Joe. SMH.

Here’s what happens when you listen to the fauch. “Even if You’re Fully Vaccinated – You Could Have the Delta Variant in Your System” 

Corruption COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail.

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail. Well it looks as if Nancy got into her husbands Dago RED again. Remember how those on the far extreme said that the lush had no control over the Capitol Police. Some went as far as to exonerate her from her criminal acts on January 6th.

Well she’s having the Capital police arrest staff and visitors who follow the science. Show up without masks. Members of Congress will be turned in to Sargent of Arms. So how does someone without authority able to do that? Yet thousands are crossing our southern border untested, unmasked and definitely NOT social distancing 🤔 Forkin hypocrites 🙄

Crime How funny is this? Opinion Politics

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not.

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not. A black member of Congress led a insurrection on the Senate bldg. Get’s a $50.00 fine and she walks. SO WHAT DOES THE HOUSE DO?

The House Ethics Committee announced Monday they would not take any action to investigate Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) after her arrest for protesting at the Capitol earlier in the month.

The committee in their report said that Beatty, who is the Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, will not have any further action taken against her. The report acknowledged Beatty was arrested “for Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding, during a protest inside a Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.” The congresswoman paid a $50 fine prior to her release, and the “legal proceedings related to her arrest are expected to be resolved with no further action.”

Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How funny is this? The left looking silly. Joe Biden has a town hall meeting and the hall was only 1/3 filled.

How funny is this? The left looking silly. So Joe had a town hall meeting, but it looks as if nobody cared.

The auditorium at President Biden’s town hall is barely half full, according to pool reporters covering the event.

Voice of America journalist Steve Herman posted video and photos that showed dozens and dozens of empty seats at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The town hall, which was broadcast on CNN, showed attendees packed into the front rows – shoulder to shoulder. Most of the crowd was unmasked as was the CNN staffers.

Herman said he asked the White House for an explanation about the audience size.

“When I queried @WhiteHouse officials about why the auditorium is only 1/3 full, the answer I got is: ‘Ask CNN.’” he said.


How funny is this? Reprints from others.

Reprint. How funny is this? America’s Largest Union Under Threat of Staff Strike Over ‘Anti-Union’ Tactics.

Original article is here.

Reprint. How funny is this? America’s Largest Union Under Threat of Staff Strike Over ‘Anti-Union’ Tactics. I had to laugh when I read this.

The National Education Association Staff Organization (NEASO) — representing the staff of America’s largest labor union — has evidently hit an impasse in a labor dispute over what employees at the National Education Association called out as a “slew of anti-union delay tactics.”

The result of the impasse: a secret vote of members that yielded 98 percent support for authorizing a strike. Essentially, the union for employees of the nation’s largest union is ready to strike against said union for allegedly being anti-union.

NEA staffers are not keeping quiet about how they’re being treated, either.

“After persevering to support our nation’s educators and their #UNION through the #COVID19 pandemic, NEA’s bargaining approaches and offers are a slap in the face,” tweeted one employee.

Even as its own staff threatens a strike, NEA told the Washington Post “it is fully committed to and respects the collective bargaining process and unequivocally supports our staff’s right to use that process to advocate for themselves.”

The staff organization stated that “striking is a last resort, but it is something we are ready to do” in response to what its members characterize as “asking staff to accept stagnant pay now and well into the future at a time when inflation and the cost of living are skyrocketing” while “also trying to hike healthcare costs and slash retirement benefits that were promised to employees who dedicated their careers to the union’s mission.”
