Back Door Power Grab Corruption Democrat Elections Harris Cartel Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others. The Courts The Law

Leftists in panic: SCOTUS Lets Virginia Resume “Purge” of Voter Rolls of Non-citizens Before Election.

Reported by USA Today, an obvious leftist publication.

Leftists in panic: SCOTUS Lets Virginia Resume “Purge” of Voter Rolls of Non-citizens Before Election.

WASHINGTON − The Supreme Court on Wednesday allowed Virginia to reinstate a purge of suspected noncitizens from voter rolls.

Over the objections of the three liberal justices, the court accepted an emergency request from state officials to intervene after lower courts stopped a state program that had removed more than 1,600 names since Aug. 7.

The majority did not give a reason for their decision, which is common in emergency orders.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, called the order a “victory for commonsense and election fairness.”

Danielle Lang, senior director for voting rights at the Campaign Legal Center, which represented advocacy groups in the lawsuit, called it “outrageous” to allow “a last-minute purge that includes many known eligible citizens.”

Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team.

“But the voters will decide this election, not the courts,” Lang said. “Eligible Virginia voters should know that regardless of this purge they can register to vote on Election Day & cast their ballots.”

Voting rights groups fought the state policy because it removed naturalized citizens from the rolls if they had previously declared themselves noncitizens on motor vehicle forms. Youngkin’s program had notified suspected noncitizens they would be removed if they didn’t affirm their citizenship within 14 days.

But because years might have passed since the motor vehicle declarations, advocacy groups and the Justice Department challenged the program in court, arguing naturalized citizens were being removed from the voter rolls.

The advocacy groups quoted Prince William County Registrar Eric Olsen, who said at an election board meeting Sept. 30 that his office reviewed 162 people listed as noncitizens in the state’s computer system and found 43 had voted previously. But his office checked and found all 43 had verified their citizenship − some as many as five times − but were still dropped from voter rolls.

A Trump supporter who was purged from the rolls told Cardinal News he suspects he forgot to mark his citizenship status on the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles form when he renewed his driver’s license.

Another voter, who showed NPR her passport, said she doesn’t know why the DMV incorrectly recorded her as a noncitizen.

In addition to blocking further purges, U.S. District Judge Patricia Giles ordered the state to restore the registrations of those canceled since Aug. 7 because federal law prohibits voter purges within 90 days of an election when voters may not have enough time to fix errors. A federal appeals court upheld that decision.

But Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares told the Supreme Court the federal “quiet period” provision doesn’t apply to removing noncitizens from the voter rolls because they never should have been on the rolls.

Even if a citizen is mistakenly purged from the rolls, Miyares said, that person can re-register to vote and cast a provisional ballot.

The Justice Department argued that Virginia could still investigate specific individuals – including any of the 1,600 – it suspects are noncitizens but can’t use a broad-based removal method this close to an election.

“Everyone agrees that States can and should remove ineligible voters, including noncitizens, from their voter rolls,” Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the Supreme Court. “The only question in this case is when and how they may do so.”

Studies have found a negligible number of suspected noncitizens vote, presumably because of the threat of criminal charges and deportation if caught. Studies by the Brennan Center for Justice and the libertarian Cato Institute have found noncitizen voting is essentially nonexistent.

But Republicans have made removal of suspected noncitizens a focus of their voter integrity lawsuits this year.

So, leftist studies show non-citizens aren’t on the voter rolls? Really? Despite proof that they are? How — uhm — LEFTIST of them.

Commentary Democrat Elections Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Kamala Harris Supporter Shouts “F-Word” In Face of Toddler In A Stroller, As Panic Sets In Over Trump’s Latest Poll Numbers.

Kamala Harris Supporter Shouts “F-Word” In Face of Toddler In A Stroller, As Panic Sets In Over Trump’s Latest Poll Numbers.

Hollywood actor James Woods shared the now-viral video on X, saying, “This is the Kamala Harris demographic in a nutshell. Screaming at a toddler over politics. They are just insane.”

Several individuals on X are sharing the name of the young white woman shown in the video and claiming she is working for the Kamala Harris campaign.

America's Heartland Commentary Economy Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts Work Place

Beating the left in court.

Beating the left in court. Amsterdam NY was like one of the Midwest rustbelt cities. Their manufacturing was gone and all that was left was empty buildings.

Anthony Constantino has been buying the old buildings and brining back manufacturing. So far1,500 jobs. In the one building he put his company Sticker Mule. On top of it he put a huge Vote Trump sign.

The leftist mayor went to court and got a temporary injunction. Supporters of the former president in upstate New York won a last-minute court victory allowing them to illuminate a 100-foot wide “Vote for Trump” sign — despite their city’s effort to block the massive political endorsement.

The judge lifted the temporary restraining order in the nick of time, after hearing oral arguments on the case, ending at around 5:30 p.m. Monday. The mayor and lawyers claimed the sign posed a risk to the drivers on the highway. The judge agreed to vacate her prior order on the grounds that the sign is sufficiently far from highways and doesn’t pose a danger.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Voter Fraud

Voter fraud.

Voter fraud.

Majorities of Americans Concerned About Voter Fraud & Foreign Interference in Elections

58% of Americans say they are either very concerned or concerned that voter fraud will occur this year. 42% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that people who are not eligible to vote will vote or that voters will cast a ballot more than once.

Republicans (86%) and independents (55%) are more concerned about voter fraud occurring than Democrats (33%).

About two in three Americans (66%) say they are either very concerned or concerned that foreign countries will interfere with this year’s elections, 34% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that this will occur.

While still a majority (52%), fewer Americans are either concerned or very concerned that people who are not U.S. citizens will be able to vote this year. 48% are not very concerned or not concerned at all that this will occur.

Republicans (81%) and independents (53%) are more concerned than Democrats (25%) that people who are not citizens will vote.

California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

California passes law to make it illegal to make fun of Democrats. Judge says no way.

California passes law to make it illegal to make fun of Democrats. Judge says no way. So Newsom was all upset about a video that was really funny. Made Harris look like a dunce.

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of a recently passed California law aimed at curbing the spread of AI-generated deepfakes depicting political candidates. In his decision, Judge John Mendez wrote,

 “While a well-founded fear of a digitally manipulated media landscape may be justified, this fear does not give legislators unbridled license to bulldoze over the longstanding tradition of critique, parody, and satire protected by the First Amendment.”

Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic China COVID Green Energy Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

“Recycling” — more than ever — is a Green Lie.

In the West, the bulk of this “recyclable” waste (more than 80 percent) is mismanaged, often dumped in open landfills.

                                                                          80% will wind up in a landfill
Only (some) paper products and aluminum cans are likely to be recycled. Many types of plastic can NOT be recycled cheaper than creating new products in  Western countries.

The 1960s ushered in the dawn of single-use plastics, when shopping bags, straws, tubs, utensils, and food wrap became exceedingly cheap to produce and convenient to use, as long as no one paid attention to where it was going. When the first curbside recycling programs appeared in the 1970s, just as U.S. landfills started running short on space, the point of recycling was no longer to mine an untapped resource, or to get the most out of old stuff, but simply to find a place to put it.

The flow of plastic from rich countries to poorer ones, glutting waterways and leaching chemicals into the environment, recalls colonial-era destructiveness.

Some three decades later, the accumulation of plastic wastes led the U.S. to look abroad for dumping destinations. By the 1990s, half the plastic Americans chucked into the recycling bin “was stuffed onto giant container ships and sold to China,” instead of making it to the local recycling center. “Why invest in expensive technology and labor to keep up with the constantly changing world of packaging and plastics when the mess could be bundled off to China in exchange for easy money and the appearance of being green?”

There is a chasm between “theoretical recycling” and “actual recycling.” (The chasing arrows symbol is a lie: Most plastic types captured by the arrows are considered “financially unviable” to recycle.) In 2018, China banned most imports of plastic, meaning that recyclables collected in the United States could no longer be shipped out of sight, out of mind. Instead of bringing in easy revenue by sending waste to China, U.S. cities, towns, and waste companies now faced staggering costs, and as a result, recycling fell off a cliff. The pandemic’s disruptions of global supply chains only exacerbated the problem of sending junk to other countries. Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia, and other nations now absorb a portion of our waste, “a global hot potato,” as reporters referred to it in The Guardian. The bulk of this waste (more than 80 percent) is mismanaged, often dumped in open landfills, according to researchers. The flow of plastic from rich countries to poorer ones, glutting waterways and leaching harmful chemicals into the environment, recalls colonial-era destructiveness.

The overwhelming takeaway is that waste management perpetuates systems of domination and Lies. In Nazi Germany, waste was a resource. In today’s Western countries, waste is a commodity.

Original article here:

Abortion rights? Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Crime Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources.

Not a religious issue, but a moral life saving issue. Attacks on Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Groups.

Not a religious issue, but a moral life saving issue. Attacks on Pregnancy Centers & Pro-Life Groups. The leftists have for about 5-10 years been on the attack. But not until the Recent Supreme Court ruling get this bad.

At least 94 pregnancy resource centers and pro-life groups have been attacked and vandalized since a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked in early May 2022. Pro-abortion domestic terrorists have claimed responsibility, and delivered on their promise of a “summer of rage“.

The wave of violence began within 24 hours of the release of a leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade on May 2, 2022. Pregnancy centers braced for more attacks and acts of vandalism after the Supreme Court issued its final ruling overturning Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. The Department of Homeland Security issued a memo the same day warning that “domestic violent extremists” would exploit the decision to commit acts of violence against various targets, specifically naming Jane’s Revenge.

Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Censorship Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Baby killers won’t give up. Go after pregnancy centers in five states.

Baby killers won’t give up. Go after pregnancy centers in five states. The White Progressive Supremacists already lost in New York and California. Courts said you cannot stop the Pregnancy centers from helping pregnant women. So now they are trying in other states.

Campaign for Accountability, allege that the centers, which try to dissuade pregnant women from seeking abortions, gather sensitive and private medical information as part of their appointment scheduling processes. The letters asked the attorneys general of IdahoMinnesotaNew Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington to use their investigative power to probe why crisis pregnancy centers are gathering and retaining sensitive medical information and what they do with it — and potentially charge the centers with violating state consumer protection laws.

California. Crime Gun Control Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, California has 24 new gun laws to keep you safe. NOT.

Yes Virginia, California has 24 new gun laws to keep you safe. NOT.

So, my friends in California can sleep safe now. They have 24 more-gun laws to protect them. Who cares if the other 50-100 laws are already on the books. Strength in numbers, I guess.

California is already No. 1 for gun control among states in the Union, according to Mike Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety, yet Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed 24 new gun controls on Tuesday.

Two out of the last three years, despite all the extant gun control, FBI figures showing California led the nation in “active shooter incidents” in 2021 and 2023.

Abortion rights? Back Door Power Grab Child Abuse Commentary Democrat Emotional abuse Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Harris’s wish to kill babies is shot down. Manchin and Sinema say not on our watch.

Harris’s wish to kill babies is shot down. Manchin and Sinema say not on our watch.

Harris called for the end of the legislative filibuster in the Senate during an appearance on Wisconsin Public Radio on Tuesday to codify the right to abortion and eliminate state pro-life laws, a move with massive legislative and societal repercussions extending far beyond abortion.|twcamptweetembed|twterm1838624357116985634|twgr6113bec9662372e0b2350ae8f4b8e201fa2d4c7e|twcons1_&|twcamptweetembed|twterm1838630653677453484|twgrcba40ab1b1948dc6a3e5a3ba950ba38ae066a6e6|twcons1_&

Harris’s decision to begin eliminating the legislative filibuster could set forth a cycle of continually passing and revoking significant federal legislation from Congress to Congress, depending on who holds majorities on Capitol Hill. The change would remove incentives for Congress to pass meaningful forward-thinking legislation, instead focusing on passing red meat bills it knows is likely to be reversed in short order.