Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Food Government Overreach Lies Links from other news sources.

Biden blames everyone but himself for the high prices. Now it’s grocery stores.

Views: 23

Biden blames everyone but himself for the high prices. Now it’s grocery stores. At a dinner in South Carolina, Biden again turned around and blamed another group for high prices. The grocery stores.

So now will we see the DOJ send out the FBI to arrest store owners for his bad policies? He keeps on saying how inflation is coming down. Here’s a comparison. first. Inflation hits 10% then comes down to 8 then 7 then 5%. Lower right?

You gain 10lbs. then 8 then 7 then 5. You brag that you brought your weight gain down to 5 lbs. But now you’re 30 lbs. heavier. So, what cost $100.00 now costs how much? Do the math.


Biden Commentary Lies Links from other news sources. Taxes

The man just can’t stop Lying. Rich do pay taxes.

Views: 15

The man just can’t stop Lying. Rich do pay taxes. Joe again told the same lie that he told 30 times now. The Rich only pay 8.5% Federal Tax Rate. And he was given Pinocchio’s for the 30th time. A review.

“Look, folks, you know how many billionaires we have in America today? One thousand. You know what their average rate — tax rate — federal tax rate is? Federal tax rate is 8.5 percent. Raise your hand if you’d trade your tax rate for 8.5 percent. I’m serious. Think about this. There’d be $40 billion raised if they even pay 25 percent.”

But if you check Treasury Department calculations for what the richest Americans already pay in taxes, you would see that the richest 1 percent pay in excess of 20 percent in income taxes and more than 30 percent in all federal taxes. Even if you drill down to the top 400 wealthiest taxpayers — data that was publicly available on an annual basis until President Donald Trump killed the report — they paid an effective tax rate of 23.1 percent in 2014. These taxpayers — with $127 billion of income — that year paid $29.4 billion in income taxes, or more than 2 percent of all income taxes, the IRS said. That’s more than the bottom 70 percent of taxpayers combined.


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