Links from other news sources. Science Uncategorized

So what’s next? Make a pair of sunglasses for the sun? White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change.

So what’s next? Make a pair of sunglasses for the sun? White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change. Solar Radiation Modification. So the WH is looking into Junk Science again? This from FOX.

A research document published on the White House website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the Earth from climate change.

The congressionally mandated report released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Friday shows that the team has been researching “geoengineering” methods to keep the sun rays from accelerating global warming.

As the University of Oxford notes in its entry on the subject, “geoengineering” is “the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change.”

The White House revealed it is studying ways to alter the Earth’s atmosphere to block the sun’s rays and slow climate change. (David L. Ryan/Boston Globe via Getty Images)



Education Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans?

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans? First I do realize it’s mostly low level white trash and progressive politicians who are making this comparison.

A student loan was a loan to where you sign off that when it’s due, you pay it back. These loans have been paid off by tens of millions.

 The government forcibly locked down hairdressers, family restaurants, and other small businesses, and jeopardized the livelihoods of their employees–as well as their access to employer-provided health care. To address this, Congress worked in a bipartisan way to offer Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to help these businesses and their workers stay afloat. As a result, the program supported 51 million jobs to get through the pandemic across the economy.

Anyone who had a small business could qualify for this. So if say Bill Gates of Microsoft started a small business outside of Microsoft, he would have been eligible for forgiveness. Just like the person who say had a catering hot dog stand outside of their state capitol, same thing.

By contrast, President Biden’s student loan giveaway largely benefits the wealthy, forcing this debt onto lower-income American taxpayers in the form of higher taxes and more inflation.


Biden Cartel Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Looking. Lawyers for IRS Whistleblower Clap Back at Hunter Biden Attorney’s Attack.

Looking. Lawyers for IRS Whistleblower Clap Back at Hunter Biden Attorney’s Attack. Thanks to Breitbart for this article.

Lawyers for IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley issued a statement Friday afternoon responding to a letter by Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell that attacked their client and House Ways and Mean Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) over revelations in the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden. Statement by Shapley’s attorneys Mark Lytle, Jason Foster and Tristan Leavitt:

WASHINGTON — The following was issued today from the legal team of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley in reaction to the letter from Hunter Biden’s attorney to the House Ways and Means Committee:

“Biden family lawyers have resorted to intimidation before—reportedly threatening federal prosecutors with “career suicide” if they charged Hunter Biden—so this attempt to intimidate our client and the oversight authorities scrutinizing the politicization of that case is no surprise. IRS SSA Gary Shapley has scrupulously followed the rules and blew the whistle to Congress about the unequal application of tax laws pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §6103(f)(5) and 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(8)(C), a process facilitated lawfully by the authority of both Chairs of the tax committees, including Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR)—with whom we are still working cooperatively to arrange follow-up testimony to supplement for the Senate any topics not covered in the transcripts of questioning by Republican and Democrat staff already released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

“SSA Shapley referred the October 6, 2022 leak for investigation to the inspectors general (IGs) of his own agency and DOJ. He volunteered to make the referral to his supervisors as is shown in the very same email that reports that U.S. Attorney David Weiss “was not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.” Ex. 10. 5/23/2023 testimony of Gary Shapley. Falsely alleging that he was a leaker is just another baseless attack on him for blowing the whistle.

“All the innuendo and bluster that Biden family lawyers can summon will not change the facts. Lawful whistleblowing is the opposite of illegal leaking, and these bogus accusations against SSA Shapley by lawyers for the Biden family echo threatening emails sent by IRS leadership after the case agent also blew the whistle to the IRS Commissioner about favoritism in this case—as well as the chilling report that Biden attorneys have also lobbied the Biden Justice Department directly to target our client with criminal inquiry in further retaliation for blowing the whistle. These threats and intimidation have already been referred earlier this week to the inspectors general for DOJ and the IRS, and to Congress for further investigation as potential obstruction of their lawful inquiries as well as retaliation against our client.” – Mark D. Lytle, Nixon Peabody LLP & Jason Foster and Tristan Leavitt, Empower Oversight.

The New York Post reported Lowell’s letter was “mistake-filled” (excerpt):

Lowell in his letter denied that Hunter’s laptop — which provided evidence for the federal probe into the now-53-year-old — had been abandoned or its data authenticated, despite Shapley testifying the FBI had verified its contents in November 2019.

Hunter’s attorney also falsely claimed the first son never responded to an email from associate Tony Bobulinski — who according to Lowell coined the phrase “10 held by H for the big guy,” — that dealt compensation from a 2017 joint venture with Chinese energy company CEFC.


Email evidence from the laptop shows the first son had responded: “It will all work Tony just trying to elaborate on certain existing pressures so we are all aware going in.” The “big guy” phrase was used by another Biden business partner, James Gilliar — not Bobulinski — and Hunter responded to that email both by demanding more money to help pay the cost of his divorce from first wife Kathleen Buhle, as well as that his longtime office manager Joan Peugh be brought in as well.

…Lowell said the WhatsApp messages posted by Smith were “fakes,” without acknowledging the images were based on Shapley’s testimony about communications obtained from Hunter’s iCloud via a search warrant in August 2020, and were not meant to be actual screenshots.

The Post also reported a statement by Chairman Smith to Lowell’s letter:

“It’s little surprise that Hunter Biden’s attorneys are attempting to chill our investigation and discredit the whistleblowers who say they have already faced retaliation from the IRS and the Department of Justice despite statutory protections established by law,” Smith said in a statement. “These whistleblowers bravely came forward with allegations about misconduct and preferential treatment for Hunter Biden – and now face attacks even from an army of lawyers he hired.


“Worse, this letter misleads the public about the lawful actions taken by the Ways and Means Committee, which took the appropriate legal steps to share this information with rest of Congress,” the chairman went on. “It doesn’t even address concerns that counsel for Mr. Biden was regularly tipped off about potential warrants and raids in pursuit of evidence that implicated him, as well as his father. We will continue to go where the facts take us—and we will not abandon our investigation just because Mr. Biden’s lawyers don’t like it.”

The House Judiciary Committee responded to Lowell’s letter in a tweet, “The White House is terrified. Full panic mode.”





Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources.

Why? Stanford Study of Paxlovid for Long COVID Stopped Early.

Why? Stanford Study of Paxlovid for Long COVID Stopped Early. Enrollment was halted earlier than planned after intern analysis. We have this from MedPage Today. No reasons were given.

Enrollment into a small trial of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) for long COVID — one that previously garnered attention for investigators not wearing masksopens in a new tab or window — has been stopped early after an interim analysis, Stanford University confirmed to MedPage Today.

Two sources familiar with the STOP-PASC studyopens in a new tab or window told MedPage Today that trial enrollment had been halted. One was told by a study coordinator that a preliminary review found “inconclusive evidence” for the primary outcome of the study. Another said their first appointment was canceled just a few days before it was supposed to take place, and they were later told that all future enrollment had been halted.

Why was the study stopped? Or was it?

Complete article is here.

Corruption Crime Links from other news sources.

Are you kidding me? Cutting border fence so undocumented can freely come in?

Are you kidding me? Cutting border fence so undocumented can freely come in? Gateway Pundit was reporting that Border Patrol agents were going on private property and assisting the undocumented by cutting fence on private property.

I thought that that is a stretch, then I saw these tweets. Apparently Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas heard the pleas of the illegal aliens.



Economy Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Biden telling tall tales. Again.

Biden telling tall tales. Again. Thanks to Gateway Pundit and Fox for the background.


Former Reagan administration economist Larry Kudlow destroyed President Joe Biden’s claims Wednesday that Bidenomics is “working” and superior to Reaganomics.

In a speech in Chicago, Biden said, “I knew we couldn’t go back to the same failed policies when I ran, so I came into office determined to change the economic direction of this country, to move from trickle-down economics to what everyone on Wall Street Journal and Financial Times began to call ‘Bidenomics.’”

Trickle-down economics” is the derisive term leftists use to try to dismiss the economic boom the nation experienced under President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, when the economy grew an entire third larger, adding over 16 million jobs.

“And guess what? Bidenomics is working,” the president claimed. “When I took office, the pandemic was raging and our economy was reeling, supply chains were broken, millions of people unemployed, hundreds of thousands of small businesses on the verge of closing after so many had already closed — literally, hundreds of thousands on the verge of closing.

“Today, the U.S. has the highest economic growth rate, leading the world economies since the pandemic. The highest in the world.”

It’s not clear exactly what criteria Biden was using, but according to Statista, India’s GDP growth rate in 2022 was 6.8 percent, Canada’s was 3.4 percent and China’s was 2.99 percent, while in the U.S. it was 2.1 percent.

The Commerce Department reported Thursday that the GDP growth rate for the first quarter of 2023 was 2 percent. So Biden appears to be prevaricating again.

He also claimed that his administration has created 13.4 million jobs since taking office. “More jobs in two years than any president has ever made in four — in two,” the president said Wednesday.

The GOP-controlled House Budget Committee and other fact-checkers have pointed out Biden’s characterization of new jobs his administration created is misleading because most were simply jobs added back following the pandemic.

“Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million,” the committee said.

“On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President [Donald] Trump was 6.7 million — 3 million more jobs than the current President,” it said.

In fact, when Biden took office in January 2021, the unemployment rate had already dropped from a pandemic high of 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.3 percent. It is now 3.7 percent.

So the economy was not “reeling” but well on the way to recovery when Biden became president, with Trump’s pro-growth policies still in place.

Kudlow, who was Trump’s top economist in addition to working for Reagan, noted on his Fox Business program Wednesday the “reeling” GDP growth rate when Trump left office was 6.5 percent. CNBC reported it at 6.3 percent during the first quarter of 2021 before Biden’s policies began to kick in.

Biden Cartel Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Are the walls closing in on ol’ Joe?

Article first was posted on The Spectator.

Are the walls closing in on ol’ Joe?

Confronted with devastating evidence of Biden family grifting, the president’s advocates are abandoning their old defenses and trying some new ones.

Some are attempting to change the subject. Nancy Pelosi offers a sterling example. Asked about the latest evidence connecting Joe Biden with Hunter’s corrupt schemes, she replied that she was too busy defending women’s reproductive rights. Not exactly a full-throated defense of the president. Still others are repeating the familiar refrain, “But Trump is worse.” (More on that in a minute.)

Finally, a shrinking band of Biden supporters are sticking with their old line: you may have caught everyone who shares Joe’s DNA, but you haven’t caught ol’ Joe himself. That’s true, but the evidence of the president’s involvement is mounting and the allegations are detailed. The charges are so obvious and the evidence so serious that even mainstream reporters are asking about them. The president’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, stands mute. So does her more competent stand-in, John Kirby. KJP not only told the press she knows nothing, she told them she would not privately ask the president about the charges so she could respond to press inquiries.

What Joe’s defenders are increasingly reluctant to say is, “He had absolutely nothing to do with the vast sums raked in by his son, brother, daughter-in-law and minor grandchildren. He knew nothing. He had no knowledge of the intricate web of shell companies his family used to move money around and hide its sources and recipients. He doesn’t know any honest business people who have used these covert methods. He did nothing to help his son, Hunter, his brother, James, or other family members. The president is completely ignorant of anything they did and did nothing to help them.” That’s his story.



Many of Joe’s defenders have backed away from a straightforward declaration that “he’s innocent,” and instead render the Scottish verdict, “Not proven.” So far, they are right — the case isn’t proven yet. But the walls are closing in, both on Joe himself and on his defenders at the Department of Justice, IRS and FBI.

As the evidence builds, so does the stench surrounding Hunter’s sweetheart deal with the US Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss. The charges Weiss filed could have been made after a month’s investigation, not the five years it took as the statutes of limitation ran out on various, more serious charges. The proposed deal looks less like justice and more like insider favoritism. The deal comes before a federal judge on July 26, and she may have the same questions. She has the authority to reject the deal.

The Biden family’s problems go beyond this deal and beyond the latest revelation: Hunter’s threatening WhatsApp message to his Chinese business partner, which states that Joe was in the room with Hunter and joined in the threat. We now know that the message itself was real, but we don’t know if Joe was really sitting beside Hunter or participating in the transaction, as Hunter claimed. We do know the threat worked. The business partner, who is closely tied to senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, quickly sent another Hunter another $5.1 million.

The larger problem for Joe Biden is that two whistleblowers from the IRS have made extremely detailed charges that political influence was used to delay and suppress the investigation of Hunter Biden and to prohibit any investigation that would touch Joe Biden himself. The whistleblower allegations are not vague suspicions; they are specific charges that can be investigated by House Republicans, using their subpoena power.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has denied all those allegations, both in press conferences and in sworn testimony before Congress. US Attorney Weiss also denied the allegations in a letter to Congress. Garland has said Weiss can speak publicly about this and testify, if needed. Some testimony and congressional inquiry are needed because the charges are serious and the responses by Garland and Weiss flatly contract the whistleblowers’ statements.



If the DoJ, FBI and IRS stonewall the investigation, the House could launch an impeachment inquiry against Garland. The immediate goal would not be to remove Garland but to breach the stone wall. Courts have ruled that, when Congress launches an impeachment inquiry, it has a right to all the Executive Branch’s relevant information for that inquiry. The disadvantage for Republicans is that voters want Congress to deal with issues that affect them directly — the economy, immigration, crime, inflation, and more — not launch more partisan investigations.

Joe Biden’s vulnerability here goes beyond the evidence turned up by the House Ways and Means and Oversight Committees, and by Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. It’s that the lower Joe Biden sinks in the polls and the weaker he looks for reelection, the less other Democrats will want to support him in the corruption inquiries.

Still, Joe’s defenders do have one last line of defense, and it’s a familiar one. “What about Trump? Isn’t he worse?” As evidence of corruption, they point to Jared Kushner’s extremely lucrative deals in the Middle East, made after Trump left office. They have support from at least one articulate Republican, with a lot of prosecutorial experience, Chris Christie. He jailed Jared’s father years ago and has said the son’s deals are another sign of corrupt, insider politics.

Whether Christie is right or not, the allegations that both Biden and Trump are corrupt makes false comparisons and misses the larger point.

Take the Kushner deals. Jared wasn’t simply a nameplate, as Hunter was. Jared was a senior White House advisor and played a central role in facilitating the Abraham Accords (a term the Biden administration will not even utter). Second, after the Trump administration ended and Kushner got his deal, it was clear Jared was no longer inside Trump’s political circle and was out of favor with the former president. Third, Trump himself made his money not by monetizing his public position, but by inheritance, real estate projects, and television fame. In fact, holding public office probably cost Trump money, which was only partially offset by people staying at his Washington hotel. By contrast, public office was the real source of Biden family wealth.

There is a larger point here. The most damning allegations against Donald Trump are very different from those against Joe Biden. They are that Trump sought to undermine our constitutional democracy by refusing to accept the outcome of a legitimate presidential election.



Those charges are true; what’s still unproven is whether he did anything illegal in the process. Trump did refuse to accept the 2020 outcome and still refuses, as he made clear in a recent interview with Bret Baier on Fox News. Whether that refusal involved illegal acts is the heart of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s inquiries about “fake electors” and encouraging January 6 rioters. (Those are separate from the charges about holding classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and lying about returning them.)

The allegations against Joe Biden are that he was the centerpiece of a family enrichment operation, monetized his public position, that he was well aware of his son and brother’s activities, and that his allies in the DoJ and IRS blocked inquiries in this tangle of corruption.



Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Reprints from others. Uncategorized WOKE

Rachel Bush, wife of Bills’ Jordan Poyer, says charity golf event was nixed ‘due to the arrogance of others’.

Rachel Bush, wife of Bills’ Jordan Poyer, says charity golf event was nixed ‘due to the arrogance of others’.

Rachel Bush, the wife of Buffalo Bills safety Jordan Poyer, spoke out Sunday after the NFL star’s celebrity charity golf tournament was canceled when the beneficiary pulled out due to the location of the event.

The event was supposed to be held next week at Trump National Doral. However, Poyer’s representatives, Avalon Sports, said “we were sadly surprised by negative comments by some individuals to make this a political battle and continue to divide our community.”


Jordan Poyer in Buffalo

Jordan Poyer, #21 of the Buffalo Bills, warms up prior to a game against the Cincinnati Bengals in the AFC Divisional Playoff game at Highmark Stadium on Jan. 22, 2023 in Orchard Park, New York. (Bryan M. Bennett/Getty Images)

Poyer said the ECMC Foundation “decided they didn’t want to take part in my tournament in which they took part in last year because of where it’s at, at Trump National Doral in South Florida.”

Bush explained further on her Twitter page.

“Let’s be very clear. Jordan did not cancel his event,” she wrote. “We will always stand proudly with our beliefs and hold true to them. Publicly. And we can easily spend our own money to fund the tournament. It wasn’t about that. Tournament will be at same spot next year. Trump’s course.

Jordan Poyer in Arizona

Rachel Bush and Jordan Poyer attend Shaq’s Fun House Big Game Weekend at Talking Stick Resort on Feb. 10, 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

“The event was cancelled due to the arrogance of others, and then backing out last minute leaving us in a difficult spot to make everything happen properly. Especially while we are on a family vacation.. We want it to be great and next year it will be outstanding! Thank you!

“And huge thank you to Trump & all the amazing sponsors (literally so many!!) that offered to sponsor the tournament. We appreciate you all! As well as the fans and supporters! Right left whatever hopefully next year we can all come together for a good cause! Location!”

Rachel Bush and Jordan Poyer in Scottsdale

Rachel Bush and Jordan Poyer attend Tao X Maxim Big Game Party:  An unKommon events Production at Southwest Jet Center on Feb. 11, 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona. (Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for unKommon events)

Bush and Poyer have been married since 2018.

Poyer has been with the Bills since 2017. He signed a two-year extension with Buffalo in the offseason. He was an All-Pro first team selection in 2021 and a Pro Bowler in 2022. Last season, he had 63 tackles and four interceptions.

Child Abuse Emotional abuse How sick is this? Links from other news sources.

This is what white progressives call normal.

This is what white progressives call normal. In Seattle, fully naked men exposed themselves to children at a pride parade in Seattle, Washington on Sunday while riding bicycles. In Toronto, nudists with hats marched in the parade. Fox News revealed several children walked past the group of men with their families.

Nuff Said.

Economy Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Lordstown Motors files bankruptcy, sues Foxconn

Lordstown Motors files bankruptcy, sues Foxconn

NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) – Lordstown Motors (RIDE.O) filed for bankruptcy protection on Tuesday and put itself up for sale after the U.S. electric truck manufacturer failed to resolve a dispute over a promised investment from Taiwan’s Foxconn.

Shares of Lordstown tumbled 35.6% in trading before the bell.

The automaker, named after the Ohio town where it is based, filed for Chapter 11 protection in Delaware and simultaneously took legal action against Foxconn.

In a complaint filed in bankruptcy court, Lordstown accused the electronics company of fraudulent conduct and a series of broken promises in failing to abide by an agreement to invest up to $170 million in the electric-vehicle manufacturer.

Foxconn previously invested about $52.7 million in Lordstown as part of the agreement, and currently holds an almost 8.4% stake in the EV maker. Lordstown contends Foxconn is balking at purchasing additional shares of its stock as promised and misled the EV maker about collaborating on vehicle development plans.

Foxconn, formally called Hon Hai Precision Industry (2317.TW)(2317.TW) and best known for assembling Apple’s (AAPL.O) iPhones, has said Lordstown breached the investment agreement when the automaker’s stock fell below $1 per share. Foxconn did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The twin filings set up an international business clash that could intensify scrutiny of Foxconn’s EV ambitions and partnerships, not only with Lordstown but also other automakers.

The lawsuit portrays Foxconn as consistently shifting goal posts in its collaboration with Lordstown on the automaker’s future vehicles, which included failing to meet funding commitments and refusing to engage with the company on initiatives Foxconn allegedly directed and purported to support.

Lordstown, a startup launched in 2018, said in a regulatory filing earlier this month that it had planned to sue Foxconn after receiving a letter from the company that led Lordstown to believe Foxconn was unlikely to make its additional expected investment.

Lordstown accused Foxconn in that regulatory filing of engaging in a “pattern of bad faith” that caused “material and irreparable harm” to the company. Even in May, Lordstown warned it might be forced to file for bankruptcy amid uncertainty over the Foxconn investment.

The automaker’s main product is the Endurance electric pickup truck, which is built at a former General Motors small-car factory in Lordstown, Ohio, for commercial customers such as local governments. Lordstown sold the plant to Foxconn in 2022.

Lordstown paused production of the Endurance earlier this year and since April has resumed building the trucks at a low rate after resolving quality issues with suppliers. The automaker’s shares have plunged since February and currently trade under $3.

Should Lordstown fail to find a rescuer willing to re-start full production of the Endurance, the Ohio factory now owned by Foxconn could be a draw for overseas automakers looking for a quick way to build vehicles in the United States.

Lordstown filed for bankruptcy with plans to seek a buyer. It does not have an initial offer in hand, known in bankruptcy parlance as a stalking-horse bidder, which sets a minimum price other suitors can top in an auction.

Lordstown Chief Executive Edward Hightower told Reuters the Endurance business could prove attractive to another automaker looking for a fast entry into the EV market at a time the Biden administration’s policies are attempting to move away from gasoline-powered cars.

Lordstown’s bankruptcy is not the first among the crop of EV startups that went public during the pandemic-era SPAC boom. But Lordstown was a high-profile member of that class because it was challenging the core of the legacy Detroit automakers’ business of high-margin pickup trucks, and because of its location.

The Lordstown factory in Northeast Ohio was formerly a GM (GM.N) small-car factory that GM decided to close in November 2018. Then-U.S. President Donald Trump and other Ohio political leaders put pressure on GM CEO Mary Barra to reverse the decision, or find a buyer. GM agreed to sell the plant to a newly-formed entity called Lordstown Motors founded by the former top executive at an electric truck maker called Workhorse Group.

Lordstown went public in October 2020 through a reverse merger with special purpose acquisition company DiamondPeak Holdings, joining a flock of EV startups that went public through such deals in that period.

Like several others, including truck maker Nikola (NKLA.O), Lordstown has struggled to live up to the high expectations of early investors. In 2021, its chief executive and founder, Stephen Burns, resigned after the automaker acknowledged it had overstated pre-orders for its electric trucks.

Lordstown’s finance chief at the time also resigned. Burns has since sold his entire stake in Lordstown, according to a June regulatory filing.

As Lordstown wrestled during 2021 and 2022 with investigations by regulators and the U.S. Justice Department, Ford Motor (F.N) was launching its electric F-150 Lightning pickup truck, aiming at commercial customers.

EV startup Rivian (RIVN.O) launched its luxury electric pickup in 2022. GM and Stellantis have announced plans for electric pickups. Elon Musk’s Tesla (TSLA.O) has promised it will begin producing its Cybertruck late this year.

Lordstown struggled to ramp up production of its Endurance trucks over the past several months amid the dispute with Foxconn, challenging market conditions and the cost-intensive nature of its business, the company has said.

The few trucks that the company assembled had material costs that were “substantially higher than our selling price,” Lordstown said in a May regulatory filing.

Reporting by Mike Spector in New York, Joseph White in Detroit and Dietrich Knauth in New York Editing by Nick Zieminski and Dhanya Ann Thoppil