Elections Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Why are folks surprised? Zuck allowed death threat ads to be placed.

Views: 46

WOW! When I read about this on Breitbart, I thought of the folks on those obscure white progressive channels where death threats and violence were the norm. You know the ones. 20-25  people make a hundred comments. But to see Facebook do this?

While social media giants are known for acting quickly and without hesitation to censor certain information being posted during election season — such as the bombshell news story about Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell” — Facebook reportedly failed to block ads containing death threats to election workers ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

Facebook failed to block 75 percent of ads “explicitly calling for violence against and killing of US election workers” ahead of the midterm elections, according to an investigation by Global Witness and the New York University Tandon School of Engineering’s Cybersecurity for Democracy (C4D) team.

“The ads contained ten real-life examples of death threats issued against election workers and included statements that people would be killed, hanged or executed, and that children would be molested,” the report said.

But yet folks are upset cause Twitter is allowing some Conservatives back on.


Elections Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Where Ruddy gets it right. Why the red wave was so small. According to MC.

Views: 27

Christopher Ruddy is the CEO of Newsmax Media. Fastest growing cable news channel. He had a piece yesterday where he got it mostly right on what happened election day. I’ll post that but will leave out the rest cause he went out into loony tune land for the most part from where I left off. I’ll have a reason or two of my own at the end.

Christopher Ruddy

By Christopher RuddyTuesday, 29 November 2022 03:23 PM Current | Bio | Archive

Since Election Day 2022, almost everyone has been playing Monday morning quarterback.

Today, it’s my turn.

Republicans seriously underperformed and the establishment/media points the finger at two big factors: Donald Trump and abortion.

Specifically, voters were turned off by former President Trump and they reacted negatively to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

If you look at election results across the nation, neither holds up as the real culprit.

In Florida, we saw Gov. Ron DeSantis, a MAGA candidate if ever there was one, win by a record 19 percentage points.

In recent elections, Florida had been a close state in terms of the “red vs. blue” dynamic.

Still, DeSantis won so big, he even carried Democrat stronghold counties like Miami-Dade and Palm Beach.

DeSantis was also a strong pro-life proponent, last year signing a strict heartbeat bill banning abortions after 15 weeks.

In bellwether Ohio, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, who also signed a law banning abortion after six weeks, won reelection by 26 points.

And then in Democratic Wisconsin, pro-Trumper and pro-lifer Sen. Ron Johnson won reelection.

Even in liberal, extremely pro-choice New York, Republican Lee Zeldin moved the needle 17 points from Trump’s loss in 2020, coming within five points of beating Democrat Gov. Hochul.

Zeldin was both pro-life and pro-Trump, even seeking the former president’s endorsement in the race.

More astounding, the GOP won 11 House seats across New York state, including several in suburban districts with those allegedly angry-over-Roe women swing voters.

As it turned out, 10 of the 11 New York Republican congressional winners were pro-life, and almost all were pro-Trump.

So, what really happened on Election Day?

I believe the Republicans completely misread the electorate.

The GOP actually believed their own press releases (and yes, polls) and thought voters were just as furious as they were with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and their friends.

From here I give my thoughts and opinions. Everything Mr. Ruddy said was true. But when it came to abortion, the Republicans who lost in the blue districts should have went with Senator Grahams 15 weeks. Saying it was state rights was taking the easy way out. ” I don’t want to talk about it.”

Finally the Republicans weren’t able to make the case that the economy, the border inflation, and the fiasco in Afghanistan was Biden’s doing and weren’t able to tie their opponent to those disasters. Why? Cause they didn’t say what they would do to fix things. Just said blame Joe.



Links from other news sources. Social Venues-Twitter

Business is booming over at Twitter.

Views: 46

According to Musk, Business is up.

Investor slides shared by Musk say that the daily inflow of new users has reached two million, while “user active minutes per day” likewise reached eight billion. The company now has more than 250 million monetizable daily active users, Musk says. All three metrics exceed previous company records.

Purported hate speech impressions have been lower since Musk acquired the platform. Musk, who claimed he purchased Twitter to promote free expression and peaceful dialogue across the political spectrum, revealed last week that the company is still defining hate speech with “the same list of terms” implemented before the acquisition.

Musk also hinted at a number of new offerings from “Twitter 2.0,” including enhanced video content, long-form tweets, encrypted direct messages, and entertaining advertisements.

Musk has remarked that widespread coverage of the acquisition and his subsequent attempts to reform the company, including negative reports from mainstream outlets, has contributed to usage reaching record levels. He said his number-one priority is the removal of child exploitation ( I think I know of 4 or 5 people who were part of this. White Progressives. ) content from Twitter, which previous management neglected to accomplish. Several advertisers paused campaigns on the platform two months ago after a report showed that child sexual abuse material had appeared alongside major advertisers’ profiles.

I have seen my likes and followers grow, so I’m happy the direction Twitter is going in.


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized Work Place

13 Attorneys General, Consumer Advocacy Org Move to Stop Pro-ESG Investment Firm from Gaining More Control over Energy Companies

Views: 12

Thirteen attorneys general and Consumers’ Research on Tuesday filed two motions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to stop Vanguard from purchasing shares in publicly traded utilities.

Both motions argue that Vanguard’s Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investment advocacy puts politics before consumers and that FERC should reject Vanguard’s authorization unless Vanguard can prove that its policies will not impact energy consumers. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street, the three largest asset managers, apply for blanket authorization before FERC every three years. The attorneys general and Consumers’ Research intervened to block Vanguard’s authorization.



ESG investing is the latest vector through which large corporations, especially the big three asset managers, can exert their undue influence upon publicly trade companies to have them adopt left-wing causes such as green energy or diversity requirements the companies otherwise would not adopt.

Kentucky Attorney General said in a written statement that Vanguard’s commitment to net-zero emissions requirement for public utilities would only hurt consumers:

Kentucky joined a coalition of attorneys general, led by Indiana and Utah, in challenging Vanguard’s application to extend its blanket authorization under the Federal Power Act for the acquisition of certain securities of publicly traded utilities. Consumers across our country are already feeling the sting of skyrocketing electricity bills, and Vanguard’s request to extend its authorization, coupled with its commitment to imposing net-zero requirements on publicly traded utilities, would only increase these costs. Kentuckians and Americans deserve access to affordable and reliable utilities, and we will oppose any effort that will undermine Kentucky’s economy, destroy good paying jobs, and make it harder for Kentuckians to heat their homes and feed their families.

Will Hild, the executive director of Consumers’ Research, a consumers advocacy group, said that BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street use to leverage the utilities’ shares to force them to adopt left-wing policies that spike energy bills:

We took this action on behalf of American energy consumers because time and time again we see massive wall street firms pretending to “passively” manage their shares, but instead they use those assets to bully utility companies into adopting radical left-wing policies that drive up electric bills and risk the stability of our power grid. Affordable, reliable energy production is the foundation of America’s economy and the quality of life we enjoy. FERC’s job is to defend utilities from exactly this type of reckless interference. They should act to protect these utilities and American consumers from fat cat wall street wreckers who blithely endanger our electricity supply.

The attorneys general wrote in their motion to intervene to FERC that Vanguard may have “breached” its promises to the commission by engaging in environmental activism:

The Commission granted the 2019 Authorization based on assurances from Vanguard that it would refrain from investing “for the purpose of managing” utility companies.4 Vanguard also guaranteed that it would not seek to “exercise any control over the day-to-day management” of utility companies nor take any action “affecting the prices at which power is transmitted or sold.”5 Now, Vanguard’s own public commitments and other statements have at the very least created the appearance that Vanguard has breached its promises to the Commission by engaging in environmental activism and using its financial influence to manipulate the activities of the utility companies in its portfolio.

While Consumers’ Research notes in its motion to intervene that BlackRock is the most “notorious spear carrier” concerning corporate activism, the group noted that Vanguard also plays an instrumental role in advancing climate change policies on a corporate level.

Consumers’ Research elaborated:

In publications on its website, Vanguard details its “important role” in promoting “meaningful progress across both [its] actively managed and index-based products” such that portfolio companies adopt its climate goals.15 To be sure, it is not the case that Vanguard pursues its environmental agenda only through special “ESG” investment vehicles, while passively managing its other funds. Rather, according to Vanguard, even those funds “without explicit ESG mandates [] nonetheless align to net zero [carbon] objectives because of the existing philosophy and process used by the investment managers.”16 Even supposedly passive index funds are managed by Vanguard’s “investment stewardship teams” that pressure portfolio companies to adopt “emission reduction goals.”1

Consumers’ Research concluded in its motion to intervene, “With each passing day, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street exert greater influence on U.S. energy markets under the guise of “passive investing.” Because Vanguard should not have a blank check to dictate energy policy in America, Consumers’ Research moves to intervene, protests, and urges the Commission to deny the Application.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


Links from other news sources. The Courts

Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging Joe Biden’s ‘Sanctuary Country’ Orders

Views: 21

In all of his craziness Last year ( February 2021 ) Biden declared that ICE agents could not arrest or deport  most of the illegal aliens in the U.S. unless they are considered a threat to public safety, a threat to national security, or arrived sometime after November 2020.

Well the Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments  where states are seeking to block President Joe Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders from being implemented.

In August 2021, Judge Drew Tipton of the Southern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction, halting the implementation of the orders, after Texas and Louisiana sued the Biden administration. That injunction was put on hold by a three-judge panel in September 2021 but the full 17-judge Fifth Circuit vacated that decision.

Tuesday, SCOTUS will hear arguments from the Biden administration where they attest that the orders have only “incidental effects” on states in terms of needing more public resources to deal with a growing illegal alien population that is largely exempt from arrest and deportation.

“… a State may not sue the federal government based on such indirect, derivative effects,” the Biden administration is set to argue:

Federal policies routinely have incidental effects on States’ expenditures, revenues, and other activities. Yet such effects have never been viewed as judicially cognizable injuries. As the recent explosion in state suits vividly illustrates, respondents’ contrary view would allow any State to sue the federal government about virtually any policy—sharply undermining Article III’s requirements and the separation of powers principles they serve. [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, the states will argue that the orders are unlawful for three reasons:

First, it is contrary to law because sections 1226(c) and 1231(a)(2) mandate detention, as this Court has repeatedly stated. DHS identifies no INA provision that prevents this Court from reaching that conclusion. Second, the Final Memorandum is arbitrary and capricious because it failed to consider important aspects of the problems criminal aliens create, including recidivism and States’ reliance interests. Third, the Final Memorandum is procedurally invalid because it was not adopted through notice-and-comment procedures, which are required where agency action substantively changes a regulatory regime. [Emphasis added]




Back Door Power Grab Elections Links from other news sources. Politics

If it can be proved. Senator Warnock’s Campaign Calls TN Man and Asks Him to Vote – The Man Records the ENTIRE CALL Then Posts It

Views: 30

This is going to be very hard to prove.

Raphael Warnock’s campaign called US Veteran and homeless advocate Dom Lucre this weekend and asked him to vote for far left Senator Warnock in the December runoff election. Dom Lucre lives in Tennessee.

And Dom recorded the entire call. The caller had the nerve to feed Dom the liberal lies about Republicans and their power and dark money, blah-blah-blah… Dom shot back that Democrats control everything. They control Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the media and all Republicans have is FOX News.

In a country where the authorities valued integrity, honesty, and fairness, this call would immediately be investigated and Warnock’s campaign would be punished. But we don’t have that today in the United States. You can commit any criminal act of voter fraud if you are a Democrat and it will not even be investigated.

Parts of this article was taken from here.



Daily Hits. Faked news Links from other news sources. Media Woke Progressive Racism Sports

SI and WP going after a 80 year old man for being in a crowd when he was 14.

Views: 70

A family member of mine sent me this link to a Sports Illustrated article. I saw this and thought the Woke crowd strikes again. I can not stand Jerry Jones and do not like America’s Team.

To go after a person who was only 14 back in 1957 is ridiculous. Well they mention a WP article as their source and it’s totally shit bat crazy. They use that incident back in 1957 as a reason Dallas never had a black coach under Jerry Jones. The headlines from the Post article.

Jerry Jones helped transform the NFL, except when it comes to race
Decades after standing on the frontlines of one of Little Rock’s darkest segregation clashes, the Dallas Cowboys owner has led the league toward new revenue models but has yet to hire a Black head coach


Back Door Power Grab Links from other news sources. Opinion Reprints from others.

Elon Musk says he will make an alternative phone if Apple, Google ban Twitter.

Views: 17


On Friday, Twitter owner Elon Musk, who also is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said that if Twitter is removed from app stores owned by Apple and Google, whose phones only use those systems, he would create an alternative phone.

Liz Wheeler wrote, “If Apple & Google boot Twitter from their app stores, @elonmusk should produce his own smartphone. Half the country would happily ditch the biased, snooping iPhone & Android. The man builds rockets to Mars, a silly little smartphone should be easy, right?”

Musk replied, “I certainly hope it does not come to that, but, yes, if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone.”

On Friday, Taylor Lorenz used her latest column in the Washington Post to call for Apple and Google app stores to pull Twitter from their stores. This came after Musk announced that there will be a general amnesty for all banned accounts, following a poll of Twitter users..

Lorenz complains that Musk brought back conservative Christian satire site The Babylon Bee, who was banned by noting that Rachel Levine is a biological male. After Time Magazine awarded Levine “woman of the year,” The Babylon Bee awarded Levine “man of the year.”

On November 18, Musk noted how Apple and Google through their vertical integration have a duopoly on the market and wrote, “App store fees are obviously too high due to the iOS/Android duopoly. It is a hidden 30 percent tax on the Internet.”

Musk followed up and tagged the antitrust division in the Department of Justice.


Elections Links from other news sources. Racism Reprints from others. Work Place

San Francisco elections official released from contact because he is white, male.

Views: 35

“Our decision wasn’t about your performance, but after twenty years we wanted to take action on the City’s racial equity plan.”

The San Francisco elections director is out of a job after the Elections Commission voted not to renew his contract despite his successful 20-year record because he is a white male.

In a 4-2 vote in a closed session last week, the commission declined to renew a fifth five-year contract for John Arntz so that the city could “take action” on its “racial equity plan.”

Commission officials recognized Arntz’s impeccable service, but said the decision came down to racial equity.

Commission president Chris Jerdonek wrote in an email obtained by local outlets, “Our decision wasn’t about your performance, but after twenty years we wanted to take action on the City’s racial equity plan and give people an opportunity to compete for a leadership position.”

This is the same commission that in 2021 wrote to the mayor that “San Francisco runs one of the best elections in the country and we believe this transparent process has allowed us to continue to improve our elections.”

In 2020, it wrote a commendation to Arntz “for his incredible leadership … The Department successfully ran two elections this year while facing significant challenges, including national threats to election security, mandatory vote-by-mail operations to all registered voters, the anticipated increase in voter participation, budget cuts, and the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The city’s Democratic Mayor London Breed objected to the commission’s vote and said, “John Arntz has served San Francisco with integrity, and professionalism and has stayed completely independent.”

“He’s remained impartial and has avoided getting caught up in the web of City politics, which is what we are seeing now as a result of this unnecessary vote. Rather than working on key issues to recover and rebuild our City, this is a good example of unfair politicization of a key part of our government that is working well for the voters of this city.”

Division Manager Mayank Patel said in an email to the department, which included a letter signed by 11 other division managers supporting Arntz’s renewal, “We are gravely concerned that the Elections Commission is actively seeking to remove John Arntz from his employment as the Director of Elections.”

“Under the leadership of Director Arntz, our department successfully conducted over thirty public elections and rebuilt the public’s confidence in the city’s elections processes from the ground up. All of us have worked with Director Arntz and we know that under his experienced and proven leadership, we will continue to provide city voters with excellent service while fulfilling our mission of conducting free, fair, and functional elections for many years to come.”
City Attorney David Chiu said he was “mystified” by the commission’s decision noting, “some folks have forgotten the history of this department.” He added, “Before Director Arntz, we had five directors in as many years, ballot boxes floating in the bay, and an intense lack of confidence in city elections.”


Corruption Crime Links from other news sources.

Breaking News. CBS the first to break the Bidengate laptop saga. NOT.

Views: 29

Bidengate is a CBS breaking story. Actually CBS is several years late. But they are pretending that this story just happened. Forget the fact that CBS Sixty Minutes had this two years ago.

Most of what was on the laptop has been available for two years. Now CBS says they can now confirm the information is correct and real.

Will CBS take the next step and interview the shop owner who turned the laptop over to the FBI, or the folks mentioned in the e-mails?


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