Opinion Politics

Flag promoting racism, bigotry, and hate will fly at US Embassies and Consulates.

Flag promoting racism, bigotry, and hate will fly  at US Embassies and Consulates. This is a new low. 1st to honor a career criminal on the anniversary of his accidental death during a justified arrest. And second to fly a noted hate groups flag at our embassies and consulates. We have this from Gateway Pundit.

A source within the Biden State Department wishing to remain anonymous has shared with Human Events News a document that indicates that all U.S. “Diplomatic and Consular posts” are being encouraged to display shows of support for Black Lives Matter on Tuesday, May 25, the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death. The memo reads in part, “The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”

Despite the documented actions of BLM protesters during the riots of 2020, and despite the New York Times reporting on their organization’s declining popularity with American voters, our federal  government has nonetheless decided to endorse and promote an organization with admitted Marxist roots as one having ties to our official foreign offices.

I think I’m going to be sick.



Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Welfare for the Rich.


Original article by John Stossel can be found here.

Reprint. Welfare for the Rich. How funny is this?

Congress passed the $2.2 trillion Heroes Act.

House Democrats said it gives money to “governments who desperately need funds.”

But it also gives lots of money to people who don’t need funds.

Maryland, which even The Washington Post admits is “flush with cash,” got enough extra money to pass a budget that “hands bonuses to every state worker.” 

Even Atherton, California, where the median home price is $6 million, got Heroes Act money.

“There was no means test!” complains Lisa Conyers, author of Welfare for the Rich, in my latest video.

Omni Hotels & Resorts received $68 million in loans. Major airlines got $25 billion in loans from the CARES Act.

“Who wouldn’t like to play Santa Claus?” asks Conyers. “Who wouldn’t like to just be able to give everybody some money?”

Welfare for the rich didn’t start with coronavirus relief bills. Politicians have done it for years, and a pandemic didn’t stop them.

Nevada politicians gave Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis $750 million for a new stadium. A stadium designer says Davis insisted on the very best, including natural grass on a field that “moves in and out of the building in one piece.”

Cool. But why didn’t Davis pay for it himself?

“I’m not a billionaire,” he said.

But he is… The team is valued at more than $3 billion, and Davis and his mom co-own 47% of it.

Politicians screw taxpayers to build stadiums for lots of rich people.

Minnesota gave the Minnesota Vikings $348 million for their new stadium. Santa Clara, California, gave the San Francisco 49ers $114 million, plus $850 million in loans. Team co-owner Denise York and her family are worth $3.5 billion, says Forbes. She ought to fund her own stadium.

“The taxpayers often vote for this stuff,” I say to Conyers, “so they must like it.”

“They’re promised there’s going to be all these jobs,” she replies, “not only at the stadium but at the hotels that are going to rise up around the stadium.”

Politicians always promise that public investment will return more in benefits to taxpayers. But it’s not true…

A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City found new stadiums bring in about $40 million in jobs and tax benefits, much less than the $188 million that taxpayers pay.

Handouts to other corporations fare no better.

Ohio politicians gave General Motors millions in tax credits to keep its Lordstown plant open. GM then closed the plant. Politicians let GM keep a third of the money. 

Wisconsin gave nearly $3 billion in tax breaks to Foxconn because it promised to create 13,000 jobs. Now the company promises to create only 1,454.

“If you look at the cost of each job, it was a million dollars,” Conyers points out.

Actually, it was more than a million.

Politicians often justify this corporate welfare by saying, “We didn’t give cash, just tax breaks.”

But “If some big company is in that town and they are not paying property tax, that means every other taxpayer is covering for them,” Conyers points out. “(F)ire departments still have to be paid for. Police departments still have to be paid for. Schools still have to be paid for!”

Then there’s the farm subsidy scam.

Both Republicans and Democrats eagerly give your money to agribusiness, even though farmers are now richer than the average American.

The politicians claim the handouts are not a payoff for political contributions but to “make sure there’s enough food to go around,” since “farmers have no control over price fluctuations and the weather.”

But that’s absurd. Other businesses adjust to price fluctuations and weather. America doesn’t subsidize fruit and vegetable farmers – yet we have plenty of fruits and vegetables.

The politicians claim they want to help “small family farms,” but they give 90% of the subsidies to the biggest farms.

Such welfare for the rich persists because, years ago, politicians voted for a handout, and once they start giving your money away, they never stop.

“I’m an American taxpayer,” says Conyers. “I don’t understand why money is leaving my pocket and going into the pocket of somebody who is wealthy.”

Me either. 

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Science

Say It Ain’t So Joe! Why did the CDC stop the count? Close to 190,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Joe Biden’s First Four Months in Office.

Say It Ain’t So Joe! Why did the CDC stop the count? This from John Hopkins. Close to 190,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Joe Biden’s First Four Months in Office.  Now we know why the CDC changed the count. And Scientists are upset. So Joe and the fauch added almost 190,000 COVID-19 deaths under their watch. And that’s with the vaccine.

At the end of April, 9,245 Americans were reported to be infected by the coronavirus after being vaccinated, Bloomberg adds, while pointing out the overall percentage is small as 95 million Americans have been fully vaccinated so far.

Regardless, the number of “breakthrough” coronavirus infections (cases among fully vaccinated people) will be skewed moving forward, given that only cases resulting in hospitalization and death will be counted.

Michael Kinch, a former drug developer who’s now associate vice chancellor at Washington University in St. Louis, says as much information as possible should be recorded on breakthroughs. Cases that don’t rise to hospitalization are still important to track, he said, since symptoms that aren’t as severe for someone could eventually lead to hospitalizations. Non-life-threatening symptoms can impact someone’s life greatly, and evolve over time, Kinch said.

“It’s essential that we stay on top of this,” he added. “If we let our guard our down, we will pay the price.”



Opinion Stupid things people say or do.

My two cents. What’s with this new love fest for brother Malcolm? Hate Group Mob Shuts Down Block of Businesses in NY Because It’s “Disrespectful” For the Businesses to be Open on Malcolm X’s Birthday

What’s with this new love fest for brother Malcolm? BLM Mob Shuts Down Block of Businesses in NY Because It’s “Disrespectful” For the Businesses to be Open on Malcolm X’s Birthday. So we now see that a noted hate group has decided to reject the protest of peace and take on the crusade of Malcolm X.

MLK believed in kindness and unity. X had the Black Panthers and the BLM pushing his race separation crap. X remained a strong advocate of “black power” and economic independence.

What say you?


Life Opinion Politics

What say you? Is Parler playing both sides of the fence?

What say you? Is Parler playing both sides of the fence?  At first glance you read this and say that Parler has given in to the MSM. Posts that are labeled “hate” by Parler’s new artificial intelligence moderation system won’t be visible on iPhones or iPads.

There’s a different standard for people who look at Parler on other smartphones or on the Web: They will be able to see posts marked as “hate,” which includes racial slurs, by clicking through to see them.

In a nutshell Parler is being more strict with those who use Apple products. At first that bothered me. But the more that I look at this, I see why they’re playing the game. Bring in everyone and let the audience decide for themselves if this is what they want.

Life Opinion Politics

What’s on MC’S Political playlist.

What’s on MC’S Political playlist. Recently I received an e-mail asking me  what I listen to politically. In the morning I start with America in the Morning. Gives me the news rundown. Then at 6:00 am est., I start here with Hugh Hewitt.

At 9:00 am est. I love this show, and for those on the west coast, you have one top notch radio station. in AM 870. My favorite program has added Grant Stinchfield. Grant has his own program on Newsmax TV.

Here’s a link to their Bios.

Here’s the weekly schedule of AM 870. You’ll see some of the best that Conservatism has to offer.

Rest of the day I live my normal life as a father to two awesome children and one fantastic wife.


How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Why is the Conservative Media the only ones carrying this? Biden jokes about running over a reporter.

Why is the Conservative Media the only ones carrying this? Biden jokes about running over a reporter. So the MSM was all over the coverage of Biden driving a truck at the Ford plant. Oh they covered the meeting with the terrorist supporter. And they covered Joe on the track. But for some reason they left this out.

So how funny was that? Biden kidding around about running someone over. What would the MSM thought if President Trump said this? I for one wonder if Joe was really kidding.

Biden Pandemic Economy Education Opinion Politics

The Welfare Queen is back. Only difference is that Joe Biden made her and him white, black, brown, and red.

The Welfare Queen is back. Only difference is that Joe Biden made her and him white, black, brown, and red. She was a creation during the Reagan years. Some of it true, most of it was not. But we had made great strides towards deflating that myth about blacks. Until now.

Biden and his policies of forget working for a living and have the government provide for all, has created Welfare Queen lifestyle for all races. Unlimited and enhanced unemployment, free college, more social benefits, and the list just grows.

This man has taken the work ethic and created a a welfare ethic. According to Joe, gone are the days of making A LIVING FOR YOURSELF AND FAMILY.

Biden Pandemic Economy Opinion Politics

CNN Anchor. Joe and Jimmy are so similar. The gas lines are back.

CNN Anchor. Joe and Jimmy are so similar. The gas lines are back.


CNN anchor Abby Phillip said Sunday on “Inside Politics” that the gas lines caused by a cyberattack on a pipeline and inflation fears remind Americans of the administration of former President Jimmy Carter.

Phillip said, “Domestically here in the United States, you have these really, I think, searing visuals. If you’re of a certain age, it particularly brings you back to — I think Republicans would love to bring people back to the Carter years. But these gas lines it is a psychological problem. Maybe it is temporary, but for the American public, there is something psychological about hearing about inflation and seeing gas lines and literally going to the pump in certain Southern states and not being able to get gas.”




Opinion Politics

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer.

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer. Sure most of the media is focused on January 6th. But to only look at that does injustice to the hundreds of police officers who were injured. And how about the 47 folks killed by BLM and Antifa.

So Congress wants this commission to look at January 6th. I say that the terrorist acts of BLM and Antifa must also be looked at. January 6th was one day. Last summer’s riots went on for days. Police were prepared back in June. As was the mayor. Why things went differently in January, only they can answer that.