Opinion Stupid things people say or do. Uncategorized

Wait, I own the company why would anyone want me to work? That’s it, I quit. David Hogg Leaves Pillow Company He Launched to Compete with Mike Lindell.

Wait, I own the company why would anyone want me to work? That’s it, I quit. David Hogg Leaves Pillow Company He Launched to Compete with Mike Lindell. Seems just like yesterday that Hogg said he was going to be an entrepreneur and put the pillow guy out of business. That didn’t last long. Wasn’t he some phony from some shooting in Florida? Bottom line is that he can make more money protesting than working. SMH.

Parkland shooting survivor and pillow entrepreneur David Hogg announced Saturday he is permanently stepping away from his company, Good Pillow. The reason for his departure was due to “personal commitments,” including taking the time to “focus on studies in college” and “advance the gun violence prevention movement.”

Taking to Twitter, he said: “Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC.”



Economy Opinion Politics

Put away the orange drink and the fried chicken. Amazon workers vote against organized slavery.

Put away the orange drink and the fried chicken. Amazon workers vote against organized slavery. That’s what the NY Times told us. So many on the left thought that the new wave of laziness was to bring back a threat of hanging out and getting paid. First target was Amazon Alabama. Why did they think that would be a good place to pick?

With 80% of the workforce being black, the Union thought that they would enjoy a job where they no longer had to think for themselves and have a two hour work day. Like their brothers and sisters in California unions. I guess the white suppression hoax failed big time.

Workers’ rejection of a union at Inc.’s warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., is a setback to organized labor’s efforts to reverse a decades long decline in private-sector membership nationally.


The Alabama result underscores unions’ challenges in increasing membership in the U.S. private sector, where they represent just 6.3% of workers, down from 24.2% in 1973, according to data from Georgia State University.

Corruption Opinion Politics

Every single complaint by President Trump and his supporters were looked at and examined. Joe and the race baiters lies are taken as Gospel truth.

Every single complaint by President Trump and his supporters were looked at and examined. Joe and the race baiters lies are taken as Gospel truth. Even when the WP gave Joe Four Pinocchios for his lies, the MSM said no we believe Joe.  We have this from the Secretary of States office.

Sterling said, “[N]obody’s actually read the 98-page bill. They’re looking at the press releases from either side and accepting what they’re saying like it’s being spooned to a baby. They all just accept what they’re saying without any critical thought. What I find interesting is a lot of the mainstream media, who criticized and examined every claim of President Trump, takes similar claims from this president and Stacey Abrams and accepts it at face value. And that’s not fair and it’s wrong and it’s a disservice to the American people and the people of Georgia.”


Opinion Uncategorized

Another senseless killing by a Progressive.

Another senseless killing by a Progressive. Like the last two, the MSM will ignore it. When I heard about the killing of the Capitol police officer the first thing I asked myself was who did it? Antifa or BLM? First thing the fanatics on the left said the killer had to be white.

For some reason the MSM and Progressives pay little attention when one of theirs kills someone. Especially if the victim or victims are white. But if a real hero like a police officer in self defense puts down a rabid dog, they’re vilified by the left.


Economy Opinion Politics

So how many new jobs did President Trump create last month? There were 916,000 jobs added. Thank You President Trump.

So how many new jobs did President Trump create last month? 916,000. It will be interesting to see how strong the Trump train still is. Some were looking for as many as one million new jobs.

And how about the unemployment rate? President Trump has brought back over six million jobs that were lost because of the phony lock down.

Economy Opinion

ADP. He may not still be President, but he’s still creating jobs. Trump policies add 517,000 jobs in March.

ADP. He may not still be President, but he’s still creating jobs. Trump policies add 517,000 jobs in March. The increase in employment was particularly strong in areas that were hit hardest by the pandemic. Restaurants, hotels, theaters and other companies in leisure and hospitality ramped up hiring as governments eased restrictions on customer limits and hours of operation.

Manufacturers created 49,000 jobs in another strong showing. Old-fashioned heavy industry has led the U.S. recovery since last year. ADP revised its estimate of new private-sector jobs in February to 176,000 from 115,000. Unusually severe winter weather dampened hiring in that month.


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Science

Hey Joe what did you think would happen when you fired all the experts but kept the fauch? Biden asks states to go back into lock down.

Hey Joe what did you think would happen when you fired all the experts but kept the fauch? Biden asks states to go back into lock down. Now Joe and his top notch crew are crying cause some numbers have gone up and they don’t know what to do. President Trump left him a crew that was experienced and had the virus on the down turn.

Joe has his 100 K vaccinated and the numbers keep going up. Vaccinate and test Americans but not the undocumented coming in from the open borders. Sorry Joe it’s all on you. The Biden Pandemic.

Nothing about the undocumented, the riots in Miami, or other mask less Progressive gatherings.


Corruption Opinion Politics

OMG. When are the lies going to stop? The Fauch is claiming to be the Messiah. He saved us all. Fauci credits himself for early move on vaccines, called out online.

OMG. When are the lies going to stop? The Fauch is claiming to be the Messiah. He saved us all. Fauci credits himself for early move on vaccines, called out online. He went on CNN and claimed that he was the one who saved all of mankind. Less the millions who died cause of his refusal to put the blame where it belonged. China and the fauch.

How can we forget how our President shut down flights in January. But in February and March the fauch and Pelosi were telling people to not mask up and go out and mingle. The fauch’s boss gives Trump and his administration credit. No where does he credit the fauch.

Fauci’s boss, Dr. Francis Collins, the National Institutes of Health director, praised the Trump administration for the “breathtaking” success of Operation Warp Speed in getting multiple effective coronavirus vaccines developed and tested within one year of the virus outbreak.

“The Operation Warp Speed, for which I give a great deal of credit to [former HHS Secretary Alex Azar], was an effort that many of us were not initially convinced was going to be necessary. And it was thought about as a Manhattan Project,” Collins told Axios.

“That effort and the recruitment of Dr. Moncef Slaoui was an incredibly important step forward that the administration deserves credit for, because that did motivate a lot of actions, a lot of coordination.”

No where is the fauch credited. No where. Besides the MSM and the far left, no one’s crediting the fauch for the millions of lives saved.



Opinion Politics

Laura Ingram was right. Sorry my Conservative brothers and sisters. You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

Laura Ingram was right. Sorry my Conservative brothers and sisters. You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Let’s be honest. Trumps team waited too long and wasn’t prepared for the legal battle. The blue state Governors and Secretary of State’s were in the wrong and the proper folks didn’t file the complaints. Laura Ingram was just pointing out the obvious. Below is part of what was said.


And what they did was absolutely disgraceful and if you look at the numbers, the numbers were vastly in favor of us in the Presidential election.  It was disgraceful that they were able to get away with it and the Supreme Court didn’t have the courage to do what they had to do.

To which Laura rudely interrupts and says:

Yeah, well speaking as a, speaking as a lawyer, we’re not going to relitigate the past tonight.  But speaking as a lawyer I think that going forward, I think any candidate running for office has to have a heck of a legal strategy in place before, like long before the election takes place.

Opinion Politics Science

How stupid is this? Cruz tells dildo to walk away if he wants Cruz to mask up when speaking.

How stupid is this? Cruz tells dildo to walk away if he wants Cruz to mask up when speaking. A so called reporter told Senator Cruz that it was in fear for it’s life if Senator Cruz didn’t mask up. Now how crazy is that? I’ve seen both Harris and Biden not wear the mask when speaking. This was nothing but theater.

Cruz explained himself and told the reporter that they could stand back if they thought that Cruz was with COVID. I found this from the CDC.

What’s Changed

If you’ve been fully vaccinated:

  • You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask.
  • You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms.
  • Cruz was vaccinated.

‘This is exactly how to respond to a performative virtue signaling reporter pretending to be scared of a vaccinated politician,’ Cabot Phillips of The Daily Wire said.