
Virus Spreader will now Vote by Proxy After Voting in Person with Coronavirus.

Virus Spreader will now Vote by Proxy After Voting in Person with Coronavirus. We saw where three Democrats who tested positive appeared in person to vote. But somehow they found doctors who said that it’s OK to travel with the virus and vote.

Now you had three Democrats tested positive after that vote. So who do you think spread that virus? According to the MSM and the infected ones, Republicans who tested negative. Crazy isn’t it?

We have this special report.

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) announced Thursday she will vote by proxy after she, afflicted with the coronavirus, voted in person for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to become Speaker of the House. She later voted in person to impeach President Donald Trump.

Moore wrote to Cheryl Johnson, the clerk of the House of Representatives, announcing she will designate Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) as her proxy for future votes.

“I am unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency.

So now she’s worried about being a super spreader. She was openly seen with her 400 other Congressmen and women. Folks better get checked.



Let me get this straight. You lock down, You mask up, You social distance, Your state doesn’t distribute the Vaccine, and you wonder why people are dying?

Let me get this straight. You lock down in stale air, You mask up indoors and out, You social distance, Your state doesn’t distribute the Vaccine, and you wonder why people are dying? Do you practice stupidity? I have news for you. If you continue this, it gets worse.

We all know folks like this. Locked down, afraid of going to work or the store. Live in a state that takes care of the undocumented but ignores its own citizens. But to make things better, you say it’s Trumps fault. Yes the same Trump who promised you a Vaccine and many on the left led by race baiter Harris who said I’ll not take the Trump miracle Vaccine. Guess what? She did and now your wondering why you don’t have yours yet.

Well ask your Blue Governor, or State Legislature why you have no Vaccine.  So thank the fauch, Harris, Biden, Blue Governors, and Blue State Legislatures. Nuff Said.


Paranoia sets in. Thank the fauch.

Paranoia sets in. Thank the fauch. As you know Operation Warp Speed has had to slow down on sending the states the vaccine. Over 14 million doses were sent but only a few million have been used why?

Well the fauch has done it again. Now this is rich. Remember the fauch hasn’t practiced medicine since 1984. His reason why this is happening? If licking your finger and see which way the wind blows doesn’t work, go into lock down like California.

It’s not rocket science. The feds got the vaccine to the states. What do they do? Mostly nothing. I guess they want the feds to give the vaccine. SMH.


Mar a Lago. White House in Exile.

Mar a Lago. White House in Exile. If we see that our President isn’t successful in the courts in his battle to remain in office, what comes next? The obvious is that Mar a Lago becomes the White House in exile. Donald Trump starts the 2024 campaign from there.

I say he oversees the Trump empire from there with the family doing the day to day running of the Corporation. Trump will be busy with the lawsuits and the planning of the 2022 midterms, Republican takeover of the House, Keeping the Senate, and his return to the White House. Much work to be done. That’s for sure.


President pardons another American Hero.

President pardons another American Hero. Our President has pardoned a third protector of our border. The agent did a good job and was rewarded with two years in prison.

“President Trump granted a full pardon to Gary Brugman,” the White House said in a written statement Wednesday night. “His clemency is supported by numerous elected officials, including Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Senators Ted Cruz, and John Cornyn, Representative Louie Gohmert, Representative Ted Poe, Representative Steve King, Representative Paul Gosar, Representative Walter Jones, Representative Brian Babin, and Representative John Culberson.”

Like Brugman, Trump also pardoned Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, two former Border Patrol agents who were convicted of assault. Ramos’ and Compean’s sentences had been commuted by then-President George W. Bush. Trump granted them a full pardon.



Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris Accord scrapped for good.

Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris accord scrapped for good. Yes my friends we can finally bury this puppy for good. Fake News will never know what hit them. We have this from The Competitive Enterprise Institute.

“We are encouraging him to review the agreement and recognize that it is in fact a treaty and transmit it before January 20 to the Senate for its advice,” Myron Ebell, Center for Energy and Environment director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said on a conference call on Thursday. “If that happens, the treaty will be in limbo until such time as the Senate decides to vote on it.”

See it works like this. The Senate would need a two-thirds majority to ratify the treaty, something that is unlikely due to the makeup of Congress’ upper chamber. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 edge over Democrats with two runoffs in Georgia set for Jan. 5.

So in plain English, Biden doesn’t get two thirds and we don’t get the Paris attack on our Economy and we still have clean air.


Biden finally admits to one of his lies. President Trump did deliver on a Trump vaccine before the end of the year.

Biden finally admits to one of his lies. President Trump did deliver on a Trump vaccine before the end of the year. After the thousands of lies, Joe Biden did admit that President Trump and President Trump alone was responsible for getting the Trump vacccine out before the end of the year.

Remember when Joe said he and the fauch would get the vaccine out in the spring or summer? And of course the MSM and Progressives said no to the vaccine and it’s not safe if it has Trumps seal of approval. I guess they were dead wrong.