
Was it really that long ago that Democrats represented the working man and woman? Ohio Dem says many in party ‘can’t understand’ working-class concerns

Views: 12

Was it really that long ago that Democrats represented the working man and woman? Ohio Dem says many in party ‘can’t understand’ working-class concerns. Here’s what’s scary. Tell me what this means.

Of the top 20 wealthiest districts, 19 are represented by Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) district is the fourth-richest in the nation, according to Kaptur’s data.

Democrats also dominate the upper half of the nation’s districts by a clear margin, with the bottom half disproportionately choosing Republicans as their members of Congress.

Appalled when a fellow Democrat said this to Congresswoman Kaptur.

A Democratic colleague of Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) recently suggested a simple solution to the economic problems afflicting the industrial Midwest.

“ ‘Well, Congresswoman Kaptur, the answer is: Leave,’ ” Kaptur says she was told by the Democratic member, whom she declined to name.



How to pay off campaign debt? Use PAC money you said you wouldn’t take.

Views: 3

How to pay off campaign debt? Use PAC money you said you wouldn’t take. Democrat Elaine Lauria said if elected she would not take PAC money for her campaign. She didn’t. She took PAC MONEY TO PAY OFF HER CAMPAIGN DEBT.

The liberal-leaning group End Citizens United, which tracks the lawmakers and candidates who pledge to reject corporate PAC donations, has criticized Luria’s about-face on the matter, as have Republicans.

Tiffany Muller, president and executive director of End Citizens United, said in a statement last year that Luria breaking her pledge “would demonstrate that her values have changed since she’s been in Washington or that she wasn’t sincere to voters in the first place. It will be a heavy burden on her to explain to voters why she is going back on her word.



Will this be the Savior of the Republican Party in California? Or the next Arnold?

Views: 27

Will this be the Savior of the Republican Party in California? Or the next Arnold? Can the only Republican mayor of a major city save the California Republican party? And save the state from the economic and Covid mess Newsom created?

Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer on Monday established a political committee to begin raising money for a possible run for governor, kicking off what could be a tumultuous year in California politics as Gov. Gavin Newsom faces the threat of a recall election.

A Republican hasn’t won a statewide election in the heavily Democratic state since 2006, and registered Democrats outnumber Republicans in California by nearly 2-to-1. But a recall election could attract dozens of candidates who would cut up the vote and lower the percentage needed to win, a scenario that could provide an opening for a Republican candidate in the Democratic-dominated state.


Politics Opinion

How funny is this? Hillary gets behind D R Tim Ryan

Views: 30

How funny is this? Hillary gets behind Dago Red Tim. So Hillary thinks Tim has what it takes. Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton threw her support behind Ryan’s possible Senate bid Saturday morning, doing so by quoting a tweet from Kathy DiCristofaro of the Ohio Democratic Party.

The seat is held by Senator Portman who’s retiring. Portman said he made his announcement early to allow Republicans to get ready to campaign in what could be a difficult GOP primary. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said he’s not running for the seat, but ex-Ohio treasurer Josh Mandel, author J.D. Vance, and Rep. Steve Stivers are all among potential contenders in a crowded Republican field.

DiCristofaro, who chairs the Dems’ women’s caucus, said the state “needs” people like Ryan who “fight for working people,” and Clinton wholeheartedly agreed.

Maybe Tim can share his recipe with Hillary.




But I believed you when you said only dictators ruled by Executive Orders.

Views: 24

But I believed you when you said only dictators ruled by Executive Orders. Just a few months back the illegitimate one claimed that dictators ruled by Executive Orders. Gave us the impression that he would not. Was he lying again?


Well Joe pulled a fast one on us. Here’s what Joe said. Just in case you didn’t play the video.

“I have this strange notion. We are a democracy,” Biden said with a smirk. “Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes by executive order, you’re going to do something.’ Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,”

So we have what? 24-38 Executive orders or Memorandums. More than the last seven Presidents combined.

President Donald Trump: 4 executive orders

President Barack Obama: 5 executive orders

President George W. Bush: 0 executive orders

President Bill Clinton: 2 executive orders

President George H.W. Bush: 1 executive order

President Ronald Reagan: 0 executive orders

President Jimmy Carter: 1 executive order

So what say you?



77% of Americans opposed or strongly opposed using tax payer dollars for baby killing overseas.

Views: 19

77% of Americans opposed or strongly opposed using tax payer dollars for baby killing overseas. And 64 % were pro choice. WOW. Now I read somewhere that a reporter said Joe was the most religious President ever. I guess this reporter missed this.

“It is grievous that one of President Biden’s first official acts actively promotes the destruction of human lives in developing nations,” read the statement from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. “This Executive Order is antithetical to reason, violates human dignity, and is incompatible with Catholic teaching. We and our brother bishops strongly oppose this action. We urge the President to use his office for good, prioritizing the most vulnerable, including unborn children.”


Politics Science

Let’s get real. This is the Joe and fauch show now. They own it.

Views: 28

Let’s get real. This is the Joe and fauch show now. They own it. Over 20,000 new deaths since Joe and the fauch took over. So where’s our relief? Where’s our million vaccines a day? They’re still doing the Trump vaccines that were averaging close to a million a day. So since Joe and the fauch took over, nothings changed?

Isn’t the Biden-fauch plan working? If not, why not? Remember we were told that their brand of Science would do the trick. The Biden folks still haven’t got the remaining vaccine that President Trump left them out to the states. I believe the number is 15-30 million. Depending on who you ask.

What say you?



For now judge stops Biden from allowing his base to stay here.

Views: 24

For now judge stops Biden from allowing his base to stay here. Joe wanted to reward his faithful who voted for him. So he came up with a executive order to freeze all deportations ( including the ones who were convicted felons ). For now it’s been stopped.

Hours after taking office on January 20, Biden signed an executive order that halts deportations of most illegal aliens for at least 100 days. The order came as illegal immigration has spiked in recent months and a migrant caravan heads to the United States-Mexico border in the hopes of taking advantage of the Biden administration’s lax enforcement policies. We have this from the judge.

Defendants and all their respective officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons who are in active concert or participation with them are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED from enforcing and implementing the policies described in the January 20 Memorandum in Section C entitled “Immediate 100- Day Pause on Removals.” [Emphasis added]

This TRO is granted on a nationwide basis and prohibits enforcement and implementation of the policies described in the January 20 Memorandum in Section C entitled “Immediate 100-Day Pause on Removals” in every place Defendants have jurisdiction to enforce and implement the January 20 Memorandum. [Emphasis added]

Tipton noted Paxton’s lawsuit had “presented evidence it would suffer injuries for various reasons if an injunction is not entered.”



Vulnerable Congressmen and Women go into hiding when asked about Biden’s attack on our Countries fight against the undocumented.

Views: 83

Vulnerable Congressmen and Women go into hiding when asked about Biden’s attack on our Countries fight against the undocumented. The Biden amnesty, known as the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, seeks to immediately provide green cards to millions of illegal aliens considered farmworkers, enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries.

The vulnerable House Democrats include:

  • Tom Malinowski (D-NJ)
  • Lauren Underwood (D-IL)
  • Cindy Axne (D-IA)
  • Abigail Spanberger (D-VA)
  • Vicente Gonzalez Jr. (D-TX)
  • Angie Craig (D-MN)
  • Conor Lamb (D-PA)
  • Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA)
  • Ron Kind (D-WI)
  • Lizzie Pannill Fletcher (D-TX)
  • Haley Stevens (D-MI)
  • Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ)
  • Cheri Bustos (D-IL)
  • Matt Cartwright (D-PA)
  • Jimmy Gomez (D-CA)
  • Susie Lee (D-NV)
  • Susan Wild (D-PA)
  • Kim Schrier (D-WA)
  • Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
  • Steven Horsford (D-NV)
  • Chris Pappas (D-NH)
  • Colin Allred (D-TX)
  • Elaine Luria (D-VA)
  • Jared Golden (D-ME)
  • Mike Levin (D-CA)
  • Charlie Crist (D-FL)
  • Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
  • Tim Ryan (D-OH)
  • Our friends at Breitbart contacted all 28. Not one responded.


Politics Elections

NY, PA, WI, MI, and GA. States where Governors, State Secretaries or both changed the rules.

Views: 44

Yes we still have one election that hasn’t been decided yet.

NY, PA, WI, MI, and GA. States where Governors, State Secretaries or both changed the rules. Did you know that votes are still being counted and fabricated from the 2020 election. In NY that is.

Why did this happen? Like Governors from a few other states, Cuomo by executive order decided to change the law. The law voted by a state legislature controlled by Democrats. This from FOX.

So for the first time in New York’s history, the county boards of elections were forced to contend with essentially three elections: early voting during a presidential year; running Election Day with a record turnout; and handling a record number of absentee ballots due to the coronavirus pandemic, involving figuring out how to “cure” any flawed ballots.

Many of the boards — especially Oneida County’s — didn’t do their jobs properly.

Oneida County, the district’s largest and centered around the city of Utica, saw election commissioners use sticky notes to keep track of the reasons why Tenney and Brindisi lawyers disputed dozens of ballots. But many of those sticky notes fell off, so for some it’s impossible to know whether a challenged ballot has been counted or not.

A full recount of disputed ballots in the eight counties in the congressional district has been completed. It shows former Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney defeating former Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi by just over 30 votes out of more than 311,000 cast.

But the recount is only one step in a grueling process that will probably keep the House seat vacant for weeks longer. On Monday, State Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte will begin going through 1,028 disputed ballots and rule on which should be counted.

Two weeks ago it was discovered that Oneida County’s elections board had failed to process 2,418 voter registration forms from voters who signed up on time through the Department of Motor Vehicles.

When many of those voters showed up at the polls they were told they weren’t registered. Hundreds left without voting, while some 300 filed provisional ballots that weren’t counted.

Now Justice DelConte says he will decide which of the new ballots will be counted. Whatever his ruling, it will be appealed. Ultimately, the closely divided House of Representatives controlled by Democrats will decide if it will seat the winner or conduct its own second-guessing investigation.


Here’s what’s sad. After the judge rules, there will still be an appeal.


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