Science Corruption

What does NJ, PA, and MI. have in common with NY? Nursing Home Deaths. So what happened?

Views: 26

What does NJ, PA, and MI. have in common with NY? Nursing Home Deaths. So what happened? Everyone now knows about NY. And that’s only because of the Cuomo sex scandal. But what about other states. I remember the DOJ started a investigation. What happened?

Prosecutors said the fact-finding letters to New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan were aimed at determining whether the orders “may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents.” Edited.

“We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk,” Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband said.

Just because these are Democrat Governors, this must not be swept under the rug. The governors’ actions at the height of the pandemic were designed to ensure hospitals had enough bed space for the most serious COVID cases, but were almost immediately criticized by nursing homes and relatives for potentially putting frail, elderly care home residents at risk.



Life Science

Sorry Joe. How President Trump and his administration saved the lives of millions.

Views: 54

How President Trump and his administration saved the lives of millions. Donald Trump may have to wait for historians to give him the credit for the millions of lives that were saved by his administrations Operation Warp Speed. We always heard from the hack the fauch and saw his flip flopping But what about what his boss an actual expert had to say about Operation Warp Speed.

National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins tells “Axios on HBO” that the Trump administration deserves credit for the “breathtaking” speed of COVID vaccine development.

The big picture: The fact that it “got done in 11 months from when we first knew about this virus is at least five years faster than it’s ever been before before,” Collins said.

  • “The Operation Warp Speed, for which I give a great deal of credit to [former HHS Secretary Alex Azar], was a effort that many of us were not initially convinced was going to be necessary. And it was thought about as a Manhattan Project.”
  • “Those words were used sometimes to describe what needed to happen in order to get all parts of the government together in an unprecedented way to test up to six vaccines in rigorous trials … so that if any of those trials happen to work, you would already have doses ready to go into arms.”

The bottom line: “That effort and the recruitment of Dr. Moncef Slaoui was an incredibly important step forward that the administration deserves credit for, because that did motivate a lot of actions, a lot of coordination.”

When former President Donald Trump last year predicted a coronavirus vaccine would be ready by the end of 2020, multiple media outlets declared it a “pipe dream” and having vaccines that fast would require a “miracle.” However, both Moderna and Pfizer developed effective vaccinations that have entered tens of millions of arms.

“The fact that we, in December, had not one but two vaccines that had gone through trials … and had been judged safe and effective by a very rigorous and very public FDA process is just breathtaking,” Collins said, adding it was completed five years faster than had ever been done before.

Johns Hopkins’ Dr. Mark Makary has this to say.Makary thinks, assessing the data, that “The country is racing toward an extremely low level of infection.”  He concludes that the U.S. is nearing “herd immunity” and that “COVID will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life.” 

And Mr Science Joe Biden?

Asked at a recent CNN town hall when the country might get back to normal, Biden meandered, first saying that maybe by Christmas we would see progress, but then suggesting that “a year from now, I think that there will be significantly fewer people having to be socially distanced, have to wear a mask, instead of – but we don’t know.”

Biden continued: “it is highly unlikely that by the beginning of next year, school – traditional school year in September, we are not significantly better off than we are today.”

In closing. Makary isn’t alone in reading good news in the virus statistics. Youyang Gu, a data scientist whose model has proved the most accurate forecaster of COVID deaths, predicts we will reach herd immunity (or “normality,” as his team now calls it) by June/July. Not as soon as April, but soon. 










Politics Science

What a hypocrite.  Harris who told folks not to get the vaccine is crying that Black folks need to get the vaccine.

Views: 42

What a hypocrite.  Harris who told folks not to get the vaccine is crying that Black folks need to get the vaccine. Minorities especially blacks were told that any vaccine from Donald Trump would not be safe. Kamala Harris on several occasions said she wasn’t taking it. And she wasn’t the only one. so why are they now surprised that blacks aren’t lining up?


Here she is now.

Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the Black community and encouraged them to take the COVID vaccine in an interview with MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton that will air on Thursday and fully on the Saturday broadcast of his show on the news network.

But a very different Harris during the 2020 Elections.

“If Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it,” the VP candidate says



What were you thinking Texas? Half of Texas Wind Turbines Freeze, Hurting Electricity Output

Views: 50

What were you thinking Texas? Half of Texas Wind Turbines Freeze, Hurting Electricity Output. Why would a state with so much oil rely on what’s no more than a high school Science project?

Ice storms knocked out nearly half the wind-power generating capacity of Texas on Sunday as a rare deep freeze across the state locked up turbine towers while driving electricity demand to record levels, the state’s grid operator reported.

How stupid to use something so unreliable. Guess what they’re doing to unfreeze them? Using a petroleum based spray to DE-ICE them. Oil again saves the day.


Science Politics

NY down. PA,NJ, and MI to go. States that sent COVID patients to nursing homes to die.

Views: 32

NY down. PA,NJ, and MI to go. States that sent COVID patients to nursing homes to die. A Governor Cuomo aide came forward and admitted that the real number of nursing home deaths was being hid. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear that the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors,


In late August, a few weeks after the state legislative hearing, the DOJ announced a preliminary inquiry into New York and three other Democrat-led states for their handling of the virus in nursing homes. The DOJ announcement noted in the release that the four states — New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan — all “required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients to their vulnerable populations, often without adequate testing.”



A cover up for the fauch? WHO now saying it was the animals not the lab associated with the fauch. Yeah right.

Views: 4

A cover up for the fauch? WHO now saying it was the animals not the lab associated with the fauch. Yeah right.

The report comes days after the Trump administration refused to buy China’s story of it came from an animal who infected a human. Same story that the fauch has put out there. Strange that both the Chinese government and the fauch are saying the same. Now the WHO is saying the same. How crazy is that?

The only way to say with confidence which animal the virus came from is to find it in that species in the wild, says Arinjay Banerjee, a coronavirus researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. “Other approaches will only give you anecdotal evidence,” he says.

But given that the virus has spread so widely among people, even detecting the virus in animals will not necessarily confirm their role as intermediate hosts as they might have been infected by people, says Li Xingguang, who studies viral evolution at Wuhan University of Bioengineering. “The situation is very complex now.”




The fauch strikes again. No Data or Science about wearing two masks.

Views: 3

The fauch strikes again. No data or Science about wearing two masks. Just last Monday the no science guy said wear two masks. well that’s changed. The self proclaimed scientist is now saying that there’s no data or science behind wearing two. The reason why the CDC hasn’t changed the recommendation is that they don’t have the scientific evidence to say that two are better than one.

“There’s nothing wrong with that but there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference,” Fauci said.

Sorry but the man’s a loon. But stay tuned. He may tell us next week to wear  three masks.


Politics Science

Let’s get real. This is the Joe and fauch show now. They own it.

Views: 28

Let’s get real. This is the Joe and fauch show now. They own it. Over 20,000 new deaths since Joe and the fauch took over. So where’s our relief? Where’s our million vaccines a day? They’re still doing the Trump vaccines that were averaging close to a million a day. So since Joe and the fauch took over, nothings changed?

Isn’t the Biden-fauch plan working? If not, why not? Remember we were told that their brand of Science would do the trick. The Biden folks still haven’t got the remaining vaccine that President Trump left them out to the states. I believe the number is 15-30 million. Depending on who you ask.

What say you?



No kidding Dick Tracy. Why are you so surprised? Biden says ‘nothing we can do’ to change pandemic ‘trajectory’ in coming months.

Views: 32

No kidding Dick Tracy. Why are you so surprised? Biden says ‘nothing we can do’ to change pandemic ‘trajectory’ in coming months. Just two days ago Joe was telling us how the pandemic was going to be over in days. 100 to be exact. Getting out 100 million doses, more testing, more locations, etc, etc, etc. Now that reality has set in, Trump was correct.

First Joe’s folks tried to say that there was no plan. All was doomed. Then Junk Science the fauch said there’s a plan. Operation warp speed and we’re using it. Here’s the problem. Joe’s 200 page plan won’t work and Joe now realizes it.

So it looks as if we will have more blue state lock downs and don’t be surprised if we hear less from Joe and Tony the fauch.



After the Biden administration lies about Trump not leaving a Covid plan, CNN story is labelled fake news by The Hill, Fox, and Politico.

Views: 51

Biden administration lied. After the Biden administration lies about Trump not leaving a Covid plan, CNN story is labelled fake news by The Hill, Fox, and Politico. CNN ran a phony story from the Biden administration and even the MSM has joined FOX in calling it fake news. Junk Science man the fauch even admitted Trump had a plan and parts of it would be used.  See below.

CNN is under fire for publishing an anonymously sourced “scoop” that the Biden administration will have to “build everything from scratch” because there was no Trump plan to distribute coronavirus vaccines, when reality tells a far different story.

A CNN producer pushed the story from reporter MJ Lee as a “great SCOOP” on “how bad this situation is with vaccine distribution.” The story quoted anonymous figures with knowledge of the administration’s COVID-related work as saying there was “nothing for us to rework” and there was no plan at all: “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

Politico editor Sam Stein said the assertions in the story were “not true,” as a distribution plan was part of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed.

“Biden folks are spinning here or trying to lower the bar strategically,” he tweeted. “There was, indeed, a plan from Trump. I listened in on govs calls on vaccine distribution.


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