Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Science

So what are my medical sources? Part 1.

Views: 62

So what  are my medical sources? One thing that you won’t find here is junk science. And you will not find us mouthing the CDC and the fauch when they spew junk science. Two major medical groups used on my channels have been scientists and doctors from John Hopkins and The Cleveland Clinic.

I’ve also used the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases ( And I use the News Medical Life Science Website.

Now my lurkers ridiculed my using the Henry Ford Health System as a source. A little bit about Henry Ford.

It is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment. 30,000 employees.

What’s hilarious is that the lurkers ridiculed The Cleveland Clinic.

Cleveland Clinic has pioneered many medical breakthroughs, including coronary artery bypass surgery and the first face transplant in the United States. U.S. News & World Report consistently names Cleveland Clinic as one of the nation’s best hospitals in its annual “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. Among Cleveland Clinic’s 70,800 employees worldwide are more than 4,660 salaried physicians and researchers, and 18,500 registered nurses and advanced practice providers, representing 140 medical specialties and subspecialties. Patients came for treatment from every state and 185 countries.

My channels don’t parrot fake news or cut and paste from junk science articles.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Science

Say It Ain’t So Joe! Why did the CDC stop the count? Close to 190,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Joe Biden’s First Four Months in Office.

Views: 26

Say It Ain’t So Joe! Why did the CDC stop the count? This from John Hopkins. Close to 190,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Joe Biden’s First Four Months in Office.  Now we know why the CDC changed the count. And Scientists are upset. So Joe and the fauch added almost 190,000 COVID-19 deaths under their watch. And that’s with the vaccine.

At the end of April, 9,245 Americans were reported to be infected by the coronavirus after being vaccinated, Bloomberg adds, while pointing out the overall percentage is small as 95 million Americans have been fully vaccinated so far.

Regardless, the number of “breakthrough” coronavirus infections (cases among fully vaccinated people) will be skewed moving forward, given that only cases resulting in hospitalization and death will be counted.

Michael Kinch, a former drug developer who’s now associate vice chancellor at Washington University in St. Louis, says as much information as possible should be recorded on breakthroughs. Cases that don’t rise to hospitalization are still important to track, he said, since symptoms that aren’t as severe for someone could eventually lead to hospitalizations. Non-life-threatening symptoms can impact someone’s life greatly, and evolve over time, Kinch said.

“It’s essential that we stay on top of this,” he added. “If we let our guard our down, we will pay the price.”




COVID Science

We have joy in Ohio. Ohio to lift most COVID-19 restrictions June 2

Views: 27

We have joy in Ohio. Ohio to lift most COVID-19 restrictions June 2. That’s right. Ohio has seen the light.

Gov. Mike DeWine announced the new guidelines Wednesday, saying that the mask mandate and remaining coronavirus health orders will be lifted on June 2. Social distancing and capacity restrictions will no longer be required, although schools and businesses will have the ability to put their own rules into place.

Yes Ohio has followed the science. I’m sure the science deniers like the fauch will be upset. News like this makes loons like him irrelevant. we have this from the governor.

“You’ve followed the protocols. You’ve done what we’ve asked. You’ve bravely fought this virus. And now, our cases are down, and we have a tested and proven weapon in the vaccine that all Ohioans 12 and over can utilize.”

The only exception will be for nursing homes and assisted living facilities.



COVID Opinion Science

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be?

Views: 27

My Johnson & Johnson Vaccination Was Canceled. How Mad Should I Be? I’m totally pissed off. I was scheduled to get my one and done. Now I have to decide on how long I should wait. Yes we had six cases out of 7 million and they cancel it. Look at how many cases the other two drugs had. Nate Silver who I disagree with about 90% of the time got it right.

So I’m going to shelve my initial anger, mask up, and wait another month.

What say you?


Science Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Hey Joe what did you think would happen when you fired all the experts but kept the fauch? Biden asks states to go back into lock down.

Views: 53

Hey Joe what did you think would happen when you fired all the experts but kept the fauch? Biden asks states to go back into lock down. Now Joe and his top notch crew are crying cause some numbers have gone up and they don’t know what to do. President Trump left him a crew that was experienced and had the virus on the down turn.

Joe has his 100 K vaccinated and the numbers keep going up. Vaccinate and test Americans but not the undocumented coming in from the open borders. Sorry Joe it’s all on you. The Biden Pandemic.

Nothing about the undocumented, the riots in Miami, or other mask less Progressive gatherings.



Science Opinion Politics

How stupid is this? Cruz tells dildo to walk away if he wants Cruz to mask up when speaking.

Views: 38

How stupid is this? Cruz tells dildo to walk away if he wants Cruz to mask up when speaking. A so called reporter told Senator Cruz that it was in fear for it’s life if Senator Cruz didn’t mask up. Now how crazy is that? I’ve seen both Harris and Biden not wear the mask when speaking. This was nothing but theater.

Cruz explained himself and told the reporter that they could stand back if they thought that Cruz was with COVID. I found this from the CDC.

What’s Changed

If you’ve been fully vaccinated:

  • You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask.
  • You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms.
  • Cruz was vaccinated.

‘This is exactly how to respond to a performative virtue signaling reporter pretending to be scared of a vaccinated politician,’ Cabot Phillips of The Daily Wire said.


Uncategorized Opinion Science

When is a semi- automatic gun a assault riffle? When MSM, Progressives, and Democrat politicians lie.

Views: 12

When is a semi- automatic gun a assault riffle? When MSM, Progressives, and Democrat politicians lie. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Take a Colt 45 or a 9MM Beretta. Both semi automatic just like a AR 15. Are the hand guns or Riffle fully automatic? No. All firearms available to civilians in this country are semi-automatic, which is a very different mechanism.

Do all three have a particularly high rate of fire? No. The rate of fire of an AR-15  style rifle is no different than that of a handgun. Do they fire particularly powerful rifle ammunition? No. In fact the AR-15 is illegal for deer hunting in many places because it tends to use very low-powered ammunition. I’ve recently read articles that compare AR-15 ammunition to handgun ammunition and arrive at the conclusion that the AR-15 is so powerful that it must be banned. What’s missing is a comparison to other rifles. Virtually all rifles are more powerful than the average handgun. Such does not render the AR-15 different.

And why then ban the riffle? It’s all about the appearance of the AR 15.



Facebook bitch slaps itself. Facebook’s new ‘supreme court’ overturns firm in first rulings.

Views: 28

Facebook bitch slaps itself. Facebook’s new ‘supreme court’ overturns firm in first rulings. Yes my friends Facebook has a so called Supreme Court that looks at some of the articles or posts they wrongly deleted. One is the miracle drug. hydroxychloroquine. So says the Washington Post.

In one case, the board found Facebook incorrectly removed a piece of content in which a user criticized the French government’s policies on the coronavirus. In the banned post, the user complained that the French government’s refusal to authorize the anti-malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was problematic because such drugs were “being used elsewhere to save lives.”


Opinion Science

Opinion. Why the fauch just doesn’t get it. Most Conservatives don’t believe the lies anymore.

Views: 42

Opinion. Why the fauch just doesn’t get it. Most Conservatives don’t believe the lies anymore. For some reason the left just doesn’t see it. The fauch’s time has come and gone. He’s irrelevant. He was on several talk shows asking why the right doesn’t believe him and why President Trump won’t help him with his lying. Climate change causes Pandemic’s?

But let’s forget that nonsense. If President Trump erred, it was ever putting the fauch on the Operation Warp Team. The lies that man told was the second most reason so many died. First being Obama Biden not leaving enough supplies to battle the virus.

We now see that a large number of folks won’t take the vaccine. And the fauch wants Trumps help. How can he expect help when he’s lied so many times in the past?

What say you?


Science Education Opinion

How stupid is this? Ohio school district mandating double masks or CDC equivalent for in-person return

Views: 39



How stupid is this? Ohio school district mandating double masks or CDC equivalent for in-person return. The school’s double mask order comes after NIAID Head Dr. Anthony Fauci has flip-flopped on the issue, at first telling people they shouldn’t wear masks, then telling people they should wear one or two masks, then claiming “there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference.”

Here are the options.

Students and staff will have the following options when in-person classes resume on March 23:

  1. Wear disposable mask underneath a cloth mask
  2. Wear single 3-ply disposable or 3-ply cloth mask paired with a “mask fitter”
  3. Wear a single KN95 or N95 mask.
  4. Wear a single 3-ply mask made from non-woven, high-efficiency filter material

This website and the owners ask you to follow what your state mandates you to do. I MC do mask according to what my state requires me to do. I ask that you do the same.


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