Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do. Uncategorized

Joe plays Sgt. Schultz. Biden Insists He Learned About Merrick Garland’s Decision to Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate Trump From the media.

Views: 22

Monday after the Turkey pardon, Biden came out and said he had no clue that his appointed AG was going to go after President Trump. And if you believe that, I have ocean front property in Frost Bite Falls, Montana I’m trying to sell.

Garland was Joe’s political appointment. Knowing Biden’s mental state, maybe Joe wasn’t told, but there’s no doubt that the Administration knew what was going on.



Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics Uncategorized

Democrat Charged with ‘Wide Scale’ Election Fraud in Philadelphia, ‘Forgery of Signatures’

Views: 38

Only THREE YEARS late…

by John Nolte

Attorney General and Governor-elect Josh Shapiro charged a Democrat campaign consultant with ‘wide scale’ voter fraud.

Here’s the pertinent information from the attorney general’s office:

Attorney General Josh Shapiro today announced the arrest of Rasheen Crews, a Philadelphia political consultant, for charges related to forging signatures on nomination petitions to get his clients on the ballot for the 2019 Democratic primary races in Philadelphia.

“In advance of the 2023 municipal elections, this arrest is an important reminder that interfering with the integrity of our elections is a serious crime,” said AG Shapiro. “By soliciting and organizing the wide scale forgery of signatures, the defendant undermined the democratic process and Philadelphians’ right to a free and fair election. My office is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the election process across the Commonwealth, to ensure everyone can participate in Pennsylvania’s future.”


Crews is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.

Crews is alleged to have forged “thousands of signatures” to qualify his clients to have their names included on the ballot for some local 2019 Democrat primary races.

The petitions are said to have had over a thousand duplicate signatures. Some of the pages were photocopied and used again as separate pages. Some individuals whose names were on the petitions said they never signed.

And so, Crews is now charged with “criminal solicitation to commit forgery and theft by failure to make required disposition.”

What a stupid and lazy crime to commit.

Gathering signatures that qualify you (or your client) to appear on a ballot is not that difficult. I’ve done it, and almost no one says no if you ask. It’s only a matter of gathering supporters and going out to where the people are. If you’re going to pay people to forge a petition, why not pay them to gather legal signatures?

You see, it’s all about being a Democrat and believing you can be above the law because you’re a Democrat. The fact that you are a Democrat tells Democrats they can do whatever they want because they are virtuous, which means everything they do is virtuous simply because they do it.

And don’t get all happy that a Democrat politician is charging a Democrat here. Remember, this Crews guy is charged with cheating in a Democrat primary. This means he cheated Democrats. If he had cheated Republicans, Shapiro wouldn’t do a thing.


How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Un documented. Uncategorized

How sick is this? Schumer calls for blanket Immunity for 30 million undocumented.

Views: 18

So Schumer admits that we have 30+ million undocumented here.

“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to, the only way we’re gonna have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants! The DREAMers and all of them!” Schumer said.

Nuff said.


Elections Opinion Politics Uncategorized

Yes Virginia there was a red wave. Going back to 2020.

Views: 20

People forget that The Democrats completed their house wave in 2018. In 2020 the Republicans took 15 House seats. When the counting is all done for 2022 it looks like 15 more. So that’s 30 seats.

I’m sorry progressives, 30 seats is a wave. Now the significance is that the crazy spending by Biden ends in January 2023.


Immigration Opinion Un documented. Uncategorized

Florida Latinos differ from California Chicano’s.

Views: 22

Florida Latinos differ from California. I’m seeing how white progressives and MSM are trying to lump all Latinos in the same group. Poor and looking for low wage jobs they can take from American citizens. That’s just not the case.

California Chicano’s are mostly from poor countries and many are illiterate. Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. Gold diggers openly ignoring Federal Laws.

In Florida when I was working there in 2008-2009 ( Yeah lurkers I left Buffalo in 2007. But you already knew that ) I found out that beside Cubans, and Puerto Ricans, you have many from South American countries. The Latinos there are very diverse and mostly educated.



Meloni takes down the welcome sign to the migrants.

Views: 18

New Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni pledged during her campaign to safeguard Italy and stop ships harboring illegal aliens from Africa. Fortunately for Italians, this lady’s not for turning unlike most of her European counterparts.

Italy has been ravaged by illegal crossings this year thanks to their previous government caring more about the European Union’s feelings rather than protecting the ports. Over 77,000 illegals have arrived in Italy this year and Italian citizens have paid the price for this cowardice. Data released by the Italian statistics agency showed that almost half of all violent sex crimes in Italy are committed by foreign nationals. Back in August, police arrested an illegal alien from Guinea for raping a middle-aged Ukrainian female refugee in broad daylight. Meloni highlighted this heinous crime as part of her campaign to secure Italy’s borders.

Meloni’s government so far has refused safe port to four ships in the Mediterranean Sea carrying over 1,000 illegal African migrants combined. This marks a return to the policy under former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini from 2018-2019, which saw illegal immigration into Italy plummet by 96% in two years. Migrant deaths at sea also went down because of the border controls, proving that secure borders save lives.

This has irked the EU open borders fanatics. A spokesman for European Commission stated “it must be stressed that it is a moral and legal obligation” for members of the EU to rescue unwanted illegal aliens. The German government also blasted Italy for not allowing one of the boats, Humanity 1, to dock though the vessel flies under the German flag.

The reason Europe faces this migrant crisis is due to NATO overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi over a decade ago which resulted in him being brutally murdered by Islamist savages. Gaddafi correctly warned that if he fell in Libya, Europe would be overrun with millions of illegal migrants and the Mediterranean would become “a sea of chaos.” Since his death, the continent has experienced skyrocketing crime, housing shortages, and social welfare strains thanks to the invasion.

While Europe has suffered, non-government organizations (NGOs) have made a killing working with human traffickers to bring poor African migrants into the continent. They also undertake careful steps to ensure the traffickers never come into contact with authorities. The European Union Frontex in 2017 provided details of their nefarious tactics:

“Satellite phone calls to MRCC Rome decreased sharply to 10% and NGO rescue operations rose significantly to more than 40% of all incidents.  Since June 2016, a significant number of boats were intercepted or rescued by NGO vessels without any prior distress call and without official information as to the rescue location. NGO presence and activities close to, and occasionally within, the 12-mile Libyan territorial waters nearly doubled compared with the previous year, totaling 15 NGO assets (14 maritime and 1 aerial). In parallel, the overall number of incidents increased dramatically.”

Meloni will face vicious attacks from radical left politicians and judges in Italy wanting to ensure the gravy train continues.  The Gateway Pundit previously reported how Salvini was treated for enforcing Italian law. In August 2019, an Italian court usurped Salvini’s inherent constitutional authority and forced Italy accept over 100 illegal aliens from an NGO ship. The Italian Senate in February 2020 then voted to let authorities prosecute him on kidnapping charges for preventing the migrants from landing in Italy and he stood trial on October 23, 2021. Meloni must remain vigilant and ready to strike back against these dark forces. Impeaching judges should be on the table, for example.

Globalist politicians aligned with these corrupt NGOs have brought Europe to its knees. With Italy now joining Hungary, Poland, and perhaps Sweden, the tide is shifting in favor of the patriots.


How funny is this? Parler Social Venues-Twitter Uncategorized

How funny is this? Twitter bitch slaps Joe for lying.

Views: 40

Justice has been served. Biden posted one of his lies and Twitter fact checked him. Sweet. Biden Claimed 55 Corporations made 40 billion and paid no taxes. and his inflation reduction act would put a stop this.

Only 14 companies are eligible to pay this tax. And only if their accountants don’t find the loop hole to not pay it.



Crime Elections Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Two Face Tim Ryan. Vance calls Ryan’s pledge to decriminalize ‘all drug possession’ a ‘slap in the face’ of victims’ families

Views: 30


Thanks to the folks at FOX. The whole article is here.

FIRST ON FOX: Ohio Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan was slammed by his opponent, Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance, over his pledge to decriminalize the possession of all drugs while simultaneously pushing to label fentanyl a “weapon of mass destruction.”

Ryan wants to label the deadly opioid fentanyl a “weapon of mass destruction” but previously made an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) pledge to decriminalize “all drug possession.”

“If Tim Ryan wants someone’s vote, he will tell them whatever they want to hear,” Vance told Fox News Digital in an exclusive quote. “The fact that he would pledge to decriminalize the deadly fentanyl flooding our streets is a slap in the face to every family in Ohio that has faced this poison head-on.”

Ryan’s 2019 ACLU pledge while running for president to cut the prison population in half. The pledge also included a provision to decriminalize “all drug possession,” which would include illicit fentanyl.

The ACLU pledge also calls for bail reform “that reduces the number of people we lock up before trial, often simply because they are too poor to afford cash bail.”


Elections Uncategorized

The left will find out come November.

Views: 39

Most MSM articles from the left are saying the same thing. The Republicans are coming back into power. Sure they aren’t excited like the Conservative media, but they know change is coming November 8th.And why have they thrown in the towel?

What is the left talking about? Abortion, January 6th, and Donald Trump. Trumps not running, no one cares about January 6th, and killing babies is a Progressive hang up. It’s the economy and 40 year high inflation. Nuff Said.



Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. The Courts Uncategorized

Winning. N Y Supreme Court justice rules part of N.Y. absentee voting law is unconstitutional.

Views: 16

The complete article can be found here at Times Union.

A state Supreme Court justice issued a split ruling Friday that found New York’s absentee ballot laws are partially unconstitutional, a decision that will hurl an element of disorder into the midterm election in which mail-in voting is already underway.

State Supreme Court Justice Dianne L. Freestone’s decision stopped short of overturning a change in Election Law that allows someone to vote by absentee ballot if they fear contracting COVID-19, a measure that she highly criticized but said could not be undone at this time.

Freestone’s ruling struck down a 2021 state law around the “canvassing” of absentee ballots. For now, the ruling will reinstate some of the laws that were in effect prior to last year’s changes, including allowing someone to vote in-person on Election Day to override any absentee ballot they may have submitted.

Republican officials contend that is an important provision because it enables a voter who learns something damning about a candidate before the election to change their vote.

The ruling also gives clearer ability for poll watchers, candidates and others to contest a ballot in the court, something that Republicans argued was curtailed under the 2021 law.

Freestone opinion noted that the COVID-19 excuse to vote by mail, which was passed into state law after voters rejected a no-excuse voting ballot proposition last year, presents an “Orwellian perpetual state of health emergency.” She described the measure as “cloaked in the veneer of ‘voter enfranchisement.'”

She said the Democrat’s argument that the coronavirus poses a current health risk is “replete with alarmist statistics.”


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