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I’m living up to my promise. Finally.Thanks to Amazon Over $39,000 went to help the needy.

Views: 52

Several years ago I told two former mods on News Views that I would ignore the owner there, well after the owner and others at News Views doxed my family, I broke my promise. The promise was that I would make a sizable donation to a charity. I made several contributions but nothing significant. Until now. I partnered with Amazon  and picked Compassion International. Except for the software I bought, I donated all commissions to the same group. Over $39,000 was donated last quarter. Here’s some of what they do.

 work primarily through child sponsorship.

But also have specific initiatives to:

Critical needs include opportunities to provide medical assistance (e.g., surgeries, transplants, casts, wheelchairs and canes, cancer treatment, etc.), food security with extra food and nutritional supplements, income-generation training, emergency home repairs and disaster relief, access to clean and safe water, education assistance, and other necessities.

It’s taken me a while to do this, but if not for Amazon, this wouldn’t have been possible. I no longer use Amazon as an advertiser, but I just may start back up with them.


Economy Opinion Politics

Put away the orange drink and the fried chicken. Amazon workers vote against organized slavery.

Views: 30

Put away the orange drink and the fried chicken. Amazon workers vote against organized slavery. That’s what the NY Times told us. So many on the left thought that the new wave of laziness was to bring back a threat of hanging out and getting paid. First target was Amazon Alabama. Why did they think that would be a good place to pick?

With 80% of the workforce being black, the Union thought that they would enjoy a job where they no longer had to think for themselves and have a two hour work day. Like their brothers and sisters in California unions. I guess the white suppression hoax failed big time.

Workers’ rejection of a union at Inc.’s warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., is a setback to organized labor’s efforts to reverse a decades long decline in private-sector membership nationally.


The Alabama result underscores unions’ challenges in increasing membership in the U.S. private sector, where they represent just 6.3% of workers, down from 24.2% in 1973, according to data from Georgia State University.


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