
This is what a Bitch Slap looks like. Pelosi and the House Energy and Commerce Committee Tell AOC where to go.

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This is what a Bitch Slap looks like. Pelosi and the House Energy and Commerce Committee Tell AOC where to go. AOC found out just how much power she really has. Zero to none.

Even Left wing rags fairly reported this. SHE LOST.

In an early indication of which ideological faction of the Democratic Party will control the policy agenda in the upcoming Congress, a House body tasked with deciding committee assignments overwhelmingly voted Thursday to deny progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a spot on the powerful Energy and Commerce panel, instead handing the seat to centrist Rep. Kathleen Rice.

The landslide 46-13 vote in favor of Rice by the House Steering and Policy Committee—which is chaired by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—was viewed as establishment backlash against Ocasio-Cortez over her willingness to publicly break with the party brass on key policy matters and criticize Pelosi’s leadership, as she did in an interview with The Intercept released this week.

By no means is Rice a Centrist, but she is not as loony as AOC.



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