Biden Cartel Government Overreach Gun Control Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Another California gun law struck down.

Views: 11

Another California gun law struck down.

A California law barring people from buying more than one gun a month has been struck down.

In his March 11 ruling, a federal judge said that the one-gun-a-month (OGM) law does not adhere to requirements for gun restrictions outlined by the U.S. Supreme Court in a pivotal 2022 decision.

“Defendants have not met their burden of producing a ‘well-established and representative historical analogue’ to the OGM law,” U.S. District Judge William Q. Hayes wrote in the decision.

“The court therefore concludes that plaintiffs are entitled to summary judgment as to the constitutionality of the OGM law under the Second Amendment.”

The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen says that if a law regulates conduct covered by the Second Amendment, officials defending the law must show it is “consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

Defendants must provide “historical precedent from before, during, and even after the founding [that] evinces a comparable tradition of regulation,” the high court stated.

Justices instructed lower courts not to “uphold every modern law that remotely resembles a historical analogue” but that “analogical reasoning requires only that the government identify a well-established and representative historical analogue, not a historical twin.”

They also issued guidance for judges to consider “how and why the regulations burden a law-abiding citizen’s right to armed self-defense” and to examine “whether modern and historical regulations impose a comparable burden on the right of armed self-defense and whether that burden is comparably justified are central considerations when engaging in an analogical inquiry.”

The law, signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019, barred people who bought a handgun or semiautomatic centerfire rifle from a dealer from applying to buy another handgun or semiautomatic centerfire rifle for at least 30 days.

“Gun violence is an epidemic in this country, one that’s been enflamed by the inaction of politicians in Washington,” Mr. Newsom, a Democrat, said at the time.

“While Washington has refused to act on even the most basic gun safety reforms, California is once again leading the nation in passing meaningful gun safety reforms.”

Gun owners and groups sued in 2020, saying the law violated their constitutional rights.

After the 2022 Supreme Court ruling, defendants were ordered to provide historical examples of similar laws.

California officials offered four categories of historical restrictions, including regulations on selling guns to Native Americans and regulations on gunpowder.

Those regulations are not relevant to the law in question, Judge Hayes said.

Differing Objectives

The restrictions on Native Americans, for instance, “do not impose a comparable burden” to the California law, he wrote.

“The identified historical laws targeted only a narrow subset of the population perceived as dangerous, while the OGM law, with limited exceptions, affects all people acquiring handguns and semiautomatic centerfire rifles in California.

“Further, laws restricting the sale of arms to Native Americans impose neither a quantity nor time limitation similar to that of the OGM law.”

The gunpowder regulations were comparable because they “placed limits on the ownership and storage of gunpowder,” but “did not completely prevent people from purchasing gunpowder,” the state argued.

The regulations and the 2019 California law are “comparably justified” because both were imposed to “promote public safety,” the state said.

Judge Hayes, though, noted that officials have said previously that the California law was aimed at reducing firearms trafficking and disarming criminals, while the gunpowder regulations were put in place to prevent fires and explosions.

“Put simply, gunpowder regulations addressed fire-related risks, while the OGM law addresses risks associated with illegal gun trafficking and gun violence. Gunpowder restrictions and the OGM law are therefore not comparably justified,” he said.

Judge Hayes, a George W. Bush appointee, entered a stay of the order for 30 days to enable California officials to appeal.

“We are currently evaluating the decision, but it is important to acknowledge that the law limiting firearm purchases to one every thirty days remains in effect at this time,” a spokesperson for California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, told The Epoch Times via email.

“Another week, another California gun control law declared unconstitutional by a federal court,” Cody J. Wisniewski, vice president and general counsel of the Firearms Policy Coalition, said in a statement. Some of the group’s members are among the plaintiffs.

“California’s one-gun-a-month law directly violates California residents’ right to acquire arms and has no basis in history,” Mr. Wisniewski said. “Given it seems certain California will refuse to learn its lesson, we look forward to continuing to strike down its gun control regime and to defending this victory.”

“This is a win for gun rights and California gun owners,” Alan M. Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, another plaintiff, said in a statement. “There is no historical justification for limiting law-abiding citizens to a single handgun or rifle purchase during a one-month period, and Judge Hayes’ ruling clearly points that out.”


Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia, fifth largest economy and you still need Federal aid to hide your Homeless folks.

Views: 29

Yes Virginia, fifth largest economy and you still need Federal aid to hide your Homeless folks. We hear it all the time. California is the fifth largest economy in the world. We bail out red states, we carry the nation on our back. And on and on.

But now we see that California Democratic senators Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler announced just over $600 million in federal dollars to curb the spiraling homelessness crisis in the state, as officials struggle to get a handle on the problem exacerbated by drug addiction and mental illness. Mental illness is an issue especially in Sacramento.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Child Abuse Commentary Corruption Education Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Why are we surprised? It’s California. Test scores fall.

Views: 12

Why are we surprised? It’s California. Test scores fall. I was always taught that you went to school to learn how to read and write. But one school in the San Francisco school system is teaching hate, racism, and bigotry. So, what about the basics?

Just 3.8% of students were proficient in math and 11.6% at grade-level in English for the 2022-23 school year — a decline of about 4.5 percentage points in each category from the previous year, according to data from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. In plain English, they got worse. One reason why.

Student achievement at a San Francsico-area elementary school fell dramatically following the establishment of a woke teaching policy through a $250,000 federal grant.

Two years into a three-year contract with Woke Kindergarten, a for-profit company that trains teachers to confront white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression, and remove those barriers to learning, test scores in English and math at Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, California, reached new lows, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.

Tiger Craven-Neeley, a teacher at Glassbrook, told the Chronicle he supports discussing racism in the classroom but found the Woke Kindergarten training confusing and rigid. He said he was told a primary objective was to “disrupt whiteness” in the school — and that the sessions were “not a place to express white guilt.”

Craven-Neeley, who is white and a self-described “gay moderate,” said he questioned a trainer who used the phrasing “so-called United States,” as well as lessons available on the organization’s website offering “Lil’ Comrade Convos,” or positing a world without police, money, or landlords. He said he wasn’t trying to be difficult when he asked for clarification about disrupting whiteness.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Economy Education Links from other news sources.

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap.

Views: 9

4TH year in a row that folks are leaving California. That’s OK, the undocumented and Hamas supporters will fill in the gap. Yes my friends, we have the latest U-Haul flight list just out and guess who’s on top of that list? California is not the place to be.

For the fourth year in a row, liberal California topped U-Haul’s Growth Index list for having the largest net outbound movers in 2023. Don’t fret, the undocumented and Hamas supporters won’t abandon you.

U-Haul publishes its Growth Index report every year, analyzing the difference between the number of one-way U-Haul trucks coming into a state or city and those leaving. If a mover relocates from California to Texas, for example, that would be calculated as Texas’s gain.


Biden Cartel Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Would the Beverly Hillbellies move to California today?

Views: 21

Would the Beverly Hillbellies move to California today? Back in 2020, when the flight from California started, a loon from Northern California stated that they checked and every single person who left were Republicans and poor. I know, crazy, isn’t it?

The Hollywood stars who’ve moved out of California each have their reasons — some personal, some political. But what unites them is that California no longer holds the allure it once did.

Mark Wahlberg

The Oscar-nominated star moved with his family to Nevada so that he could “give my kids a better life.”

“So, we came here to just kind of give ourselves a new look, a fresh start for the kids, and there’s lot of opportunity here,” Wahlberg said in an interview last year. “I’m really excited about the future.”

“A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble,” Wahlberg said in another past interview. “They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family,” he said.

Sylvester Stallone

After decades living in Los Angeles, the Rocky star has moved with his family to Florida.

“It’s an incredible move, I have to say I’m really happy with our move and our change,” his wife Jennifer Flavin recently said.

Stallone revealed in his recent Netflix documentary Sly that the change of locale will hopefully inspire something creative in him.

“I wasn’t moving because ‘Oh, wow, I wanted another beautiful view.’ Any time changing that paradigm which you become used to, it’s literally to jump-start that process again,” he said.

Rod Stewart

The British rocker is selling his Los Angeles residence, saying he is fed up with the city’s “toxic culture.”

The 78-year-old star had initially listed his L.A. home for $70 million six months ago but upped the price to $80 million in his new listing. He plans to spend more time at his home in the U.K.

Sheryl Crow

The country music star said her decision to move from Los Angeles to Tennessee saved her life.

“I know how hard it is for especially young people — and I don’t know if anybody was pained by struggles like I did when I was young — but these are some tricky waters to navigate now,” she said earlier this year. “I’ll just tell you that, for me, getting out in nature really saved my life.”

Dean Cain

The Lois & Clark star quit California after decades, relocating to Nevada.

“I had to leave California. California has gone crazy in a sense,” he said. ” There’s been so much. Look at the taxation. Look at the regulations. Look at the silly laws that have been passed. There were things that I didn’t agree with, and I’ve been voting here and living here and working here my entire life. I finally got to a place where I was like, I don’t agree with this.”

Robert Davi

The Die Hard star (and director of My Son Hunter) left California for Florida.

“Dear Friends I quietly Moved to Florida 2 years ago,” the actor wrote in a recent X/Twitter post.

In his most recent article for Breitbart News, Davi praised GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s performance at the Republican primary debate in November, comparing his command of the stage to an expert knockout punch from Mike Tyson.

Kat von D

The celebrity fashionista and tattoo artist — who recently embraced Christianity — has bid farewell to California, moving to a small town in Indiana.

“Goodbye California!” she wrote in an Instagram post two years ago. “After much thought, we have decided we will permanently be moving to Indiana at the end of this year. We plan on selling our beautiful home here, and I will most likely open a private studio in Indiana once we are done with the house remodel there”

James Van Der Beek

The Dawson’s Creek star said goodbye to California, moving his family to Texas nearly three years ago.

As Breitbart News reported, the actor recently ripped the Democratic National Committee for backing President Joe Biden without allowing his challengers Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson to debate him on television.

“How is this a democracy?” he said in a social media video post.

Sean Patrick Flanery

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles actor also moved to Texas after years in California.

Speaking earlier this year in an interview with Breitbart News’ editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, he said he credits “traditional family values” — including hard work and meritocratic achievement — for the success he has experienced in his professional and personal life.

He said moving from California to Texas brought numerous benefits, including being closer to extended family members.

“I always wanted that for my kids,” he said. “We were thinking about going back and forth but we never actually did. We sold everything and our only regret was why didn’t we do it sooner?”

Nikki Sixx

The Mötley Crüe bassist says he and his family moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in 2020. “I wake up and I’m like, ‘I can’t think of a place I’d rather be,’’ he exclaimed.

The rocker said that the area’s outdoor activities like skiing and fishing make it a wonderful place to live, while his former home of Los Angeles is fine for the occasional visit.

“[During the pandemic] my journey took me back to a place where I can go fishing and see the mountains,” he remarked. “And then one day, my wife was like, ‘Why are we still here in California? This is a better place to raise our daughter.’ We find ourselves coming down to Los Angeles to see friends. But then we are happy to go back home. And we spend 95% of our time in Wyoming. It’s home.”


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

But, but $20 an hour was to create a fair livable wage. Pizza Hut across California lays off drivers.

Views: 30

But, but $20 an hour was to create a fair livable wage. Pizza Hut across California lays off drivers. So what happened? Why would anyone be surprised? This is only the beginning. The increase goes into effect come April. Don’t be surprised if more layoffs happen.

KTLA 5 reported:

Two large Pizza Hut operators in California are laying off all their delivery drivers ahead of a new state law that raises the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour, Business Insider reports.

The layoffs impact hundreds of Pizza Hut locations across the state including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Ventura and San Bernardino counties and Sacramento, and involve more than 1,200 in-house delivery drivers.

The job cuts will take place through February, according to federal employment notices obtained by Business Insider.

In 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed the FAST Act into law. It called for the minimum wage for fast-food workers to increase to $22 an hour in 2023. But corporate chains such as McDonald’s, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, and franchise-advocacy groups fought the law. A coalition of restaurant-industry organizations said the law could raise costs for fast-food restaurants by $3 billion. They rallied to get a referendum on the ballot.

A new law, AB 1228, replaced the controversial FAST Act this year. The minimum-wage increase for fast-food workers was changed to $20 an hour. The new law was viewed as a compromise between the labor unions representing fast-food workers and the restaurant industry.

So, now those folks will have to rely on third party delivery services and you know that won’t be cheap. The law affects 557,000 fast-food workers at 30,000 restaurants in California.


Commentary Food Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

What did you think would happen? California farm workers make less with overtime law.

Views: 11

What did you think would happen? California farm workers make less with overtime law. A law took effect back in 2019 that put the farm workers on overtime pay. It passed in 2016. As it was phased it the idea was to have the farm workes make more money. But did it work?

A recent  study showed that some of the workers were making from 100 to 200 dollars less a week. Why? Many farmworkers are not working overtime and their take-home pay has decreased as a result of employers reducing hours.

“We have an option to keep fighting for an agricultural economy in which workers are treated with dignity and have a real say,” said Antonio De Loera-Brust, communications director for UFW.

De Loera-Brust conceded the union has heard from workers who have had their hours cut, but emphasized that employers are the ones making the schedules. He also acknowledged that retailers continue to raise prices, which creates a “horrible race to the bottom” that hurts growers and workers.





Biden Cartel Commentary Green Energy Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Emissions in California are getting worse not better.

Views: 39

Yes Virginia, Emissions in California are getting worse not better. I did an article at breaking news where I sugar coated it so Progressive cultist could understand. Well they just wanted to pretend that facts don’t matter. When ever you give them facts, they go to the 12th paragraph and line 27 and say but it says this. So here in the reality world(not progressives’ wet dreams) are the facts.

Now even a fanatic on the left points out that the state is lying about the real emission numbers in California.

“Governor Newsom has taken unprecedented action to get there — investing tens of billions of dollars to transition to clean energy, taking action to cut pollution, and moving us away from fossil fuels.” What gets counted in these estimates?

Research by Leehi Yona, a PhD candidate at Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences, showed that California omits key emission sources from its greenhouse accounting numbers — from aviation to shipping and wildfires.

“An increase in emissions is concerning in and of itself, but it’s also important to know that those emissions are underestimates to begin with,” she said. “So the fact that they’re increasing is doubly worrying, if we’re thinking about our progress as a state addressing climate change.”

Read more at:

Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to increase globally and in California. In California is the key word here.


What does the indicator show?

Monthly average atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

The graph shows monthly average atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations measured in parts per million at four locations: (1) Mauna Loa, Hawaii (1958-2021); (2) La Jolla (1957-2021); (3) Point Arena (1999-2011); (4) Trinidad Head (2002-2017).

In the last five years, the yearly increase in carbon dioxide levels accelerated to about 2.4 ppm per year from an average rate of 1.6 ppm per year over the past 6 decades.

Here’s the bottom line. The earth is not in great danger the way the left claims. But California with it’s strict rules and guidelines still can’t control nature.



COVID Economy Reprints from others. Uncategorized Unions

Unions destroy the California housing market.

Views: 8

This editorial board routinely decries the failure of state lawmakers to address some of the biggest issues that confront California, but we’ve been pleasantly surprised by the state’s continuing commitment to loosen the encrusted housing-construction rules that create years-long delays to build important new projects.

The latest two governors have signed dozens of housing-related bills — the most significant of which reduce housing regulations and zoning requirements. One of the earliest ones is 2017’s Senate Bill 35 by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco. Although we generally disagree with his politics, we can’t deny that Wiener has been a force of nature on the housing front.

SB 35 created a template for housing reform. It gives developers have a right to build their properties without going through the long and subjective local approval process provided the projects meet some basic standards.

For instance, the streamlined projects must be multi-family projects located on an urban infill site and conform to general zoning and design standards. The projects also must contain certain levels of affordability and conform to a long list of other standards. Developers also were required to pay their workers union-level wages.

Obviously, we prefer a wider loosening of standards, but negotiating any serious reform that might actually pass in the state Capitol means confronting the vested interests that hold sway. SB 35 passes our test of offering far more good than bad, even if we have to hold our collective noses at the bad.

Prominent research already has detailed the specific ways that SB 35 has helped cities build affordable-housing and homeless-related projects. However, SB 35 will sunset in 2026 and Wiener has introduced a new bill, Senate Bill 423, to make its provisions permanent.

The legislative sausage-making process never is pleasant, but it’s dismaying to see major unions throw a wrench in that process to achieve self-interested provisions. The bill would eliminate certain union-only hiring regulations because, as CalMatters explained, “there aren’t enough unionized construction workers to build all the new housing California requires.”

Two major unions have admirably backed the bill even though some of the more politically powerful construction unions oppose it, the article adds. Former Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez — author of disastrous Assembly Bill 5, which largely banned independent contracting — attacked the proposed change in her usual class-warfare manner.

Unfortunately, local governments also opposed the law’s extension. Transparently slow-growth efforts by cities such as Huntington Beach to stymie housing construction, however, only reinforce the need for state regulatory pre-emptions.
Regarding union opposition, construction trades already enjoy many government-granted privileges. Trade unions tout the benefits that they offer builders in terms of training and apprenticeship programs. So union workers will naturally grab the lion’s share of new construction jobs, but they want to use the government to grab it all.

“We say, represent and raise all workers up,” Northern California Carpenters Regional Council executive secretary Jay Bradshaw told CalMatters. “It’s an organizing opportunity and we’ll produce housing at all income levels.” We wholeheartedly agree.

Housing streamlining rules such as SB 423 will help the state meet its desperate housing needs – and help all workers in the process. They help cities, too.

It would be a shame if narrow interests derail one of the rare areas where the state has the right idea.


Daily Hits. Gun Control Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

California’s gun control works for who? 9 mass shootings up to April 16th.

Views: 41

California’s gun control works for who? 9 mass shootings up to April 16th. And it’s not just this year. From 1982 to 2023 California leads the nation in mass shootings. More than Texas and Floridan combined. How can that possibly be? One California loon claims that every single mass shooting was with a gun bought outside of California. SMH.

Now I’m sure that the Progressives who follow this website will say the answer is simple. Pass more gun control. How crazy is that? Obvious that states like California that have these laws, either don’t enforce them, or they just don’t work.

What’s the answer? First thing is to look at who and where the shootings are happening? In minority neighborhoods? If so you set up check points and increase police presence.

Nuff said. That’s a start.



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