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Musk and Trump come to the rescue. Biden Harris said Joe did it.

Musk and Trump come to the rescue. Biden Harris said Joe did it.

Trump says he spoke with Musk to deploy Starlink for emergency communications in areas hit by Hurricane Helene. This came before Biden claimed he “directed” the Starlink rollout, which has now provided satellite systems for responders in North Carolina. Elon says SpaceX is sending as many Starlink terminals as possible to the impacted regions, allowing residents to access critical communications. Starlink: “For those impacted by Hurricane Helene, or looking to support response and recovery efforts in affected areas, Starlink is now free for 30 days.”|twcamptweetembed|twterm1841625654397108493|twgr671aec4c363c24e57c257a6934b94983ec889634|twcons1_&

What’s sad is that the link would have been in place if the Harris-Biden FCC decision not to move forward with an award for SpaceX’s Starlink, which would have provided rural broadband. Musk suggested that the decision may have cost lives in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

Musk wrote on X, “Had the FCC not illegally revoked the SpaceX Starlink award, it would probably have saved lives in North Carolina. Lawfare costs lives.”|twcamptweetembed|twterm1841533475414749383|twgr671aec4c363c24e57c257a6934b94983ec889634|twcons1_&


Journalism. Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Uncategorized

Liz Truss. One of my new world Heroes.

Liz Truss. One of my new world Heroes. The former British Prime minister lasted a very short time. Biden and Europe’s deep state did her in. She had great plans to turn their economy around.

Below is the lefts attack on Liz. Some say she should have stayed and fight the good old boy network. When your own party joins in on the attack, you have little chance to succeed.

Liz now is starting a new Conservative movement in the UK. She spoke at CPAC and had some chilling things to say about Biden and the left. Time will tell if she succeeds.

Liz is just one example. Others are succedong where she failed. All over Europe the right is surging ahead. Everywhere you look, the left is losing – in Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Hungary and now, following an election victory for the New Democracy, Greece.

Alice Weidel, Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni (Composite via Getty Images)

The women of the new right are more concerned with protecting borders, jobs and families. They may differ about how much free trade and state intervention there should be. But they are united by their patriotism and refusal to be cowed by green ‘net zero’ agendas. They also oppose those who reject the reality of biological sex. As women, they are less easily accused of bigotry when they reject trans ideology. When they propose to abolish income tax for couples who have three or more children – as Meloni has done – they can’t be accused of male chauvinism.

Biden Pandemic COVID Faked news MSM Uncategorized

The Un-Vaccinated are not the enemy. Stop treating them like one.

In case you haven’t noticed, the Left, MSM, Tony the fauch, CDC, and the FDA HAVE DECLARED American citizens as enemies of the state. What’s really sad is they declared open war on the first responders. The same folks who saved hundreds of thousands from dying because of the Obama- Biden pandemic.

Causing many to have to give up their livelihood, some to commit suicide, and many asking why? What was their crime? Who did they kill? Wait they saved the lives of those who would call for their heads.


Happy Veterans Day. Honor the heroes.

Happy Veterans Day. Honor the heroes. We here in the states honor our heroes. Those men and women who served and gave their life to protect our freedom.

So if you, or someone in your family served, please let us know. It can be in any country. I honor my father and oldest brother who served.