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Just my two cents. Why the UAW has no choice but to try and Unionize other auto and battery plants.

Views: 15

Just my two cents. Why the UAW has no choice but to try and Unionize other auto and battery plants. What choice does the union management have?

We all have seen the numbers. The auto plants when they switch over to all electric, will be half the size of what they are now. Management knows that but they don’t care because they will keep their jobs.

If non union auto workers ask the tough questions, there’s no way that they will vote to unionize. So how will this be done?

The UAW says it will spend $40 million in new funds to support the organizing of workers in nonunion auto plants and battery facilities, “particularly in the South,” through 2026.


Commentary The Law Unions Weaponization of Government. Work Place

If I had one bill, one page. Prevailing wage. Page 2.

Views: 7

If I had one bill, one page. Prevailing wage. Page 2. I would propose a bill that would do away with prevailing wage. Prevailing wage is a law that pays workers the region’s standards for hourly wages, benefits, and overtime, as calculated by the U.S. Department of Labor and Ohio Department of Commerce.

The overtime would stay, but companies would not be forced to pay a set high standard and would not be forced to be union. Example if a Union company is  paying on average say $35.00 an hour, and a non Union company is paying $ 20.00 an hour, you go with the non union company.

The law would read. Any local or state that uses prevailing wage, undocumented workers or states the job needs to be done by union workers would be denied federal funds for that project.


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