Biden Cartel Commentary Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia, when you protest against the war and carry Hamas flags, you do support Hamas and not Israel.

Views: 12

Yes Virginia, when you protest against the war and carry Hamas flags, you do support Hamas and not Israel. You see these protests and always in the crowd are folks chanting racial slurs and making comments that support Hamas.

But you have MSM and white progressive supremacists telling us that this is just a friendly protest asking for a cease fire. Are there some folks who want a cease fire? But why aren’t they asking for Hamas and their Arab supporters asking for a release of the hostages? Why aren’t there Israeli flags being carried?

Some protesters were also heard shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “mobilize the intifada.” 


Opinion Politics

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer.

Views: 16

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer. Sure most of the media is focused on January 6th. But to only look at that does injustice to the hundreds of police officers who were injured. And how about the 47 folks killed by BLM and Antifa.

So Congress wants this commission to look at January 6th. I say that the terrorist acts of BLM and Antifa must also be looked at. January 6th was one day. Last summer’s riots went on for days. Police were prepared back in June. As was the mayor. Why things went differently in January, only they can answer that.



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