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Let me get this straight. You lock down in stale air, You mask up indoors and out, You social distance, Your state doesn’t distribute the Vaccine, and you wonder why people are dying? Do you practice stupidity? I have news for you. If you continue this, it gets worse.
We all know folks like this. Locked down, afraid of going to work or the store. Live in a state that takes care of the undocumented but ignores its own citizens. But to make things better, you say it’s Trumps fault. Yes the same Trump who promised you a Vaccine and many on the left led by race baiter Harris who said I’ll not take the Trump miracle Vaccine. Guess what? She did and now your wondering why you don’t have yours yet.
Well ask your Blue Governor, or State Legislature why you have no Vaccine. So thank the fauch, Harris, Biden, Blue Governors, and Blue State Legislatures. Nuff Said.