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Why White Trump Supporters lie about who they will vote for and poor Black and Latino Supporters don’t.

Why White Trump Supporters lie about who they will vote for, and poor Black and Latino Supporters don’t. Let’s be honest, whites know that the Progressives will dox and threaten to physically harm whites if they come out and say who they support other than Harris.

Poor Blacks and Latinos know that those same lily whites are fearful of coming to the ghettos. Also, the white’s stereo type all minorities as gang bangers and rapists.

MSNBC’S Wagner asked the group about Trump’s comments about migrants coming to take “Black jobs.”

“Well, first of all, they are,” Armstrong said. “They are illegal aliens. They are taking jobs that belong to the citizens of this country. It is just the fact that Trump is saying it out loud. That is why the fact that we rally around, behind Trump, because at the end of the day, this is the stuff we have been shouting out as a community.”