Crime Just my own thoughts Politics

Mar-a-Largo doesn’t compare to Biden’s Penngate Part 1

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Mar-a-Largo doesn’t compare to Biden’s Penngate Part 1

I’ll be doing a series on this Biden Penngate. Not sure how many articles this will take. No matter what political side you fall on, the same legal statutes pertain to both situations.

Difference is that Mar-a-Largo is political. Biden’s Penngate may end up as one, but as of now Garland is making it a political cover up. Mar-a-Largo got a special prosecutor cause Garland said the DOJ should keep it’s distance. But the Bien Penngate gets handled by the DOJ. Why? Both cases involve top secret documents removed from the White House.

Why is Biden’s situation different and possibly illegal? Trump as President can declassify documents. He said he used his executive powers. Only way we will find out is is if he’s taken to court on this matter. Biden as Vice President does not have the power to declassify documents.

The whole time the National Archives knew Trump had the documents. No one but Biden or his people knew about these documents. 

Supposedly the Biden went and turned these in. Two months ago. A search was done of Trumps residence. None done of Biden’s. Why wasn’t this made public two months ago?

Let’s look at secure location. Mar-a-Largo had a Secret Service detail on location. The documents were in a locked room. Biden had the Secret documents in a public building locked in a closet. Anyone could access  this closet or  public building.

The people who stored the documents. Trumps people were inexperienced and may have not realized what they initially had done. Biden for years had government clearance. He had experienced people who worked with him for years. They knew what could and could not be removed.

My sources tell me that just maybe the documents would be used for a book when Biden does finally retire? To be continued.

Part 2 will be posted on





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