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Progressives eating one of their own. Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell.

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Left, most recent search results for “Morell” in the New York Times. Right, Google News.

Progressives eating one of their own. Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morel. How funny is this. One of the left wings own told the truth about how the fix was in with the MSM. Not so say Progressives. Claiming that Biden and Blinken are innocent.

Folks on the left are claiming that there was no attempt to keep the Hunter Biden story hidden or write phony articles or post a false Russian story.

In that letter, which is not easy to find, you’ll see three snippets of dialogue from questioning of Morell, who appears to have organized the open letter. In the first snippet, he explains that the idea originated with a call from Blinken, then of the Biden campaign, and that absent that call, Morell wouldn’t have done what he did:

In the second snippet Morell bluntly explains that he did it because “I wanted him to win,” him being Joe Biden:





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