Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Nielsen: Newsmax No. 1 for Ratings Growth on Cable News.

Views: 9

Nielsen: Newsmax No. 1 for Ratings Growth on Cable News.

TV ratings statistics.

Newsmax is continuing its success in key Nielsen ratings for the second quarter of 2023, blowing away all major cable news channels.

Newsmax led the top cable news competition — including Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN — in ratings growth for the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter of 2022.

According to Nielsen, during Q2 2023 Newsmax ‘s growth was explosive:

  • 71% increase in total audience for total day
  • 50% increase in total audience 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday
  • 126% increase in total audience in prime time Monday to Friday

No other leading cable TV network comes close to Newsmax’s ratings gains.

Meanwhile, Fox News saw a significant decline of audience ratings, losing 21% of its prime viewers and a 28% decline in the key 35-64 age demographic for the same time period.

Fox News’ prime-time fall has been attributed to the abrupt firing of top-rated cable host Tucker Carlson.

At the same time, Newsmax has made tremendous gains.

“It’s clear millions of Americans are making the switch to Newsmax, and they’re staying,” Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said. “We have a powerhouse night lineup that begins with Greta Van Susteren and continues with Rob Schmitt, Eric Bolling, Chris Plante, and Greg Kelly.”

Megyn Kelly told “Eric Bolling The Balance” this week that the “ideological” turn at Fox News, which increasingly has become more establishment and anti-Trump, is a key reason for the ratings losses.

“I think the whole network kind of outstayed its welcome,” “Tucker” biographer Chadwick Moore told Eric Bolling last week. “They’ve continually offended their core audience, and they seem to not care.”


Links from other news sources. Public Service Announcement Reprints from others. The Courts

Winning at the 9th. James O’Keefe Wins HUGE Lawsuit in Oregon: Court Rules Anti-Recording Law Unconstitutional

Views: 20

Winning at the 9th. James O’Keefe Wins HUGE Lawsuit in Oregon: Court Rules Anti-Recording Law Unconstitutional. This article was originally posted at the GP.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the law that prohibits recording in the state of Oregon. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas filed the lawsuit in Portland, Oregon back in 2020.

In Project Veritas vs Schmidt, the organization argued it had a right to engage in undercover journalism and record people without their consent. “WON in Ninth Circuit – Federal Appeals Court STRIKES DOWN Oregon criminal recording law” James O’Keefe said boasting about his win.

“It violates the 1st amendment right to free speech, INVALID ON ITS FACE” – the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling.

“Oregon Revised Statute 165.540(1)(c). This law prohibited anyone from making an audio recording unless that person “specifically informed” others they were recording. But the law also included special permissions from the government to allow for non-notified recording of the police, but not any other government employee,” O’Keefe said.

“That just leaves the government putting its thumb on the lens of newsgathering, deciding which news is easiest to get and skewing reporting. Like the Ninth Circuit has explained before, whatever concerns Oregon has over shoddy reporting or “fake news,” the remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true and not the suppression of speech.” O’Keefe added.

Circuit Judge Sandra S. Ikuta out of the 9th circuit in Pasadena, California authored the opinion. Ikuta wrote, “Oregon does not have a compelling interest in protecting individuals’ conversational privacy from other individuals’ protected speech in places open to the public, even if that protected speech consists of creating audio or visual recordings of other people.”






Education Links from other news sources. WOKE

What part of the 14th Amendment and parents rights don’t Progressives understand?

Views: 23

What part of the 14th Amendment and parents rights don’t Progressives understand? We keep on seeing how schools are trying to be educators and parents at the same time. Failing at both.


 The Supreme Court has recognized that parents have a 14th Amendment right to the care, custody, and control of their children.

I know that those on the left have issues with the 14th Amendment, but it’s very clear. Recently in Wyoming a judge blocked a school from hiding students’ gender identities from their parents.

“It’s difficult to envision why a school would even claim much less how a school could establish  a generalized interest in withholding or concealing from the parents of minor children information fundamental to their identity, personhood, and mental and emotion wellbeing.

More recently, this Court declared in Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997), that the Constitution, and specifically the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, protects the fundamental right of parents to direct the care, upbringing, and education of their children.


How sick is this? Politics Reprints from others.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes gives Supreme Court middle-finger salute

Views: 63

Mayes promises to enforce Arizona’s public accommodation law to protect the LGBTQ community in spite of the court’s ruling in a Colorado case.

 Opinion by EJ Montini for Arizona Republic

Colorado has a law on the books that says, in simple terms, a business open to the public can’t discriminate against gay people.

The radical right-wing majority of the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling last week saying that, yes, it can.

The court took the side of a web designer in Colorado who said it was her First Amendment right to refuse to design wedding websites for same-sex couples.

Arizona has a law much like Colorado’s.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes announced in no uncertain terms that her office is determined to enforce it, the US Supreme Court and freedom of religious conscience be damned.

Mayes calls ruling ‘woefully misguided’

After the court announced its decision in the Colorado case, Mayes issued a statement that read in part, “Today, a woefully misguided majority of the United States Supreme Court has decided that businesses open to the public may, in certain circumstances, discriminate against LGBTQ+ Americans.

“While my office is still reviewing the decision to determine its effects, I agree with Justice Sotomayor — the idea that the Constitution gives businesses the right to discriminate is ‘profoundly wrong.’ ”

Mayes is referring to a dissenting opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who wrote in part, “Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class.”

[Protected class means that they are “more equal than others” — to quote George Orwell’s Animal Farm. –TPR]

She added, “By issuing this new license to discriminate … the immediate, symbolic effect of the decision is to mark gays and lesbians for second-class status.”

Not in Arizona, according to Mayes.

She will ‘continue to enforce’ Arizona’s law

She said in her statement, “Despite today’s ruling, Arizona law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation, including discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity.

“If any Arizonan believes that they have been the victim of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, or ancestry in a place of public accommodation, they should file a complaint with my office. I will continue to enforce Arizona’s public accommodation law to its fullest extent.”

The extremist majority of the Supreme Court appears willing to nudge the country into a modern-day Jim Crow era.

For now, however, members of the LGBTQ community in Arizona do not have to sit in the back of the bus.

[It would seem that AG Mayes (and the OpEd writer) both feel that the “protected classes” should have preferential treatment over the other “non-protected” people in their state. — TPR]



Links from other news sources. The Courts

So why do Progressives claim Conservative Judges act as legislatures, but have no issues with Liberal Judges actually legislating?

Views: 33

So why do Progressives claim Conservative Judges act as legislatures, but have no issues with Liberal Judges actually legislating? Many on the left are upset with the recent 6-3 Supreme Court decisions. Yes 6-3.

Claiming that Conservative Judges are doing the jobs of the legislature, and not recusing themselves from certain cases. But for some reason the Progressives had no issues when  the North Carolina and Pennsylvania Justices rewrote the state redistricting maps. Also not a word when Sotomayor didn’t recuse herself from her book publishers cases before the court.


AOC said the conservative Supreme Court Justices need a “check on their power” or we will start seeing a “dangerous authoritarian expansion of power.”



Crime How sick is this? Opinion

Blacks killing Blacks in Baltimore blamed on “White Supremacists”

Views: 31

Race baiters can’t let a tragedy go to waste to suit their narrative.

The original tweet: said: Currently a significant police and medical deployment has been initiated in response to a mass shooting that occurred during a large gathering that was taking place in Brooklyn Homes, Baltimore Maryland. Law enforcement authorities have reported a total of 30 individuals has been shot with gunshot wounds, out of which four fatalities have been also confirmed.


Contrasted with this retweet: White supremacists, using illegal firearms, shot at least 30 Black victims killing at least 2 in Maryland last night. The suspects had very dark complexions and are considered armed and dangerous.

Hmm. “White Supremacists  using illegal firearms” with “very dark complexions.” Does anyone else see the totally obvious contradiction in those two quoted phrases?

This was a black-on-black crime.

Whites didn’t commit it. Otherwise, this idiot would have claimed they had put on blackface to disguise their race/ethnicity. No, this is just another case of someone fomenting conflict to divide the country.

(Some) light-skinned blacks look down on darker-skinned ones. And some dark-skinned ones want to be fairer. Why did Nicki Minaj bleach her skin?

This same-race racism was true 50+ years ago and is still true today. Calling someone back then a “nappy-headed n*gger” or “Uncle Tom/Oreo” between blacks was a definite insult and sometimes led to a fight.

Lazy blacks also seem to look down on successful blacks (except in sports/entertainment, maybe) because they give lie to the constant whine that they — being black — can’t succeed solely because they are “oppressed.”

And, of course, these self-identified victims whine about being called out on their self-centeredness. See: “Why White Racist Humor Is No Joke for Black People” where they whine that whites like black comedy that deprecates blacks. The OpEd — written under the pseudonym of “Gus Renegade” in the ATLANTA BLACK STAR in 2015 — blatantly panders to black racism while blaming everything on whites and attacking Chris Rock and Trevor Noah for not following the narrative.

“There’s Black folks and then there’s …n*ggers.”

As Chris Rock himself said in an HBO-recorded show, “…there’s black folks, and then there’s n*ggers.” He even said that regular blacks look down on these troublemakers for the same reasons everyone else does: because they are troublemakers.

That’s not to say that there are no racist whites; there are, and they’re almost exclusively far-left Democrats. Or, as my colleague MC calls them: “White plantationists.”

Typical leftist tactics being supported by their own victims, SMH.

What say you?




Links from other news sources. Racism. WOKE

Winning. NFL Star’s Charity Golf Tournament Gets Great News After Event Initially Canceled at Trump Resort.

Views: 17

Winning. NFL Star’s Charity Golf Tournament Gets Great News After Event Initially Canceled at Trump Resort.

Yes my friends the far left had put pressure on the original sponsor cause this event was at a Trump golf course.

Buffalo Bills All-Pro safety Jordan Poyer announced Friday that his charity golf tournament, which he had been forced to cancel because having the event at Trump National in Doral, Florida, made some folks squeamish, is back on.

The event, which tees off July 10, is now sponsored by PublicSq, according to the New York Post. It will remain at the course owned by former President Donald Trump.

“The great news is that the tournament is going to happen,” Poyer said, according to Fox News.

“We had the most amount of tremendous support around the country. We had a sponsor — PublicSq — based right out here in Florida … they’re going to sponsor the entire tournament. And the tournament is actually happening July 10 at the same exact place,” he said.

“We are grateful to announce that PublicSq will be our presenting sponsor for this year’s edition. We also want to highlight the outpouring of support that we have received from professional athletes, the general public, businesses and charitable organizations across the country. In the next couple of days, we will announce our athlete and celebrity lineup.” Avalon Sports, which represents Poyer, said in a statement.



Links from other news sources. Science Uncategorized

So what’s next? Make a pair of sunglasses for the sun? White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change.

Views: 43

So what’s next? Make a pair of sunglasses for the sun? White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change. Solar Radiation Modification. So the WH is looking into Junk Science again? This from FOX.

A research document published on the White House website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the Earth from climate change.

The congressionally mandated report released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Friday shows that the team has been researching “geoengineering” methods to keep the sun rays from accelerating global warming.

As the University of Oxford notes in its entry on the subject, “geoengineering” is “the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change.”

The White House revealed it is studying ways to alter the Earth’s atmosphere to block the sun’s rays and slow climate change. (David L. Ryan/Boston Globe via Getty Images)





Education Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans?

Views: 11

Why are Progressives comparing the PPP loans to the student loans? First I do realize it’s mostly low level white trash and progressive politicians who are making this comparison.

A student loan was a loan to where you sign off that when it’s due, you pay it back. These loans have been paid off by tens of millions.

 The government forcibly locked down hairdressers, family restaurants, and other small businesses, and jeopardized the livelihoods of their employees–as well as their access to employer-provided health care. To address this, Congress worked in a bipartisan way to offer Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to help these businesses and their workers stay afloat. As a result, the program supported 51 million jobs to get through the pandemic across the economy.

Anyone who had a small business could qualify for this. So if say Bill Gates of Microsoft started a small business outside of Microsoft, he would have been eligible for forgiveness. Just like the person who say had a catering hot dog stand outside of their state capitol, same thing.

By contrast, President Biden’s student loan giveaway largely benefits the wealthy, forcing this debt onto lower-income American taxpayers in the form of higher taxes and more inflation.




Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Racism. Work Place

Why are white progressives so afraid of merit?

Views: 57

Why are white progressives so afraid of merit? You would have thought that after they lost the Civil War, white progressives would have accepted their black brothers and sisters as equals.

But after 150 plus years the progressives still are acting as if blacks are their personal property. At least with this weeks Supreme Court ruling, it will be much harder for schools to pack their enrollment with students that are at the eight grade level in many basic subjects.

Next stop? Hopefully the workplace.



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