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California teacher who criticized ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program put on leave.

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California teacher who criticized ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program put on leave. Can you believe this? Last week I did a story on a school that’s failing and WOKE Kindergarten was the reason said some. The story can be found here.

Now this just came to my attention.

A California teacher who publicly criticized his school district’s investment in a “Woke Kindergarten” program was placed on administrative leave Thursday, the teacher said.

Hayward Unified School District teacher Tiger Craven-Neeley told the San Francisco Chronicle he was asked to hand over his keys and laptop and not return to his classroom at Glassbrook Elementary until further notice.

School officials told the teacher he was being placed on paid leave over “allegations of unprofessional conduct,” but gave no other reason, Craven-Neeley told the paper.

The organization also has “Woke” words of the day like ceasefire “abolish” and “Woke Wonderings” about challenging the “legitimacy of the Supreme Court” and abolishing the police, money and the military.

Glassbrook is predominantly Latino/ Hispanic and more than 80% of students are English learners, the Chronicle reported. Some teachers complained anonymously about the funds spent on teaching children to be “abolitionists” while reading scores are low, but Craven-Neeley spoke out on the record.

He was quoted saying that Woke Kindergarten trainers told him he should try to “disrupt Whiteness” in the classroom.

“What does that mean?” Craven-Neeley said to the Chronicle. “I just want to know, what does that mean for a third-grade classroom?”






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