Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Terrorism

Let Hell (Sheol) on earth begin for Hamas and their supporters. Israel launches airstrikes on Rafah.

Views: 45

Let Hell (Sheol) on earth begin for Hamas and their supporters. Israel launches airstrikes on Rafah. It has begun. Israel is doing what they promised. Let the destruction of Hamas begin.

Four soldiers were killed and 10 injured. The soldiers fell at the Kerem Shalom Border Crossing on Sunday. The rockets that killed them and injured a number of others, were fired from Rafah. Now this crossing has been closed and Hamas supporters will claim that the IDF is starving their followers.

Anyone who has updates please post them. this from Axios.

Israel Defense Forces plan to control the Palestinian side of the crossing and monitor all aid coming into Gaza, a source with direct knowledge told Axios.




Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach

Yes Virginia, a Congressman and Senator committed the same crime that Joe Biden did ( BIDEN ALSO COMITTED OTHER CRIMES) . Guess who wasn’t indicted.

Views: 13

Yes Virginia, a Congressman and Senator committed the same crime that Joe Biden did ( BIDEN ALSO COMITTED OTHER CRIMES) . Guess who wasn’t indicted.

Two other politicians took bribes from foreign countries. As did Joe Biden and his family. Plus Biden stole, yes stole top secret documents. But Joe isn’t indicted.

Oh I forgot, the special prosecutor stated that Biden’s elevator was stuck in the basement. But the facts are that he was guilty.

Bidens brother took money from others on the promise that Joe would do favors. Then his brother passes on to him money. Why?


Commentary Education Emotional abuse Leftist Virtue(!) Life Science Transgender Weaponization of Government. WOKE

Sex is binary. The XXY chromosome disorder appears in 1.72% of the MALE population –which makes it 0.86 of the total population. Your sex is binary.

Views: 29

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. Males are accused of “Toxic Masculinity.” Of trying to control women via “the patriarchy.” And — whether white or not — enjoying their “White Privilege” to oppress others. But they should treat gold-digging, entitled little princesses like royalty and cater to their every whim.

Seriously, why would any self-respecting, sane woman want to “identify” as a man?

Oh, wait, that question answers itself.

Similarly, why would a self-respecting man want to “identify” as a woman? Is it because he’s a wimp who can’t succeed against other men?

It started when over-the-hill Bobby Riggs started challenging women tennis pros to best of 3 tennis matches. Billy Jean King, who was a bit over half his age at the time, shellacked the peacock 6-4, 6-3, 6-3.

Then we have “Renee” Richards (born Richard Raskind) who, after playing tennis for years, opted to mutilate hirself so “she” could play against women.

And let’s not forget “Lia” Thomas, who went from being ranked below the 400 mark as a MALE swimmer, suddenly vaulted to #1 as a WOMAN(!) swimmer. Sorry, at 6’4″ and packing a sausage between your legs, you are not female, and should not be competing against actual biological women.

If you want to diddle someone of your own sex, go ahead — in private. Dress how you want to, but don’t get upset if someone “mis-genders” you because you look like you’re cosplaying.

I do really wonder why all these crazy people are wandering around feeling entitled to insult and harass people who would happily mind their own business if these nut cases would just leave everyone else alone! Note that Karens/Kevins suffer from similar mental disorders of entitled-ness and delusions.

Seriously, who in their right mind would show signs saying “Queers for Hamas” when they would be killed on sight (if they were lucky) or tortured, killed, and paraded around like a hunting trophy while they spit the corpse (if not)—if actually living in Gaza.

Ah yes, the question again answers itself.

I have one rule in dealing with people: you respect me and my friends, and I’ll respect you. Disrespect me, and I’ll give you a chance to apologize; if you insist on continuing, there will be trouble.

Oh yes, that 1.72% with abnormal chromosomes? They are biologically male.

There are only two sexes/genders in reality. Get over it.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13.

Views: 33

New Law One Page. Three hours to vacate. Part 13. This would pertain to any private or public school that receives federal money. Peaceful protest is one thing. Set up encampments is another.

First a permit must be applied for and it must have a time limit. Second if no permit is issued, the protestors have three hours to vacate. Third the protestors are liable for clean up and the cost of security. If the rules are not followed the protestors will be arrested and tried in a federal court.

USC and UCLA were right to clear the campuses, but this never should have gone more than the first day. Filing federal charges means no slap on the wrist.

Nuff Said.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Hicks helped Trump’s case.

Views: 27

Yes Virginia, Hicks helped Trump’s case. If you read any of MSM’s comments on the Hicks testimony, only thing their version left out was that Trump was ready to declare that he was guilty.

Far from it. Hicks actually helped Trump’s case. When Hicks took the stand, she took the position that while Trump preferred that the Stormy Daniels story came out after the election instead of before, his main interest in keeping these allegations buried was to shield Melania from hearing about it. 

“Absolutely…I don’t think he wanted anyone in his family to be hurt or embarrassed about anything on the campaign. He wanted them to be proud of him,” she said, according to Fox News.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, we will take you to court every time we catch you breaking the law.

Views: 30

Yes Virginia, we will take you to court every time we catch you breaking the law. Thanks to America First Legal (AFL) and former President Donald Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, the Biden administration again was forced to disband an illegal government agency they created.

The Biden Admin will dissolve & disband its unlawful DHS Intelligence Experts Group. Also in that ruling, A judge ordered President Joe Biden’s deeply criticized “disinformation” group within 30 days and provide former Trump White House official Stephen Miller’s AFL access to documents and records within 15 days.

This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. This is the second illegal Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) violation the Biden administration has agreed to disband following a lawsuit filed by AFL. In December 2022, the Department of Education disbanded its illegal Parents Council following legal action brought by AFL on behalf of its clients, Parents Defending Education and Fight for Schools and Families.




Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with. Jack Smith’s team admits it also misled court..

Views: 53

Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with. Jack Smith’s team admits it also misled court. Smith has a history of lying and misleading the courts. That may why he has a history of having convictions overturned.

In a stunning admission, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team is admitting that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated since it was seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time.

Smith’s team in a footnote also conceded it had misled the court about the problem by previously declaring that the evidence had remained in the exact state it had been seized.

“The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” the footnote said.


Biden Cartel California. Commentary Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Why is the state with the largest oil reserves have the highest gasoline prices?

Views: 24

Why is the state with the largest oil reserves have the highest gasoline prices? First it’s the taxes. Second it’s the lack of drilling off shore where they have a goldmine of reserves. And of  course horizontal drilling (fracking ) is mostly non existent.

The national average for a gallon of gas waffled up and down over the past week before settling higher by two cents at $3.67.  The slight increase in pump prices happened despite a lull in domestic gasoline demand and falling oil prices.

“From a demand perspective, we have entered the pre-Memorial Day funk,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “And the cost of a barrel of oil is nearly $10 less than two weeks ago, as oil prices have fallen into the upper $70s. This may keep pump prices somewhat flat for the immediate future.”

According to new data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), gas demand rose slightly from 8.42 million b/d to 8.62 last week. Meanwhile, total domestic gasoline stocks increased by .4 million bbl to 227.1 million bbl.  Tepid demand, increasing supply, and falling oil prices could lower pump prices.

Today’s national average is $3.67, 14 cents more than a month ago and 8 cents more than a year ago. Below is California as of May 3rd. I paid $3.09 yesterday here in Ohio.

Current Avg.$5.357$5.576$5.738$5.386
Yesterday Avg.$5.367$5.586$5.748$5.394
Week Ago Avg.$5.401$5.618$5.783$5.420
Month Ago Avg.$5.200$5.389$5.559$5.407
Year Ago Avg.$4.846$5.058$5.207$5.226


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Documents Reveal Biden WH Worked With Archives on Trump Case.

Views: 25

Documents Reveal Biden WH Worked With Archives on Trump Case.

By Julie Kelly, RealClearInvestigations
May 2, 2024

Jack Smith, special counsel: Opposed releasing files on the handling of Trump’s documents case.

Top Biden administration officials worked with the National Archives to develop Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against Donald Trump involving the former president’s alleged mishandling of classified material, according to recently unsealed court documents in the case pending in southern Florida.

More than 300 pages of newly unredacted exhibits, containing emails and other correspondence related to the early stages of the hunt for presidential papers, challenge public statements by Joe Biden about what he knew and when he knew it regarding the case against his political rival.

Jonathan Su, White House lawyer: In regular touch with National Archives.

The new disclosures indicate the Department of Justice was in touch with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) during much of 2021, undermining the DOJ’s claims that it became involved in the matter only after the Archives sent it a criminal referral on February 9, 2022, based on the findings of records with “classified markings” in 15 boxes of materials Trump gave to the Archives a month prior.

The court exhibits, which were compiled by Trump’s defense lawyers and kept under seal until last week, also show that Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su regularly communicated with Archive officials.

Although Biden himself is not mentioned in the exhibits, the active participation of Su and other high-ranking White House officials raises questions about whether Biden was forthright when he told “60 Minutes” he wasn’t involved in the investigation.

“I have not asked for the specifics of those documents,” Biden told Scott Pelley in the Sept. 17 broadcast, “because I don’t want to get myself in the middle of whether or not the Justice Department should move or not move on certain actions they could take. I agreed I would not tell them what to do and not, in fact, engage in telling them how to prosecute or not.”

Trump’s lawyers first filed the heavily redacted material in a January motion, under a standing protective order issued by the court to initially conceal potentially sensitive information. His team then asked U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over the matter in southern Florida, to remove many of those redactions based on her review.

Southern District of Florida/Wikimedia
Aileen Cannon, presiding judge: Unseal the files, she ruled..

A protracted battle ensued as Smith fought to keep large portions of the motion and accompanying exhibits from the public. Smith told Cannon that disclosing the material would jeopardize the investigation and expose potential witnesses and government employees to “significant and immediate risks of threats, intimidation, and harassment.”

But Cannon, arguing the need for public transparency, authorized the unsealing of the files, which were posted in mostly unredacted form on April 22. A comparison of the redacted and unredacted material shows the Archives acted in concert with several Biden administration agencies to build the case — coordination that included the DOJ, the Biden White House, and the intelligence community.

The Trump case prompted revelations that both Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence had also retained classified documents – in Biden’s case for decades, stretching back to his time in the Senate. But while the Archives’ outreach to Biden and Pence consisted of requests, the agency took a more assertive stance with Trump.

National Archives
Gary Stern, National Archives lawyer: Some two dozen boxes of files missing.

Within weeks of Trump’s leaving office in 2021, employees with Biden’s Office of Records Management and the Archives began coordinated demands to Trump’s transition team, including former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Gary Stern, the Archives general counsel, noting “several conversations” with records office employees to discuss “concerns” about material in Trump’s possession, emailed Trump’s team in May 2021 and asked them to account for “roughly two dozen boxes of original Presidential records [that] have not been transferred to NARA.”

Stern did not specify the files the Archives wanted beyond “original correspondence between President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jung-un” and “the letter that President Obama left for President Trump on his first day in office.” An unsealed FBI report indicated the Archives also sought the so-called “Sharpiegate” map of Hurricane Dorian that the former president used during a 2018 televised briefing on the track of the storm.

Despite Trump’s cooperation, David Ferriero, the national archivist appointed by Barack Obama in 2009, warned the transition team a month later in June 2021 that he was running “out of patience.”


Before-and-after illustration 1: Unredactions on the National Archives’ early and aggressive focus.

By August 2021, Ferriero and Stern were in contact with DOJ officials and at least one White House attorney to develop what initially appeared to be a records destruction case against Trump. According to White House visitor logs, Stern met with Su on August 12 at the White House.

National Archives and Records Administration/Wikimedia
David Ferriero, national archivist: In touch with Justice Department.

From that point on, the collaboration between the White House and Archives accelerated. On Aug. 30, 2021, Ferriero, making unfounded accusations that 24 boxes of materials were missing, warned Trump’s team, “At this point, I am assuming [the boxes] have been destroyed. In which case, I am obligated to report it to the Hill, the DOJ, and the White House.”

A Trump staffer whose name remains redacted responded, “To my knowledge, nothing has been destroyed.”

The archives, with apparent guidance from top White House lawyers, pressed forward. On Sept. 1, Stern sent an email to Ferriero and deputy archivist Debra Wall with the subject line, “Draft Letter to AG re Missing Trump Records.” In the Sept. 1, 2021 email, Stern disclosed that he already had “reached out to DOJ counsel about this issue,” and that “WH Counsel is now aware of the issue.”

An attachment to the email included a draft letter from Ferriero to Attorney General Merrick Garland to notify him that presidential records “may have been unlawfully removed from U.S. government custody or possibly destroyed.”

On Sept. 2, presumably with the draft letter in hand, Ferriero met with White House Counsel Dana Remus in her office, according to visitor logs. The draft letter was not sent as the Archives and White House continued to advance the case behind the scenes.


.Before-and-after illustration 2: Unredactions suggest early coordination with the White House and DOJ.

On Sept. 9, 2021, both Ferriero and Stern met again with Remus and possibly White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain. (A Sept. 8, 2021, email from Stern referred to a meeting beforehand with “Ron and Dana,” possibly referencing Klain.) The same email indicated plans to also meet with Su.

White House/Wikipedia
Dana Remus, White House counsel: Met with national achivist Ferriero in her office.

An Oct. 2021 letter to Ferriero from Remus referred to a “notification on September 8” related to the January 6 Select Committee’s request for Trump’s records. In the letter, Remus denied Trump’s claims of privilege in preventing the committee from early access to his papers.

But the email chains do not reflect any mention of the January 6 Committee’s demands; to the contrary, emails between the White House and Archives repeatedly reference the “Trump boxes.”

In fact, a Sept. 15 email disclosed that Stern spoke to Su to “get him up to speed on the issue and the dispute whether there are 12 or 24 missing boxes.” A few weeks later, Stern told his colleagues that “WHCO [White House counsel] is ready to set up a call to discuss the Trump boxes.”


Before-and-after illustration 3: Unredactions on cooperation between the Archives and White House counsel.

On Jan. 18, 2022, following roughly seven months of negotiations, Trump’s team delivered 15 boxes to the Archives. In a matter of hours, the Archives’ White House liaison director said he conducted what he described in an email to Ferriero, Wall, and three undisclosed recipients as a “high level overview” of the contents.

Department of Justice
Lisa Monaco, deputy attorney general: “Instructed” National Archives lawyer Stern on how to proceed.

While admitting that most of the material consisted of “newspapers, magazines, and printed news articles,” the official claimed the boxes contained “lots of classified records.”

That assessment triggered deeper involvement by the DOJ. An unsealed FBI interview with an Archives official indicated that on Jan. 22 Su directed Stern to contact the office of Lisa Monaco, the current deputy attorney general and a longtime former adviser to Obama, to lay the groundwork for a criminal referral. It would represent the first time the Archives had ever sent a referral to the DOJ asking for an investigation into the retention of classified records.

Two days later, Monaco’s office “instructed” Stern on how to proceed. For guidance as to how a criminal investigation would proceed, two Monaco associates told Stern to notify the inspectors general for both the Archives and the intelligence community as well as DOJ National Security Division Chief Jay Bratt, now the lead prosecutor for Jack Smith in the classified documents case, and the chief of the DOJ’s public integrity unit.

According to the unredacted defense motion, Stern followed the DOJ’s guidance and sent information about the 15 boxes to the Archives’ inspector general, who then notified the intelligence community’s inspector general about a “very high level potential spillage and records management issue.”

The email chain then made its way to Thomas Windom, a prosecutor now tasked to Smith’s team on the Jan. 6 case against Trump, on Feb. 1. A criminal referral was officially sent to the DOJ on Feb. 9.

Two months after the archives received Trump’s boxes, which he produced voluntarily, the FBI opened on March 30, 2022, what it named the “Plasmic Echo” investigation, according to an unsealed FBI document. The probe centered on the “mishandling of classified or national defense information.”


Before-and-after illustration 4: Unredactions on top-level DOJ involvement before receiving criminal referral.

A grand jury and the FBI summoned Mar-a-Lago employees to testify. In May 2022, at the same time Biden officials were scouring Biden-related locations including the Penn-Biden Center in Washington for classified documents in advance of a potential GOP investigation into the same matter if Republicans won the House, the DOJ issued a subpoena for more classified records.

Not satisfied with the result – that Trump’s lawyers produced 38 more files to investigators in June 2022 – Garland authorized and the FBI executed a nine-hour raid of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022. After seizing more than 13,000 pieces of evidence, prosecutors claimed agents found another 102 records with classified markings.

In June 2023, Smith, appointed in November 2022 to take over the existing investigation, charged Trump with 32 counts of “willfully” retaining national defense information, representing a shift from the premise of the original investigation into more serious Espionage Act crimes. (Visitor logs show that Stern met with Biden’s special counsel Richard Sauber at the White House the day before Smith announced the indictment.)

Smith has also indicted Waltine Nauta, Trump’s personal aide, with obstruction, for moving boxes within Mar-a-Lago in an alleged attempt to conceal materials from investigators, and another Mar-a-Lago employee, Carlos DeOlivera, for allegedly attempting to erase security video at the property. All have pleaded not guilty.

Another Special Counsel, Robert Hur, was subsequently named to investigate Biden’s retention of classified material, dating as far back as 1977. Although Hur reported that Biden had willfully retained state secrets in unsecured locations and illegally shared them with a ghostwriter, he concluded that Biden should not be prosecuted for these violations.

Trump and his co-defendants have filed motions to dismiss based on selective and vindictive prosecution; Cannon has not yet ruled on those motions.

A May 2024 trial date in Florida has been postponed in light of Trump’s other legal entanglements, which the former president has described as a partisan witch hunt to interfere in the 2024 election.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Terrorism

You brought in 8-10 million new voters, but you still think you might lose. So now you want to bring in a million Hamas supporters to vote?

Views: 12

You brought in 8-10 million new voters, but you still think you might lose. So now you want to bring in a million Hamas supporters to vote? I know that some left wing fanatic will say that those folks don’t vote, but do you believe them? Remember from day one you have blue cities that allow the undocumented to vote.

And the vetting system? Here’s how I think it will go. Are you here to take American jobs? Do you plan on voting Democrat? And are you a TERRORIST? Two yeses and one no gets you in.

We’ve seen the numbers from 100K  to one million of Hamas supporters Biden is looking to bring in. Egypt and other Arabic countries, they don’t want to let them in. Why in the world would we do this?


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