Crime Reprints from others.

FETTERMAN’S MURDEROUS CAMPAIGN AIDES: HOW IT REALLY HAPPENED Dr. Oz should never shut up about the Horton brothers.

Views: 42

A great piece from a co writer at substack Ann Coulter.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, recently attacked his opponent, the ridiculous Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, for a pro-criminal record that would embarrass George Soros. Specifically, he criticized Fetterman for employing as aides on his campaign Dennis and Lee Horton, who spent 27 years in prison for a horrific armed robbery murder.

Drunk on his own self-righteousness, Fetterman sanctimoniously responded: “Does Dr. Oz believe that the wrongfully convicted should die in prison?” He added that the brothers “spent 27 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.”

Members of the media, who fervently believe our prisons are just bursting at the seams with completely innocent men, didn’t need to hear more. Suddenly, the entire media-big tech-entertainment conglomerate was screaming at Oz: HOW DARE YOU, YOU MORALLY BANKRUPT DOUCHEBAG! THESE TWO MEN WERE PROVED INNOCENT!

Were they now?

Here’s how the media tells “the actual story,” as somberly delivered by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, who majored in “Easily Fooled” studies at Brown University:

“According to brothers Dennis and Lee Horton [and who would know better?], on Memorial Day 1993, they were out for a joyride when they picked up their friend, a guy named Robert Leaf.

“What they did not know was that Leaf had just murdered Samuel Alemo and was currently being pursued by the police [sketch that scene for me, Chris]. They were pulled over and all three men were arrested.

“The police involved with the case were accused of using a whole host of problematic tactics during the investigation [yes, they were “accused” — accusations laughed out of court by Democratic judges]; eyewitnesses changed their story [they did not] after prosecutors tried to pin the crime on all three of them — the Hortons as well.

“And the district attorney’s case file, which was not made available till 2018 [I think we know why, Larry Krasner!], included a note stating Leaf is the shooter and a police note indicating Leaf acknowledged his role — all seeming to clear the Hortons. [total B.S.]

The Horton brothers, who are black, refused a plea agreement because they said they didn’t want to plead guilty to a crime they did not commit.”

Below, I have edited Hayes’ description to include only those parts that are relevant and actually true:

“on Memorial Day 1993 …

“a guy named Robert Leaf

“They were … pulled over and all three men were arrested.

“The Horton brothers … are black.”

Luckily for people interested in knowing the truth — a group that decidedly does not include Chris Hayes — the Horton brothers spent their years in prison clogging up the courts with frivolous appeals, so it’s possible to find out how these innocent lambs were somehow convicted of A CRIME THEY DIDN’T COMMIT!

In dismissing their most recent appeal, here’s how the Pennsylvania Superior Court summarized the “evidence adduced at trial” — that is, evidence presented in open court, supported by physical evidence and eyewitness testimony, subjected to cross-examination, and believed by 12 members of a jury:

“On May 31, 1993, [Dennis Horton], his brother Lee Horton (‘Lee’), and a co-conspirator Robert Leaf (‘Leaf’) robbed Filito’s Bar located at 5th Street and Hunting Park Avenue.

“During the course of the robbery, [Dennis Horton], who was carrying a rifle, shot Samuel Alemo multiple times. Alemo later died from his gunshot wounds. [Dennis Horton] also shot Luz Archella and her daughter Luz Martinez, injuring both. Leaf brandished what appeared to be a black pistol while Lee took money from bar patrons. After leaving the bar, the three men fled in a blue automobile.

“A passerby was able to supply police with a description of the vehicle and a partial license plate number. A radio call was sent out, which included a description of the three assailants, their vehicle, and the last four digits of the license plate. A police officer observed the vehicle a short time later only a mile from the crime scene, and placed [Dennis Horton] and his companions under arrest.

“Police recovered a .22-caliber semiautomatic rifle from the backseat of the car, as well as a black pellet gun under the front passenger seat. Ballistics testing identified the rifle as the same weapon used during the robbery at Filito’s. [Horton], Lee, and Leaf … were taken to the hospital where Martinez and her daughter, as well as another bar patron, Miguel DeJesus, identified them as the robbers.”

(The judges, incidentally, were all Democrats, including the only black woman on the 38-member appellate court, who subscribes to the theory that prison is “The New Jim Crow.”)

As you can see right away, one problem with the media’s version of events is: What the hell happened to the other two guys?

This was a daytime robbery of a bar, where two of the perpetrators walked around, taking the patrons’ wallets at gunpoint — not a nighttime mugging witnessed from 20 yards away. The victims had plenty of time to observe the perps. However much criminal defense lawyers attack eyewitness testimony, the patrons certainly knew it was three guys, not one; that they were black, not white; and they were male, not female.

But more important, right after the murdering thieves sped off, a passerby called the police with a description of the car, including four of six numbers from the license plate. Within minutes, that very car was stopped by the police a mile from the bar. And you’ll never guess what they found in that car … three black guys and a recently fired rifle!

Explain, again, how the Horton brothers happened to be in that car?


Right after their arrest, all three men were positively identified at the hospital by the people they’d shot at earlier that day. But even without that identification, again: They were caught in the getaway car, mere minutes after the crime.

So if I understand it correctly, the media’s theory of the crime is as follows:

Immediately after the robbery — and I mean immediately! — Leaf told his REAL accomplices: I’ve got a fantastic idea! You guys get out of the car. I know these two brothers — the Hortons — who look exactly like you and I’m pretty sure are wearing the exact same clothes. Also, their car is identical to yours and — you’ll never believe this — their license plate number is only off by two digits. I’ll just call them to come pick me up and wait here by the side of the road with the long-barreled — and easy to conceal! — rifle we just fired — OH CRAP! IT’S THE POLICE!

Look, it would be one thing if Fetterman defended his years-long PR campaign on behalf of the murdering Horton brothers by saying, They’ve served long enough! Everybody deserves a second chance. I would disagree, especially because the brothers continue to deny their guilt — but in that case, at least Fetterman would only be a gullible fool, and not a despicable, bald-faced liar.



Corruption Economy How sick is this? Immigration Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Un documented.

Biden Grows Foreign-Born Population to Highest Level Ever. Two million more Democrat voters.

Views: 16

Thanks to our friends over at Breitbart.

Under President Joe Biden, the foreign-born population of the United States has grown to its highest level ever recorded, the U.S. Census Bureau reports.

Over the last year, the Biden administration added two million new foreign-born residents to the U.S. population — undocumented and legal immigrants on green cards and visas — serving as a boon for Biden’s billionaire donors in the financial industry who are some of the biggest beneficiaries of mass immigration and an ever-growing populace.

According to Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies, who analyzed the latest Census Bureau data, the foreign-born population hit nearly 47 million this year, which is the largest ever recorded by the agency’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement survey.

Since 1970, the nation’s foreign-born population has quintupled and since 1980, it has tripled in size. In 1990, the foreign-born population was just half of what it is today — with 1-in-7 U.S. residents having been born outside of the country.

“The foreign-born share of the U.S. population is approaching the record highs reached in 1910 (14.7 percent) and 1890 (14.8 percent),” Camarota writes.

Center for Immigration Studies

For America’s working and middle class, mass illegal and legal immigration depresses wages and is a drag on labor force participation among native-born Americans while also pushing American communities to the brink in terms of social services, infrastructure, and sky-high housing costs.

“Just the sheer number of people overwhelms communities,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said this week. “This idea of mass immigration — whether it’s illegal immigration or whether it’s just mass immigration through the legal process like the Diversity Lottery or chain migration — that is not conducive to assimilating people into a civil society.”

For the wealthiest of income earners, mass illegal and legal immigration provides an endless stream of low-wage foreign workers as well as more consumers to sell to, more families needing housing, and billions in wider profit margins and reduced wages.

Though many Republicans running in this year’s midterm elections have gone silent on legal immigration levels — with more than a million being awarded green cards every year — GOP voters overwhelmingly continue to back drastic cuts to boost wages and job openings.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that a majority of 54 percent of likely Republican voters want to cut legal immigration levels by more than half to fewer than 500,000 admissions a year. Meanwhile, a majority of swing voters say they want legal immigration levels cut down to at least 750,000 admissions a year with a plurality supporting cutting levels by more than half.




Economy Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

California’s blackouts are a result of ‘man-made climate policies’, ‘not climate change’

Views: 41

Article is from FOX News.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board criticized California Governor Gavin Newsom‘s climate change policies Wednesday, arguing they are causing the state’s energy shortages.

“Californians narrowly averted rolling blackouts on Tuesday, but the threat looms all week amid an unpleasant but not unusual heat wave,” the editors wrote in an opinion titled “Gavin Newsom’s Dirty Energy Secret.”

“This ought to be a warning about how the government force-fed green energy transition is endangering grid reliability, but Democrats and the media can’t break out of their climate-change conformity to think clearly, or think at all,” they continued.


OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 09: California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a bill signing ceremony. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 09: California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a bill signing ceremony. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

California does not have enough energy to supply consumers’ demand and has asked people to reduce using their air conditioning, powering their homes and even charging their electric cars during heat waves. This past week, California’s electric grid operator issued an “energy emergency alert 3,” its highest alert level.

“Democrats blame climate change for the state’s week-long warnings to conserve power, but California’s climate hasn’t suddenly changed,” the Journal’s editors wrote. “What has drastically changed in recent years is California’s electric generation.”

“Solar and wind power have rapidly expanded thanks to rich government subsidies along with the state’s renewables mandate,” the editors wrote.

They noted that these subsidies have made it more difficult for gas and nuclear generators to make money and, hence, caused the closure of said facilities.


CA Gov. Gavin Newsome with President Joe Biden

CA Gov. Gavin Newsome with President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

“[T]he result is that the state often lacks sufficient power when the sun goes down,” they wrote.

The editors noted that California must “rely on imports from other states in the evenings” and that “these imports are becoming less dependable since California’s neighbors are also losing base-load generators owing to their own renewable buildouts.”

“During heat waves that span the Southwest like the one this week, California must resort to emergency measures to reduce electricity demand,” they wrote.

The editors warned that “what starts in California rarely stays in California,” and “Americans everywhere will soon be soaked with higher prices for power that is becoming less reliable.”

California Governor Gavin Newsom makes an appearance after the polls close on the recall election, at the California Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento, California, U.S., September 14, 2021.

California Governor Gavin Newsom makes an appearance after the polls close on the recall election, at the California Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento, California, U.S., September 14, 2021. (REUTERS/Fred Greaves)


“The grid problems that Californians are enduring will grow and spread as supersized green-energy subsidies and mandates spread their harmful incentives throughput the U.S. economy in coming years. The culprit is the left’s climate policies, not climate change,” they concluded.



Biden Pandemic COVID Reprints from others.

I’mSorry: A Vaccinated Apology to the Unvaccinated “It takes a big man to say, ‘I screwed up’ … I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you sooner.”

Views: 26


#I’mSorry: A Vaccinated Apology to the Unvaccinated

“It takes a big man to say, ‘I screwed up’ … I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you sooner.”

Get a tissue ready. A Canadian TikToker by the name of @NotEatinCrickets recently made waves with a viral video where he issued an apology to the unvaccinated. He trusted the government and took the jab himself, but after witnessing the events of The Freedom Convoy, he started to dig deeper and have a change of heart. So he made this video. As someone who’s the lone unjabbed member of my side of the family, I am sincerely grateful for such a gesture.

Here’s what he had to say:

“I think it’s high time — we really need to start to come together on this. When this all started, and the vaccine started rolling out, I wasn’t paying attention — I wasn’t listening. I soaked in whatever the government was telling me. And you know what? It really took The Freedom Convoy to open my eyes a little bit to see what was going on. Seeing them trucks out in Coutts and tractors blowing through the barricades and seeing hundreds of people lined up the highways supporting the convoy. It was really touching. And that’s when I really started to dig deeper and open my eyes.”

“It sometimes takes a big man to say, ‘I screwed up, and I’m sorry.’ Well, from a vaccinated to the unvaccinated, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you sooner. I’m sorry I let the government get the best of me and think that they had our best interests at heart. I want to encourage other people who are vaccinated to do the same thing.

You might not see it because it doesn’t affect you, or it doesn’t concern you, but people have lost their jobs. They’ve lost family and friends. They couldn’t visit their sick parents in the hospital. They couldn’t be at funerals and weddings. Some of their friends might have said, ‘You know what? You’re not vaccinated. You’re not my friend anymore.’ And we really need to come back together as a people have start to work together on this.

So, for me, as a vaccinated person, to all the unvaxed. I’m going to start to train and say, ‘I’m sorry. I f*cked up!’ And thank you — thank you for what you’re doing. God bless.”

Moved by his apology, TikTok user @UniqueGreenLady, who had rough times with her family and friends, issued a sincere thank you to @NotEatinCrickets.

“I would just like to say thank you, sir, for your apology. Through all of this bullsh*t with COVID, I’ve lost friends of over a decade. My family has chosen to stop speaking to me. My mother couldn’t be present for the birth of my daughter. And for someone who doesn’t get apologies very often, this means a lot. And I probably won’t hear an apology from the people — who I frankly — I think owe me one. So, thank you. Thank you very much!”


Daily Hits. Life Reprints from others.

Best and worst cities to live.

Views: 25

Taken from this article.

After putting in decades of hard work, we naturally expect to have financial security in our golden years. But not all Americans can look forward to a relaxing retirement. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey, 7 in 10 workers reported feeling at least somewhat confident that they will have enough money to retire comfortably, but fewer than 3 in 10 said they were “very confident.”

Adjusted Cost of Living
  • 1. Brownsville, TX
  • 2. Laredo, TX
  • 3. Fort Smith, AR
  • 4. Amarillo, TX
  • 5. Jackson, MS
Adjusted Cost of Living
  • T-165. San Jose, CA
  • T-165. Pearl City, HI
  • T-165. Honolulu, HI
  • T-165. New York, NY
  • T-165. San Francisco, CA
Annual Cost of In-Home Services
  • 1. Brownsville, TX
  • 2. Laredo, TX
  • 3. Shreveport, LA
  • 4. Jackson, MS
  • T-5. El Paso, TX
  • T-5. Corpus Christi, TX
Annual Cost of In-Home Services
  • T-176. Minneapolis, MN
  • T-176. St. Paul, MN
  • 178. San Jose, CA
  • T-179. Portland, OR
  • T-179. Vancouver, WA
  • 181. Bismarck, ND
% of Employed Population Aged 65 & Older
  • 1. Plano, TX
  • 2. Irving, TX
  • 3. Sioux Falls, SD
  • 4. Burlington, VT
  • 5. Columbia, MD
% of Employed Population Aged 65 & Older
  • 178. Columbus, GA
  • 179. Peoria, AZ
  • 180. Lewiston, ME
  • 181. Detroit, MI
  • 182. Gulfport, MS
Recreation & Senior Centers per Capita
  • T-1. Philadelphia, PA
  • T-1. Chicago, IL
  • T-1. Honolulu, HI
  • T-1. Washington, DC
  • 5. Los Angeles, CA
Recreation & Senior Centers per Capita
  • 97. Madison, WI
  • 98. Durham, NC
  • 99. St. Louis, MO
  • 100. Lexington-Fayette, KY
  • 101. Kansas City, MO
Fishing Facilities per Capita
  • T-1. Charleston, SC
  • T-1. St. Petersburg, FL
  • T-1. Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • T-1. Juneau, AK
  • T-1. Tampa, FL
Fishing Facilities per Capita
  • 138. Pittsburgh, PA
  • 139. Henderson, NV
  • 140. Fresno, CA
  • 141. Oklahoma City, OK
  • 142. El Paso, TX
Museums per Capita
  • T-1. Washington, DC
  • T-1. St. Louis, MO
  • T-1. San Francisco, CA
  • 4. Atlanta, GA
  • 5. New York, NY
Museums per Capita
  • 173. Port St. Lucie, FL
  • 174. Santa Clarita, CA
  • 175. Hialeah, FL
  • 176. Chesapeake, VA
  • 177. Chula Vista, CA
% of Population Aged 65 & Older
  • 1. Pearl City, HI
  • 2. Scottsdale, AZ
  • 3. Cape Coral, FL
  • 4. Warwick, RI
  • 5. Hialeah, FL
% of Population Aged 65 & Older
  • 178. Laredo, TX
  • 179. Moreno Valley, CA
  • 180. West Valley City, UT
  • 181. Fontana, CA
  • 182. Irving, TX
‘Mild Weather’ Ranking
  • 1. Glendale, CA
  • 2. Riverside, CA
  • 3. Bakersfield, CA
  • 4. Scottsdale, AZ
  • 5. Henderson, NV
'Mild Weather' Ranking
  • T-178. Providence, RI
  • T-178. Warwick, RI
  • 180. Rochester, NY
  • 181. Buffalo, NY
  • 182. Juneau, AK

I left out the rankings feeling this was more important. Here’s the link.


Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Why Sarah lost and Lisa won.

Views: 24

Sarah Palin should be sitting in the open Alaska house seat, and Lisa Murkowski should be thinking about what if she wasn’t a never Trumper. Yes Lisa pushed this ranked choice to where you can win but still lose. So by doing this, Lisa got in for round two and Sarah lost to a person who got 10% in round one.

We have this from Newsmax.

A new voting system that counts second choices in the final results, a lack of one-on-one grassroots campaigning, and lingering resentment from the past … those were the major reasons Alaskans who spoke to Newsmax concluded Sarah Palin narrowly lost the special election Tuesday for the seat of the late Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska.



Crime How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics Progressive Racism

No stories that would make black people — or more to the point, white liberals — feel uncomfortable.

Views: 23

My inspiration for this story is from fellow Writer/ Journalist, Ann Coulter’s piece on substack.

Let’s hope that Republicans especially in blue districts point out the huge rise in crime since January 2021. And the recent alleged kidnapping and killing of a white person by a black made page 21 on a large city newspaper. But no white folks have started to riot.

Ann says it much better than I.

But aren’t you glad Democrats have a zillion “crime” proposals that will take guns away from the law-abiding? Just think of what might have happened if we introduced guns into this situation! Under Biden’s “Safer America Plan,” attempted kidnappings will be fought mano a mano: a delicate 130-pound woman vs. a 6-foot, 175-pound man.

Yeah, you can definitely trust Democrats on crime, America.

Democrats enthusiastically supported the 2020 BLM riots that did more than a billion dollars’ worth of damage just in the first two weeks and left at least 25 people dead.


The Courts Daily Hits. Economy Education Life Medicine MSM Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Science

Wednesday. WSJ Headline News.

Views: 20


Juul to Pay $438.5 Million to Settle Probe Over Underage Vaping – The settlement with more than 30 states is the latest step by the e-cigarette maker to resolve allegations that it marketed its products to underage users. A1

Junk-Loan Defaults Worry Wall Street Investors A1

Schools Are Back and Confronting Severe Learning Losses A1

What’s News: World-Wide A1

Gavel Bashing Has Its Moment. ‘You Love That Thing, Don’t You?’ A1

Illumina’s Deal to Buy Cancer-Test Developer Is Blocked by the EU A1


Nutrition Advocates Urge Front-of-Package Labels Highlighting Fat, Sugar Levels – The advocates want a more condensed label on the front of packaged-food items that would flag certain health risks, such as high sugar or saturated-fat content. Industry groups say existing labels suffice. A2

Labor Board Proposes New Joint Employer Rule, Easing Trump-Era Limits A2

Conflicting Surveys Paint Mixed Picture of Services Providers A2

Corrections & Amplifications A2

U.S. Plans Shift to Annual Covid Shots as New Boosters Roll Out A3

Los Angeles Schools Hit With Ransomware Attack A3

‘Fat Leonard,’ Former Contractor in Navy Bribery Scandal, Escapes House Arrest A3

Ghost-Gun Firms Find New Ways to Sell DIY Weapons as U.S. Rule Takes Effect A3

Commerce Secretary Embraces a Beefier Industrial Policy to Combat China and Russia A4

DOJ Considers Next Move After Judge Greenlights Trump’s Request for Special Master A4



Reprints from others. Corruption Elections Opinion Politics Progressive Racism

Much to do about nothing committee hearing drops their ridiculous request.

Views: 37

This is an excerpt from Conservative Brief.

Sad that this is reported first in the UK. The UK’s reported that the committee has formally withdrawn its subpoena for fundraising information from the Republican National Committee and former President Donald Trump.

The outlet added that, according to sources familiar with the situation who spoke to The Washington Post,  lawyers for the RNC and software vendor Salesforce were informed last week of the committee’s withdrawal of the subpoena.

“The subpoena issued earlier this year sought records from Salesforce on the performance metrics and analytics related to email campaigns from Donald Trump, his reelection campaign and the RNC,” reported. “It comes as the panel prepares for at least one more hearing this month.

“We said all along that this subpoena was unconstitutional,” RNC spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said after it was withdrawn. “This is a victory for freedom of speech, privacy, and Americans’ right of political association without fear of partisan reprisal.”


Education Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Parents RISE UP and Send Scott Wiener CRYING as They Defeat California’s Vaccine Consent Bill

Views: 35

The Vigilant Fox

Parents RISE UP and Send Scott Wiener CRYING as They Defeat California’s Vaccine Consent Bill

“This is symbolic that you cannot get between a parent and our children.”

Child exploitation suffered a crushing defeat Wednesday after several parent organizations rallied in Sacramento against California Senate Bill 866.

The controversial bill would have allowed minors as young as 15 (12 years old was initially proposed) to agree to receive ANY vaccine without their parent’s consent. But it was pulled by State Senator Scott Wiener just hours before the vote.

Wiener stated he pulled the bill because of “death threats, harassment, and a lack of vote.” But in reality, he was just being a sore loser.

“We’re close but a couple votes short on our teen vaccine bill (SB 866) on the Assembly floor. We’re thus moving the bill to inactive.

The anti-vaxxer harassment campaign worked this time, at the expense of teen health. We lost this round but aren’t going anywhere.”

“A couple votes short,” he said. But that’s not true, according to fellow California politician (D) Patrick O’Donnell.

“Believe me… it was more than a couple votes short!”

In fact, opposition to this bill had BIPARTISAN support from both Democrats and Republicans. No matter what Scott Wiener would like to tell you, it was a very UNPOPULAR bill!


To discuss the impact of this historic victory, co-founder and executive director of PERK, Amy Bohn, joined Del Bigtree on the Highwire.

“Now I don’t know what you feel about being called an anti-vaxxer, Del commented. “But I would call that a win. And I hope there’s a lot of people that are dancing in the streets over this when that happened yesterday (8/31).”

Amy replied:

“I don’t really care what he [Scott Wiener] calls us at this point. All that matters is that there was a massive army of parents and organizations, hundreds of organizations, fighting this together. He’s a poor loser right now because we defeated his bill, and it was a group effort.

Freedom Angels were up at the Capitol till midnight almost every single day. Our group was in charge of so many aspects and pivotal moments along the way. Facts, law, truth, justice, this is something that it really doesn’t matter what they call us. The stigma doesn’t matter because we actually have power now.

We have a presence at the Capitol; we have a presence in the media. And it’s because of everyone. It’s historic! Honestly, this is a historic moment for California, and I think that Senator Wiener is just trying to downplay it. But the truth is, he didn’t have the votes! And he was short by probably a lot more than just a few.”

Del responded, “I really think this is the biggest win.”

“This was the next step in this sort of agenda to separate the children from the parents — to basically state the government owns your child. They’re property of the government of California, and they’re not of the parents. Therefore, we should be able to get them to do things and then hide those things from their own parents.

How big do you think this is? When we were watching California go through this on the front lines?

“Oh, this is historic right now,” Amy said.

“That’s what’s happening. And you were talking about the political lines, Republican, Democrat. The reason why we won in California right now is because those lines didn’t matter. The Democrats were unified with the Republicans with bipartisan opposition to this bill. So that shows you that if that can happen in California, the ripple effect of that — and even just the fact that we won here together with everybody — that can happen across the entire country.

So no longer just your political affiliation or political party is going to be what decides these things, the outcome was decided — of course, it related to the votes — [but] because of the Democrats. It was everybody together, and they had to oppose this bill with their colleagues in order for it to be defeated. I think that’s part of [why] we made history yesterday.”

I agree, Amy. It was historic. We can barely get Democrats and Republicans to agree on anything these days, but the fact that parents rallied together in the state of CALIFORNIA to oppose such a bill just goes to show how unified our country is on medical freedom.

If parents in California are thinking like this, you know darn well that every other state is thinking the same way.

It’s truly something beautiful, and it makes me very optimistic that any subsequent vaccine bills that violate medical freedom and ethics are sure to be met with BACKLASH and bound to fail.

Thanks, Amy, for your efforts and the amazing news.


I have left my day job in the healthcare industry


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