Biden Pandemic How sick is this? Opinion Politics Science

Science according to the fauch. Go after the children and puppies. Part 2

Views: 71

Fake News and the loons still don’t get it. Back in October I did an article on the fauch that mostly dealt with what was called beaglegate. The Euthanasian and torture of beagle puppy’s. The WCW ( White Coat Waste Project ) exposed what the NIAID was doing with funded experiments. Everything that they posted was true. There was one minor error, but that was corrected. The WP as usual ran a attack article ( without verification ) And except for one hate group, the WP article was ignored. Let me explain.

WCW was wrong on the Tunisia study. They cited the wrong study in Tunisia. However, the NIAID said it did fund a separate project in Tunisia that studied a vaccine to prevent leishmaniasis.

“In the NIAID-supported study, twelve dogs were immunized with the experimental vaccine at the Pasteur Institute of Tunis, and then let out in an enclosed open space during the day, during high sandfly season in an area of Tunisia considered to be hyper-endemic for canine leishmaniasis. In the experiment, eight beagles were intentionally infected to study the transmissibility of leishmania infantum, which causes canine leishmaniasis. The dogs developed skin lesions and were later euthanized. So right country but wrong study. But the same results. The dogs were flea bitten than killed.

Now Snopes, Politifact, and Fact Check all investigated the three claims of the WCW. Same conclusion. The dogs in all three studies were Euthanized. For my lurkers, that means they were killed. In one study they were killed before the study was over.

So the only question that wasn’t answered was what exactly was the fauch’s exact involvement?







Uncategorized Education Opinion Reprints from others.

Actual Historian Dr. Mary Grabar Exposes Radicalization of ‘1619 Project’ Creator Nikole Hannah-Jones: She ‘Blames All White People and Her Country’ for Personal Issues

Views: 34


A Breitbart News Reprint.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, author of the debunked New York Times ‘1619 Project,’ “blames America for her family’s problems,” according to Mary Grabar, Ph.D., resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization and author of Debunking The 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America and Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America.

Grabar joined Breitbart News Saturday with host Matthew Boyle to discuss the power of false historical narratives on American society and the danger in the proliferation of Hannah-Jones’s work and Critical Race Theory.

“She is not a historian,” Grabar said, explaining Hannah-Jones’s background is in journalism whose “beat is race,” and came to national prominence because in 2019, she proposed “upon remembering a high school black studies class … devoting a special issue to the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first Africans at Jamestown” to the New York Times Magazine.


The magazine published a “completely distorted view … of what 1619 meant,” Grabar explained, continuing that Hannah-Jones’s view on this part of history “came almost exclusively from Lerone Bennett, who was this polemicist … and he’s also the one who coined the phrase ‘black power’ … and, of course, Stokely Carmichael took it up as a rallying cry, inspiring riots and mayhem.”

In the middle of the violent riots across the country in the summer of 2020, Hannah-Jones remarked in a tweet that “it would be an honor” to have the riots called “The 1619 Riots.” She later deleted the tweet.

Speaking about Hannah-Jones’s upbringing, Grabar remarked that “she has a black father and a white mother. The mother hardly ever gets any mention — she only focuses on the black side of her family.”

Hannah-Jones’s father was “discharged under murky circumstances” from the military and “had to take menial jobs for his entire life,” leading to the perception that “he’d been cheated,” Grabar said.

She also explained that Hannah-Jones was subject to the notorious busing policy of the 1960s and 1970s, where children were “taken away from their communities, from, you know, where their friends are from and where their churches are, into a sort of an alien place, and they have difficulties.”

The new book by journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, “The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story” is displayed at a New York City bookstore on November 17, 2021 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

She “was bused to a majority-white school in a nicer neighborhood,” Grabar said of Hannah-Jones. “So, from second grade, she was bused one hour each way to this nice school and she recently recounted how she observed the changes, as she was riding along, how the houses got nicer, you know, the streets were kept up, and she was going into this ‘white world,’ and there she claimed she was not taught black history.”

“From a historical perspective, we can see [how] the bad policies of the 1960s and 1970s, which produced busing, and produced these radical activists who are writing these false histories — these were being taught in the schools to people like Nikole Hannah-Jones, who has risen to the top by producing this false narrative of American history, and weaving it in with her own personal story,” Grabar said.

“So, someone who probably could have benefitted from psychotherapy is now being exalted and placed on a platform as a historian whose, you know, are worthy of being taught in schools K through 12, and at the college level,” she concluded.


Grabar explained that Hannah-Jones’s first experience with “black history” came when she was introduced to “this fraud of a historian” Lerone Bennett, “and that radicalized her.”

“And she says that she became incorrigible,” Grabar continued. “She would not say the Pledge of Allegiance, she began to hate America, and so she blames America for her family’s problems. … You’ve got a woman who seems very embittered, blames all white people and her country for problems that she had.”

Grabar explained that Hannah-Jones took on a “Marxist” worldview that she “uses to explain current events, through that historical lens, and the end game is a Marxist socialist revolution and also reparations.”

Mary Grabar is also the founder of the Dissident Prof. Education Project. Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America and Debunking the 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America can be found on her website, as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion

Second Black guy that we know of who walked. Who will speak up for Breonna Taylor and Alteria Woods?

Views: 49

With all the loons on the left claiming that black folks don’t walk when crimes are committed, maybe the left should do the research. People ask who are Breonna Taylor and Alteria Woods. Two women associated with thugs, they died but the thugs walked free. Oh My.

Both cases were similar. Police serving warrants, two women died cause the males they were with fired on the police. As I said, the females died and the males who fired on police walked. So don’t tell me that blacks are treated differently in all cases.

So the next time someone falsely says that if Kyle were black, he wouldn’t have walked? Give them a link to this article.


Opinion Biden Pandemic Child Abuse How sick is this? Politics Reprints from others.

How sick is this? Dr. Fauci says he expects babies and toddlers will have a COVID-19 vaccine by spring 2022

Views: 36

I’m sorry but this now has to be considered child abuse. I had to read this article from Business Insider twice. Just to make sure I wasn’t on the Babylon Bee. The fauch now is going after those from six months to two years. But that’s not all. The Business Insider.

At some point, COVID-19 vaccines will likely be recommended for all children, down to six months of age, or even younger. Studies of vaccinated mothers’ umbilical cords and breast milk suggest that newborn babies born to vaccinated moms have some protection against COVID-19 for their first few months of life.

So I guess the next step is at birth. Picture the fauch standing over a and the moment she gives birth, he jabs the infant.


Crime How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Joe Biden Can Be Sued for Defaming Kyle Rittenhouse

Views: 30

Legal consensus is that Joe can be sued for defamation. Remember that the facts show that Joe like Bill Clinton made his remarks before he was President. Rittenhouse was, was made a “public figure” for the purposes of defamation law, and would have to show that any defendant acted with “actual malice” — that is, with reckless disregard for the truth. He could arguably do so for Biden’s false statement.

The Biden campaign used Kyle in their campaign. Even using Twitter.

A tweet included footage of the white racists in Charlottesville. When the audio from Chris Wallace related to violence in Kenosha was played, the clip showed a picture of Kyle, 18, brandishing a semi-automatic rifle.



Uncategorized Economy

Joe offers GM billions for Electric cars. GM says thanks. They’re spending a billion in Mexico to build cars.

Views: 26

You see Joe offering billions to the American Auto industry. Well one company is sending a billion to Mexico. For what you say? Well let’s let CNBC tell you what the real deal is involving GM.

General Motors plans to invest more than $1 billion in Mexico to produce electric vehicles, the company announced Thursday.  The investment in its Ramos Arizpe production complex is the first major announcement by the automaker for EV production in Mexico. United Auto Workers Vice President Terry Dittes, who leads GM members, called the investment a “slap in the face” to the union members and U.S. taxpayers.

The company declined to discuss what vehicle or vehicles will be produced there. So if the American workers want a raise, guess what happens to the making of GM electric vehicles here. Also this plant he went to in Detroit? The workers make about half of what the regular plant workers make with pay and benefits. Go Electric.



Corruption Child Abuse Opinion Politics

Obama Cages became the Biden Cages.

Views: 18

Who can ever forget those terrifying pictures of children locked up in cages. Like zoo animals on display. Well Obama had no issues doing that. Now Biden goes one step further. Please let me explain.

Biden not only continues to use the cages, he goes one step further. He’s not only continuing to use the Obama cages, but now they’ve been renamed the Biden cages. Also Joe’s created tent cities and taken facilities that house hundreds and put thousands in those facilities.



Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Axios warns about ‘reckoning’ on news outlets that touted the Steele dossier.

Views: 24


Axios Article is here.

As we see more and more come out about the Clinton Russian collusion, some left wing hate news channels still don’t get it. But Axios seems to.

A reckoning is hitting news organizations for years-old coverage of the 2017 Steele dossier, after the document’s primary source was charged with lying to the FBI.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history, and the media’s response to its own mistakes has so far been tepid.

Outsized coverage of the unvetted document drove a media frenzy at the start of Donald Trump’s presidency that helped drive a narrative of collusion between former President Trump and Russia.

  • It also helped drive an even bigger wedge between former President Trump and the press at the very beginning of his presidency.

Driving the news: In wake of the key source’s arrest and further reporting on the situation, The Washington Post on Friday corrected and removed large portions of two articles.

  • To The Post’s credit, its media critic, Erik Wemple, has written at length about the mistakes made by The Post and other media outlets in their coverage of the dossier.

BuzzFeed News, which made waves in 2017 by publishing the entire dossier, says it has no plans to take the document down. It’s still online, accompanied by a note that says “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”

  • Ben Smith, who was BuzzFeed’s editor-in-chief at the time and is now a media columnist at The New York Times, told Axios, “My view on the logic of publishing hasn’t changed.”
  • BuzzFeed defended the decision in a 2018 lawsuit by arguing that because the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the dossier itself was newsworthy, whatever the merits of its contents turned out to be. It won that case. Other outlets that gave the document outsized coverage have so far been less forthcoming.


  • CNN and MSNBC did not respond to requests for comment about whether they planned to revisit or correct any of their coverage around the dossier
  • Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn began reporting about the dossier prior to the 2016 election. Asked by Wemple whether he planned to correct the record, Corn said,” My priority has been to deal with the much larger topic of Russia’s undisputed attack and Trump’s undisputed collaboration with Moscow’s cover-up.”
  • Corn did not respond to a request to speak on the record with Axios.
  • The Wall Street Journal told Axios, “We’re aware of the serious questions raised by the allegations and continue to report and to follow the investigation closely.”
  • Axios was among the outlets that did not publish the dossier or original reporting based on its contents.

What to watch: The Steele screwup will undoubtedly cause an even bigger rift in trust between Democrats and Republicans.


Economy Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Commerce department sides with the Chinese.

Views: 19

What happened here was this. To avoid the tariffs the Chinese moved the plants and slave labor force to other Asian countries.

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) released a statement after the Department of Commerce sided with Chinese solar manufacturers after rejecting a request from U.S. domestic solar manufacturers to investigate illegal and unfair circumvention of trade remedies on Chinese solar cells and modules. The American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (“A-SMACC”) filed petitions on August 16, 2021 requesting that the Department of Commerce investigate unfairly traded imports from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam of solar cells and modules that are unlawfully circumventing antidumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties on China. Last month, CPA urged the Biden administration to support U.S. domestic solar manufacturers and address China’s illegal circumvention.

“The Commerce Department’s unwillingness to investigate illegal circumvention by Chinese solar companies is a gift to the Chinese Communist Party that comes at the expense of American companies and American workers,” said Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA. “President Biden promised to create 10 million green new jobs. Instead, this decision ensures that China’s use of Uyghur forced labor in Xinjiang to manufacture polysilicon will continue. The Biden administration claims to want to Build Back Better and boost U.S. domestic manufacturing. But a decision like this that only benefits the Chinese Communist Party is a serious red flag that the Build Back Better initiative is nothing more than a slogan.”

Last month, CPA released a statement after five Chinese solar companies—LONGi Green Energy, JinkoSolar, Trina Solar, JA Solar and Risen Energy—issued a statement in a blatant attempt to undermine the Biden administration’s trade enforcement actions and scare the U.S. solar industry into manufacturing a crisis.

Four of these Chinese solar companies were named in an explosive academic report that was released by the Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region detailing the widespread use of Uyghur forced labour within the solar industry. The report found that the four largest solar panel suppliers in the world—JinkoSolar, JASolar, TrinaSolar and LONGi—all source from at least one polysilicon manufacturer that is implicated in Uyghur forced labour either through direct participation in forced labour schemes, and/or through their raw material sourcing.

Chinese solar companies, and a Washington special interest group funded by them, have been lobbying the Biden administration and Congress to remove the Section 201 solar tariffs on Chinese solar companies, prevent the Department of Commerce from investigating alleged circumvention of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on solar imports, and against the Biden administration’s actions aimed at Chinese solar companies’ use of forced labor in Xinjiang. Additionally, a group of 12 Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to the Department of Commerce parroting the talking points of Chinese solar companies and their trade association that lobbies on their behalf.


Uncategorized Economy

Sell your house and run. Same loons who said you won’t get COVID if you get a jab or two.

Views: 41

As I’ve mentioned in the past, a few loons told Ohio folks to move after GM during the Obama reign announced they were shutting down auto plants including one in Ohio. Well some sold their homes and fled. The smart ones stayed and are much better off. Here’s why.

Now the GM plant was Union. What did the remaining 700 do? Some probably got a Union job at the TJ Max distribution centre. Or the Union job at the Macy distribution centre. Or the Union job at the Old Dominion Truck depot. Did I mention the 1,500 JOBS AT THE GM battery plant? Over 3,500 Union jobs to pick from.

And if a union job isn’t your cup of tea? How about this? Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer Foxconn is moving ahead with a plan to acquire a Lordstown Motors vehicle assembly plant in Ohio for $230 million, the companies announced on Wednesday.

Foxconn will hire the auto workers ( 600 ) from Lordstown Motors to build the truck. Also Fisker will be building a car at the plant. Another 1,500 workers. And you also have 300 Amazon jobs created. Another 2,400 jobs to pick from.

So GM closes a auto plant. And thanks to President Trump, almost 6,000 jobs replace 1,500. Capitalism at work.




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