
My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus.

Views: 58

My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus. I don’t care if he is declared the winner. He’s not the President. He would just muddy the waters. Let me explain.

The President has a team in place. What happens when Joe listens to his so called experts and it differs. I know he’s doing that now and parroting what the President is saying and has said in the past. But here’s the issue.

Joe having access to the government experts would allow him to make unverifiable comments that he would claim he got from the government scientists. And of course the MSM would go along with Joe. So he must be kept in the dark.

Listen. We don’t need the President saying and doing one thing, and Biden and his so called scientists saying and wanting to do another. So if he’s declared the winner, you brief him January 19th.

What say you?



It’s the Weekend so let’s party.

Views: 69

It’s the Weekend so let’s party. Weekend before Thanksgiving and some folks went into lock down. So let’s have a good time with party or dance tunes.





Teachers UNIONS put up the yellow flag. Cowards are afraid they’re going to die.

Views: 21

Teachers UNIONS put up the yellow flag. Cowards are afraid they’re going to die. The UNION thugs want to lock down the schools nationwide. Afraid of the virus is going to get them.

Let’s fix this nonsense. President needs to declare them essential workers. That way you take away the bitching and moaning.



Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch.

Views: 19

Opinion. If your Thanksgiving was cancelled or downsized, thank Biden, Obama, and the Fauch. I’m sure that by now your state has some type of Thanksgiving restrictions. Or I should say they want to put some type of restrictions on you. Well you have Biden, Obama, and the Fauch to thank. Let me explain.

Obama gave Biden the responsibility of running the countries swine flu epidemic. Results are frightening. First year over 65 million folks got it. After eight years of mismanagement, almost 200,000 died. And that’s with a vaccine. In the first year testing was stopped. Against the advice of the CDC and the doctors and scientists.

And what can be said about the fauch? A man who hasn’t practiced medicine in how many years? Try 36 years. So excuse me if I don’t use him as my go to guy. Has contradicted himself numerous times. Everyone else is wrong, but he’s always right. According to himself.




Poll. If Joe Biden is declared the winner, will you be part of the loyal opposition?

Views: 181

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If Joe Biden is declared the winner, will you be part of the loyal opposition? I for one will be. So please vote Yes or No.



Update on my invite list and some personal notes.

Views: 115

Update on my invite list and some personal notes. Today I’ve decided to cover a few topics. First I’ve added more folks to my invite list. If anyone on my invite lists want off, just let me know. Also if you do not wish to be invited on political articles, please also let me know.

2nd. I want to thank all who have placed orders on the websites I manage. So far all the money I earned goes back into the channels. Updating channels and other miscellaneous uses. Amazon and E-bay are offering some great deals. You can go to Amazon or E-Bay from the links on the channels or the links below.



E-Bay. page

3rd. Mods and writers. I’m looking for folks who would be willing to mod or write articles. Recently we’ve had an increase of down voters. Steps have been added to cut down on the down voters. Some of it’s been traced to the lurkers from NV. . Now none of the regulars from NV have been banned. It seems as if the management and their socks are the culprits. Wishy has been added as a mod to help out.

Finally. I’ve been doing disqus for 11 years now. Started back in November of 2009. I’ve also had three trolls, lurkers, or what ever you want to call them, for 11 years. So Happy Anniversary.



Poll. After repeated warnings. Government worker is always on social media while at work. Should they be fired?

Views: 172


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Poll. After repeated warnings. Government workers are always on social media while at work. Should they be fired? So there you have it. Government workers, workers being paid by the tax payer being on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Disqus, etc. Is that a good use of taxpayer money?  And what if they’re also involved in their home business on company time?

What say you?



I look forward to the day all women come to their senses. The number of new, pro-life Republican women elected to the House of Representatives has climbed further, and now stands at 16, with the possibility of three more joining the group.

Views: 33

I look forward to the day all women come to their senses. The number of new, pro-life Republican women elected to the House of Representatives has climbed further, and now stands at 16, with the possibility of three more joining the group. We hear it all the time from Progressives. Let’s pass more laws on killing babies. Or Let’s make abortion even after birth. I always wondered why didn’t their parents feel the same way?

Additional races have yet to be decided, and pro-life leaders hope the number will expand even more. Pro-abortion Democrats still control the U.S. House, but their majority is thinning.


In a story about the upcoming 117th Congress, which convenes Jan. 3, The Christian Post reports the GOP will nearly double its pro-life lawmakers from 13 to 24. All of those freshman GOP lawmakers are women.

Pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List told CP the wave of pro-life women is a “stunning blow to Nancy Pelosi and her pro-abortion agenda.”

“These are all strong women that reject the left’s version of feminism,” Jessica Anderson of Heritage Action for America  reports. “They support having a family, love of country, they’re pro-life, and they’re eager to lead … in Washington.”



U.S. Senate

Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) won election

Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) won re-election

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) advances to a runoff to take place Jan. 5, 2021

U.S. House:

Maria Salazar (FL-27) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Yvette Herrell (NM-02) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Nancy Mace (SC-01) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Stephanie Bice (OK-05) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Ashley Hinson (IA-01) – flipped Democrat-held seat

Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) – flipped Democrat-held

Lauren Boebert (CO-03)

Lisa McClain (MI-10)

Kat Cammack (FL-03)

Diana Harshbarger (TN-01)

Mary Miller (IL-15)

Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14)

Michelle Steel (CA-48)

Beth Van Duyne (TX-24)

Victoria Spartz (IN-05)





Great Scott! Check out these Back to the Future recipes

Views: 49

This is a reprint from Inverse. Original is here.


Great Scott! Check out these Back to the Future recipes. 6 months into quarantine, you’re probably getting bored of the same old recipes. How many times can you bake bread?

Travel through time and experience the gastronomic history of Hill Valley with this colorful cookbook inspired by the Back to the Future Trilogy.





Poll. Was there an attempt to commit voter fraud? Trump has been saying this since 2016. Not Fake News.

Views: 186

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Poll. Was there an attempt to commit voter fraud? Now’s your chance to express your vote. You can also make a comment.

The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted.

It is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed. In addition to diluting the votes of legitimate voters, fraud can have an impact in close elections, and we have many close elections in this country. Preventing, deterring, and prosecuting election fraud is essential to protecting the integrity of our voting process.

Reforms intended to ensure such integrity do not disenfranchise voters and, in fact, protect their right to vote. Winning elections leads to political power and the incentives to take advantage of security vulnerabilities are great, so it is important that we take reasonable steps to make it hard to cheat, while making it easy for legitimate voters to vote.

To make this accurate, please vote. Don’t just leave a comment.


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