Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Crime How sick is this? January 6 Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others. Weaponization of Government.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Pelosi LIED about January 6!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Pelosi LIED about January 6!

From June 10, 2024 article by Jim Holt of TGP


New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Despite what TGP and the oversight committee claim about the above clip, Pelosi does NOT admit to being responsible. She is making CYA statements. This is obvious from the context itself, where she talks about “transparency” and “accountability” and about how she wasn’t asked about the National Guard until the demonstrators had breached [the Capitol Building] in the middle of “the inaugural stuff.” She even states the Capital police “didn’t know” they couldn’t handle the crowds. What painfully obvious BS. — TPR

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th and both of them turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to “politics,” but that is just her excuse. What did she know in advance?

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund previously testified that he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

Pelosi was not honest about their communications.

Chief Sund: … I spoke to Speaker Pelosi three times that evening. [And she went on national TV and said, I’d never spoken to her, but I spoke to her three times. Three times were – The first time was when I went over to brief Vice President Pence at the secure location, I had called House Sergeant Arms Irving, and told him I was going over to brief the Vice President. I was also going over to do a personal assessment of the Capitol. At that point, things were getting under control. Went over there, and briefed him on when we can get them back into chambers with Mr. Irving, being fully aware. He said he wanted to get Speaker Pelosi on the phone. He made a phone call from his cell phone at approximately 534, where I first briefed Speaker Pelosi. The second call was when I left that location. As I was walking away, I met up with Mr. Stinger, and we started walking over to the Senate to go brief the Senate when Jennifer Hemingway I believe it was Jennifer Hemingway handed me her cell phone, and it was Emily Barrett’s cell phone calling her, and it was Speaker Pelosi on the other line.

This was my second call with Speaker Pelosi questioning the information I’d given to Vice President Pence about when we can get back into chambers. I assured her that information was correct. I could get them back into chamber by 07:00 P.M., and the call ended. That was call number two. Call number three was 06:25 p.m.. I was over at the Senate from the secure location I mean, from where the Senate had been sequestered. And on a cell phone, using Robert Caram’s cell phone, they dialed leadership, who was over off site at a secure location, and I briefed all of leadership of the plans to get them back into chambers. That would have been call number three with Speaker Pelosi.

Rep. Steil: So you didn’t have one call. You didn’t have two calls. You had three calls. So Speaker Pelosi’s comments that she didn’t speak to you are inaccurate?

Chief Sund: That is correct, sir.

— September 2023 excerpt of testimony before the House subcommittee on J6

John Solomon from Just The News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protests TWO WEEKS before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It’s as if they “hoped” for an “insurrection.”

Solomon says the DHS and District of Columbia were made aware of online threats of violence two weeks before the protests and rally.

Nancy Pelosi later refused to turn over her communications surrounding January 6. And Democrats later destroyed evidence from their interviews with officials involving the January 6 riots.

According to PJ Media – The U.S. Senate knew Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi could be crowned Queen of the Mob, since her actions led to the crashing of the perimeter fences, general dysfunction, and deaths of Trump supporters that day. Pelosi was more responsible for the marauding mob at the Capitol that day than anything President Trump did to “incite” his huge crowd of supporters.

And in April, DC National Guard whistleblowers testified that the Pentagon, under the direction of Mark Milley, refused to deploy the National Guard that day until after 5 PM.

Pelosi blocked the National Guard from protecting the Capitol that day – Mark Milley blocked the National Guard from deploying until after 5 PM.

It was ALWAYS the Pelosi insurrection. 

You can imagine what we have yet to learn about Pelosi and Milley’s actions that day that left the US Capitol open and unprotected! 

So when will Pelosi be charged as an accessory to murder before the fact of the deaths of Trump supporters on January 6?

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption Journalism. Lawfare New York The Courts The Law Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

MORE LAWFARE! (They’ll be coming for others soon) Epoch Times CFO Arrested and Charged with $67 Million Money Laundering Scheme

MORE LAWFARE! (They’ll be coming for others soon) Epoch Times CFO Arrested and Charged with $67 Million Money Laundering Scheme

The charges against Guan “do not relate to the Media Company’s newsgathering activities,” the Bidem DOJ noted in a press release.

Prosecutors alleged the money laundering scheme benefited “a multinational media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York.” The Epoch Times is headquartered on West 28th Street in Manhattan.

The chief financial officer of conservative global news outlet The Epoch Times has been arrested and charged with leading a yearslong scheme to launder at least $67 million in illicit funds, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The scheme — which involved cryptocurrency, tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and stolen personal information — fueled a massive increase in The Epoch Times’ reported annual revenue, prosecutors alleged.

Weidong “Bill” Guan, 61, is charged in U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and two counts of bank fraud.

Guan was arrested Sunday morning, and pleaded not guilty on Monday afternoon before a federal magistrate judge in Manhattan, according to a court notice. He was released on a $3 million personal recognizance bond, and his travel is restricted to parts of New York and New Jersey, among other restrictions. [Guess they’re trying to look more ‘even-handed’ –TPR]

Guan “conspired with others to benefit himself, the media company, and its affiliates by laundering tens of millions of dollars in fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and other crime proceeds,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.

“When banks raised questions about the funds, Guan allegedly lied repeatedly and falsely claimed that the funds came from legitimate donations to the media company,” Williams said.

The Epoch Times is not mentioned by name in the indictment. But Guan is listed as Epoch Times’ chief financial officer on the nonprofit media company’s most recent tax return, filed in late 2023.

Prosecutors alleged the money laundering scheme benefited “a multinational media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York.” The Epoch Times is headquartered on West 28th Street in Manhattan.

Prosecutors allege the scheme by Guan and his co-conspirators caused the company’s revenue to jump from “approximately $15 million to approximately $62 million” between 2019 and 2020.

According to The Epoch Times’ publicly available IRS nonprofit tax returns, in 2019 the company reported program revenue of $15.5 million. The following year, The Epoch Times reported tax-exempt revenue of $62.7 million.

Guan, a resident of Secaucus, New Jersey, managed the Epoch Times’ “Make Money Online team,” which carried out the scheme to buy “crime proceeds” and transfer them to bank accounts linked to the media outlet, according to his indictment.

From 2020 to 2024, the team allegedly used a crypto platform to buy tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds at discounted rates, of 70 to 80 cents on the dollar, in exchange for cryptocurrency. The crime proceeds, which came from sources including “fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits,” were loaded onto tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, prosecutors alleged.

After purchasing the crime proceeds, participants allegedly used stolen personally identifiable information to open various types of accounts and transfer the proceeds into bank accounts linked with the media outlet and related entities.

Gotcha now!

They were often laundered again through other accounts, including Guan’s own personal bank and crypto accounts, according to prosecutors.

To hide the illegal nature of the proceeds, Guan and his co-conspirators allegedly lied to banks and other entities about their sources.

An attorney for Guan could not immediately be reached, but a case docket showed late Monday that Guan had been appointed a public defender.

A spokesperson for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to provide any additional comment on the indictment against Guan, which was filed in late May and unsealed Monday.

The bank fraud counts each carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, while the conspiracy holds a 20-year maximum prison sentence. The charges against Guan “do not relate to the Media Company’s newsgathering activities,” the Department of Justice noted in a press release.

NBC News and other outlets have reported on The Epoch Times’ affiliation with the Chinese religious group Falun Gong, which in recent years has supported former President Donald Trump as an ally in its opposition to the country’s ruling Chinese Communist Party.

Corruption Free Speech Lies Poetic Justice Uncategorized

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Not all Bullies with a Badge are evil or have underlying mental problems. There is no doubt that some most definitely do have severe problems, and civilians get injured or die because of them.

Then, some think they are doing things correctly but are either ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce or harbor unconscious biases.

There is also the “the end justifies the means” group.


Note the good cop was penalized for speaking up, and the bad cop was rewarded — until a news station filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage.

Finally, there are the cops who are so thin-skinned that they harass and/or arrest people because their feelings get hurt.


The end justifies the means. Here, the “end” is getting credited with an arrest. I would likely fail the walking a straight line (heel and toe) test because my toes rarely point straight ahead unless I’m running. This test also forces you to place your feet in an unnatural, unbalanced position. Even professional wire walkers have trouble maintaining their balance when forced to walk like that without a balance pole or something similar, and any swaying as you walk will cause the cops to claim that “proves” you’re intoxicated.



Here, we start with the typical bad attitude, this time by a court bailiff. As usual, when a bad cop gets frustrated, they escalate, but this time, officers who KNOW the law stand up for the civilians.


I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do what this guy does. Too much chance of suffering an “accident.” But again, Good cops straighten out the bad cops and the civilian Karens/Kevins.


And cops doing good deeds:


Support good cops and report the bad ones.

Affirmative Action Corruption Gun Control How sick is this? Racism The Law WOKE

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part 2

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part 2

Cop Gets FIRED After Troopers Call Out His INSANE Behavior

The  main focus of this episode happened in my home state, on a road that I regularly traveled: US Route 23, on Independence Day 2023



While the main idiot here is the cop, we see at the 1:02 mark an OHP (Ohio Highway Patrol – aka State police) officer exiting his vehicle WITH AN “ASSAULT RIFLE” TRAINED ON THE TRUCK — over a mud flap! I would also pull away if I saw an ASSAULT RIFLE aimed at me for no apparent reason! Note this officer copsplained his reason for doing that the truck driver had made “direct eye contact” with the officer signaling him to pull over — something that is physically impossible given the Patrolman was in his car while the Driver was in the cab of his truck. PRIMA FACIE, there is physically NO WAY this could occur given the difference in heights of the car and the cab of the truck, So this right off was a bad call.

Getting to the meat of this video:
From about 4:16 OHP radio:”Circleville PD has a dog” 4:19(OHP):“That’s a dog. Come to me!” “You don’t want bit!”
4:25 Circleville COP:“Get on the ground, or you’re gonna get bit!”
Here, we can see two conflicting orders: Come to me (OHP) and Get on the ground, or you’re going to get bit! (Circleville cop)

My personal opinion is that this cop was NOT in charge and should have kept his mouth shut and kept that dog in the cruiser. But what do I know, right?

From this point on OHP repeatedly tells the cop not to release the dog, which the cop ignores. The cop runs towards the trucker who is clearly seen to have his hands in the air. At about the 4:43 mark the cop RELEASED the dog, who runs away from the trucker towards the OHP officers.

Trucker was already on his knees when the cop ordered his dog — which had veered off — to ATTACK!
Dog hasn’t been pulled off the trucker who was on his knees with his hands in the air when the Circleville cop ordered the dog to attack him. The cop is just standing there instead of calling the dog off.


At 4:45 the Cop ORDERS THE DOG TO ATTACK! Against a man ON HIS KNEES ALREADY!! The dog attacks for at least 10-12 seconds before he is finally made to stop.

This cop was eventually fired, but not for siccing his dog on the helpless trucker, but for lying during the investigation!!

What is truly unbelievable is that THE COURTS said he was wrongfully terminated, turned his firing into a ‘resignation,’ fixed his record so he could go work for another police department, and allowed him to “adopt” the dog he used as a deadly weapon for $1!

Comments on the video:

Even the dog knew he wasn’t a threat, he ran right past him.

Exactly. The dog is trained to detect the person that is the threat and deal with them. The dog does not have to be told any history. That dog determined that the dude was not a threat and so went looking elsewhere for the actual threat.

“Come to me!” “Get on the ground”
Good lord, I swear they create situations like this on purpose so they can escalate force

Update: Rose got a $225,000 settlement from the city with a lawsuit. The shitty cop got $40,000 for the “termination without cause” lawsuit, his firing removed from his record in favor of a forced “resignation”, a “neutral” letter detailing the time he worked for the county (essentially a letter of recommendation for another county to hire him after his “resignation”), and a deal to purchase the dog he used as a weapon from the city for $1. Gotta love our “justice” system.

They just proved this man’s fear of police very right

Sounds like this mans fear of stopping was COMPLETLY justified.

“I told him if he doesn’t get on the ground he’s going to get the dog.”

Says the officer who ordered his dog to attack the suspect WHILE HE WAS ON THE GROUND SURRENDERING! The fact this cop didn’t get prison time for an actual literal war crime is deeply upsetting.

The fact that the highway patrol were telling them to not release the dog and that one trooper was walking away covering her face tells you everything you need to know about how bad this situation is.

Here, it isn’t merely an ego-tripping corrupt cop, but a corrupt judge, a trooper lying about the initial contact, and the other State troopers doing the bare minimum for the Trucker. 

And all over a missing mud flap!

From the open road to a person’s house:

This one shows the victim was killed in her own house by a cop that went lurking around her house without identifying himself and fired off his gun less than 2 seconds after the victim looked out her window to see what/who was making the noise in her back yard:


The red flags were there, but the PD ignored them and ignored their own psychologist’s warning that the man was a narcissist and lacked the temperament needed for the job.

And police wonder why they aren’t trusted?

Next, Good cops.

Affirmative Action Commentary Crime Education Emotional abuse Free Speech Government Overreach Lies

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part One

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part One

First off, not every Law enforcement officer is a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, or just a power-mad entitled dick – male OR female, and I’ll give examples later in this series. The ones who aren’t hate these other jerks as much as we do.

There’s this thing called “qualified immunity,” which the ones who are dicks, think permits them to break the law and screw civilians over — up to and including killing them — often without consequence.

If you want to see for yourself what I’m talking about, go to YouTube or TikTok and search for “bad cops.” You’ll see hundreds of items there, illustrating police/civilian encounters gone bad: from cops just being stupid to going on out-and-out vendettas. Content creators include Audit the Audit, Justice for All, DeleteLawz, KY Reacts, LackLuster/L L Media, We The People University(a former cop/sheriff deputy), The Civil Rights Lawyer, and @Detectivemattthornton (still an active duty officer) on both Tiktik and YouTube.


First of all, according to the courts Cops are ALLOWED to lie to you. They are also allowed to intimidate you through their lies and ask “fishing” questions to try to get you to incriminate yourself (Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.) Keep your hands visible at all times!

Always be polite!

As soon as you see flashing lights, check your speedometer. If you have a dash cam, make sure it’s turned on. If you also have a smartphone, START RECORDING on it. Lock all your doors. Don’t roll your window down so far that the cop can reach through and try to open the door if he/she gets frustrated.

A.)”Do you know how fast you were going?” Do NOT say ‘No.’ If you do, he can pick a number and say that’s how fast you were going — true or not.

Note: I once shut down a cop who came up and asked me that leading question by saying, “Yes, I know EXACTLY how fast I was going — the speed limit.” Of course, you can’t use that if you are speeding.

B.)”ID/DL, registration, and Proof of Insurance.” Answer,”Am I accused of a crime, Officer?” If he’s just fishing, he/she will hem and haw and say something alongs the lines of “that’s what I’m trying to find out” or “that’s what I’m  investigating.” They have nothing on you, they’re fishing. You can refuse to ID yourself under the 4th and 5th  Amendments if he can’t quote a specific crime. Mere suspicion is not a crime.”Disorderly conduct,” “obstruction” and similar “crimes” are mere deflections and lies. They cannot ask for your SSN in any case, despite what they may tell you. It is only a crime to give a FALSE name to a cop. It’s NOT a crime to refuse to provide ID.

For instance, “obstruction” in every jurisdiction I have checked so far means an active, deliberate physical act on your part.

If he/she keeps repeating this mantra, immediately ask for his/ her name and badge number and keep repeating that each time he refuses to tell you WHY he/she needs your ID, If they start getting frustrated and belligerent, change your response’ to “I want to see your Supervior/ Call your supervisor.”


C.) “Turn your phone off.” MAJOR RED FLAG!!!! They know they don’t have a good case and don’t want evidence showing their mistakes. In fact, some bad cops have been caught DELETING footage from someone else’s phone.

D.) “Do you mind if I search for your car/search you/pat you down?” before he has given a justifiable ( and actual) crime.  If you answer anything other than “I do not consent/give consent/ give permision to/for any search of myself or my property.” or “I refuse to surrender my constitutional rights under the 4th and fifth amendments.” Be careful because if your reply is IN ANY WAY ambiguous, said cop will interpret it as you consenting to what would otherwise be an unlawful search. ex “Yes ( I DO mind)” = Go ahead ; “No (you don’t have my permission)” = Go ahead.

E.) “Have any drugs or weapons in the car?” Another RED FLAG that they are fishing, trying to get you to (supposedly) incriminate yourself and/or give themselves an excuse to escalate the situation.

F.) “Step out of the car” with or without threats of arrest or physical violence if you don’t obey and without giving a valid law that he has a justifiable reason to suspect you of breaking. Immediately demand a supervisor. This is also why you should keep your doors locked, to prevent the cop from opening the door and yanking you out of your vehicle. They may break out your window despite you not threatening them in any way.

If you aren’t alone and they have a phone, call the county or state police and tell them that the LEOs at your site will not identify themselves. You are unsure if they are real officers since they cannot give a valid reason for the stop, and you are fearful for your safety. (If the cops or 911  don’t seem impressed, I suggest you contact a local TV or radio station.) Stay on the line. Give a running commentary of what’s happening. KEEP AS CALM AS POSSIBLE. If you snap back at them, corrupt (or stupid) cops will claim you’re resisting and/or being aggressive and escalate things even further.




See part TWO, upcoming…

Biden Pandemic Censorship COVID Drugs Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell — “I’m a Cancer surgeon, we don’t do parasites,”

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell — “I’m a Cancer surgeon, we don’t do parasites,”

Do you remember that drug that the MSM and government officials with ties to drug companies producing gene therapy shots derided as a “horse dewormer”?

It now turns out that it has multiple anti-cancer effects.

From articles in The Vigilant Fox and The Epoch Times

“I was as astonished as anyone might be that ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent,” says cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy.
She’s observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late-stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking ivermectin.
One patient with stage four prostate cancer tried all the traditional protocols like chemotherapy and radiation before being told that there was nothing left that his doctors could do. He started taking ivermectin as a last resort. In a few short months, he had made a stunning recovery.
Within six months, the metastatic lesions began to disappear, and in less than a year, “he was out dancing for four hours” three nights per week, according to Dr. Ruddy.
A similar scenario unfolded for another man named Eddie. He was also in bad shape.

Eddie was diagnosed with two unresectable esophageal tumors that surgeons wouldn’t go near. He was a smoker, couldn’t swallow, and had lost 40 pounds in a year and a half.

“Within a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow. He had gained six pounds. His voice was better,” reported Dr. Ruddy.

Several weeks later, Dr. Ruddy told Eddie, “You need to get a scan.”

Guess what happened?

“We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. Gone. The problem was that he had sold his fishing boat. That was the biggest problem. He was getting better. His tumor was gone. Now he’s got to buy another fishing boat … I was like, ‘Well, now, that’s interesting.’”

There was also a third case, explained Dr. Ruddy.

After observing several cases like this, Dr. Ruddy launched a multicenter observational study on how repurposed drugs like ivermectin impact cancer survival rates.
Why would an anti-parasitic medication like ivermectin work on cancer? Are these isolated cases, or are they indicative of a major breakthrough? She’s on a mission to find out.
See the full interview on EpochTV here:
Related:  FLCCC Launches Observational Cancer Study Focused on Repurposed Drugs
Another article, featuring patient pictured below
Paul Mann and Dr. Kathleen Ruddy at a FLCCC Alliance conference. Mann contacted Dr. Ruddy when traditional cancer treatments had been exhausted for his case of metastatic prostate cancer. Ivermectin brought him back from the brink. (Photo by Mary Beth Pfeiffer)

Biden Cartel California. Hate Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others.

Mad Maxine Thinks Trump Supporters Are Training for a Massive Attack on (Democrats)

Mad Maxine Thinks Trump Supporters Are Training for a Massive Attack on (Democrats)

for Western Journal

California sure has a way of finding the worst possible candidates to represent them in Congress.

Many are the most extreme kind of leftists who saw Donald Trump’s presidency as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

Like, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, who, in a recent interview on MSNBC, spouted an unhinged conspiracy theory about evil Trump supporters.

As seen in a clip shared to the social media platform X by RNC Research, Waters spoke to Jonathan Capehart on his show, “The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart.”

According to Mediaite, Waters’ unhinged rant was prompted by a question from Capehart regarding Trump’s recent Time interview.

In that interview, according to Capehart, Trump said, “He would not seek to overturn or ignore the Constitution’s prohibition on a third term.”

“Should the American people believe that? Do you believe that?” Capehart asked.

Waters answered, “No! Absolutely not. As I said, you can’t believe anything that Donald Trump has to say. Donald Trump will do any and everything that he can possibly get away with.”

Not a promising start, but, as seen in the video, it got worse.

Waters continued her fear-mongering, saying, “This is a man who we better be careful about. And I tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to ask the Justice Department, and I’m going to ask the president, to tell us what they are going to do protect this country against violence if he loses.”

Considering the violence of the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 and the violence of the protests currently raging on college campuses against Jewish students, perhaps Waters should be more concerned about violence coming from her own party.

Regardless, Waters pressed forward, apparently getting carried away by her imagination the more she allowed herself to spout this shameless, panic-inducing rhetoric.

She told Capehart, “I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with, who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting … what communities they are going to attack.”

Once upon a time, Waters’ delusions might have landed her in an asylum.

First off, training camps up in the hills? Where did she get that idea?

Second, in accusing the right of threatening violence if they didn’t get their way, Waters had absolutely no place to talk.

As The Daily Wire reminded their readers, Waters herself has been guilty of encouraging violence and harassment against members of the former president’s cabinet.

Back in 2018, Waters, spreading the false claim that Trump was inciting violence, said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Finally, there was absolutely no proof for what Waters’ said, in any context.

Trump has always condemned violence against his political opponents.

Even with the whole Jan. 6 insurrection, no honest observer could truly say he incited violence or anything remotely resembling a coup.

Waters, ignoring her own history of encouraging harassment, was merely engaged in a baseless attempt to whip up voters against Trump.

That said, there was probably no amount of proof that could be presented to Waters that would make her change her mind.

Like the rest of the liberal establishment, she has decided that Trump and his supporters are a bunch of feral monsters.

Waters and her Democrat friends know they can’t convince voters to vote for Biden on his merits, so they must dissuade them from voting for Trump with lies and fear.


Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach Lawfare Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Trump

CNN Legal Analyst Stunned by Stormy Daniels’ ‘Disastrous’ Courtroom Admission: ‘A Big Deal’

CNN Legal Analyst Stunned by Stormy Daniels’ ‘Disastrous’ Courtroom Admission: ‘A Big Deal’

(with additions by TPR)

When even the most hysterically anti-Trump news outlet has been forced to admit the star witness in the current trial against the former president lacks credibility, you know that case is in trouble.

The case in question was the “hush money” trial Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought against Donald Trump regarding the alleged illegality of a payment supposedly made to porn star Stormy Daniels to prevent her from speaking about an alleged affair.

Taking the stand on Tuesday, and irritating the entire courtroom with an unending string of needless details, Daniels’ testimony forced even a CNN legal expert to cast doubts on her overall credibility.

Senior CNN legal analyst Elie Honig appeared on a panel on Anderson Cooper’s show, discussing Daniels’ testimony and cross-examination by the defense.

(I noted that the clip portrays another panel member, Norman Eisman—without realizing it—as just another Trump-hating witch hunter. He wrote a book “TRYING TRUMP -A guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial” and served as a Democratic ‘special counsel’ on Trump’s first impeachment trial(!) If that doesn’t shout BIASED!! I don’t know what could possibly make it any MORE obvious. — TPR)

While his peers were more impressed with Daniels’ testimony, especially under cross-examination, Honig admitted he had “the exact opposite impression.”

According to Honig, while Daniels was “plausible on her explanation of what happened in that hotel room” in 2006, she nevertheless fell flat on her face with the cross-examination.

In Honig’s words, in the cross-examination, “her responses were disastrous.”

Citing one of the questions put to Daniels, Honig said “‘Do you hate Donald Trump?’ Yes, of course she does. That’s a big deal. When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d**n deal.”

As Honig pointed out, her statements left a great weak spot for the defense to exploit: “The defense is going to say, she’s willing to defy a court order … She’s not going to respect the order of a judge, why is she going to respect this oath she took?

“So,” Honig concluded, “I thought it went quite poorly.”


She previously signed a statement saying her story about the one-night stand was false.

Now, of course, Honig was only articulating what most who have been paying attention (without being blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome) already knew quite well.

Daniels’ whole motivation in going after Trump has been the same as everyone else who has been prosecuting him — to prevent him from winning the presidency again in November.

She freely admitted on the stand that she hated him. Daniels admitted she has thus far failed to pay the money she owed to Trump (~$500,000 — TPR)  because it “wasn’t fair.” She has previously stated that she would go to jail before she’d pay “that shit” what she owed per court order.

The Post Millennial likewise reported that Judge Juan Merchan, despite tossing out the defense’s mistrial request, nevertheless had to admit Daniels went into far too much detail and was “difficult to control.”

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JANUARY 26: Copies of adult film actress/director Stormy Daniels’ book “Full Disclosure” are displayed during a signing at the 2019 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on January 26, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

For these and many other reasons (including previously signing a statement (see below) saying her story about the affair was false), Daniels was not a credible witness, and could only hinder rather than help the prosecution.

“Over the past few weeks, I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying the affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.”

–Statement of Stormy Daniels Jan 30, 2018 — prior to Trump’s State of the Union address — and her “interview” afterwards with Jimmy Kimmel.

And the fact that even a CNN legal expert could readily admit that her cross-examination was disastrous for the prosecution was incredibly telling.

Why should a witness who says they hate the defendant and who has refused a court order to pay that defendant be listened to?

Even the most legally ignorant member of the jury had to be asking questions about her credibility after she admitted that.

Daniels cannot be trusted to tell the truth. But, between her active social media presence and eager appearances on shows like The View, that should have been clear before the trial ever started.

It was only because of the blind prejudice of folks like Alvin Bragg that this trial got as far as it did in the first place.

So why was she even allowed to testify? Three reasons: TDS, she took her clothes off regularly for pay, and $$$$$$ in publicity and far-left, deep-pocket donors. — TPR

Commentary Education Emotional abuse Leftist Virtue(!) Life Science Transgender Weaponization of Government. WOKE

Sex is binary. The XXY chromosome disorder appears in 1.72% of the MALE population –which makes it 0.86 of the total population. Your sex is binary.

Let’s see if I’ve got this right. Males are accused of “Toxic Masculinity.” Of trying to control women via “the patriarchy.” And — whether white or not — enjoying their “White Privilege” to oppress others. But they should treat gold-digging, entitled little princesses like royalty and cater to their every whim.

Seriously, why would any self-respecting, sane woman want to “identify” as a man?

Oh, wait, that question answers itself.

Similarly, why would a self-respecting man want to “identify” as a woman? Is it because he’s a wimp who can’t succeed against other men?

It started when over-the-hill Bobby Riggs started challenging women tennis pros to best of 3 tennis matches. Billy Jean King, who was a bit over half his age at the time, shellacked the peacock 6-4, 6-3, 6-3.

Then we have “Renee” Richards (born Richard Raskind) who, after playing tennis for years, opted to mutilate hirself so “she” could play against women.

And let’s not forget “Lia” Thomas, who went from being ranked below the 400 mark as a MALE swimmer, suddenly vaulted to #1 as a WOMAN(!) swimmer. Sorry, at 6’4″ and packing a sausage between your legs, you are not female, and should not be competing against actual biological women.

If you want to diddle someone of your own sex, go ahead — in private. Dress how you want to, but don’t get upset if someone “mis-genders” you because you look like you’re cosplaying.

I do really wonder why all these crazy people are wandering around feeling entitled to insult and harass people who would happily mind their own business if these nut cases would just leave everyone else alone! Note that Karens/Kevins suffer from similar mental disorders of entitled-ness and delusions.

Seriously, who in their right mind would show signs saying “Queers for Hamas” when they would be killed on sight (if they were lucky) or tortured, killed, and paraded around like a hunting trophy while they spit the corpse (if not)—if actually living in Gaza.

Ah yes, the question again answers itself.

I have one rule in dealing with people: you respect me and my friends, and I’ll respect you. Disrespect me, and I’ll give you a chance to apologize; if you insist on continuing, there will be trouble.

Oh yes, that 1.72% with abnormal chromosomes? They are biologically male.

There are only two sexes/genders in reality. Get over it.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Debates Emotional abuse Government Overreach Hate Reprints from others. Sexual Abuse Terrorism Tony the Fauch Weaponization of Government.

The “Right Man” And The Fear Of Losing Face in Politics

The “Right Man” And The Fear Of Losing Face in Politics

RE: Biden, Pelosi, Jack Smith, Engoron, Letitia James, et al.

Biden joins an elite class.

These excerpts are from Colin Wilson‘s A Criminal History Of Mankind (1984).

Here Wilson discusses the interesting psychological concept of the “Right Man”, which might in other uses also be called the “Dominant Male” or the “Alpha Male”, though we are, of course, speaking here about the negative extremes in behaviour of this human type, not just ordinary dominance or leadership.

The “Right Men” can be domestic household tyrants terrorizing their families but they can be found in all fields of life: in business, politics, art, culture. Everyone must have encountered one: a dominating boss, school headmaster or teacher, army officer, father, son, boyfriend, bully.

Essential here is that the “Right Man” must always have his way and is afraid of losing face above all (“How dare you talk to me this way?”): anything that might be an indication of his infallibility or erroneous ways, something that he can never admit.

And if things don’t exactly go his way, he may scare people into submission by breaking into outbursts of rage or downright violence. He may demand absolute faithfulness from his woman but “play around” himself, since as a God-like “Right Man” this is his divine prerogative (he thinks). Colin Wilson also points out that there are “Right Women” too, so this is not exclusively male behaviour.

“The notion of ‘losing face’ suggests an interesting alternative line of thought. It is obviously connected, for example, with the cruelty of Himmler and Stalin when their absolute authority was questioned. They were both men with a touchy sense of self-esteem, so that their response to any suspected insult was vindictive rage. (Sound familiar? — TPR) Another characteristic of both men was a conviction they they were always right, and a total inability to admit that they might ever be wrong.”

“Himmlers and Stalins are, fortunately, rare; but the type is surprisingly common. The credit for recognising this goes to A.E. Van Vogt who is also the author of a number of brilliant psychological studies. Van Vogt’s concept of the ‘Right Man’ or ‘violent man’ is so important to the understanding of criminality that it deserves to be considered at length…”


“In 1954, Van Vogt began work on a war novel called The Violent Man, which was set in a Chinese prison camp. The commandant of the camp is one of those savagely authoritarian figures who would instantly, and without hesitation, order the execution of anyone who challenges his authority. Van Vogt was creating the type from observation of men like Hitler and Stalin. And, as he thought about the murderous behaviour of the commandant, he found himself wondering: ‘What could motivate a man like that?’ Why is it that some men believe that anyone who contradicts them is either dishonest or downright wicked? Do they really believe, in their heart of hearts, that they are gods who are incapable of being fallible? If so are, are they in some sense insane, like a man who thinks he is Julius Caesar?”

Looking around for examples, it struck Van Vogt that male authoritarian behaviour is far too commonplace to be regarded as insanity. […] [For example,] marriage seems to bring out the ‘authoritarian’ personality in many males, according to Van Vogt’s observation.”


“… ‘the violent man’ or the ‘Right Man’ […] is a man driven by a manic need for self-esteem — to feel he is a ‘somebody’. He is obsessed by the question of ‘losing face’, so will never, under any circumstances, admit that he might be in the wrong.”


“Equally interesting is the wild, insane jealousy. Most of us are subject to jealousy, since the notion that someone we care about prefers someone else is an assault on our amour propre. But the Right Man, whose self-esteem is like a constantly festering sore spot, fliers into a frenzy at the thought, and becomes capable of murder.”

“Van Vogt points out that the Right Man is an ‘idealist’ — that is, he lives in his own mental world and does his best to ignore aspects of reality that conflict with it. Like the Communists’ rewriting of history, reality can always be ‘adjusted’ later to fit his glorified picture of himself. In his mental world, women are delightful, adoring, faithful creatures who wait patiently for the right man — in both senses of the word — before they surrender their virginity. He is living in a world of adolescent fantasy. No doubt there was something gentle and submissive about the nurse that made her seem the ideal person to bolster his self-esteem, the permanent wife and mother who is waiting in a clean apron when he get back from a weekend with mistress…”

“Perhaps Van Vogt’s most intriguing insight into the Right Man was his discovery that he can be destroyed if ‘the worm turns’ — that is, if his wife or some dependant leaves him. Under such circumstances, he may beg and plead, promising to behave better in the future. If that fails, there may be alcoholism, drug addiction, even suicide. She has kicked out the foundations of his sandcastle. For when a Right Man finds a woman who seems submissive and admiring, it deepens his self-confidence, fills him with a sense of his own worth. (We can see the mechanism in operation with Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.) No matter how badly he treats her, he has to keep on believing that, in the last analysis, she recognises him as the most remarkable man she will ever meet. She is the guarantee of his ‘primacy’, his uniqueness; now it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. He may desert her and his children; that only proves how ‘strong’ he is, how indifferent to the usual sentimentality. But if she deserts him, he has been pushed back to square one: the helpless child in a hostile universe. ‘Most violent men are failures’, says Van Vogt; so to desert them is to hand them over to their own worst suspicions about themselves. It is this recognition that leads Van Vogt to write: ‘Realise that most Right Men deserve some sympathy, for they are struggling with an unbelievable inner horror; however, if they give way to the impulse to hit or choke, they are losing the battle, are on the the way to the ultimate disaster… of their subjective universe of self-justification.”

“And what happens when the Right Man is not a failure, when his ‘uniqueness’ is acknowledged by the world? Oddly enough, it makes little or no difference. His problem is lack of emotional control and a deep-seated sense of inferiority; so success cannot reach the parts of the mind that are the root of the problem.”


“The Right Man hates losing face; if he suspects that his threats are not being taken seriously, he is capable of carrying them out, purely for the sake of appearances.”

“Van Vogt makes the basic observation that the central characteristic of the Right Man is the ‘decision to be out of control, in some particular area’. We all have to learn self-control to deal with the real world and other people. But with some particular person — a mother, a wife, a child — we may decide that this effort is not necessary and allow ourselves to explode. But — and here we come to the very heart of the matter — this decision creates, so to speak, a permanent weakpoint in the boiler, the point at which it always bursts.”


“He feels he [is] justified in exploding, like an angry god. […] he feels he is inflicting just punishment.”

What is so interesting here is the way the Right Man’s violent emotion reinforces his sense of being justified, and his sense of justification increases his rage. He is locked into a kind of vicious spiral, and he cannot escape until he has spent his fury. […] The Right Man feels that his rage is a storm that has to be allowed to blow itself out, no matter what damage it causes. But this also means that he is the slave of an impulse he cannot control; his property, even the lives of those that he loves, are at the mercy of his emotions. This is part of the ‘unbelievable inner horror’ that Van Vogt talks about.”


“This is ‘magical thinking’ — allowing a desire or emotion to convince you of something your reason tells you to be untrue. […] Magical thinking provides a key to the Right Man.”

“What causes ‘right mannishness’? Van Vogt suggest that it is because the world has always been dominated by males.”


“But then, this explanation implies that there is no such thing as a Right Woman—in fact, Van Vogt says as much. This is untrue.” […] The central characteristic of the Right Woman is the same as that of the Right Man: that she is convinced that having her own way is a law of nature and that anyone who opposes this deserves the harshest possible treatment. It is the god (or goddess) syndrome.”


“… the one thing that becomes obvious in all cases of Right Men is that their attacks are not somehow inevitable’; some of their worst misdemeanours are carefully planned and calculated, and determinedly carried out. The Right Man does these things because he thinks they will help him to achieve his own way, which is what interests him.”

“And this in turn makes it plain that the Right Man problem is a problem of highly dominant people. Dominance is a subject of enormous interest to biologists and zoologists because the percentage of dominant animals — or human beings — seems to be amazingly constant. […] biological studies have confirmed [… that …] for some odd reason, precisely five per cent — one in twenty — of any animal group are dominant — have leadership qualities.”


“The ‘average’ member of the dominant five per cent sees no reason why he should not be rich and famous too. He experiences anger and frustration at his lack of ‘primacy’, and is willing to consider unorthodox methods of elbowing his way to the fore. This clearly explains a great deal about the rising levels of crime and violence in our society.”


“We can also see how large numbers of these dominant individuals develop into ‘Right Men’. In every school with five hundred pupils there are about twnety-five dominant ones struggling for primacy. Some of these have natural advantages: they are good athletes, good scholars, good debaters. (And there are, of course plenty of non-dominant pupils who are gifted enough to carry away some of the prizes.) Inevitably, a percentage of the dominant pupils have no particular talent or gift; some may be downright stupid. How is such a person to satisfy his urge to primacy? He will, inevitably, choose to express his dominance in any ways that are possible. If he has good looks or charm, he may be satisfied with the admiration of female pupils. If he has some specific talent which is not regarded as important by his schoolmasters — a good ear for music, a natural gift of observation, a vivid imagination — he may become a lonely ‘outsider’, living in his own private world. (Such individuals may develop into Schuberts, Darwins, Balzacs.) But it is just as likely that he will try to take short-cuts to prominence and become a bully, a cheat or a delinquent.”

“The main problem of these ungifted ‘outsiders’ is that they are bound to feel that the world has treated them unfairly. And the normal human reaction to a sense of unfairness is an upsurge of self-pity. Self-pity and the sense of injustice make them vulnerable and unstable. And we have only to observe such people to see that they are usually their own worst enemies. Their moods alternate between aggressiveness and sulkiness, both of which alienate those who might otherwise be glad to help them. If they possess some degree of charm or intelligence, they may succeed in making themselves acceptable to other people; but sooner or later the resentment and self-pity break through, and lead to mistrust and rejection.”

“The very essence of their problem is the question of self-discipline. Dominant human beings are more impatient than others, because they have more vital energy. Impatience leads them to look for short-cuts. […] Civilisation, as Freud pointed out, demands self-discipline on the part of its members. No one can be licenced to threaten people with carving knives.”


“When the Right Man explodes into violence, all the energy is wasted. Worse still, it destroys the banks of the canal. So in permitting himself free expression of his negative emotions he is indulging in a process of slow but sure self-erosion — the emotional counterpart of physical incontinence. Without proper ‘drainage’, his inner being turns into a kind of swamp or sewage farm. This is why most of the violent men of history, from Alexander the Great to Stalin, have ended up as psychotics. Without the power to control their negative emotions, they become incapable of any state of sustained well-being.”

See also:
Colin Wilson interview, August 2005