Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources.

Good News, 199,000 New Jobs. Bad News, Net household wealth fell by about $1.3 trillion.

Views: 17

Good News, 199,000 New Jobs. Bad News, Net household wealth fell by about $1.3 trillion. Also, we saw Household debt rose 2.5%. Why then are we not in great shape? Inflation is still an ugly creature that hurts us all. Look what’s happened since January of 2021.

To get a more accurate sense of how prices have risen, CNBC looked at consumer price index data since April 2021 to see how much more Americans are actually paying for everyday items.

In that time, the cost of essentials like groceries, utilities and gas increased by 20% or more. The cost of all items on the index increased by 13% in that time.

The value of holdings of real estate increased $500 billion, while equity values declined $1.7 trillion. This means that your real-estate is more valuable, but stocks and your other valuables have decreased.


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. The Law

Slap on the wrist for Hunter. When do the real charges come down?

Views: 7

Slap on the wrist for Hunter. When do the real charges come down? Hunter Biden was hit with a 9-count indictment filed in California: Tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.

So where’s the charges for his acting as a foreign agent? He had crimes comitted that happened in 2016 and 2017. Plus his collusion with Russia, China, and the Ukraine.


Biden Cartel Commentary Debates Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Trump

Short and sweet. Who won the debate last night?

Views: 20

Short and sweet. Who won the debate last night? Yes, I watched the two-hour debate, and yes Donald Trump is still the one to beat. I did like that the focus was mostly on Biden’s failed policies, and Chris needs to get a life.

Of course, the four are still so far behind, and Haley is making the John McCain mistake thinking that the media and Progressives support her. VIVEK WON THE BATTLE FOR VP. DESANTIS WON THE DEBATE.



Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources.

More proof that masks don’t work. Especially on children.

Views: 15

More proof that masks don’t work. Especially on children. How many times do we have to show proof? I guess some folks will never believe and they will continue to follow the Faucci school of lies.

A new systematic review by Sandlund et al published in BMJ’s Archives of Diseases in Childhood shows that public health officials were wrong to mandate masks for children due to an absence of high quality evidence.

Here’s just a bit of that report.

Results We screened 597 studies and included 22 in the final analysis. There were no randomised controlled trials in children assessing the benefits of mask wearing to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission. The six observational studies reporting an association between child masking and lower infection rate or antibody seropositivity had critical (n=5) or serious (n=1) risk of bias; all six were potentially confounded by important differences between masked and unmasked groups and two were shown to have non-significant results when reanalysed. Sixteen other observational studies found no association between mask wearing and infection or transmission.

Conclusions Real-world effectiveness of child mask mandates against SARS-CoV-2 transmission or infection has not been demonstrated with high-quality evidence. The current body of scientific data does not support masking children for protection against COVID-19.


Biden Cartel Commentary Daily Hits. Free Speech Links from other news sources.

Articles making the news.

Views: 20

Below are article making the news since Monday. Just click on the headlines and it will take you to the article.

Mike Johnson’s Jan. 6 Tapes Have Gone Missing.

Kissinger’s Final Interview: Forget a Palestinian State, Let Jordan Rule.

‘His Dream Came True’: Ohioans Decorate Elderly Man’s Christmas Tree He Planted 40 Years Ago.

‘Frasier’ Star Kelsey Grammer Says He Still Supports Donald Trump, Paramount Reportedly Cuts Interview Short.

COP28 President Declares ‘No Science’ in Demands for End to Fossil Fuel Use.

Saudi Arabia Says ‘Absolutely Not’ to Fossil Fuel Phase Down Demand by Climate Crazies

Ex-Capitol Police Officer Reveals How He Decided Jan. 6 Was a ‘Set-Up’


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Censorship Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources. Politics The Law

Was there collusion between the fake January 6 committe and Fani Willis? You be the judge.

Views: 14

Was there collusion between the fake January 6 committe and Fani Willis? You be the judge. A real Committe, House Judiciary Committee released a letter that showed Fani Willis asking for damaging information that the fake January 6 committee had on President Trump.

Remember that this fake committee was hand picked by Pelosi. The only folks on it were members of congress who voted for impeachment.

Willis began her investigation into Trump in February 2021. Yet, she waited until the 2024 election season was in full swing to charge the former president and current leading GOP candidate.


Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Progressive Racism Warfare

Hamas adds new ally. Williamsburg Festival Organizers.

Views: 32

Hamas adds new ally. Williamsburg Festival Organizers. Yes my friends, the terrorists have a friend in the Williamsburg Festival Organizers. Why do I say that? Look at what I found.

The Virginia Gazette News reported:

A menorah lighting was scheduled for the 2nd Sundays Art and Music Festival on Dec. 10. Each month from March to December, the community event hosts artisans, street performers and food vendors, and Jewish leaders were told that the board was not comfortable allowing the lighting at the festival.

Dec. 7 marks the first night of Hanukkah. According to a statement from the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, the lighting was going to be held by a local rabbi and had nothing to do with the Israel-Hamas war. The statement says Jewish leaders were told the event would appear to choose sides in the conflict, and organizers would reschedule the celebration if it were held under a “ceasefire” banner.

In a statement, the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula said:

The Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula is shocked and alarmed at LoveLight Placemaking’s decision to cancel a menorah lighting scheduled for the Second Sundays Art and Music Festival on Dec 10 in Williamsburg – claiming it did not want to appear to choose sides in the Israel-Hamas conflict. To be clear, the menorah lighting, which was to be led by a local community rabbi, had nothing to do with Israel or the conflict.

Yet, appallingly, the event organizer claimed that a Chanukah celebration would send a message that the festival was “supporting the killing/bombing of thousands of men, women, and children,” — and even went a step further, by offering to reinstate the event if it was done under a banner calling for a ceasefire.

We should be very clear: it is antisemitic to hold Jews collectively responsible for Israel’s policies and actions, and to require a political litmus test for Jews’ participation in community events that have nothing to do with Israel. Those standards would never be applied to another community.

Since October 7th, we have repeatedly seen cases of Jewish people and institutions – including synagogues, Jewish homes and businesses – being targeted, sometimes violently, by those opposed to Israel or its actions. At a time of well-documented, rising antisemitism, the singling out and targeting of Jews is dangerous and harmful, serving to further exclude and alienate our community.

The Second Sundays Art & Music Festival has been a meaningful and important community event that brings people together under a powerful message of unity, love and light. Excluding Jewish participation from a festival that should welcome everyone undermines its very message. We call on LoveLight Placemaking to reconsider our request to engage in dialogue, educate themselves on the harmfulness of their decision, and reinstate the apolitical Menorah ceremony at the event.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Commentary Corruption COVID Emotional abuse Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Medicine Science

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects?

Views: 27

So what are your COVID vaccine side effects? Of course if you didn’t get the jab, there was none. The most common side effects of a COVID vaccine are a sore arm and sometimes fever, chills, tiredness and headaches for a day or two, according to the CDC.

We all know that the main side effects are hospitalization, and sometimes death. The true numbers may never be released, but hopefully people will contimue to tell their story.

Tell us your story in the comments.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. The Courts The Law

Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied.

Views: 15

Jack Smith request to hide evidence from Trump legal team is denied. Last month Jack Smith’s lawyers asked Judge Cannon to keep documents under seal because it is considered “highly sensitive classified information.”

Excerpt from Newsweek:

Aileen Cannon, the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case, on Monday ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who had asked that they be kept under wraps because they could reveal his trial strategy.

On Monday, Cannon ordered the unsealing of documents filed by Smith in the case, making them public, adding that she was “mindful of the strong presumption in favor of public access to judicial documents.”

On November 22, Smith asked that the filing be kept under seal because it contained government plans to delete “highly sensitive classified information” from sharable discovery.

Cannon said that Smith had not provided “sufficient justification” for his filing because the motions did not “contain or otherwise reveal classified information.”

Additionally, a Friday court document revealed the response to the initial order of unsealing in which Smith’s team agreed to unseal the documents, as requested by the defense, though prosecutors insisted on some redactions.

“The defendants did not oppose the Government’s request, but reserved the right to challenge them later,” Smith wrote, adding that a full unsealing could disclose classified defense counsel information about how government’s CIPA motion.

“This is the same information that the Government proposed redacting. Because the Court rejected that position and ordered the Government to provide unredacted versions of the two docket entries to defense counsel, there is no justification for keeping them from the public.”



Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Politics

Is the Biden administration just using the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans?

Views: 5

Is the Biden administration just using the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans? We’ve been hearing about how ehis administration was focusing on Trump and Republican groups, but some say that they’re not the only ones.

Senator Menendez and Mayor Adams seem to also likly targets of this administation. We have this from NewsNation.

In the past 24 months, New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, former California Congressman TJ Cox, former Louisiana Democratic Party chief Karen Carter Peterson and former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum have all been arrested and charged by the DOJ.


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