Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Education Free Speech Harris Harris Cartel History Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

What it means when a school district bans patriotism because of how it looks.

What it means when a school district bans patriotism because of how it looks.

Recently we have been seeing where schools are banning or disciplining students because they’re proud to be an American. The latest case being in Oklahoma involving the American flag.

Be it a flag or apparel, the excuses are the same. It may offend someone or it may cause violent reactions. What that tells me is that the school has students who are a threat to Democracy and they’re the ones who the schools should be going after.

Biden Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Winning for now. Nationwide stay put on Hospitals that wish to mutilate children.

Winning for now. Nationwide stay put on Hospitals that wish to mutilate children.

In a significant victory for states’ rights and the protection of individual liberties, a U.S. District Court in Texas has issued a nationwide stay on key provisions of the Biden administration’s controversial Final Rule on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities.

According to the press release:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton won a nationwide stay that blocks the Biden Administration from forcing federally-funded healthcare providers to conduct “gender transition” surgeries. Previously, Texas won a stay of agency action that blocked the rule from enforcement in the plaintiff States, Texas and Montana. Applying the same logic, Texas then argued for nationwide relief, and the court has expanded the relief to the entire country.

In May 2024, the Biden Administration promulgated a new rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act that would defund healthcare providers across the country who refuse to perform or pay for experimental, unproven, and potentially dangerous “gender transition” procedures.

Under the rule, any medical institution that refused to perform the procedures could be stripped of all federal healthcare funds, including federal Medicaid and Medicare dollars. The rule further claimed to preempt any state laws forbidding such procedures.

In June 2024, Texas and Montana sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), arguing that the rule was a plainly unconstitutional attempt to override state law. The rule also relied on a misapplication of the Affordable Care Act which never authorized HHS or any government agency to compel institutions to perform or pay for these procedures.

“When Biden and Harris sidestep the Constitution to force their unlawful, extremist agenda on the American public, we are fighting back and stopping them,” said Attorney General Paxton.

“By blocking this destructive policy, which would have forced taxpayer-funded hospitals to conduct unproven and dangerous ‘gender transition’ procedures, Texas has delivered a major victory for Americans across the country.”

So, for those states that see no issues with the mutilation of children, this has to be heartbreaking for them.

Attorney General Ken Paxton on X: “Breaking: We have won a nationwide stay of a federal gender-identity mandate, blocking Biden from forcing taxpayer-funded hospitals to conduct “gender transition” surgeries. When Biden and Harris sidestep the Constitution to force their unlawful, extremist agenda on the American” / X

America's Heartland bankruptcy Biden Cartel Links from other news sources.

What restaurants are filing for bankruptcy or closing locations under the Harris-Biden Cartel?

What restaurants are filing for bankruptcy or closing locations under the Harris-Biden Cartel?

So Harris supporters are telling us how goo the economy is doing. So let’s look at how well it’s been doing with restaurants. Tell us if you’ve seen this happen in your area.

TGI FridaysMOD PizzaOutback Steakhouse, Applebee’s

Boston MarketRed Lobster,Tijuana Flats,

Boston MarketRed Lobster,Tijuana Flats,

Cracker Barrel, Hardees, Buca di Peppo, and PDQ to name just a few.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Harris Links from other news sources.

Hey Joe, Kamala, say his name. Tyler Vargas-Andrews.

Hey Joe, Kamala, say his name. Tyler Vargas-Andrews.

Tyler Vargas-Andrews, that name probably doesn’t sound familiar to you. He was the sniper who was told to stand down three years ago in Afghanistan. What was his reward for doing that?

Tyler lost an arm, leg, and had his organs in his stomach ripped out. Did I mention that he’s gone through 49 surgeries since then? Yes the bomber not only did a number on him, but killed 13 soldiers and 170 others that day in Afghanistan. Vargas-Andrews said he believes that his team spotted the suicide bomber before he could detonate his device outside Abbey Gate, but military leaders did not allow Marines to shoot the man.

Kamala’s part? She was the last one in the room who had no issues with how the cowardly retreat was handled three years ago.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Harris Cartel Lies Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Trump Weaponization of Government.

Undercutting a President and a political challenger.

Undercutting a President and a political challenger.

Former Ohio congressman and two-time Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich told Newsmax that “people from inside the government were trying to undercut” former president Donald Trump’s presidency in a way that was “un-American.”

“Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or independent, when someone is elected president, the country is supposed to get behind him or her. And that didn’t happen,” Kucinich, former campaign manager for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recently suspended campaign, told “Rob Schmitt Tonight.”

Kucinich said Kennedy, who endorsed Trump after suspending his campaign Friday, tried to run inside the Democratic Party.

“He began his campaign as a Democrat — a Kennedy Democrat, nonetheless. The minute that he said that roadblocks were put in his way, the DNC [Democratic National Committee] immediately moved the Biden headquarters into the DNC headquarters,” he said.

“And I will tell you, one of the landmark decisions that is reverberating through this whole election, the DNC decided in the primary there wouldn’t be any debates.”

Kucinich said that decision was in response to the known weaknesses of President Joe Biden.

“They knew he was done. They knew the weaknesses. And so what happened is they scheduled a debate before the convention, so that he could be pushed aside.”

“Now, this whole process was aimed at blocking any real competition inside the Democratic Party,” Kucinich said, calling the ways the DNC blocked Kennedy and other candidates from getting on the ballot “unbelievable.”

Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Crime Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Yes, Virginia Crime is up. You just don’t know where to look. Your large cities.

Yes, Virginia Crime is up. You just don’t know where to look. Your large cities. The MSM and white progressive supremacists love to quote statistics from a survey that leaves out 30% of the country, and major cities like NY, Chicago, LA, Philadelphia, etc. So, to that survey crime is down.

Citing preliminary data from the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) — a different independent analysis finds that violent crime is actually up in 66 major U.S. cities.

According to the Coalition for Law, Order, and Safety (CLOS), there has been a 9.6 percent increase in total violent crime from January-June 2019 to January-June 2024.

Anti Semitic Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education Harris Harris Cartel Hate Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources.

Progressives hate towards Jews.

Progressives hate towards Jews.

According to the College Fix, here’s a list of the ten most disturbing acts of antisemitism of the school year,

1. ‘Scholar-activist’ allegedly firebombed police car at UC Berkeley – The man charged in the incident is a recent doctoral graduate of African American studies from Northwestern University. Allegedly, he targeted a police car and several university buildings to show support for pro-Palestinian protesters.

2. Columbia University admin caught mocking antisemitism panel – Three of them are now on leave after the texts, discovered by The Washington Free Beacon, “dismiss[ed] claims of anti-Semitism and suggest[ed] … that Jewish figures on campus were exploiting the moment for ‘fundraising potential.’”

3. Jewish students prevented from attending classes at MIT – In a November post on X, Professor Retsef Levi said Jewish students “were physically prevented from attending class by a hostile group of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel MIT students.”

4. Graduation ceremonies disrupted by anti-Israel protesters – Yale and George Washington university students disrupted commencement ceremonies to show their support for the pro-Palestinian cause.

At McGill University, a graduating pro-Palestinian student made what appeared to be “spitting motions” at faculty members and then unfurled a banner that read “Divest from Death” as she walked across the stage.

Meanwhile, Harvard’s commencement speaker was accused of making antisemitic remarks.

5. Cornell student charged with threatening to slaughter Jewish students – New York student Patrick Dai pleaded guilty in April, after admitting he posted threatening messages online in October. The posts included threats to shoot Jewish students and slit their throats.

6. ‘Hitler was right,’ ‘gas the Jews,’ ‘death to kikes,’: Messages seen at NYU – These were just a sample of the graffiti and other threatening messages Jewish students and employees reported seeing at campuses across the country. In another case, the words “Holocaust 2.0” were found written on the ground after a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Maryland.

7. UCLA accused of allowing ‘Jewish exclusion’ zone – The California university is being sued for discrimination. In the lawsuit, Jewish students allege pro-Palestinian protesters restricted their access to campus, and UCLA administrators did nothing to stop them.

8. Jewish student’s door set on fire at Drexel University – The student’s dorm room door was targeted just three days after the Hamas attack. The student said she believed her outspoken support of Israel was the reason.

9. University of Michigan regent’s office vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti – Regent Jordan Acker, who is Jewish, described the crime as an act of “antisemitism” after noting none of the other regents were targeted.

10. More than 1,000 complaints against anti-Israel protesters documented at just one university – Among the many reports to DePaul University, a student told campus Public Safety that “she was followed through the Quad where she overheard ‘I want to kill her’ and ‘I want to rape her;’” and “told ‘You’re Jewish scum.’”

Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Harris Harris Cartel Medicine Poetic Justice

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

So after six jabs, and numerous times of masking up, what does the Fauch say you should do? Get jabbed again and continue to mask up.

Scientific evidence has shown that vaccinated people are contracting COVID far more often than those not vaccinated against the disease and make up the majority of COVID-19 deaths. Double and tripled-vaxxed individuals have the highest rate.

The good news? More and more parents aren’t vaccinating their children for COVID. If in our lifetime, there is another COVID type pandemic, let’s hope folks like Tony the Fauch aren’t used as a go to medical  expert.

America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Just my own thoughts Opinion

The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the USA.

The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the U S A.

I guess this started when Biden decided to go total lock down during his COVID pandemic. True that Trump lost 22 million jobs, BUT HE GOT BACK 10 MILLION IN A FEW SHORT MONTHS.

Joe Biden took almost three years to recover the other 12 million. Why so long? His 6 trillion in new spending that caused inflation. Going up to almost 10% under his administration.

But the opening of the southern border was the killer. We hear anywhere from 10-20 million undocumented flooded our border. And where were they going to work?

I saw a leftist cry out that we needed to show compassion for these folks. A small number were fearful of government persecution. But most came for the jobs. Where was the compassion for the American workers and legal immigrants who had to compete against these interlopers?

Where was the compassion for the hundred thousand deaths a year because of the drugs brought in from the southern border? Excuse me for not caring about folks who brought unemployment and death upon those born here and those here legally.

Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Kamala Harris. What a great speech she gives. Not.

Kamala Harris. What a great speech she gives. Not.

Will she use this in her opening statement at the debates?

Here is what she said (with audience interjections) in Philadelphia:

Now, many of you know, before I was elected Vice President or elected a United States Senator, I was an elected attorney general, and before that, elected district attorney. [Applause] And before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. [Applause] So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. [Applause] Predators who abused women. [Boos] Fraudsters who scammed consumers. [Boos] Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. [Boos] So hear me when I say — [applause] — I know Donald Trump’s type.

Here is what she said in Wilmington:

As many of you know, before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as United States Senator, I was the elected Attorney General as I’ve mentioned to California, and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.

Here is what she said Wednesday in Detroit, Michigan:

As many of you know, before I was elected Vice President, before I was elected as a U.S. Senator, I was elected attorney general, and before that, elected district attorney, and before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. [Applause] In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Scammers who broke the rules for personal gain. [Boos] So hear me, Detroit, when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type!

And here is what she said Wednesday in Eau Claire, Wisconsin:

And many of you know, then, before I was elected vice president, before I was elected United States Senator, I was an elected attorney general and before that, an elected district attorney. And before that, and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds — predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, scammers who broke the rules for personal gain. So hear me, when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.

Politicians frequently have refrains that they use as part of their “stump speeches.” Former President Donald Trump closes his speeches with similar conclusions every time, leading up to the “make America great again” refrain.

The difference is that most of Trump’s speeches are ad libbed, and Kamala Harris will not stray from the script — nor will she hold press conferences, or sit down for interviews. She gives the impression of being entirely scripted.