California fires. California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Economy Government Overreach Government Waste. Links from other news sources.

California Coastal Commission must be abolished.

California Coastal Commission must be abolished.

  • Ric Grenell, a longtime ally of President Trump, said “there will be conditions” to the coming aid, echoing previous warnings from both men in recent days.
  • Grenell said the California Coastal Commission “needs to absolutely be defunded.”

Initiated by voters and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in his first term, the 1976 Coastal Act was a response to unregulated shoreline development. Almost immediately after its passage, beachfront owners and interest groups across the state began pushing to amend or repeal sections of the law.

Grenell told the audience. “Everyone who’s involved knows that the California Coastal Commission is a disaster, and it needs to absolutely be defunded. And from just a way to think about government, we already have local government making these decisions.

California fires. California. How funny is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Unions

How funny is this? Union thug said he wanted to rake all the forests in Southern California, and he couldn’t buy a rake.

How funny is this? Union thug said he wanted to rake all the forests in Southern California, but he couldn’t buy a rake.

A Union thug obviously didn’t check with the US Forest Service or the Department of Interior.who said no such thing was true.

A U.S. Forest Service spokesperson said that no wild-land firefighting or other public safety positions were cut in staff reductions.

A Department of Interior spokesperson emphasized that the vegetation reduction work had not necessarily been cut but is “undergoing review” to determine whether “funding decisions to be consistent with the President’s Executive Orders” as well as “all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders.”

California fires. California. Commentary Democrat How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Loser

Stupidity already started in California. Gavin Newsom to Victims of California Fires: ‘You Can’t Rebuild the Same, Have to Rebuild With Climate Reality in Mind’.

Stupidity already started in California. Gavin Newsom to Victims of California Fires: ‘You Can’t Rebuild the Same, Have to Rebuild With Climate Reality in Mind’.

Less than 24 hours after going to Washington and kissing Trumps ass, Newsom goes back to his mind set that makes the fires worse. He’s telling the folks who are going to rebuild that you have to go along with the Science deniers and build climate friendly housing.

Gavin Newsom just appeared on CNN and explained that people ‘can’t rebuild the same.’ Newsom suggests that there is a new reality due to the ‘science’ and climate change, and that all of that has to be taken into account as people rebuild.

California fires. California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia there needs to be strings attached to California and any blue state that gets federal money.

Yes Virginia there needs to be strings attached to California and any blue state that gets federal money.

Be it disaster relief, or anything else, the Trump administration needs to attach conditions to all federal dollars. That goes for other blue state and cities also.

No federal dollars for environmental studies, or education for the undocumented. No disaster relief until plans are given on how the deforestation will take place. The freeride stops January 20th.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., on Sunday told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that he expected to see “strings attached to money that is ultimately approved, and it has to do with being ready the next time, because this was a gross failure this time.”

Johnson said House Republicans are also discussing the possibility of tying California aid to efforts to raise the limit on more than $36 trillion in U.S. debt.

California fires. California. Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

A Pacific Palisades reservoir was closed when wildfires swept through the area and devastated the community, officials told the Los Angeles Times.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir is connected to the Los Angeles water supply system, and authorities said it was shut down for repairs at the time the fires erupted, “leaving a 117 million gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades,” the newspaper reported on Friday.