Commentary Life Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Some Interesting articles for 2023.

Views: 12

Some Interesting articles for 2023. Below are some important, interesting, or otherwise fun stories that moved 1440 staff in 2023. What was your favorite?

Women’s NCAA basketball championship draws record numbers

I loved the excitement surrounding women’s sports this yearparticularly the NCAA women’s basketball tournament, topped by the Iowa-LSU championship (go Hawkeyes!). —Ashley L. 


The hidden power of rituals

As a child of immigrant parents who also moved around a lot, I always felt that the little traditions and habits were what gave us control of otherwise changing and often hectic circumstances. —Mitchell K.


Chicago woman breaks skydiving record at age 104

It’s inspiring to witness that age has no barrier; it’s about seizing every moment to pursue the passions that ignite your joy in this lifetime. —August M.


Riding with Jimmy Buffett

A captivating narrative about friendship and adventure with the legendary musician that prompts you to reflect on how you’re living your own life and how you show up in this world. —Sony K.


Brain-reading devices allow paralyzed people to communicate via thoughts

I studied psychology and brain sciences at Indiana University and the courses focused on our brain were always my favorite. —Erika B.


Justices, actors, activists, and more

The world mourned the deaths of many iconic cultural, political, and sports figures in 2023. Among the most impactful for me were Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Matthew Perry, Harry Belafonte, and Tina Turner. —Bobby A.


A paradigm shift in public perception of UFOs

I was impressed by the shift in public opinion toward UFOs (now called unidentified anomalous phenomena) this year, as leaders in government and science sought to take whatever they are more seriously. —Teddy B.


“Please write me”

I found this story to be so heartwarming and loved how a young girl’s message found its way back to her 72 years later! —Michelle D.


Flag football among new Olympic additions

As an avid football fan, finding out that flag football was approved to be an official Olympic sport gave me a thrill. It would be great to see familiar NFL stars competing on the world stage to represent the US, but I would also love to see the enthusiasm for the sport brought by other countries. —Scott J.


Ten-year-old amputee breaks track records

As a mother of a child with a rare disease, it really hits home to hear inspiring stories of children defying the odds and living their best lives. —Kellie S.


Surprise avian wedding guest tops international photo competition

I got married this year and, in the past, worked for a wedding magazine, so these photos had me feeling nostalgic. They were the perfect treat to scroll through, bringing me back to an incredibly joyous day. —Amanda B.


Brain implant helps revive cognitive functions post-injury

As someone who is always looking to continue learning about the functions of the body, I am always looking to read about how medical science continues to evolve and help people. —Jessica L.


On this day: Harry Houdini’s death

The life of Erich Weisz—professionally known as Harry Houdini—is fascinating to me. An icon surrounded by so many feats and myths ultimately succumbed to the common condition of appendicitis (and it may have been caused by a punch to the abdomen). —Lizzie M.


CRISPR therapy approved to treat sickle cell

This breakthrough brings so much hope to thousands of people living with the pain of sickle cell and the knowledge their life expectancy is significantly lower. It’s inspiring to see the promise of CRISPR being realized and, for the first time, accessible to people who can benefit from it. —Aaron E-L


Fourteen-year-old’s Lego recreation lands him a job on “Spiderman”

I thought this trailer was so impressive, but even more so that his skills were recognized, and he was hired by the filmmakers. —Sam B.
Justice for Neanderthals
I loved this protective view of our hominin brethren, who are often stereotyped as knuckle-dragging dumb dumbs. They were people, they were artists, they were way more similar to us. —Alissa S.


Ten years on, “Batkid” is cancer-free

While the world watches the day-to-day happenings swirl around us, it’s good to be reminded that there is good out there, lots of it. —Lauren R.

The world’s longest study on happiness reveals key to a fulfilling life

Dr. Robert Waldinger’s study on lifelong happiness—which followed thousands of humans over 85 years—found the people who were happiest, who stayed healthiest as they grew old, and who lived the longest were the people who had the warmest connections with other people. Good relationships were the strongest predictor of who was going to be happy and healthy as they grew old. —Tim H.


The rise of Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists
The downstream effects of the explosion of these antiobesity drugs will be fascinating to watch unfold. Obesity-related ailments account for around $200B in annual healthcare spending in the US, an industry that accounts for 17% of GDP. These drugs have the potential to not only improve the quality of life for millions but drive a paradigm shift in the economy. —Drew S.



Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources.

What Supreme Court ruling Republicans need to go to when redistricting.

Views: 16

What Supreme Court ruling Republicans need to go to when redistricting. Gerrymandering has been used by both Democrat and Republican redistricting. Georgia just got their redistricting approved by a Federal Judge and the left doesn’t like it.

Progressives wanted a second gerrymandered black district. But their upset in the creation because another black district was reshuffled. The judge rejected their claim.

Judge Jones rejected the objections from the voters, writing that while the General Assembly drew the new congressional voting boundaries to protect their majority “as much as possible,” redistricting decisions by a legislature “with an eye toward securing partisan advantage does not alone violate Section 2.”

Here is what Republicans need to use as their battle cry. The Supreme Court in 2019 effectively allowed state lawmakers to draw voting lines to achieve their partisan goals when it ruled that federal courts don’t have a role in deciding partisan gerrymandering claims.



Commentary Elections Links from other news sources.

Steve Garvey moves into second for California Senate.

Views: 16

Steve Garvey moves into second for California Senate. The top two vote getters go to the next stage. A recent poll from Politico shows Garvey, who is running as a Republican, with the support of 19% of likely California voters, second to Congressman Adam Schiff’s 28%.

Porter and Lee are also close behind. Garvey needs the other half dozen Republicans to drop out. Hopefully the State and National RNC back Garvey financially.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources.

What happens when you allow hate groups like BLM? Ask Seattle.

Views: 35

What happens when you allow hate groups like BLM. Ask Seattle. The city of Seattle has had enough. They had to go and take back their city park. BLM supposedly had a community garden. What did they create?

City officials said in a statement that the “makeshift,” temporary garden was being removed because of public health and safety concerns, as well as for maintenance reasons including reseeding and turf restoration.

The efforts on Wednesday also included the removal of tent encampments located near the garden and outside the park along E. Olive Street, which city officials said was to ensure the public spaces remain clean and open for everyone.

So far this year, the City’s Unified Care Team has cleaned up encampments at Cal Anderson Park 76 times, making the park one of the most frequently addressed areas in the city for repopulated encampments, the city said.




Biden Cartel Commentary Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia, when you protest against the war and carry Hamas flags, you do support Hamas and not Israel.

Views: 12

Yes Virginia, when you protest against the war and carry Hamas flags, you do support Hamas and not Israel. You see these protests and always in the crowd are folks chanting racial slurs and making comments that support Hamas.

But you have MSM and white progressive supremacists telling us that this is just a friendly protest asking for a cease fire. Are there some folks who want a cease fire? But why aren’t they asking for Hamas and their Arab supporters asking for a release of the hostages? Why aren’t there Israeli flags being carried?

Some protesters were also heard shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “mobilize the intifada.” 


Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources.

Are third parties a threat to Joe Biden in 2024?

Views: 13

Are third parties a threat to Joe Biden in 2024? Some behind close doors in the Biden administration are really worried that Biden’s in big trouble. Without the third parties Biden trails Trump.

So, add in RFK JR, Cornel West, plus the No Labels and you just may have a landslide victory for Donald Trump. While long shots to emerge atop the field, Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have proved resilient as oft-competing factions of the party have coalesced around the goal of keeping Biden in the Oval Office.

Also lurking is Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), fresh off an announcement that he will not run for reelection to the Senate and continuing his flirtation with a third-party White House run.


Commentary Public Service Announcement

Does my heart good to be remembered by so many. 500+ and counting.

Views: 30

Does my heart good to be remembered by so many. 500+ and counting. Several weeks back I turned 70. What was a great surprise to me was that over 500 of my old customers across the country remembered.

Beside the wishes on social media, I also received over 100 phone calls. So, this is my way of thanking all of them. So far, I’ve returned all the calls and thanked about 300.


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Courts

Never Trumpers try to stack the deck, and the Biden Judges go along.

Views: 15

Never Trumpers try to stack the deck, and the Biden Judges go along. It’s bad enough that the DOJ using Smith to file phony charges against former President Trump, now the appeals court has agreed to allow 24 never Trumpers to file an amicus brief in the case deciding whether or not former President Donald Trump has presidential immunity from criminal prosecution.

The full list of former Republicans officials on the brief include:

  1. Donald Ayer
  2. John Bellinger
  3. Barbara Comstock
  4. John Danforth
  5. Mickey Edwards
  6. Charles Fried
  7. Stuart Gerson
  8. John Giraudo
  9. Peter Keisler
  10. Edward Larson
  11. J. Michael Luttig
  12. Carter Phillips
  13. Alan Charles Raul
  14. Paul Rosenzweig
  15. Nicholas Rostow
  16. Robert Shanks
  17. Christopher Shays
  18. Michael Shepherd
  19. Larry Thompson
  20. Stanley Twardy
  21. Christine Todd Whitman
  22. Wendell Willkie II
  23. Keith Whittington
  24. Richard Bernstein



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

But, but $20 an hour was to create a fair livable wage. Pizza Hut across California lays off drivers.

Views: 30

But, but $20 an hour was to create a fair livable wage. Pizza Hut across California lays off drivers. So what happened? Why would anyone be surprised? This is only the beginning. The increase goes into effect come April. Don’t be surprised if more layoffs happen.

KTLA 5 reported:

Two large Pizza Hut operators in California are laying off all their delivery drivers ahead of a new state law that raises the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour, Business Insider reports.

The layoffs impact hundreds of Pizza Hut locations across the state including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Ventura and San Bernardino counties and Sacramento, and involve more than 1,200 in-house delivery drivers.

The job cuts will take place through February, according to federal employment notices obtained by Business Insider.

In 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed the FAST Act into law. It called for the minimum wage for fast-food workers to increase to $22 an hour in 2023. But corporate chains such as McDonald’s, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, and franchise-advocacy groups fought the law. A coalition of restaurant-industry organizations said the law could raise costs for fast-food restaurants by $3 billion. They rallied to get a referendum on the ballot.

A new law, AB 1228, replaced the controversial FAST Act this year. The minimum-wage increase for fast-food workers was changed to $20 an hour. The new law was viewed as a compromise between the labor unions representing fast-food workers and the restaurant industry.

So, now those folks will have to rely on third party delivery services and you know that won’t be cheap. The law affects 557,000 fast-food workers at 30,000 restaurants in California.


Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Say what? CIA being sued for hiding COVID information?

Views: 18

Say what? CIA being sued for hiding COVID information? The Heritage Foundation tried getting information from the CIA. CIA refused. Heritage used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request earlier this year. CIA said no again. So, they filed a lawsuit.

In the lawsuit, the Heritage Foundation states that they filed a FOIA request for information relating to the CIA’s COVID-19 Discovery team, such as its creation, records among members, communications between members and documents “regarding the pay history, to include the awarding of any type of financial or performance-based incentive/financial bonus to members of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s).”

Stay tuned.


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