Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

You got to be kidding me. After a crushing defeat, Lee is running for her Congressional seat.

Views: 12

You got to be kidding me. After a crushing defeat, Lee is running for her Congressional seat. Just a few weeks back, Lee got her butt whipped in the mayoral race. Now she’s running for her old seat again.

She will be running against a former employee of hers. I guess some folks just can’t walk away.

Sheila Jackson Lee on X: “I thought about the many more gifts I have to give to my constituents of the 18th Congressional District.  Those gifts involve more hard work and my ability to get the job done! Together, let’s build on the progress we’ve achieved and work towards an even brighter future for all.” / X (


Biden Cartel Commentary Elections How sick is this? Links from other news sources.

How sick is this? California Republicans and Green Party need not apply. Voting in the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election.

Views: 14

How sick is this? California Republicans and Green Party need not apply. Voting in the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election. I received an email the other day directing me to the California Secretary of States website. I was surprised to find this.

In the upcoming 2024 election, if you’re not registered in a political party, you will not be able to vote for President. You’re ballot will leave that choice off. Look at this link below. Republicans and Greens need to contact those parties directly.

Voting in the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election
Your vote-by-mail ballot will not have presidential candidates on it.

As a voter who declined to provide a political party preference, you are considered a “No Party Preference (NPP)” voter, and your ballot will not have presidential candidates on it.

If you want to vote for U.S. President, you must request a ballot with presidential candidates from one of the following parties:

  • American Independent Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Libertarian Party

You can request a replacement ballot with presidential candidates from your county elections office by submitting a No Party Preference Cross-over Ballot Notice and Application (PDF) to your county elections office or by:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Other electronic means

If you vote at the polls:

Ask the poll worker for a ballot with either American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian party presidential candidates when checking-in at a polling place or vote center.

If you want to vote for the Green, Peace and Freedom, or Republican parties’ presidential candidates:

You must re-register with that specific party.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Daily Hits. Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Medicine Opinion Politics Reprints from others. WOKE

Headlines making the news.

Views: 18

Headlines making the news. Today we have a very long list of what’s happened and is happening around the world. See if any of the topics peaks your interest, and feel free to comment.

At a campaign event, former President Donald Trump said he “aced” his recent cognitive examopens in a new tab or window. (The Hill)

The cinnamon applesauce pouches linked to high lead levels in dozens of U.S. kids may have been intentionally contaminatedopens in a new tab or window, a top FDA official suggested. (Politico)

The CDC issued an “urgent” alert about the low vaccination ratesopens in a new tab or window for flu, COVID, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and called on healthcare providers to administer shots now to protect patients.

Meanwhile, AstraZeneca and Sanofi announced plans to ship another 230,000 dosesopens in a new tab or window of their monoclonal antibody for protecting infants from RSV to the U.S. market. (Reuters)

Healthcare companies are signing on to the U.S. plan to ensure the safe development of artificial intelligenceopens in a new tab or window in healthcare. (Reuters)

Hundreds of women have been denied emergency abortions in Texasopens in a new tab or window since the state’s near-total ban, a STAT analysis revealed.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he’ll propose a plan to cut prescription drug costs by 50%opens in a new tab or window. (Endpoints News)

A well-known fertility doctor and former Harvard Medical School professor used his own sperm to inseminate a patientopens in a new tab or window in 1980, a new lawsuit alleges. (Washington Post)

Disgraced “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreliopens in a new tab or window asked an appeals court to overturn the ban from him working in the pharmaceutical industry. (Bloomberg)

The FDA warned multiple companies for selling unapproved antimicrobials for animalsopens in a new tab or window, saying that many of the treatments are used in humans and could contribute to antimicrobial resistance.

The World Health Organization is urging governments to ban all flavors of e-cigarettesopens in a new tab or window. (Reuters)

Does that patient really have a penicillin allergyopens in a new tab or window? (NBC News)

In order to succeed, HIV vaccine candidatesopens in a new tab or window may need to induce strong immune responses from CD8+ T cells, researchers reported in Science.

A New York doctor who appeared on the Bravo reality series “Below Deck” was charged in an alleged fake opioid prescription schemeopens in a new tab or window that used the names of his fellow cast members. (AP)

CNN interviewed victims of the war in Gazaopens in a new tab or window at a field hospital in Rafah.

The Smithsonian collected dozens of human brainsopens in a new tab or window from vulnerable individuals, many without consenta Washington Post report revealed.

North Carolina is suing HCA Healthcareopens in a new tab or window, alleging that it breached terms of the takeover agreement with Mission Health and has “degraded” care at the former nonprofit. (STAT)

A Texas man pleaded guilty to threatening to kill a Boston doctoropens in a new tab or window who specializes in treating transgender youth. (NBC News)

Emergency contraception useopens in a new tab or window among American women more than doubled since the morning-after pill was approved to be sold without a prescription (from 10.8% in 2006-2010 to 26.6% in 2015-2019), according to CDC data.

A Maine nurse was arrested for her alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riotopens in a new tab or window, the FBI said. (WMTW)

Heart failure patientsopens in a new tab or window in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods were more likely to be non-adherent to guideline-recommended medication. (JAMA Network Open)

Here are NPR‘s top five ‘viral’ storiesopens in a new tab or window from the year.

Singer Patti Smithopens in a new tab or window was discharged from a hospitalization in Italy following a “sudden illness.” (People)


Biden Cartel Commentary Green Energy Links from other news sources.

How can this be? GM laying off workers? But it’s all about building the EV.

Views: 9

How can this be? GM laying off workers? But it’s all about building the EV. Not so long ago we were told that this new contract would make life so much better for the union folk. Huge raise come at a price, but no the workers wouldn’t listen. Now the layoffs begin.

First it was the slashing od 24% of the workforce at it’s Cruse division. And all the robo taxi’s built there recalled.

Now this. GM plans to lay off about 1,300 workers in Michigan starting early next year due to vehicles they produce ending production, the company disclosed in state documents.

But don’t worry they will have jobs for you in 2025. Yeah right.



Commentary Foreign Aid Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Help me out here, why isn’t the EU helping Ukraine more?

Views: 13

Help me out here, why isn’t the EU helping Ukraine more? Just the other day the Ukranian President again came over here for another handout. He just walked across the border and hiked up to DC.

No, he hopped on a plane and flew thousands of miles. Bypassing all those other countries he flew over. Why didn’t he stop and visit his neighbors? Maybe that he came here because the EU turned him down as a group. But they can still individually give him aid.

Finally, we’re one country. The EU is over 20 countries. Why ask us for a larger pkg? Asked the US for 61 million and EU 54 million.


Censorship Commentary Corruption Education Free Speech Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Uncategorized

Is it really one down two to go? House approves resolution demanding MIT; Harvard presidents resign after antisemitism testimony.

Views: 4

Is it really one down two to go? House approves resolution demanding MIT; Harvard presidents resign after antisemitism testimony.

Is it really one down two to go? Yesterday we saw a bipartisan resolution condemning antisemitism and asking two college presidents to resign. But, does anyone think that there’s only two college Presidents who feel like the ones who testified?

So, who’s next with these radical groups? Will they take their protests to the homes of the Jews, Christians, and any other group or religious organization they have issues with? And when do the Democrat politicians stand up and say enough is enough?

Looking across the country, I’m willing to bet the number is huge,10,20, maybe close to 100? This is a sickness, and I don’t know how you fix it. If anyone has the answer or answers, I’m all ears.


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

No Hunter, a Deposition isn’t done in public, it’s done in Private.

Views: 17

No Hunter, a Deposition isn’t done in public, it’s done in Private. Hunter Biden ignored his subpoena claiming he wanted a public deposition and cameras there to record the deposition.

The cameras were going to be there and in depositions you have a court reporter who takes down everything word for word. Not good enough for Hunter.

I’ve been part of depositions in both civil and criminal cases and they’re not public. Private hearing and 100% recorded by a court reporter. Even a cough is reported in the hearing, so nothings left out.

Now the next move is for Contempt of Congress Proceedings. Now as you know, Navarro and Bannon were arrested when they ignored subpoenas. Will Garland have Hunter arrested for doing the same?

Joe Biden thinks that those who ignore a subpoena should be arrested.

(1) House Republicans on X: “Will @POTUS instruct the DOJ to prosecute Hunter if he defies a Congressional subpoena? QUESTION: “Mr. President, what’s your message to people who defy Congressional subpoenas…Should they be prosecuted by the Justice Department?” BIDEN: “Yes”″ / X (


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Links from other news sources.

If true, how scary is this? More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election.

Views: 19

If true, how scary is this? More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election. A recent poll showed that more than 1-in-5 voters who submitted ballots by mail say they did so fraudulently. Some highlights from that poll.

The survey asked those who voted by mail in the 2020 election if they filled out a ballot “in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?” to which 21 percent said they had done so. Though many states allow voters to receive assistance while voting, the Heartland Institute notes, filling out ballots on behalf of another person is illegal across the United States.

In addition, 17 percent of mail-in voters in the 2020 election said they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident — a violation of federal election law. Another 17 percent of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot on behalf of someone else, also a violation of election law. Another 10 percent of all voters said they know someone who admitted to casting a mail-in ballot in a state where they are not a permanent resident and 11 percent said they know someone who admitted to signing a mail-in ballot on behalf of someone else in the 2020 election.



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Links from other news sources.

NAACP says show me your papers, Judge says no.

Views: 30

NAACP says show me your papers, Judge says no. The NAACP tried to stick their nose into the Governors private papers, the judge said Constitution protected.

A judge sided with Gov. Glenn Youngkin after the Virginia NAACP attempted to sue him.

The judge said, based on the evidence presented in court, those documents included confidential information and were exempt from the group’s FOIA request, as working papers for the Gov. are protected under the constitution.



Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources.

How can this be? NY Times claims that ‘Stable Jobs with Decent Pay’ Harder to Find Due to Mass Immigration.

Views: 26

How can this be? NY Times claims that ‘Stable Jobs with Decent Pay’ Harder to Find Due to Mass Immigration. The left was always saying that the undocumented were good for the economy. They work, pay taxes, etc. Yes, they do. but at what cost?

They flood the lower jobs and drive down wages. So, when citizens get a job it’s for less pay. Here’s what the NY Times says.

“That influx of workers, which includes a recovery in immigration flows, has also taken the air out of wage increases and made it more difficult for people on the margins of the labor market to find stable jobs with decent pay,” the Times reports:


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