Biden Commentary Elections Faked news Lies Links from other news sources.

Biden Speech a National failure. CNN claims worst on record.

Biden Speech a National failure. CNN claims worst on record. Thanks Joe Biden. Joe did save his ass from getting kicked off the ballot, but even drugged up the American people saw first hand that he’s not ready for prime time.

Biden’s campaign and some media outlets have pointed to a post-speech instant CNN poll showing 65 percent of viewers offered a positive review of Biden’s speech. Viewers also shifted 17 points toward believing the country is headed in the right direction — from 45 percent before the speech to 62 percent afterward.

It went on to explain that these positive polling numbers are somewhat of a red herring:

The 65 percent who had a positive view of the speech was actually lower than any such speech CNN has polled in the past quarter-century — the previous low being Donald Trump’s 2018 address (70 percent).

And the 35 percent who offered a “very” positive review was effectively tied with Biden’s speech last year (34 percent) for the lowest on record. The next lowest were Biden’s 2022 speech and George W. Bush’s 2007 speech, which each earned “very” positive marks from 41 percent of viewers.

America's Heartland Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) WOKE

Leftist-think: Disney Exec Blames Massive Box-Office Bombs on Bigoted Fans

Leftist-think: Disney Exec Blames Massive Box-Office Bombs on Bigoted Fans
This one pisses me off. Disney’s choice to play identity politics with an increasing number of its brands isn’t the problem — the fact that Disney’s audience won’t accept those politics is the problem.

There are many factors one could reasonably surmise contributed to Disney’s recent box office failures.

For one, the “not-so-secret-gay-agenda” being pushed by the once-family-friendly company. Pushing quantity over quality would be another contributor that even Disney’s CEO admitted is a problem. Betting it all on bloated-budget blockbusters that have to bring in $1 billion to be a success is another likely contributor.

One Disney executive reportedly thinks that the real issue is none of the above.

In that executive’s alleged opinion, Disney’s failures are the fault of racist and sexist fans.

Yes, you read that right. The report comes from Hollywood journalist Matthew Belloni, whose newsletter boasts an incredibly 15,000 paid and 35,000 unpaid subscribers.

Per Vulture, that newsletter, Puck, is praised across the news and Hollywood industries, so when Belloni mentions an anonymous source, it’s a relatively safe bet his sourcing is solid.

In response to the Feb. 15 installment of Puck, which elaborated on how the politicization of Disney’s brand has been bad for business, Belloni claims a Disney executive reached out to comment.

The Bullwark culture editor Sonny Bunch shared the executive’s comments on X on Feb. 19.

In that anonymous executive’s opinion, Disney’s choice to play identity politics with an increasing number of its brands isn’t the problem — the fact that Disney’s audience won’t accept those politics is.

“Everyone says ‘It’s the movies, stupid,’ which is an easy thing for people to say. More appealing movies are a great way to jump the political issues. But more and more, our audience (or the segment of the audience that has been politicized) equates the perceived messaging in a film as a quality issue,” the executive reportedly said.

“They won’t say they find female empowerment distasteful in The Marvels or Star Wars, but they will say they don’t like those movies because they are ‘bad.’”

“So ‘make better movies’ becomes code for ‘make movies that conform to regressive gender stereotypes or put men front and center in the narrative.’ Which is what you’re seeing now, and what Bob [Iger]’s pivot is about right now.”

Disaffected fans of franchises that have seen their popularity tank since Disney overtook them (e.g., Marvel and Star Wars) responded in droves on social media to the reported statement.

“Typical victim mentality. Its not us its you,” one X user posted.

The failure is due to the wrong person hired to do the job. Which is to make a quality movie. The script for sure has been going down hill,” another wrote.

“Disney’s head is so far in the sand that they call their consumers *bigoted* for not buying their woke products. A major shake up at the top is needed to restore the excellence that Walt Disney himself created,” another user wrote.

In the interest of transparency, I liked the last couple of Marvel “flops.” My main gripe has been they were trying too hard to set up upcoming movies. Sure, Secret Invasion was far from the source material and opened some gaping plot holes. The Eternals had too many character introductions all at once; then they killed off two of the biggest ones. There were aspects of others that I didn’t care for either. OTOH, I quit watching the STAR WARS trilogy after they killed off Han Solo so casually and again ignored Chewie. I just didn’t like the way the stories were going. That’s just my personal preference. However, I can agree that the MCU has fallen on its quality face several times.

Echo could have been better; limiting it to only eight episodes made it far less effective than it should have been. If you’re going to show some Native American heritage, then for god’s sake, give it enough room to breathe — rather than having it seem like a confusing set of footnotes.

SheHulk was always supposed to be a comedy. In the comics, SheHulk always broke the fourth wall and even talked back to the writer directly, so those complaints seem whiny to me.

Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

California’s Huntington Beach stays on MAGA path after divisive campaign.

California’s Huntington Beach stays on MAGA path after divisive campaign. I just love articles from the left when they’re crying.

The Washington Post Story by Reis Thebault

Southern California’s oceanside Republican stronghold continued its rightward march this week, as voters appeared likely to approve two controversial ballot measures that are sure to draw ire and, in one case, legal action from the state’s liberal leaders.

Huntington Beach, a city of about 200,000 south of Los Angeles, was poised to pass a pair of charter amendments that effectively ban Pride flags from flying on municipal property and require voter identification for local elections — despite warnings from California’s attorney general and secretary of state that such an ID law runs afoul of state law and would lead to a court battle.

As of Thursday, with most ballots counted, the initiatives led by wide margins, and their chief opponents had conceded.

A third measure, which was also backed by Huntington Beach’s far-right council majority, would have modified the city’s budget cycle and given its mayor the power to unilaterally cancel council meetings. That initiative appeared on track to fail as of late Thursday, showing that voters may have embraced the council’s culture-war priorities but were not as willing to go along with everything the elected officials suggested.

The run-up to Tuesday’s election roiled Huntington Beach, which has long cherished its reputation as a laid-back surf town, and deeply divided its residents. Even as demographics have driven much of surrounding Orange County to the left, Huntington Beach has retained its historically conservative bent, and registered Republicans still outnumber Democrats there.

But the current council majority, elected in 2022, has pushed the city further right, with Tuesday’s ballot measures just the latest in a growing list of MAGA priorities that conservatives have championed.

And while the council’s majority did not appear to pull off a clean sweep, members say the results further validate their approach to local governance, which has included weighing in on polarizing subjects more often found in national political debates, including immigration policies and LGBTQ rights.

“The results show that our voters believe in the direction our city is headed — one of unity, patriotism and the restoration of election integrity,” Gracey Van Der Mark, Huntington Beach’s mayor and one of the council’s four conservatives, said in a statement. “As an elected representative, it is important to me that I advocate for the wants and needs of our community. The passing of these measures reassures me that I am on the right track.”

For opponents of the measures, who sought to convince their right-leaning hometown that its leadership had gone too far, the results were a bitter end to a discordant campaign that pitted neighbors against each other and had both sides harking back to a time when city politics wasn’t so acerbic.

Protect Huntington Beach, a community activist group that formed to protest the charter amendments, reported that dozens of its signs urging the public to vote “no” on the measures were vandalized with stickers and spray paint in the run-up to Election Day. In a statement, the group said its members were “deeply saddened at the outcome of the election.”

But the group, which is made up largely of retirees and includes several former city leaders, grew quickly in recent months. Organizers said they would look to build on their momentum ahead of the November contest, when the council’s three Democratic members are up for reelection and are facing a slate of Republicans looking to consolidate control of the body.

“Protect HB is not going anywhere,” the group’s statement said. “Our job is not done. We feel it has only just begun.”

Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

When is the truth called a lie? When it’s Ivermectin.

When is the truth called a lie? When it’s Ivermectin. There was a recent study done on Ivermectin that actually showed that it worked. Here’s the numbers and you tell me.

People who received ivermectin were also less likely to be hospitalized or die, with 1.6 percent of ivermectin recipients being hospitalized or dying versus 4 percent of the comparison group, which received typical care, which in the UK is largely focused on managing symptoms. The time to self-reported recovery was a median of two days faster among the ivermectin recipients, according to the large UK study.

Ivermectin recipients also enjoyed a reduction of severe symptoms and sustained recovery, according to the study.The paper was published by the Journal of Infection on Feb. 29.

The study covered an open-label trial that involved 2,157 ivermectin recipients and 3,256 who received typical care from June 23, 2021, to July 1, 2022. Participants were randomized and reported symptoms and recovery

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Lies Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech.

Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech. So who didn’t Biden attack last night? The address wasn’t about the state of the union, but about the lies Biden has been telling for the pst three years. Even the MSM was nailing his lies to the Wall.

From the Washington Post.

“And now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American jobs, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs — right here in America where they belong!”

Biden is being a bit slippery here because he’s only telling only part of the story. Exports are up, which means more U.S. products are being shipped overseas. But that does not necessarily mean jobs are no longer being shipped overseas. Imports are also up during his presidency, though they fell a bit last year.

According to the Census Bureau, exports in goods and services have climbed from $2.16 trillion in 2020 to $3.05 trillion in 2023.

But imports have also gone up, from $2.81 trillion in 2020 to $3.8 trillion last year. That total was down 3.7 percent from 2022, bringing the trade deficit down with it.

The trade figures obscure the fact that many manufacturers import goods that they use to manufacture products that are later shipped overseas. Some of those imports represent lost American jobs.

“There are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax rate for these billionaires is? … 8.2 percent! That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse!”

This is another favorite line — the president has referenced this “fact” in more than 30 appearances over the past year — but Biden is comparing apples and oranges. We’ve given the president two Pinocchios for this claim.

The “lower tax rate” refers to a 2021 White House study concluding that the 400 wealthiest taxpayers paid an effective tax rate of 8 percent. But that estimate included unrealized gains in the income calculation. That’s not how the tax laws work. People are taxed on capital gains when they sell their stocks or other assets. So this is only a figure for a hypothetical tax system.

According to IRS data on the top 0.001% — 1,475 taxpayers with at least $77 million in adjusted gross income in 2020 — the average tax rate was 23.7 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers (income of at least $548,000) paid nearly 26 percent.

As for less-wealthy Americans, few, such as schoolteachers or firefighters, pay even the lowest rate of 10 percent because of deductions, exemptions and the like.

According to the Tax Policy Center, about 60 percent of all tax returns are filed by those with income under $50,000 — and about half of those pay no income tax at all; 22 percent paid an effective tax rate of less than 5 percent and another 22 percent paid less than 10 percent.

Among taxpayers with income between $50,000 and $100,000, about 60 percent paid an effective tax rate below 10 percent.

And how about The USA Today?

“Since I’ve come to office, our GDP is up.”

Biden is correct that GDP has grown since he came to office in January 2021, but this is hardly a unique achievement. Every president since Harry Truman has experienced GDP growth from the beginning to the end of their presidency, according to data from the U.S. Federal Reserve.  

“Inflation has dropped from 9% to 3% – the lowest in the world!”

Biden is simply wrong here.

The inflation rate refers to the annual percent change in consumer prices compared to the previous year’s prices. That number was 3.1% in the U.S. for the year ending in January 2024, a reduction from 3.4% the previous January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But that’s not the lowest in the world.

The latest data from the International Monetary Fund shows the U.S. has a higher inflation rate than dozens of countries. Those with lower rates include G7 countries such as Canada and France (2.4% and 2.5% respectively) and other advanced economies such as New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland, Finland and China. The global average inflation rate is currently 5.8%, according to the IMF.

And far left

Biden boasted that “wages keep going up, inflation keeps coming down.” But over the entirety of Biden’s presidency, wages are down when adjusted for inflation.

Average weekly earnings for rank-and-file workers went up 14.8% during Biden’s first three years in office, according to monthly figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But inflation ate up all that gain and more. “Real” weekly earnings, which are adjusted for inflation and measured in dollars valued at their average level in 1982-84, actually declined 3.1% since Biden took office.

Biden continues to misleadingly claim, as he did during his address, that’s he’s “already cut the federal deficit by over $1 trillion dollars.”

Budget deficits have declined from the record spending gap of $3.1 trillion in fiscal year 2020, the last full fiscal cycle before Biden took office. In FY 2021, the deficit was about $2.8 trillion; in FY 2022, it was almost $1.4 trillion; and in FY 2023, which ended Sept. 30, it was roughly $1.7 trillion.

But as we’ve explained several times, the primary reason that deficits went down by about $350 billion in Biden’s first year, and by another $1.3 trillion in his second, is because of emergency COVID-19 funding that expired in those years.

On multiple occasions, Biden has left the misleading impression that new jobs in U.S. semiconductor factories would pay above $100,000 annually for those without a college degree.

But only those with a bachelor’s degree ($120,000) or a graduate degree (over $160,000) had wages that topped six figures. Workers with a high school education or less could expect to earn a little more than $40,000. Those with at least some college experience could make $60,000, while earning an associate’s degree could increase that to $70,000.

America's Heartland Commentary Education Elections Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics The Law

One Law. One Page. Part 7. College students go home and vote.

One Law. One Page. Part 7. College students go home and vote. Very simple law for all fifty states. If you live in one state but go to school in another, or outside of your home district, you have to vote in your home state.

No registering in the state your going to school in unless you sign a form that you intend to live in that state for at least a year after graduation. This is where a mail in ballot would be legal.

Each state has its own set of voting laws – some states require voting ID, some have different voter
registration and early vote deadlines, and different methods to vote(e.g by mail, early in person,
in person on election day). We need the same rule for all 50 states.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption

How Sick. Biden and his Hollywood friends.

How Sick. Biden and his Hollywood friends. How can this man even think that his Hollywood friends would be excepted by the American public?

As he faces record-low approval numbers going into his State of the Union address on Thursday, President Joe Biden turned to the one constituency he knows he can rely on for moral support and unconditional love —  Hollywood celebrities.

Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources.

What Garvey needs to do to win the Senate seat.

What Garvey needs to do to win the Senate seat. Most importantly is he needs all Republicans to show up in force. Schiff is very weak. What’s it tell you when his biggest fear was losing to someone more radical then himself.

Garvey also needs the Independents. Finally he needs the working man. Joe Bag of Donuts. They have been ignored by the Democrat party. Here’s what Steve thinks he needs.

The campaign will look to target persuadable, middle-ground voters grown weary of the state’s left-leaning politics and homeless crisis, as well as rising gas prices, crime rates and housing costs. On Tuesday night, Garvey urged those disillusioned by the state’s challenges to “come join us.”

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education Links from other news sources.

A few things about the Liberty University 14 million dollar fine.

A few things about the Liberty University 14 million dollar fine. Let me say that they’re guilty and they admitted it. A school their size to only have one police officer? That’s crazy. But the size of the fine.

The largest Clery Act fine in history was $4.5 million against Michigan State in 2019, according to a February report from the Congressional Research Service. Federal investigators said Michigan State failed to adequately respond to sexual assault complaints against Larry Nassar, a campus sports doctor who molested elite gymnasts and other female athletes.

The fine never should have been this large. Especially since Liberty has so far spent over 10 million to fix this problem.

Commentary Elections

One Law. One Page. Part 6. Mail in Ballots.

One Law. One Page. Part 6. Mail in Ballots. We need to have the same Mail in policy nationwide. My law would be very simple.

Mail in only allowed for the disabled or those who are working or visiting out of town. Also a photo ID copy must be mailed in with the ballot. Ballot must be signed and dated. Post marked no later then the day of election.

If more than one voter lives in a household, each person must fill out their own ballot if disabled or going to be out of town.

Mail in can start 10 days before election. Finally there can only be ballots mailed to those who request the ballot.