Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Uncategorized Work Place

Biden just doesn’t get it. No the gas prices are not down.

Views: 18

Biden just doesn’t get it. No the gas prices are not down. They’re still over a dollar higher from when President Trump left office.Folks on X (Twitter ) have been pointing out to Joey boy that he has no clue.

And it’s not just gas that skyrocketed. Food, Housing, Clothes, etc. And did Joe forget that he said Putin raised the price of gas and he had no control of it going up or down. editor @Politibunny wrote, “You don’t get credit for jacking up prices like crazy and then bringing them down a teensy bit. Not to mention you blamed Putin for the increase and said you had no control over it.”


Commentary Just my own thoughts MSM Opinion Public Service Announcement Social Venues-Twitter Uncategorized

Why we’re so popular. Viewer wise.

Views: 122

Why we’re so popular. Viewers wise this has been a very good month so far. Over 25,000 folks a day view the articles at Looking, NWA, and Koda.

We have a diversified crowd. We also post our articles on both Conservative and Liberal Media sites. Also, we do have an audience of those from the left as well as Right. Granted viewership is about 75-25% Conservative.

Not afraid to use Left wing and MSM as news sources. Yes be it Gateway on the right, or Raw Story on the left, if it’s newsworthy it’s worth using. Being Conservative it is harder to find good sources on the left, but at times they do get it right.

If a first time viewer or missed a great article or recipe, check us out.





Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Free Speech Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Reprints from others. Social Venues-Twitter White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Media Matters and the Fake News Era Go to Court.

Views: 17

Media Matters and the Fake News Era Go to Court.



Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Democrat Senator tells the AG to stop the White House from phone spying.

Views: 20

Democrat Senator tells the AG to stop the White House from phone spying. We know it’s not Joey cause we know his mental state, but Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday expressing “serious concerns about the legality” of a surveillance program run out of the Biden White House called “Data Analytical Services.”

We  have this from Wired, And if you’re wondering, this was started about 10 years ago. And who was in the WH back then? You guessed it, the same folks who control the WH today.

A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year.

First disclosed by The New York Times in September 2013 as Hemisphere, the DAS program—renamed in 2013—has since flown largely under the radar. Internal records concerning the program’s secrecy that were obtained by the newspaper at the time show that law enforcement had long been instructed to never “refer to Hemisphere in any official document.”

Following the Times’ story, former US president Barack Obama reportedly suspended funding for the Hemisphere program in 2013. And while discretionary funding was withheld over the following three years, a White House memo obtained by WIRED shows that individual law enforcement organizations across the US were permitted to continue contracting with AT&T directly in order to maintain access to its data-mining service. Last year, under president Joe Biden, the funding resumed once more, the memo says.



Biden Cartel Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism White Progressive Supremacy

Are Blacks tired of being treated like House?

Views: 36

Are Blacks tired of being treated like House? Yes, my friends ever since the LBJ years, the Democrats brought back their old Southern ways, but with a Northern twist. Treat blacks as if they went from the plantation to the big house.

Clothe and feed them but give only a few limited powers. Pretend that you care, care only for their vote. Some seem as if they’re willing to rebel.

But an October New York Times/ Siena poll of voters in six battleground states also indicates a potential shift from 2020. Seventy-one percent of Black voters said they would likely vote for Biden if they had to choose a candidate, and 22% said they would likely choose Trump. The voters were in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — six states considered the most crucial for a presidential win in 2024.



Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Winning. Majority of Most Americans in all major political parties support securing the southern border.

Views: 11

Winning. Majority of Most Americans in all major political parties support securing the southern border. NBC of all people are telling us that the majority of Americans want a secure border. Not a border where the Biden Administration is inviting everyone.

American voters across party lines support more funding to bolster security at the southern border, while support for foreign countries embroiled in conflicts exposes stark partisan divides, according to the latest NBC News national poll.

The survey finds roughly 3 in 4 registered voters — 74% — support more funding for security along the U.S. border with Mexico, including 93% of Republicans, 74% of independents and 58% of Democrats.



Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yes your vote does count. Look at Virginia.

Views: 9

Yes your vote does count. Look at Virginia. Las Tuesday they say history happened in blue Virginia. A Republican won.

The narrow victory underscores the importance of civic engagement, as demonstrated by a Democratic candidate’s loss due to past controversies.

The outcome illustrates how a handful of votes can profoundly impact communities, highlighting the critical nature of participation in elections.

Kim Taylor on X: “🚨BREAKING: After a week of canvassing, the Dept. of Elections concluded what we knew on election night: our campaign won. I am thankful for the support our campaign received before & after Election Day. I look forward to getting back to work for our District. Read more ⬇️:” / X (



Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

How can this be? Antibodies Protect Against COVID-19 Reinfection.

Views: 52

How can this be? Antibodies Protect Against COVID-19 Reinfection. It’s good to see that the NIH at least admits that antibodies do work for those who had COVID. Their own study actually proves it. So why would the antibodies not work for those who haven’t had COVID?

In April of 2021 I had the one and done JJ jab and my antibodies and T-Cells have continued to go up. And guess what? No COVID. My family doctor and a scientist friend of his at Johns Hopkins both agree. We have this from the NIH.

About 3% to 4% of people with negative antibody tests got COVID-19 in each time period. But those who had antibodies were less likely to have COVID-19 as time went on. Only 0.3% of the people with antibodies had a positive COVID-19 test more than 90 days after. Those without antibodies were 10 times more likely to get the disease.





Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Drugs Economy Education Elections Emotional abuse Free Speech Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Military Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Terrorism The Border The Courts The Law Un documented. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Young Voters Flee Biden. Who Turns 81 Today.

Views: 20

Young Voters Flee Biden. Who Turns 81 Today. Happy Birthday Joe. My question is why they have voted for him in the first place?

The list of bad things that he and his administration have caused is so long. The Border, COVID, Crime increasing, Wars around the world, Weaponization of the courts, etc.

Among young voters (18-34 years old) — just 20% of whom view Biden favorably on Israel’s war on Hamas — Biden (42%) trails Trump (46%) by 4 points, which is outside the poll’s margin of error.

“This could be a massive sea change,” according to NBC News poll analyst Steve Kornacki, who noted Biden was plus-26 points on younger voters in 2020.

NBC News Poll: Biden’s standing hits new low amid Israel-Hamas war



America's Heartland Commentary History Links from other news sources.

At 160 the Gettysburg Address still has meaning.

Views: 19

At 160 the Gettysburg Address still has meaning. Edward Everett was to be the main speaker. Inviting Lincoln was an afterthought. Lincoln received the Invitation a week before the event.

Everett spoke for two hours. Lincoln for two minutes. But what two minutes it was.

Lincoln’s ability to imbue those 272 words with meaning is one of the reasons the speech has become hallmark of American oratory; by the early 20th century, especially after the horrors of World War I, Americans increasingly returned to the Gettysburg Address not just as a definition of what the war was about, but also what America was about.

By 1914, the construction of the Lincoln memorial began, with the Gettysburg Address prominently part of the neoclassical tribute to the 16th President of the United States. At the same time, the country’s first cross-country road, the “Lincoln Highway,” is named.

An address we still need.

The Gettysburg Address has had a “shelf life” throughout our modern history, where we can brush it off and take it out when we need it. “In part, because of the way that Lincoln composed it — he doesn’t mention a single place by name. He doesn’t mention a single person by name. He only alludes to one date, and that’s 1776.”

Thankfully, the veterans of that war — in their search for purpose and meaning — plucked those words out of obscurity and refused to allow the consequences of time to erode a profound ethos that endures — and in many ways defines who we are — today.




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