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The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the USA.

Views: 38

The scar that Harris and Biden left on this country. No compassion for the legal worker and family in the U S A.

I guess this started when Biden decided to go total lock down during his COVID pandemic. True that Trump lost 22 million jobs, BUT HE GOT BACK 10 MILLION IN A FEW SHORT MONTHS.

Joe Biden took almost three years to recover the other 12 million. Why so long? His 6 trillion in new spending that caused inflation. Going up to almost 10% under his administration.

But the opening of the southern border was the killer. We hear anywhere from 10-20 million undocumented flooded our border. And where were they going to work?

I saw a leftist cry out that we needed to show compassion for these folks. A small number were fearful of government persecution. But most came for the jobs. Where was the compassion for the American workers and legal immigrants who had to compete against these interlopers?

Where was the compassion for the hundred thousand deaths a year because of the drugs brought in from the southern border? Excuse me for not caring about folks who brought unemployment and death upon those born here and those here legally.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Kamala Harris. What a great speech she gives. Not.

Views: 13

Kamala Harris. What a great speech she gives. Not.

Will she use this in her opening statement at the debates?

Here is what she said (with audience interjections) in Philadelphia:

Now, many of you know, before I was elected Vice President or elected a United States Senator, I was an elected attorney general, and before that, elected district attorney. [Applause] And before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. [Applause] So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. [Applause] Predators who abused women. [Boos] Fraudsters who scammed consumers. [Boos] Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. [Boos] So hear me when I say — [applause] — I know Donald Trump’s type.

Here is what she said in Wilmington:

As many of you know, before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as United States Senator, I was the elected Attorney General as I’ve mentioned to California, and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.

Here is what she said Wednesday in Detroit, Michigan:

As many of you know, before I was elected Vice President, before I was elected as a U.S. Senator, I was elected attorney general, and before that, elected district attorney, and before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. [Applause] In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Scammers who broke the rules for personal gain. [Boos] So hear me, Detroit, when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type!

And here is what she said Wednesday in Eau Claire, Wisconsin:

And many of you know, then, before I was elected vice president, before I was elected United States Senator, I was an elected attorney general and before that, an elected district attorney. And before that, and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. So in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds — predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, scammers who broke the rules for personal gain. So hear me, when I say I know Donald Trump’s type.

Politicians frequently have refrains that they use as part of their “stump speeches.” Former President Donald Trump closes his speeches with similar conclusions every time, leading up to the “make America great again” refrain.

The difference is that most of Trump’s speeches are ad libbed, and Kamala Harris will not stray from the script — nor will she hold press conferences, or sit down for interviews. She gives the impression of being entirely scripted.


Biden Cartel Economy Government Overreach Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Opinion Weaponization of Government.

Harris- Biden weaponizes FTC against Grocery Store Prices

Views: 29

Harris- Biden weaponizes FTC against Grocery Store Prices.

Just like most things under the Harris Biden rogue government, grocery prices have gone up. But now the administration has the answer to lowering prices. Government Investigation.

Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan said Thursday her agency will investigate the high cost of groceries.

During a joint meeting with the Department of Justice, Khan said supermarket chains are gaining “enormous profits” amid the rise in grocery prices that “skyrocketed during the pandemic,” The Hill reported last week.

Playing the blame game instead of saying hey we messed up and we will try to fix the mess we created.


Black Supremacy California. Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism. Reprints from others.

The True Meaning of Diversity. Not White.

Views: 16

The True Meaning of Diversity. Not White. Ann hits it out of the ballpark on this one.

Probably inadvertently and for all the wrong reasons, Donald Trump made an important point last week when he said of the Democrats’ most recent presidential nominee, Kamala Harris:

“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black.”

Cue media exploding in ritualistic rage at Trump for his “racist attack.” (I had no idea it was such an insult to be called an Indian!)

In fact, it actually is important that Harris is not a foundational black American (FBA), but rather, the child of immigrants. I know we don’t talk about it nearly enough, but remember slavery?

A couple of centuries ago, slaves purchased in Africa from black African slave traders were transported to America. They were freed by Republicans (at the cost of 600,000 American lives), then discriminated against for another hundred years — mostly by Democrats — until Republicans finally forced the Democrats to cease their infernal Jim Crow policies.

Because Americans felt such shame for how (a minority of) whites treated black people, we went to work on a massive enterprise to remedy these past injustices. The idea was: OK, we’ve got 13% of the population that got the short end of the stick for a couple of centuries, so we’re spending it all on them.

America altered constitutional provisions about freedom of association, private property and contract law — for the descendants of American slaves. Huge social welfare programs were established — for the descendants of American slaves. Affirmative action and racial quotas were imposed — for the descendants of American slaves. We agreed to virtually criminalize the use of certain words — for the descendants of American slaves.

Are you seeing the pattern? There’s no justification for special treatment for any ethnic group apart from victims of America’s history of slavery and Jim Crow.

But starting in the 1970s, parasites from around the world came in and announced, Here’s a new agenda for America — and it doesn’t include you, descendants of American slaves (DOAS).

Overnight, “DIVERSITY” became the new buzzword, and “integration” was flushed down the memory hole. Integration had been about redressing historic wrongs done to black Americans. By contrast, diversity means everyone gets special rights and privileges –- everyone except white Americans.

Under our history and Constitution, racial preferences could only be justified by the legacy of slavery. But now race-based benefits are being dispensed in great heaping portions to Hmong, Somalis, Latin Americans and so on — including people who arrived last year.

What happened to, It all goes back to the Middle Passage! “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” the “triangular trade,” “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and We Shall Overcome!?

That’s been replaced with the demand that every organization in the nation, down to the lowliest bowling league, include Hispanics, Asians, disabled women, gays and so on.

And, as I keep pointing out to the DOAS: Immigrants are getting all the good “diversity” jobs. Look at the diversity administrators on college campuses. All immigrants, mostly Indians.

To take another example, MSNBC is very proud of its diverse lineup, meaning eight of its hosts are immigrants or the children of immigrants, but only four are descendants of American slaves — and they’re relegated to the weekend dead zone.


Jose Díaz-Balart — Cuban immigrant;

Ana Cabrera — second-generation Mexican immigrant;

Ayman Mohieddine — born in Egypt to Egyptian father and Palestinian mother;

Katie Phang, born to Korean immigrants;

Joy Reid — second-generation immigrant of Congolese and Guyanese descent;

Ali Velshi — Ismaili Muslim of Indian descent, immigrated from Canada;

Yasmin Vossoughian — second-generation Iranian immigrant;

Alex Wagner — mother is immigrant from Myanmar.

May we ask what historic injustice this country visited on the Congo? Korea? Iran? Myanmar? Immigrants weren’t dragged to our country against their will. They came here. But now they’re expropriating the black experience in America.

I don’t mention this out of some quixotic dream that Republicans will someday flip a meaningful percentage of the black vote. That’s not going to happen — not now, not ever. (Sorry, clueless donors!) Unfortunately, I have a sinking feeling that that’s exactly why Trump mentioned Harris’ Indian-Jamaican heritage.

The point Republicans ought to be making is to remind white Americans that the diversity agenda gives everybody an advantage except whites — especially white, heterosexual men with deep ties to our country.

Republicans across the country just cringed at that last sentence. They’re embarrassed to get the votes of white people. Pro tip: Whites are the only swing voters in the country. Slight movements in the white vote determine the outcome of every presidential election.

Totally by accident, Trump hinted at an argument that Republicans ought to be making all day long. To wit, the “diversity” regime — allowing the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants to demand recompense owed only to the descendants of American slaves — is nothing but open, vicious discrimination against only one ethnic group.

You still want to vote for a party that hates you because you’re white?


America's Heartland Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel How funny is this? How sick is this? The Funnies. White Progressive Supremacy

Some fun facts about the Harris VP pick.

Views: 37

Some fun facts about the Harris VP pick.

OK so they’re really not funny, but her’s what the MSM is leaving out. This will not be in no particular order, so come along with me as we go through his history.

Let Minneapolis burn forfourdays then called it a teachable moment and said he understood how the hate groups felt.

Said after meeting with Biden, declared Joe fit for duty. What did he see that the rest of the country didn’t?

How about his service to his country? Where he was demoted and when his unit was called to go to Iraq, he resigned.

“Walz served in the Minnesota Army National Guard and retired at the rank of master sergeant, or an E-8. However, on his official website bio, he lists a higher rank that he served at for a short period that ultimately was rescinded, as he did not complete all the requirements to serve at that rank. However, his bio implies that he retired at the rank of command sergeant major, or an E-9,” the report said.

We will post more in the comment section.


Biden Cartel Commentary Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism White Progressive Supremacy

George Stephanopoulos just doesn’t learn. Gets bitch slapped again.

Views: 29

George Stephanopoulos just doesn’t learn. Gets bitch slapped again.

George represents the old white guard. Feels that as a white progressive supremacist, he can speak for all black folk (I know an obscure white progressive website he would fit in).

Kamala Harris has frequently identified as Indian-American throughout her political career and even during her campaign for vice president. Yet, the fake news media, insists on portraying Harris solely as a black woman, attempting to manipulate her identity to fit their narrative.

Donalds pointed out that when Kamala Harris was first elected to the United States Senate, the Associated Press (AP) highlighted her as the first Indian-American United States Senator. He noted that this aspect of her identity was emphasized significantly at the time.

However, Donalds argued that as Harris’s political career progressed and she began running on a national stage, the focus shifted more towards her Black identity and her father’s heritage. According to Donalds, this shift does not change the fact that she has always identified as both Indian and Black, reflecting her biracial heritage.

Watch the video below on how Donalds calls out the old man’s lies.


Biden Biden Cartel Child Abuse Commentary Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Short and Sweet. What’s truly weird.

Views: 43

Short and Sweet. What’s truly weird.

The fanatics tried to label JD and Conservatives weird. But what’s really weird? Men having babies? Progressives claiming that children in kindergarten can decide if they’re a boy or girl. Transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids and want biological males to play in women’s sports.

So tell me again what’s weird.


Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Corruption Debates Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Sorry Virginia. The ABC debate was between Trump and the Democrat who was selected by 14 million voters. Not the hand picked surrogate.

Views: 26

Sorry Virginia. The ABC debate was between Trump and the Democrat who was selected by 14 million voters. Not the hand picked surrogate.

In case you mised it Donald Trump agreed to a debate with Joe Biden. The powers to be decided to bypass Joe and pick someone who would do their bidding.

Trump agreed to the FOX debate and was under the understanding that Harris did to. Her handlers said no. It had to be someone who would grill Trump, but kiss Harris’s ass.

Late Friday, Trump said he agreed to debate Harris on Fox News on September 4. “The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant,” he posted on Truth Social.

“The FoxNews Debate will be held in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a site in an area to be determined,” he continued. “The Moderators of the Debate will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and the Rules will be similar to the Rules of my Debate with Sleepy Joe, who has been treated horribly by his Party – BUT WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!”

Stay tuned.


Biden Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Opinion Warfare

Israelis Brace for Potential Attack by Biden-Harris ally. Progressive leaning Iran.

Views: 16

Israelis Brace for Potential Attack by Biden-Harris ally. Progressive leaning Iran.

Make no mistake. The present administration removed sanctions on Iran thinking that Iran would be forever grateful. So what did removing those sanctions get us in return?

Terrorists armed with drones, misles, and who knows what else. So where are we now with Iran? Oh and Iran continues to process Uranium to create a nuclear weapon.

The Jerusalem Post reported speculation that Iran would attack on the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av, the Ninth of Av, a day of mourning on which the destruction of the First and Second Temples is commemorated by fasting:

Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13, the site reported on Friday.

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.

The report claimed that Jewish Israelis may feel particularly vulnerable on this day – adding an additional layer of psychological torment.

Can you really protect yourself 100% against an enemie who’s goal is to end your very existance? Rumors flew of potential Iranian plans — including a missile strike several times larger than the 300 projectiles launched at Israel in April, almost all of which were intercepted.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Harris Harris Cartel Inflation Links from other news sources. Recession?

Thanks Joe and Kamala. Job growth down, unemployment up.

Views: 8

Thanks Joe and Kamala. Job growth down, unemployment up. Nonfarm payrolls grew by just 114,000 for the month, down from the downwardly revised 179,000 in June and below the Dow Jones estimate for 185,000. The unemployment rate edged higher to 4.3%, its highest since October 2021.

Another disappointing month thanks to Joe and Kamala. The rise in the unemployment rate brings into play the so-called Sahm Rule, which states that the economy is in recession when the three-month average of the jobless level is half a percentage point higher than the 12-month low. In this case, the unemployment rate was 3.5% in July 2023 before it began its gradual ascent. The three-month unemployment rate average moved up to 4.13%.

So it looks as if we’re heading for a recession. Just in time for the elections.


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