Commentary Corruption Lawfare Links from other news sources. The Courts Trump

Yes Virginia, 34 felonies and no fine, probation, or jail time.

Yes Virginia, 34 felonies and no fine, probation, or jail time.

So you would think that a person would get a ton of jail time and a huge fine for being convicted of 34 felonies. That’s right 34. So what did Donald Trump get?

Under New York state law, it’s a sentence imposed “without imprisonment, fine or probation supervision.” According to the law, such a sentence can be appropriate when the judge “is of the opinion that no proper purpose would be served by imposing any condition upon the defendant’s release.”

I’ve never heard of a situation where someone is found guilty of 34 felonies and gets nothing but a wish of hope you do well.

California fires. California. Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

LA’s burning cause waters not there.

A Pacific Palisades reservoir was closed when wildfires swept through the area and devastated the community, officials told the Los Angeles Times.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir is connected to the Los Angeles water supply system, and authorities said it was shut down for repairs at the time the fires erupted, “leaving a 117 million gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades,” the newspaper reported on Friday.|twcamptweetembed|twterm1877759691767357461|twgr946dd311acd160ac3ed9af86fc599336aef7f287|twcons1_&

Black Supremacy California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Elections have consequences.

Elections have consequences.

So how does someone this incompetent get elected to one of the largest cities in the US? No reason needed, it’s California and she’s black. Nuff said

Commentary Democrat Economy Elections Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Americans cared about the economy, inflation, not J6.

Yes Virginia, Americans cared about the economy, inflation, not J6.

Americans looked at J6 and saw what I saw. Much to do about nothing. J6 was about a protest that thanks a city that refused Trumps help, let a protest get out of hand.

This from a CNN Analysist.

“People, simply put, didn’t care as much about the attack on the Capitol,” Enten continued. “Look at this, ‘January 6th is your biggest memory of Trump’s first term.’ By the time of 2024, look at this. It was just 5%, just 5% of Americans, and among Republicans it was just 2%. So the bottom line is, fewer Americans faulted Donald Trump, thought he was greatly responsible for the January 6 attack, and more than that, when it went in the rear view mirror, far fewer folks thought that it was their number one memory.”

Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts Trump

Should the Daughter pay for the sins of the father? Merchan’s daughter.

Should the Daughter pay for the sins of the father? Merchan”s daughter. It was a known fact that Judge Merchan’s daughter who at one time was the director of digital persuasion for Kamala Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign. His daughter has also worked, indirectly, for the Biden-Harris 2020 campaign through a communications firm that provides services for progressive campaigns.

So can we assume that she had direct communications with her father when it came to information about the trial? And why did the gag order against Trump include any information about what the daughter was doing in reference to her raising money off the trial?

Corruption COVID Drugs Links from other news sources. Medicine Reprints from others. Science

FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study by High School Students Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine at FDA’s Own Lab.

FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study by High School Students Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine at FDA’s Own Lab.

A group of high school students from Centreville High School in Virginia, in collaboration with the FDA, has uncovered alarming DNA contamination in both Pfizer’s experimental and commercial mRNA COVID-19 shots.

Their peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of High School Science on December 29th, has sparked renewed debate over vaccine manufacturing standards and quality control processes.

The researchers, led by Tyler Wang, Alex Kim, and Kevin Kim, developed a novel method to detect replication-competent DNA impurities at FDA’s own research facility at the White Oak Campus, Children’s Health Defense reported.

Their technique involves extracting DNA from vaccine samples, ligating it into a circular form, and then transforming it into Escherichia coli cells.

If transformation results in antibiotic-resistant bacterial colonies, it indicates the presence of replication-competent DNA, which should ideally be absent or minimal in the final vaccine product.

The findings were based on analyses of two separate lots of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines, including monovalent and bivalent formulations.

The students uncovered significant levels of DNA contamination in the vaccines, with some samples exceeding the WHO threshold by up to 470 times, the amount of residual DNA detected ranged between 40 to 110 nanograms per dose.

While no replication-competent DNA was detected in commercial Pfizer vaccine batches, smaller DNA fragments—approximately 35 base pairs in length—were consistently present.

Interestingly, the study reported sporadic instances of replication-competent DNA in an in-house mRNA vaccine and a biosimilar vaccine.

Investigative medical reporter, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D. first reported:

Kevin McKernan, a former director of the Human Genome Project, described the findings as a “bombshell,” criticising the FDA for its lack of transparency.

“These findings are significant not just for what they reveal but for what they suggest has been concealed from public scrutiny. Why has the FDA kept these data under wraps?” McKernan questioned.

While commending the students’ work, he also noted limitations in the study’s methods, which may have underestimated contamination levels.

“The Qubit analysis can under-detect DNA by up to 70% when enzymes are used during sample preparation,” McKernan explained. “Additionally, the Plasmid Prep kit used in the study does not efficiently capture small DNA fragments, further contributing to underestimation.”

Nikolai Petrovsky, a Professor of Immunology and director of Vaxine Pty Ltd, described the findings as a “smoking gun.”

“It clearly shows the FDA was aware of these data. Given that these studies were conducted in their own labs under the supervision of their own scientists, it would be hard to argue they were unaware,” he said.

Prof Petrovsky praised the quality of work carried out by the students at the FDA labs.

“The irony is striking,” he remarked. “These students performed essential work that the regulators failed to do. It’s not overly complicated—we shouldn’t have had to rely on students to conduct tests that were the regulators’ responsibility in the first place.”

This first appeared in The Defender, and Gateway Pundit.

Commentary Economy Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Taxes The Border Trump

Pass few bills, but put a lot in them.

Pass few bills but put a lot in them.

The House needs to combine numerous items in one large reconciliation bill. Some in Trumps inner circle want several, but Speaker Johnson has stated that the President wants one large bill.

That bill will cover border security, energy, and an extension of Trump’s 2017 tax law.

Reconciliation allows Congress to pass party-line policies on taxes and spending with simple majority votes, bypassing the Senate’s standard 60-vote requirement for legislation. Marshaling Trump’s policies into one bill would allow the incoming administration to advance their agenda.

Commentary Economy Education Links from other news sources.

How we get around the 60 vote. Reconciliation.

How we get around the 60 vote. Reconciliation.

Just as they have done in the past, the Democrats in the Senate are already claiming that they will derail the Trump train. Many bills take a 60 vote to pass. How to respond?

Reconciliation. Reconciliation allows some tax and spending bills to pass with a simple majority vote. Republicans plan to use this process to increase spending on border security and cut taxes, and are currently deciding whether to handle them separately or roll them into one gigantic package.

Commentary Links from other news sources. Medicine Opinion Science Tony the Fauch

Won’t get fooled again. Masks, Virus, COVID and all that good stuff.

Won’t get fooled again. Masks, Virus, COVID and all that good stuff.

Tiss the season. This flu that flu, this virus, that virus, The warnings are out. Flu, COVID-19, RSV, and norovirus TO NAME A FEW.

And yes my friends masks are back. Tony the Fauch and his crowd are already out there crying the sky is falling, the sky is falling.


Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics World Stage

No Virginia, your Grandpa’s family member wasn’t chosen. POLITICO Names Conservative Italian Prime Minister Meloni as ‘The Most Powerful Person in Europe’.

No Virginia, your Grandpa’s family member wasn’t chosen. POLITICO Names Conservative Italian Prime Minister Meloni as ‘The Most Powerful Person in Europe’.

Let’s see if she ends up being the eyes and ears of President Trumps. Leading Europe in walking lock step with Trump world policies. In two years she put together a ruling coalition that many said would not last.

At a moment of weakness for conventional EU leaders, she has effectively positioned herself as a bridge between a far right whose presence in European governments is steadily growing, and liberal democratic leaders who see her as an acceptable representative of a movement they don’t entirely comprehend.