Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Have you heard the latest? Being an indentured servant only pays about $176,000 a year.

Have you heard the latest? Being an indentured servant only pays about $176,000 a year. Yes my friends we have several folks from Congress who are not free. I call them indentured servants, but they say black folks aren’t free, so I guess they call it slavery.

Just think about this. Back in the day when Democrats legally owned slaves, did they ever think that some day they would be paying slaves about $176,000 a year?

So Congresswomen Bush and Waters can not enjoy the freedoms that white folks have. I guess $176,000 doesn’t buy that much.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Red states lead economic recovery, giving GOP ammo against Biden’s spending plans.

Whole Article can be found here.

Red states lead economic recovery, giving GOP ammo against Biden’s spending plans.

States with Republican governors are leading the recovery from the Covid-19 economic shock, complicating President Joe Biden’s push for a new sweeping infusion of federal aid.

Of the 15 states that have returned to pre-pandemic levels of economic activity, 12 are led by Republican governors, Federal Reserve data shows. Of the 10 states reporting the lowest levels of activity since January 2020, seven — including New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois — are run by Democratic governors.

Red states are also reporting lower unemployment numbers.

Businesses, economists and policymakers are divided over whether conservative governors’ policies on jobless benefits and Covid-19 restrictions — many of them chose not to issue stay-at-home orders at all — are actually helping their economies or if their states’ industries simply didn’t fall as far behind during the pandemic.

Still, the uneven recovery and the lackluster job growth reported in both April and May have given Republicans ammunition to repudiate Biden’s expensive aid plans. They’ve also ignited concerns among conservatives that the federal assistance — especially the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that passed without GOP support in March — should have focused more on who needed help the most.

Opinion Politics The Courts

Hey Democrats, be afraid be very afraid.

Hey Democrats, be afraid be very afraid. Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling on ballot harvesting ends the Democrats attempt to suppress the vote. Odds are that the governments case against Georgia is going no where. Hopefully Republicans in states like California will follow Arizona’s lead. Ballot harvesting must go by the way side forever.

Today’s Supreme Court ruling upheld Arizona’s common sense election law, preventing the fraud-laden practices of ballot harvesting and counting of ballots in the wrong precinct.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s election law reinforces the argument that MLB’s decision to move the All-Star game out of Atlanta had no objective merit,” said Job Creators Network legal counsel Howard Kleinhendler. “It was a heartless decision based on MLB’s desire to identify with the woke cancel culture.”

Don’t be surprised if you see Republican Senators in Arizona and Georgia.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Eric Bolling Signs On To Host Show On Newsmax.

Article can be found here.

Eric Bolling Signs On To Host Show On Newsmax.

Newsmax has added Eric Bolling to its lineup, with plans for him to host a new show in July.

Further details will be announced, but Bolling will begin to serve as a guest host on shows starting on Monday.

Bolling most recently was a regular host on Sinclair Broadcast Group, with a weekly Sunday morning talk show America This Week with Eric Bolling, as well as occasional specials including a town hall in October with then-President Donald Trump. In February he and Brett Favre launched the podcast Bolling with Favre, in a partnership with LiveXLive’s PodcastOne

Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax, said in a statement that Bolling was “a consummate media professional who isn’t afraid to ask tough questions, get provocative answers and challenge establishment thinking.” Bolling

Bolling was previously at Fox News. In 2017, he was suspended pending results of an investigation into allegations he sent lewd photos to female colleagues. Bolling denied the allegations but parted ways with the network.

After the death of Bolling’s son Eric Chase to the opioid fentanyl in 2017, Bolling created a foundation in his name, dedicated to ending the opioid crisis. The foundation recently partnered with GOYA Foods and Major League Baseball’s Texas Rangers.


Biden Pandemic Economy Life Opinion Politics

Where was Garland,Biden, Harris, National Guard,etc? A second insurrection happened against the White House and the U.S. Government.

Where was Garland,Biden, Harris, National Guard,etc? A second insurrection happened against the White House and the U.S. Government. Well known hate groups blocked all 10 entrances to the White House Tuesday? Where was the outrage? This is the second time that an assault was launched  against the people’s house. First being last June.

Thankfully the Secret Service did step in and arrest dozens of the Hate group protestors.

Secret Service arrested “dozens” of climate change activists who blocked entrances to the White House on Monday demanding the Biden administration prioritize Green New Deal initiatives in current infrastructure talks. Guess who set them off?

Life Opinion Politics

Creating Jobs when you dump the extra $300.00 a week unemployment.

Creating Jobs when you dump the extra $300.00 a week unemployment. Yes my friends so far 26 states dumped the $300.00 a week federal bribe to stay home. So what happened? From the WSJ.

The number of workers paid benefits through regular state programs fell 13.8% by the week ended June 12 from mid-May—when many governors announced changes—in states saying that benefits would end in June, according to an analysis by Jefferies LLC economists. That compares with a 10% decline in states ending benefits in July, and a 5.7% decrease in states ending benefits in September. Workers on state programs would lose the $300 weekly federal enhancement but could continuing receiving the state benefits.

Blue states excuse why they won’t drop the bribe.

Democrats say other factors, including lack of child care and fear of Covid-19, are also keeping many potential workers out of the labor force.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Protesters Await Kamala Harris at Border With ‘Que Mala’ and ‘Trump Won’ Signs.

Newsweek reached out to the White House for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

Complete Newsweek article is here.

Reprint. Protesters Await Kamala Harris at Border With ‘Que Mala’ and ‘Trump Won’ Signs. So she was off by almost 1,000 miles. Hey this was just a refueling stop on her way out to LA. Six months on the job, who wouldn’t need a fourth vacation. Snicker snicker snort snort.

Critics of Vice President Kamala Harris were lined up to protest early Friday morning ahead of the vice president’s first visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas.

Harris, who President Joe Biden tasked with spearheading his administration’s response to undocumented immigration and the influx of migrants at the border, is scheduled to visit the El Paso Central Processing Center, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility, on Friday. The vice president will be joined by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as well as a couple of Democratic lawmakers.

Protesters awaiting Harris’ arrival held signs showing support for former President Donald Trump, with some falsely asserting that “Trump won” the 2020 election, video from the demonstration posted online showed. Several held signs reading “Que Mala Harris,” a Spanish play on the vice president’s name. “Que mala” translates in English to “how mean.” One demonstrator held a sign that asked, “Kamala do you hear their screams?”

Harris and Biden have faced substantial criticism from Republicans and some Democratic lawmakers over their response to the uptick in undocumented migrants coming to the southern border. GOP lawmakers have attacked Harris for not visiting the border sooner, particularly because she has been tasked with leading the administration’s response to the situation.

In May, CBP encountered more than 180,000 migrants crossing the southwestern border with Mexico. That represented a 1 percent increase over April and a more substantial increase over the approximately 172,000 migrants CBP detained in March. Republicans have argued that Biden’s rollback of some of Trump’s hardline immigration policies have resulted in the surge in undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers.

Elections Opinion Politics

What are Progressives afraid of? Majority of American citizens want it.   So let’s do it. 55% of Voters Support Election Audits.

What are Progressives afraid of? Majority of American citizens want it. So let’s do it. 55% of Voters Support Election Audits. A majority of U.S. voters support forensic audits of election results, according to a Rasmussen poll released Wednesday.

For some reason the MSM and White Progressives refuse to look at fixing past election screw ups. That’s voter suppression.

The survey of 900 U.S. likely voters was conducted June 20 – June 21, 2021. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Rasmussen Reports finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters support forensic audits of election results to ensure there was no vote fraud. Twenty-nine percent (29%) oppose such audits and 17% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. So why aren’t we hearing more about how Joe is taking a beating in the courts? Biden’s bad run. He’s doing worse in the courts than Trump.

Original is here.

Reprint. So why aren’t we hearing more about how Joe is taking a beating in the courts? Biden’s bad run. He’s doing worse in the courts than Trump. Ye Joe’s had one loss after another. Here’s a snapshot.

Biden's bad run: Is he doing worse in the courts than Trump?
© Getty Images

President Biden repeatedly framed his campaign and his administration as defending “the rule of law” after what he and others portrayed as the lawless reign of President Trump. The image of Biden as restoring the Justice Department back into the good graces of the law and the courts is reinforced regularly in the media.

What is not being as fully reported is that Biden actually has racked up a litany of notable court losses that may now exceed those of his predecessor in his first six months. Indeed, the Biden administration has been found to have violated the Constitution in a surprising array of cases in a surprisingly short period of time.

Across the country, trial courts have been finding constitutional violations by the Biden administration in areas ranging from immigration to the environment to pandemic relief. The administration actually began with the same court record as the Trump administration, which lost an early challenge to its travel ban. (The Supreme Court later upheld the core elements of the travel ban and rejected the general claims raised against it.) Biden also lost a critical immigration fight when a federal court enjoined his 100-day moratorium on deportations. In a 105-page opinion, the court found that the administration omitted “any rational explanation grounded in the facts reviewed and the factors considered” and left only “an arbitrary and capricious choice” of the president in this early immigration order. Sound familiar? It should: That was the same argument used against Trump.

In Wisconsin, a federal court stopped Biden’s controversial $4 billion race-based federal relief program for farmers after finding that he was engaging in systemic racial discrimination. The court found that “the only consideration in determining whether a farmer or rancher’s loans should be completely forgiven is the person’s race or national origin.” As such, farmers were found to be “experiencing discrimination at the hands of their government.”

A court in Texas found that the Biden administration engaged in systemic discrimination to implement COVID-19 relief for American restaurants by giving preference to women, minorities and “socially and economically disadvantaged” people.

In Louisiana, a federal court enjoined the administration from carrying out its halting of gas and oil leases, finding that Biden’s unilateral action violated the separation of powers under the Constitution.

In Washington, D.C., a federal judge found that the Biden administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority by imposing a federal eviction moratorium to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. The court rejected the administration’s sweeping claims of pandemic authority, a view taken by other (but not all) courts in a dispute that could go to the Supreme Court.

This week, a federal judge in Florida ruled against the administration and held that the CDC cannot dictate rules for cruise ships. The court found the administration is again exceeding its constitutional authority.

These rulings against the Biden administration came in the same areas covered extensively by the media during the Trump administration, including findings of constitutional violations and discriminatory practices. When early rulings were issued against Trump, legal and media experts declared that a war on the rule of law existed, if not the onset of tyranny. However, the media has given light coverage to Biden’s legal losses.

One of the most remarkable court losses was delivered at the hands of the Supreme Court in the case of Terry v. United States. It involved a criminal defendant in a crack case who argued for a sentence reduction under the First Step Act. The Trump administration argued against the defendant’s claim — but this was one of many positions that the Biden administration changed before the court. The Biden administration informed the court that it not only would refuse to defend the judgment below — and defend the federal statute — but was “confessing error” in the case.

The move by the Biden Administration was astonishing on a number of levels. Acting Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar informed the Supreme Court in March, on the actual due date for the government’s brief. Oral argument was scheduled for April; the court was forced to reschedule the oral argument for a special sitting in May, a completely avoidable conflict the administration created by waiting a ridiculous two months to inform the court. The Biden Justice Department simply suggested in a letter that the Supreme Court find someone else to defend a federal law. Moreover, the Biden administration was confessing error in a case where the government was likely to win. In other words, it was refusing to make an argument with which many if not most of the justices would agree.

Instead, the Biden administration advanced an argument that was so weak that the justices referred to its arguments as a meritless “sleight of hand” to evade the clear, obvious meaning of the statute. They ruled unanimously against the administration and the defendant. Eight justices signed on to the opinion of Justice Clarence Thomas entirely, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor concurred with his interpretation of the First Step Act. So, the Biden Justice Department confessed error and abandoned an argument that, ultimately, garnered a unanimous vote of the Supreme Court.

While continually claiming to be a champion of “the rule of law” in public, the Biden administration has been found to be a transgressor in these cases. These losses constitute an inauspicious start for any administration.

President Biden repeatedly framed his campaign and his administration as defending “the rule of law” after what he and others portrayed as the lawless reign of President Trump. The image of Biden as restoring the Justice Department back into the good graces of the law and the courts is reinforced regularly in the media.

What is not being as fully reported is that Biden actually has racked up a litany of notable court losses that may now exceed those of his predecessor in his first six months. Indeed, the Biden administration has been found to have violated the Constitution in a surprising array of cases in a surprisingly short period of time.

Across the country, trial courts have been finding constitutional violations by the Biden administration in areas ranging from immigration to the environment to pandemic relief. The administration actually began with the same court record as the Trump administration, which lost an early challenge to its travel ban. (The Supreme Court later upheld the core elements of the travel ban and rejected the general claims raised against it.) Biden also lost a critical immigration fight when a federal court enjoined his 100-day moratorium on deportations. In a 105-page opinion, the court found that the administration omitted “any rational explanation grounded in the facts reviewed and the factors considered” and left only “an arbitrary and capricious choice” of the president in this early immigration order. Sound familiar? It should: That was the same argument used against Trump.

In the early months of the Trump administration, I noted that “the White House gave the courts a target-rich environment in the first travel order, which was poorly drafted, poorly executed and poorly defended.” The same is true with the Biden administration; it has racked up losses for engaging in systemic racial and gender discrimination, exceeding its constitutional authority, and acting arbitrarily and capriciously in carrying out federal policy.

Of course, it still could prevail on appeal in some of these cases, as did Trump in his win on the travel ban before the Supreme Court. However, like the prior administration, the Biden administration has shown serious deficiencies in arguing these early cases in court.

President Biden has declared that “every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own.” His administration has, thus far, proven just how difficult that challenge can be.


Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can find his updates on Twitter @JonathanTurley.

Economy Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Judge halts Biden pause on new public lands oil leasing

Original can be found here.

Reprint. Judge halts Biden pause on new public lands oil leasing.

A federal judge has issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s pause on new oil and gas leasing on public land and waters.

The preliminary injunction from U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty follows lawsuits over the leasing pause from more than a dozen Republican-led states. Doughty, a Trump appointee in Louisiana, did not make an ultimate determination as to the legality of the pause on Tuesday,  but rather blocked the move while the court case against it proceeds.


However, he did find that the states had a “substantial” likelihood to succeed on the merits of their claim and that they were able to demonstrate a “substantial” threat of irreparable harm. 

The ruling is something of a setback for the Biden administration, which had paused issuing new drilling leases on federally-owned land and water while it reviews and reconsiders its current leasing and permitting practices. An Interior Department spokesperson told The Hill via email that the department will abide by the decision while continuing its review. 


“We are reviewing the judge’s opinion and will comply with the decision,” the spokesperson said. “The Interior Department continues to work on an interim report that will include initial findings on the state of the federal conventional energy programs, as well as outline next steps and recommendations for the Department and Congress to improve stewardship of public lands and waters, create jobs, and build a just and equitable energy future.”

During the pause — which did not have an end date but was expected to last at least until the end of June — the administration continued to issue new permits on existing leases while existing drilling was able to continue.

While on the campaign trail, President Biden pledged to ban new oil and gas permitting on public lands and waters,  but since taking office, his administration has not said whether it ultimately hopes to do so.

The Energy Department’s statistics agency found in a March analysis that the pause is expected to have “no effects” until 2022. But in his decision, Doughty argued that the states will eventually face losses as a result.


“Even though existing leases are proceeding, the fact that new oil and gas leases on federal lands and in federal waters are paused will ultimately result in losses to Plaintiff States which they will likely not be able to recover,” he wrote. 

The pause sparked significant backlash from Republicans as well as the oil and gas industry. Many of these opponents celebrated Tuesday’s decision and called for the administration to lift the pause entirely. 


“This decision is a victory for the rule of law and American energy workers,” said a statement from Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.).  

“The president’s illegal ban has hurt workers and deprived Wyoming and other states of a principal source of revenue that they use for public education. President Biden should immediately rescind his punishing ban,” he said.