45 schools maybe practicing racism, so the DOE is going to investigate. I say take it a step further. Investigate all schools college high school, and grade schools for DEI practice.
Asians and whites are those most effected. Isn’t it strange that the two races that score the highest are the ones most discriminated against?
U.S. Secretary of Education Linda McMahon said in a statement:
The Department is working to reorient civil rights enforcement to ensure all students are protected from illegal discrimination. The agency has already launched Title VI investigations into institutions where widespread antisemitic harassment has been reported and Title IX investigations into entities which allegedly continue to allow sex discrimination; today’s announcement expands our efforts to ensure universities are not discriminating against their students based on race and race stereotypes.”
“Students must be assessed according to merit and accomplishment, not prejudged by the color of their skin. We will not yield on this commitment,” she added.
A close up view of the Kansas City Chiefs end zone, which says "Chiefs" in big red letter, and "End Racism" in green letters
The Kansas City Chiefs' end zone at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas in February 2024.Ryan Kang / Getty Images file
NBC News ihttps://www.nbcnews.com/sports/nfl/nfl-will-remove-end-racism-end-zones-ahead-super-bowl-rcna190686?utm_source=firefox-newtab-en-uss announcing that finally the idiotic statement in the end zone will be removed. Good move NFL. Should be replaced with White and Black Progressives are racists.They need to stop posting DEI slogans in sports.
Yes Virginia, White Progressive Supremacists can be compared to Luigi Mangione.
Luigi the alleged shooter is your perfect picture of White Progressives. Mostly upper class and supposedly well educated, and full of hate. Some compare him to race baiters and others say this is what the Mafia wanna be’s look like.
Seems like they came out of the woodwork in 2015. Right after Trumps announcement that he was running for President. What’s interesting is that they claim to be anti capitalism, but don’t give up the wealth they got from being capitalists.
What’s scary is the fact that Alvin Brag will be prosecuting this case when it goes to trial.
While the main idiot here is the cop, we see at the 1:02 mark an OHP (Ohio Highway Patrol – aka State police) officer exiting his vehicle WITH AN “ASSAULT RIFLE” TRAINED ON THE TRUCK — over a mud flap! I would also pull away if I saw an ASSAULT RIFLE aimed at me for no apparent reason! Note this officer copsplained his reason for doing that the truck driver had made “direct eye contact” with the officer signaling him to pull over — something that is physically impossible given the Patrolman was in his car while the Driver was in the cab of his truck. PRIMA FACIE, there is physically NO WAY this could occur given the difference in heights of the car and the cab of the truck, So this right off was a bad call.
Getting to the meat of this video: From about 4:16 OHP radio:”Circleville PD has a dog” 4:19(OHP):“That’s a dog. Come to me!” “You don’t want bit!” 4:25 Circleville COP:“Get on the ground, or you’re gonna get bit!” Here, we can see two conflicting orders: Come to me (OHP) and Get on the ground, or you’re going to get bit! (Circleville cop)
My personal opinion is that this cop was NOT in charge and should have kept his mouth shut and kept that dog in the cruiser. But what do I know, right?
From this point on OHP repeatedly tells the cop not to release the dog, which the cop ignores. The cop runs towards the trucker who is clearly seen to have his hands in the air. At about the 4:43 mark the cop RELEASED the dog, who runs away from the trucker towards the OHP officers.
Trucker was already on his knees when the cop ordered his dog — which had veered off — to ATTACK!Dog hasn’t been pulled off the trucker who was on his knees with his hands in the air when the Circleville cop ordered the dog to attack him. The cop is just standing there instead of calling the dog off.
At 4:45 the Cop ORDERS THE DOG TO ATTACK! Against a man ON HIS KNEES ALREADY!! The dog attacks for at least 10-12 seconds before he is finally made to stop.
This cop was eventually fired, but not for siccing his dog on the helpless trucker, but for lying during the investigation!!
What is truly unbelievable is that THE COURTS said he was wrongfully terminated, turned his firing into a ‘resignation,’ fixed his record so he could go work for another police department, and allowed him to “adopt” the dog he used as a deadly weapon for $1!
Comments on the video:
@chitownracing Even the dog knew he wasn’t a threat, he ran right past him.
@alixena9340 Exactly. The dog is trained to detect the person that is the threat and deal with them. The dog does not have to be told any history. That dog determined that the dude was not a threat and so went looking elsewhere for the actual threat.
@RumbelinGrumbelin “Come to me!” “Get on the ground” Good lord, I swear they create situations like this on purpose so they can escalate force
@trashsplashtucker Update: Rose got a $225,000 settlement from the city with a lawsuit. The shitty cop got $40,000 for the “termination without cause” lawsuit, his firing removed from his record in favor of a forced “resignation”, a “neutral” letter detailing the time he worked for the county (essentially a letter of recommendation for another county to hire him after his “resignation”), and a deal to purchase the dog he used as a weapon from the city for $1. Gotta love our “justice” system.
@mangoismangois1672 They just proved this man’s fear of police very right
@budc.8172 Sounds like this mans fear of stopping was COMPLETLY justified.
@boanoah6362 “I told him if he doesn’t get on the ground he’s going to get the dog.”
Says the officer who ordered his dog to attack the suspect WHILE HE WAS ON THE GROUND SURRENDERING! The fact this cop didn’t get prison time for an actual literal war crime is deeply upsetting.
@Ott3rKing The fact that the highway patrol were telling them to not release the dog and that one trooper was walking away covering her face tells you everything you need to know about how bad this situation is.
Here, it isn’t merely an ego-tripping corrupt cop, but a corrupt judge, a trooper lying about the initial contact, and the other State troopers doing the bare minimum for the Trucker.
And all over a missing mud flap!
From the open road to a person’s house:
This one shows the victim was killed in her own house by a cop that went lurking around her house without identifying himself and fired off his gun less than 2 seconds after the victim looked out her window to see what/who was making the noise in her back yard:
The red flags were there, but the PD ignored them and ignored their own psychologist’s warning that the man was a narcissist and lacked the temperament needed for the job.
So you have Hamas supporters on California campuses disrupting classes and private events, threating Jews, and Newsom says let’s give them a special reward.
Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel, and for colleges to divest from Israeli companies.
“During Arab American Heritage Month, we honor the past, present and future of this community in our California story and rededicate ourselves to ensuring the safety and belonging of Arab Americans across our state,” Newsom said.
The Lady J Cool, Calm, Collected -- and calling out the mentally challenged weidos infesting Social Media
I Love This Gal! The_Lady_J !
Recently, I found a content provider via Facebook where this woman takes on all the hyperventilating idiots on social media like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. She is not biased; she doesn’t care if you’re male, female, “non-binary,” Democrat, Republican, Black, White, or Kelly Green; she’ll demolish your idiocy with a calm voice and razor-sharp wit. (BTW, she’s also a veteran, and one of her videos shows this idiot — who may or may not be an actual vet — telling everyone that if you haven’t served, you can’t be a patriot.)
The guy in the top left is a “relationship coach,” and the female directly below him is going to tell you how it’s ok to manipulate men. The top center (white) guy says Lady J is RAYCIST!!! Center Left: MAKE HIS POCKETS HURT! (No wonder she can’t get dates.) And the bottom left guy has declared women with heavy tattoos have mutilated their bodies. (Disclaimer: Since most people don’t take care of their tattoos — repeated tanning will fade them — I don’t find them all that attractive either. –TPR)
Top right: A gay man telling men that women prefer rich men and that you should pay for everything they want because they’re doing it for the guys. Center square: This biological man thinks having a positive pregnancy test is a GOOD thing. (Hint: It’s not when you’re a man; it means you may have TESTICULAR cancer.) Bottom center: A man doing this would get arrested.
Left to right: A real Male Chauvinist pig, “women” telling men what they should do, and a privileged princess who demands equality — unless it’s picking up the tab.
Who said racism was only for whites?Liberal whack job pontificatingHer caption says it all. (She’s actually dancing, but who’s filming it?)
Needless to say, Lady J’s comments on these people are polite but spot on. She never raises her voice, never gesticulates, and never acts hateful. But boy, does she attract hater trolls!
I’ll be starting a new series on how Government is using its powers (Sometimes unconstitutionally and possibly illegally). Some of the articles will be in my own words (with sources) and some will be the reposting of articles from others.
I’ll be looking at local, state, and federal. Also, I’ll be looking at the educational system. Hopefully you will be shocked that this is going on. So, let’s see where this takes us.
If you have some ideas or have stories of weaponization, please feel free to comment or send me a link.
For conservatives, the definition of “racism” encompasses a narrower range of thought and behavior than it does for leftists or progressives. Conservatives see racism as an endorsement of one’s own racial group’s superiority, a belief about another racial group’s inferiority, or harmful behavior directed at someone specifically because of their race. Conservatives often require a higher standard of proof, relying on explicit evidence rather than implicit assumptions to charge someone with racist behavior.On the other hand, progressives define racism as not necessarily being limited to conscious intent, but as encompassing unconscious bias fundamental to everyone’s cultural upbringing and reaffirmed through systemic structures designed to support white people. They perceive racism as built into people’s way of being or seeing in the world. Therefore, progressives may charge someone with racism without explicit evidence the behavior or remarks of the accused were based on race, due to their belief that racism can operate as unconscious bias. Because progressives perceive many fundamental societal structures as built on systemic racism — meaning certain groups have more power than others — they view racism as linked to power, holding the belief that disadvantaged groups cannot be racist toward groups that have power.In the case of Trump’s tweets, the right sees a lack of explicit proof that Trump views the Squad as inferior due to their race, or denies that he criticized them based solely on their race and not their ideas. Progressives, on the other hand, perceive Trumps’s attempts to curb illegal immigration and the “go back” remarks as evidence of unconscious bias against immigrants and people of color.
Julie Mastrine is the Director of Marketing at AllSides. She has a Center bias.
This piece was reviewed by Samantha Shireman, Information Architect at AllSides, who has a Lean Left bias. It was also reviewed by AllSides Daily News Editor Henry Brechter, who has a Center bias.
Call a spade a spade. Hamas, Pro Hamas Rioters, and White and Black Progressive Supremacists have the same goals. For my Liberal readers, let me explain before you try to do a doxing on me the way Progressives do. This is my pointing out of white progressive and black progressive supremacists.
The two groups have the same goals. They don’t allow debate. Only one view is allowed, and they dox whenever they get the chance. They will also go after moderates and liberals who disagree with them.
They claim that they’re not antisemitic, but they don’t condemn the rioters or openly support Israel in the October attack. They also will say something like I don’t support the government, but I support the people. Never do you see them in rallies in support of the people. They only show up in these rallies for a river to the sea cleansing of Jews.
So, when you see me connect progressives with Hamas, KKK, Confederates, Jim Crow laws, and other signs of hate, you will know of whom I speak.
Who will they come for next? Progressives goal to wipe out diversity and social disagreement. Have you noticed that those who claim that diversity is their goal want only those who think like they do?
The target since the Obama age was only single white males, then females, and white married couples were added. Children were the last that were added to the list. And maybe they will achieve their goal when they import the new China virus.
Ann Coulter did a take on a famous poem I’m sure you will recognize. Whites are still the main target, but only the beginning.
First they came for working class whites and I did not speak out— Because I was not a working class white.
Then they came for white police officers and I did not speak out— Because I was not a white police officer.
Then they came for white women who call the police, and I did not speak out- Because I was not a white women who calls the police.
Then they came for the white college applicants, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a white college applicant.
Then they came for statues of white male American heroes and I did not speak out— Because I was not a white male American hero.
Then they came for whites applying for jobs with the S&P 100 and I did not speak out— Because I was not a white applying for a job with the S&P 100.