Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources.

What happens when you allow hate groups like BLM? Ask Seattle.

What happens when you allow hate groups like BLM. Ask Seattle. The city of Seattle has had enough. They had to go and take back their city park. BLM supposedly had a community garden. What did they create?

City officials said in a statement that the “makeshift,” temporary garden was being removed because of public health and safety concerns, as well as for maintenance reasons including reseeding and turf restoration.

The efforts on Wednesday also included the removal of tent encampments located near the garden and outside the park along E. Olive Street, which city officials said was to ensure the public spaces remain clean and open for everyone.

So far this year, the City’s Unified Care Team has cleaned up encampments at Cal Anderson Park 76 times, making the park one of the most frequently addressed areas in the city for repopulated encampments, the city said.



Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Racism. Social Venues-Twitter

BLM Chicago Tweets Support for Hamas Terrorists Part 2.

BLM Chicago Tweets Support for Hamas Terrorists Part 2.

The other day BLM posted one crazy tweet, then they deleted it. Well they came back with a vengeance.

Black Lives Matter Group Deletes Tweet Showing Support for Hamas (

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism

BLM Chicago Tweets Support for Hamas Terrorists, includes Image of Paragliders Used to Murder Young Adults at Dance Party

BLM Chicago Tweets Support for Hamas Terrorists, includes Image of Paragliders Used to Murder Young Adults at Dance Party.

Lions of Liberalism.

Nuff said.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Candace Owens Drops New Trailer for ‘The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM’

The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens released a new trailer on Tuesday, teasing her upcoming documentary, titled “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd And The Rise Of BLM.”

The trailer shows a sneak peek of Owens’ look behind the curtain in Minneapolis, Minnesota — where George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin sparked a firestorm of protests and riots across the nation — on the two-year anniversary of his death.


“Get a look at the fiery new documentary that only Candace Owens and The Daily Wire would dare bring you. On the 2-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death, Candace revisits Minneapolis and the violent, racially-divided aftermath that fueled BLM’s global rise—and filled its coffers. Tune in May 23 for the global premiere event,” the website added to the tease.

Owens has been critical of Floyd from the beginning, and of the political Left for rushing him to sainthood. In an opinion piece for The Daily Wire, Owens mocked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for claiming that Floyd’s name would “always be synonymous with justice.”

“George Floyd’s name will always be synonymous with justice? You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said. “I am not an intellectual coward who will simply accept the lie about George Floyd and the way that he lived as the truth just because the mob demands it. And believe me, it’s a lie.”

Watch the trailer:




The Daily Wire.

Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Black Mom Hijacks Antifa Press Conference: “If Black Lives Matter, You Better Back Up”

A mother and her kids took the stage during an Antifa press conference Friday in Portland.

“People attacked me and my family,” she said. “And it is not the Proud Boys — it is you… My black children were almost hit with bombs.”

On 20 Aug., 2021, a black woman crashed a Portland press conference organized by several antifa-allied groups (e.g., Don’t Shoot Portland, Oregon Justice Resource Center, United Mutual Aid Network, etc.) ahead of a riot announced by antifa for 22 Aug., 2021.
The attack on Evangelical Christian worshippers on the Portland waterfront was ignored by the local press. Video recorded by “The Black Conservative Preacher.”

Crime How funny is this? Opinion Politics

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not.

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not. A black member of Congress led a insurrection on the Senate bldg. Get’s a $50.00 fine and she walks. SO WHAT DOES THE HOUSE DO?

The House Ethics Committee announced Monday they would not take any action to investigate Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) after her arrest for protesting at the Capitol earlier in the month.

The committee in their report said that Beatty, who is the Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, will not have any further action taken against her. The report acknowledged Beatty was arrested “for Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding, during a protest inside a Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.” The congresswoman paid a $50 fine prior to her release, and the “legal proceedings related to her arrest are expected to be resolved with no further action.”

Opinion Politics

Flag promoting racism, bigotry, and hate will fly at US Embassies and Consulates.

Flag promoting racism, bigotry, and hate will fly  at US Embassies and Consulates. This is a new low. 1st to honor a career criminal on the anniversary of his accidental death during a justified arrest. And second to fly a noted hate groups flag at our embassies and consulates. We have this from Gateway Pundit.

A source within the Biden State Department wishing to remain anonymous has shared with Human Events News a document that indicates that all U.S. “Diplomatic and Consular posts” are being encouraged to display shows of support for Black Lives Matter on Tuesday, May 25, the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death. The memo reads in part, “The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond (italics added) We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”

Despite the documented actions of BLM protesters during the riots of 2020, and despite the New York Times reporting on their organization’s declining popularity with American voters, our federal  government has nonetheless decided to endorse and promote an organization with admitted Marxist roots as one having ties to our official foreign offices.

I think I’m going to be sick.



Opinion Politics

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer.

Forget the mostly peaceful protests of January 6th. Let’s talk about the Washington DC riots of last Summer. Sure most of the media is focused on January 6th. But to only look at that does injustice to the hundreds of police officers who were injured. And how about the 47 folks killed by BLM and Antifa.

So Congress wants this commission to look at January 6th. I say that the terrorist acts of BLM and Antifa must also be looked at. January 6th was one day. Last summer’s riots went on for days. Police were prepared back in June. As was the mayor. Why things went differently in January, only they can answer that.


How funny is this? Life Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

She’s back. What part of irrelevant doesn’t she get? Michelle Obama again comes out in support of hate groups. Supports BLM rioting, protesting, and looting.

She’s back. What part of irrelevant doesn’t she get? Michelle Obama again comes out in support of hate groups. Supports BLM rioting, protesting, and looting. She’s putting out the Le-Bron narrative that all blacks will die if they’re out driving and stopped by the police.

Why does she even get any press notice? So many folks still remember the eight years of racism, bigotry, and hate speech we got from the Obama-Biden administration.

Biden Pandemic Corruption Politics

Antifa and BLM Biden supporters who rioted are not being charged.

Antifa and BLM Biden supporters who rioted are not being charged. Why? In January you had folks who trespassed and caused minor property damage. All are being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But two well noted hate groups riot, loot, assault, and even kill folks, and they’re not charged. Again why?

In closing, we have this from FOX.

Between May 25 and Oct. 7, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon filed federal charges against 97 people connected to the Portland unrest. Since then 58 of those cases have either been dismissed outright or are on track for dismissal through a deferred resolution agreement. Thirty-two cases are still pending, with many likely to also end in dismissal according to sources. Seven people have entered guilty pleas.