Commentary Facebook Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics WOKE

Hey Mark Z, what did you think was going to happen?

Hey Mark Z, what did you think was going to happen?

The other day Zuckerberg was cry that leaks were going on at Meta. So he had a meeting with the employees and that was leaked. That’s what happens when you hire folks who are racist and misogynists.

Mark has them in all colors. White,Black, Brown, etc. He created this monster and now is crying the blues that he cant control them.

Zuckerberg’s army of ultra-woke progressive employees may feel more inventive to leak to journalists now that their leader has seemingly experienced a change of heart. Among the changes Zuckerberg has brought to Meta is ending its DEI practices and removing tampons from men’s restrooms.

America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia.

What a brilliant move. Democrat Leaders Triggered by President Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia. Trump needs more of this. As we see Trumps support continuing to grow with Blacks and Latinos, the Progressive Supremacists are having fits cause Trump had a rally in a blue City and the crowd was very large.

Trump needs more of these rallies in both blue states and cities. Let the folks of color see who is the racist. Trump or some old white guy who in the past has hung out with the Jim Crow crowd.

This from the affirmative action mayor. Hey folks, Levar Stoney here. I’m a member of the Biden/Harris National Advisory Committee. And I’m here to remind folks that President Trump has chosen Richmond as a campaign stop. And I wanted President Trump to know this, that your rhetoric of division and hate and destruction of our democracy is not welcome here in Richmond. We reject those values. We believe in the values of being more inclusive, more welcoming, a place where people belong, a place where people can thrive, and that’s the opposite message of Donald Trump. That is why I’m supporting Joe Biden for reelection, and I ask all of you to get out there and support the president.



Corruption Crime Government Overreach Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) The Border

Why are the Sanctuary bluebirds crying about their new found voters for 2024?

Why are the Sanctuary bluebirds crying about their new found voters for 2024? We see it in New York, Illinois, and now Massachusetts. We are spending our money on all these future voters is the battle cry.

I guess the bluebirds thought the plan was to send them in just before the 2024 elections. Not now. And the Progressives are crying cause they have to house and educate the undocumented. What did they think that being a Sanctuary city and state meant?

Abortion rights? Elections Links from other news sources. MSM

All Senator Murray has to show for 30 years is supporting abortion. The Seattle Times, Starbucks and the Seattle Seahawks each, over the past few weeks, has objected to Smiley campaign ads that contain the companies’ corporate logos.

The race in Washington state for US Senate has gotten real close. So now the MSM and other far left organizations have started to pile on the Republican candidate.

The Seattle Times, Starbucks and the Seattle Seahawks each, over the past few weeks, has objected to the Tiffany Smiley campaign ads that contain the companies’ corporate logos.

The Seattle Times is threatening Tiffany Smiley for using an image from their report on Starbucks closing its doors. This same leftist paper allowed Murray to use their logo and headlines for her 2016 campaign.