Back Door Power Grab California. Commentary Corruption Democrat Hate History Immigration Leftist Virtue(!) Loser Senate

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment

Sore Losers: Senate Dems want to Eliminate the Electoral College Via Constitutional Amendment.

There’s a good reason why a jackass symbolizes the misnamed “Democratic” party!

I walked away too.

Senate Democrats, having failed to defeat President-elect Donald Trump in the 2024 election, want to change the rules.

Ironically, however, those same Senate Democrats do not seem to understand that their arguments for destroying a core principle of our federal republic would also justify eliminating the Senate itself.

Monday on the social media platform X, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, announced a “bill to abolish the Electoral College, restoring democracy by allowing the direct election of presidents through popular vote alone.”

Durbin, who has also proposed arming illegal immigrants, joined two of his colleagues, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Democratic Sen. Peter Welch of Vermont, in introducing a proposed constitutional amendment that, if adopted, would abolish the Electoral College.

“In 2000, before the general election, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College. I still believe today that it’s time to retire this 18th century invention,” Durbin said.

Fortunately, the authors of the Constitution understood the tyrannical threat posed by people like Durbin.

Hence, an amendment is required to eliminate something as fundamental to our federal republic as the Electoral College, which appears in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Under Article V, two thirds of both houses of Congress, plus three fourths of the states, must approve said amendment.

In other words, Senate Democrats have no chance of abolishing the Electoral College, that perennial object of their unhinged fixation.

Still, their behavior requires explanation. And voters need to understand why they must never allow Democrats to succeed in their sinister quest.

First, the reason for Monday’s announcement seems obvious. Senate Democrats hope to change the narrative surrounding Trump’s victory.

According to the Associated Press, with all states finally having counted at least 99 percent of votes from the 2024 election, Trump will win the national popular vote by more than two million votes. Thus, Senate Democrats’ constitutional amendment would not have changed the outcome.

Still, Trump has generated significant momentum and stands poised to reenter the White House as popular as ever. Senate Democrats, therefore, needed to rally their own voters around their shopworn lie of defending “democracy.”

Moreover, recent history has proven that Democrats prosper amid the electoral chaos they create. And eliminating the Electoral College would sow unfathomable chaos.

Imagine how presidential elections would unfold if determined by the national popular vote. Imagine waiting on California, for instance, to finish counting its votes more than a month after Election Day.

As it stands, California awards 54 electoral votes — no more, no less. So we know in advance exactly the degree to which Californians will influence the election’s outcome.

But what if California Democrats had an incentive to find as many votes as possible? Would any Republican trust the outcome of elections conducted in that manner?

Second — one marvels at the irony — Senate Democrats’ argument for abolishing the Electoral College also applies to the Senate.

“I’m excited to partner with my friends and colleagues Senator Schatz and Chair Durbin on this important constitutional amendment, which will help empower every voter in every state,” Welch said, per The Hill.

But the Senate itself does not reflect the will of “every voter in every state” — far from it.

In fact, the Electoral College, which awards electoral votes based on a state’s population, comes exponentially closer to reflecting the will of “every voter in every state” than the Senate ever has or ever will.

Indeed, regardless of population, two senators per state hardly sounds like “democracy.”

And that is the point: America’s constitutional republic incorporates democratic principles, but it is not a democracy, and it must never become one, lest we endure the unbridled tyranny of electoral majorities.

Instead, America’s constitutional system provides for a meaningful division of power between the national and state governments. The Electoral College, by empowering the people of all the states to conduct their own elections and award their electoral votes as they see fit consistent with the Constitution, helps prevent the tyrannical consolidation of states into a single, omnipotent national government.

Thus, Democratic leadership must never succeed in eliminating the Electoral College. Should they do so, they would create a convincing argument for abolishing the Senate itself. At that point, the federal constitutional structure would have collapsed, and the Union would likely dissolve.

Democrat Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Short and Sweet. Democrat Senators bragging about working with Trump.

Short and Sweet. Democrat Senators bragging about working with Trump. Axios (of all people) are running articles about how the Democrat Senators in tight races are bragging about how they worked with Trump.

Here’s the list. Why are they running from Harris?

Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), Bob Casey (D-Penn.), Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s (D-Mich.), Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)

“These Senate Democrats all voted to impeach President Trump twice, so it is surprising that they are now running ads praising his work as President,” NRSC communications director Mike Berg told Axios in a statement.

California. China Commentary Corruption Democrat Links from other news sources. New York

Democrat Politicians are not afraid of the Chinese. They keep on hiring their spies.

Democrat Politicians are not afraid of the Chinese. They keep on hiring their spies.

First it was Senator Dianne Feinstein, then Congressman Eric Swalwell. Now New York Govs. Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul. So, it’s obvious there is no fear when it comes to hiring the spies.

A former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said Tuesday. Just three cases below.

Prosecutors said Linda Sun, 41, was arrested on Tuesday and is expected to be presented in court later in the day. Sun’s husband Chris Hu also faces criminal charges, according to prosecutors.

Last year Los Angeles reported on cases involving Chinese spies that infiltrated the offices of senior California politicians with access to highly classified intelligence. One such spy worked as Senator Dianne Feinstein’s personal driver of nearly 20 years—from 1996 to 2014—had been a Chinese agent.

California Congressman Eric Swalwell who was briefed by the FBI in 2020 about a fetching young Chinese staffer for her campaign, Christine Fang, who investigators learned was an agent of China’s Ministry of State Security. Fang and Wong (who worked for Feinstein) were friends, the FBI later revealed. Who’s next?

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Elections Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Politics The Law Voter Fraud

How could this be? Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges.

How could this be? Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges.

Every time I see an article on voter fraud I think about this loon in California who claimed to have checked all fifty states for voter fraud and only found one case. And supposedly a Republican.

Well, I haven’t checked all fifty states, but it seems as if every time there is an article on voter fraud, it’s a Democrat. A Democratic Party candidate is being charged with a bevy of felony counts, all related to alleged voter fraud.

Terry Andrew Heflin, the 45-year old candidate for a commission seat in Clay County, Alabama, was arrested Tuesday on seven counts of unlawful use of absentee ballots, according to a news release from the Alabama Attorney General’s office. Each unlawful use of the ballots comes with a punishment ranging from one to 10 years in prison.

America's Heartland Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Harris Harris Cartel Insurrection Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism. Terrorism

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead.

Hamas flags, slogans about killing Jews, harassment of @CapitolPolice officers, vandalism, burnt American flags, & hanged effigies of PM Netanyahu. These are just some of the appalling scenes at protests around the U.S. Capitol today.

“Pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators are vandalizing federal property, removing American flags, and replacing them with Palestinian flags steps away from the United States Capitol,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of Senate GOP leadership, on X. “This is inexcusable, and I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

The U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement that “no flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized” though non-Capitol Police officers were seen making mass arrests near Union Station after the speech.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote.

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote. As you know a large part of the Democrats base and supporters are the undocumented. The House leadership wants them to be able to freely vote. But the Republicans have a different idea.

House Democrats are planning to fight the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, set to be voted on the week of July 15, which would require state election officials to request proof of American citizenship before handing voter registration forms to applicants.

House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) is demanding Democrats vote against the SAVE Act, putting pressure on those who represent swing districts that voted for former President Donald Trump and face tough reelection bids

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Insurrection Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Terrorism

Hundreds of Progressive Democrats (Pro Hamas) circle the White House.

Hundreds of Progressive Democrats (Pro Hamas) circle the White House. HOW IS THIS NOT AN INSURRECTION?

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters — some openly supporting Hamas and other terror groups — surrounded the White House on Saturday, vandalizing a statue and assaulting a U.S. Park Police officer who tried to protect it.


America's Heartland Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics The Courts The Law

Democrats just won’t take no on faulty mail in ballots in Pennsylvania.

Democrats just won’t take no on faulty mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. The left just refuses to give up. Last month the Third US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that mail-in ballots with no dates cannot be counted by Pennsylvania election officials.

In the past the PA Supreme Court had no issues with this and allowed it. Well the federal courts said no. So the Democrats tried again. and what happened? Democrat lawyers requested an en banc review (a decision from the court’s entire slate of judges) and the appeals court ruled against them.

In a 9-4 vote, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied a request for en banc review to reconsider whether the date requirement for mail-in ballots is enforceable in Pennsylvania.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Not surprised. Corrupting voter registration.

Not surprised. Corrupting voter registration. The left is now saying out loud what we always knew. Register voters in only blue cities and precincts.

“Democrats donors are now getting memos telling them to stop funding voter registration nonprofits because unregistered voters lean towards Trump,” investigative researcher Parker Thayer posted on X in response to the report.

You heard the cry. Get out the vote. Well it’s backfiring on them. Democrats across the country have become increasingly concerned over the amount of support Trump is pulling from usually reliable demographics and donors have been bickering over an internal memo casting doubt on whether the party should continue using nonprofits to register unregistered voters over fears it could help Trump, the Washington Post reported this week. 


A confidential memo circulated among top Democratic donors has sparked a furious debate in Democratic circles about whether to narrow the focus of voter registration. Seems like it’s registering folks for Trump.


Affirmative Action America's Heartland Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources. The Courts

Yes Virginia there still is Affirmative Action and it must be abolished.

Yes Virginia there still is Affirmative Action and it must be abolished. Minority and Female Attorney’s were getting special treatment. Hopefully that’s over.

Last Friday America First Legal (AFL) announced a vital win in the fight for the Constitution and the rule of law when Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel and Judge Staci M. Yandle rescinded their standing orders favoring minority and female attorneys solely based on their race and sex, and apologized, following AFL’s judicial conduct complaint.

AFL’s complaint, dated January 252024, alleged that three judges in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois had issued standing orders mandating preferential treatment for the female and minority attorneys arguing before them, in violation of the Rule for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings 4(a), Judicial Code of Conduct Canon 2(A), and the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Whenever we see Affirmative Action, we must fight this evil injustice. It still to this day is a quota tool for Unions who bring in the bottom of the barrel just to say they don’t discriminate.

If not for the Progressive Democrats during the Jim Crow era, we never would have had AA as a poor excuse to correct the racist progressive Democrat policies.