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Progressive Democrats who support Hamas protest at The White House.

Views: 2

Progressive Democrats who support Hamas protest at The White House. We see where Leftist Democrats attempted to gain entrance onto White House Grounds.

A White House fence was vandalized Saturday night by pro-Palestinian protesters who doused red paint on it. During the rowdy protest, marchers rattled a gate while one demonstrator climbed the black gate to wave a Palestinian flag. A nearby statue of General Marquis de Lafayette in Lafayette Park was tagged with graffiti and festooned with Palestinian flags, according to Fox News. The protest ended at about 8 p.m. “Demonstrators are beginning to disperse from the area and the attempted gate trespass from earlier was handled without incident by Secret Service.





Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption Government Overreach Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Another Example of Democrats trying to hide their past. Jacksonville Mayor Has Democrat Confederate Monument Removed

Views: 19

Another example of Democrats trying to hide their past. Jacksonville Mayor Has Democrat Confederate Monument Removed. Their at it again. Another Democrat politician pretending that their party had nothing to do with the Civil War, Jim Crow laws, and Slavery.

Jacksonville Mayor Has Confederate Monument Removed


Crews removed a Confederate monument from a Jacksonville, Florida, park Wednesday morning following years of public controversy.

Mayor Donna Deegan ordered the removal of the “Tribute to the Women of the Southern Confederacy” monument, which has been in Springfield Park since 1915. She said the decision is not an attempt to erase history but to show that people have learned from it.–1Kw


Biden Cartel Censorship History Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

Why are they taking down Confederate Statues and monuments? Hiding the Democrats past?

Views: 28

Why are they taking down Confederate Statues and Monuments? Hiding the Democrats past? The left has continued their assult on anything named or having to do with the Confederacy.  Trying to hide their past?

When you think of the KKK, Jim Crow, or the Confederacy, it comes back to the Democrats and their legacy. The three mentioned are all creations of the Democrats.

Of course that’s not taught in the schools. They  just talk and teach about how horrable all that was. Slavery and all of that The latest move

A Confederate memorial is to be removed from Arlington National Cemetery in northern Virginia in the coming days, part of the push to remove symbols that commemorate the Confederacy.

Now a judge did give a temporary stay. Let’s see how that works out.


Biden Cartel Corruption Emotional abuse How sick is this? Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do.

Dementia Joe Posts Thanksgiving Guide of How to Respond to “Crazy MAGA Nonsense”

Views: 18

The Biden-Harris reelection campaign shared a “handy guide for responding to crazy MAGA nonsense” for supporters heading into the holidays with Trump supporting family members.

The guide shared talking points to respond to conservative rhetoric about subjects from immigration to the economy. One slide included responses to when someone claims “Trump secured our border!” to reply with a “No he didn’t,” followed by claims that “All he did was separate families, put children in cages, and leave behind a broken immigration system for Joe Biden to clean up.”

Critics across social media shredded the list of talking points, arguing it takes an especially insufferable kind of person to approach the Thanksgiving table looking forward to an argument rather than eating with family.

“Democrats literally publishing a script of how to be the worst person at Thanksgiving,” Republican digital strategist Alec Sears wrote.

“Imagine needing political talking points for a holiday encounter with loved ones,” podcast host Siraj Hashmi wrote.

“Reminder to all political persuasions: Preparing political talking points to use against family members on Thanksgiving is a form of mental illness,” author John Durant wrote. “Show some maturity, speak with the right tone, or change the subject.”

Other commentators accused Biden-Harris campaign of pushing “propaganda.”

“Biden-Harris putting out propaganda scripts to defend their campaign is… gross,” conservative radio host Jason Rantz wrote.

“All this gaslighting would make North Korean state media blush,” Twitchy’s Doug Powers wrote.

Dementia Joe’s handlers strike again.


Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism

Democrat base riots in DC. Democrat Congressman fear for their life.

Views: 18

Democrat base riots in DC. Democrat Congressman fear for their life. The lions of Liberalism picked up from where they left off in 2020. Rioting and attacking police.

Out of a crowd of 200, Police say 150 people were “illegally and violently protesting” near the DNC headquarters building in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington.

In fear for their life, Congressmen who were in attendance of a DNC gathering were hiding in a basement until they were able to be evacuated in Police SUV’S.

Unlike the riots of 2020 for the defense of common street criminals, these rioters were protesting the Israel-Hamas war. And they weren’t flying Israeli flags.


Abortion rights? Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Crime Emotional abuse Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia Democrats did say that a baby must die up to birth.

Views: 40

Yes Virginia Democrats did say that a baby must die up to birth. The red head bitch did promote the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would have legalized abortion in America up until the moment of birth.

As you know, Jen is the second worse press secretary next to the affirmative action babe that’s there now.

Last night at the debate, it was mentioned about how the Progressives support abortion up to birth. Several states, run by Democrats have no restrictions on abortion whatsoever, including ColoradoOregon, and Washington, DC.

Other Democrat-run states, like CaliforniaNew York, and Illinois, allow abortions up to “viability” but allow abortions later in pregnancy with limited exceptions, including if a woman’s “mental health” is in danger.

Former Virginia Gov. Northam gave a now-infamous interview in 2019 during which he responded to a question about women requesting an abortion at the moment of childbirth.

If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

Northam later said he had “no regrets” about his comment.

HHS  Secretary Xavier Becerra voted during his tenure in the House of Representatives in 2013 and 2015 against legislation that would ban abortion at five months into pregnancy. In 2015, he  voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which aimed to protect children born alive during an abortion.




Left-Wing Rage: Don’t Pretend It Doesn’t Exist.

Views: 10


The Southern Poverty Law Center has its “hate map” of conservative groups that it hopes to marginalize if not kill off entirely. Meanwhile, the feds are looking for vicious, bloodthirsty right-wingers under the bed. But a university survey recently found that the left is more prone to political violence than the right. It’s exactly what we have come to expect from a group that is so sure of its superiority and the importance of its agenda that it’s willing to break an infinite number of eggs so that it can make its authoritarian omelet.

The University of Chicago Project on Security and Threats’ June survey of 3,543 adults has produced a lot of data noise but it also includes some useful information. Of course the media want to ring the bells over one finding in particular: an increase in the percentage those who agree that “the use of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.” According to the project, in early April only 4.5% of those polled agreed with that statement. By late June, though, it had risen to (a rounded-up) 7%, “the equivalent of an estimated shift from 12 million to 18 million American adults.”

The media-wide implication is that the growing support for using force to put Trump back in the White House is fueled by the extremism (and dare we say “semi-fascism”?) of Republicans and MAGA followers. A prime example of this bias is found in the headline over a story in The Hill. It reads “More say violence could be necessary to restore Trump to White House.”

A closer look at the data, however, show both Democrats (4.5%) and independents (7.8%) agree with the statement. So it’s not just Republicans who would be sympathetic to the use of force in favor of Trump. Isn’t that a point worthy of highlighting?

There’s another figure that raises concerns that the media don’t seem to care much about: 9% of Democrats “strongly” agree that “the use of force is justified to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president,” and another 7.1% merely agree. That’s a total of 16.1%, compared to the total of 9.5% of Republicans who strongly agree or just agree that force is justified to hand the presidency back to Trump.

Again, isn’t this a fact that needs to be emphasized?

Seems that the University of Chicago Project on Security and Threats didn’t want that known as well, since the only mention of it was in a data table buried in the report. At the same time, it played up the increase in the numbers of those who would abide by the use of force to reinstate the Trump presidency, claiming that it “likely reflects the response of more intense commitment to Trump following the announcement of the federal indictment against him.”

Democrats’ inclination to use violence to achieve their goals was also seen in the results of other questions:

  • More than 16% of Democrats think force is justified to restore the federal right to abortion.
  • More than 22% Democrats agree that “the use of force against the police is justified to prevent police brutality against black Americans and other minorities.”
  • More than a quarter of Democrats would approve of the use of force “to protect the voting rights of Black Americans and other minorities.”

To paraphrase novelist Tom Wolfe, the dark night of political violence is always descending on conservatives and Republicans, and yet it’s primarily a hallmark of progressives and Democrats.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board


Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach History Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts The Law

Democrats Denied Election Results 150+ Times Before Trump Was Indicted for Challenging Election.

Views: 18

Democrats Denied Election Results 150+ Times Before Trump Was Indicted for Challenging Election.

Although a Georgia grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump on Monday for challenging the 2020 election result, Democrats have refused to accept the results of elections they lost for decades.

As Breitbart News reported, more than 150 examples show Democrats denying election results, including President Joe Biden; two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY); Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA)Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

In fact, every single Democrat president since 1977 has questioned the legitimacy of U.S. elections, according to the Republican National Committee. In both 2013 and 2016, Biden claimed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election. In May 2019, Biden said he “absolutely agrees” that Trump was an “illegitimate president.” Biden cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2022 midterms this year.

In 2006, then-DNC Chairman Howard Dean stated that he was “not confident that the [2004] election in Ohio was fairly decided.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said it is “appropriate” to have a debate concerning the 2004 election and claimed that there were “legitimate concerns” regarding the “integrity” of U.S. elections. Then-Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) cast doubt on the security of electronic voting machines in the 2004 election, saying he was “worried” that some machines do not have a paper trail.



Democrats also cast doubt on the 2016 election. Seven House Democrats tried to object to the 2016 election electoral votes. After President Trump’s victory in 2016, 67 Democrats boycotted his inauguration, with some claiming Trump’s victory was not legitimate.

In September 2017, Hillary Clinton said she would not “rule out” questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election. In October 2020, she added that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying, “We still don’t really know what happened.”

In addition, Democrats supported Stacey Abrams in her stolen election claims. Hillary Clinton said Stacey Abrams “would have won” Georgia’s gubernatorial race “if she had a fair election” and that Stacey Abrams “should be governor” but was “deprived of the votes [she] otherwise would have gotten.”

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said, “I think that Stacey Abrams’s election is being stolen from her.” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) contended that “if Stacey Abrams doesn’t win in Georgia, they stole it.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said, “the evidence seems to suggest” the race was stolen from Stacey Abrams.

“We won,” Abrams falsely claimed about the 2018 election. “I didn’t lose; we got the votes,” and “we were robbed of an election.” She also called it a “stolen election” multiple times and argued, “It was not a free and fair election.”


Corruption Links from other news sources.

Oversight GOP: Dem Members Lying About FBI Doc.

Views: 16

Oversight GOP: Dem Members Lying About FBI Doc.
The other day we did an article on the Raskin lie. This Newsmax article goes more into detail.


The Republican-led House Oversight Committee rebuked the claims of its Democrat members on Saturday, who said the House GOP is “wasting” taxpayer money on investigating the “conspiracy” of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in a $5 million bribery scheme.

“Democrats are lying again about the FBI-generated Biden bribery record,” the GOP-led Oversight Committee tweeted in response to a tweet from the Democrat side of the committee.

The Oversight Committee Democrats tweeted, “In 2020, a sitting Republican Senator confirmed that AG [Attorney General Bill] Barr had begun an assessment—headed by U.S. Attorney [Scott] Brady—to investigate the corruption allegations pushed by [Rudy] Giuliani.”

The thread continued: “Now, Committee Republicans want to revive Giuliani’s conspiracy theories by using the tips he shared with DOJ [Department of Justice] to attack the FBI, damage President Biden, and boost the twice-impeached, twice-indicted former President’s poll numbers.”

The thread from the Democrats shows a video of ranking member Jamie Raskin, D-Md., saying the House GOP is looking into an FBI FD-1023 form “where a confidential human source quoted an oligarch from Ukraine who said that there was corruption with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.”

“That was checked out by the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, who was appointed in 2020 by Donald Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr, to head up a task force of lawyers and investigators to check out this tip and Rudy Giuliani’s allegations that Joe Biden has been involved in corruption in Ukraine. And that assessment of this tip came back empty-handed,” Raskin said.

But Barr told told the New York Post, “Mr. Raskin seems confused about the limited scope of Mr. Brady’s review.

“The Pittsburgh office was simply adding evidence to ensure that it was not disinformation before passing it on to one of the already existing investigations underway in the department,” Barr added.

“He [Brady] was not authorized to open his own investigation. In other words, he was assessing the credibility of the evidence, not investigating its ultimate merits,” said the former attorney general. The information Brady collected was passed on to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

The GOP-led Oversight Committee tweet continued: “The FBI’s 6/30/20 FD-1023 record stands on its own and contains information from a trusted confidential human source who had conversations with the foreign national who claimed to have bribed Biden.

“This record is being used in an ongoing investigation. Former AG Barr and the FBI have confirmed multiple times.”

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Links from other news sources. Politics Progressive Racism

Ice Cube Slams Black Americans’ Support for Democrats: ‘Nothing Has Changed’

Views: 22

Ice Cube Slams Black Americans’ Support for Democrats: ‘Nothing Has Changed’. But you have to admit that white progressives got more fried chicken joint choices. Plus don’t forget ll the different sweet fruit drinks whites also made available for the brothers and sisters. But Ice Cube isn’t buying it.

“I don’t know what’s going on in the African American community when it comes to that. I mean, black people have supported Democrats overwhelmingly for fifty, sixty years. And nothing has changed. So, something’s gotta change,” Ice Cube replied.


The discussion begins at the 56:25 mark:




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