Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Economy Education Opinion Politics

My two cents. So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us?

So where’s the normalcy Joe promised us? Joe said he would bring us back better. He brought us back alright, but he left out the better. He was going to create millions of new jobs, get rid of COVID, end the war in Afghanistan with his 300,000 man army, and fix what he saw as a broken economy. So how did this work out?

Inflation, price increases, begging OPEC for oil, ( since he froze drilling and shut down the pipeline ). Oh and more people tested positive for COVID this holiday than last year. And there was no vaccine this time last year.

Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Opinion Politics

Joe lies and what did you think would happen?

Joe lies and what did you think would happen? What happened 8-26-2021 will go down as a day that Americans must never forget. Joe lied and our soldiers died. Is this the icing on the cake?

We’ve had one major screw up after another. The opening of our southern border. The loss of thousands of good paying jobs with the closing of the pipeline and banning of fracking and drilling. The out of control inflation. COVID mess, begging OPEC to produce more oil. And the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.

What do all of these screw ups have in common? Biden saying the buck stops with me. But it’s Donald Trumps fault. SMH.

Education Opinion Politics Uncategorized

My two cents. Who are the folks that support CRT?

Who are the folks that support CRT? Besides the usual Union teachers, I see very few Minorities. Why is that? This CRT is supposed to make things right. Get rid of white supremacy. So what’s the dirty little secret? Those who are supporting CRT are mostly white progressives who are elderly and have no children in our school system.


Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How sad that Joe would forget History.

How sad that Joe would forget History. Sorry Joe, CBS indirectly says that you lied. First, did you forget what happened on 911?  Also how about five other attacks on the capitol? One of them we had Five congressmen — Republicans Alvin Bentley and Ben Jensen, and Democrats Clifford Davis, George Hyde Fallon and Kenneth Roberts — were injured by gunfire. Bentley was the most seriously injured and required numerous surgeries.


One was Obama’s old friends from the Weather Underground. But Joe for some reason forgets history. Below are the dates. All after the Civil War.

Three sticks of dynamite — July 2, 1915

Puerto Rican nationalists attack Congress — March 1, 1954

Bombing in protest of U.S. military in Laos — March 1, 1971

Armed Resistance Unit bombing — Nov. 7, 1983

On July 24, 1998, Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. burst into the Capitol and opened fire, killing two Capitol Police officers, Jacob Chestnut and John Gibson. Weston’s motives remain unknown and he faced murder charges for the shootings. However, he was committed in a mental institution with paranoid schizophrenia.


For some reason the MSM just let’s Joe say these loony tune things.

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Reprint. Tracking all of Joe Biden’s false or misleading claims – updated on April 16.

This is a reprint from The Geller Report.

The Washington Post said they won’t fact check Joe Biden. He routinely says things that aren’t true, and someone has to do it. Therefore, The Geller Report will fact check false statements President Biden makes repeatedly.

April-16 – U.S. Intel shows Biden lied in his Claim Russians Put Bounties on American Troops

During the campaign Biden claimed Russia put bounties on US soldiers. Trump called the claim a hoax. Biden now admits Trump was right.

It was a huge election-time story that prompted cries of treason. But according to a newly disclosed assessment, Donald Trump might have been right to call it a “hoax.”

April-15 – President Joe Biden announced creation of a commission to explore expanding the Supreme Court after he spoke out against it.

President Joe Biden announced creation of a commission to explore expanding the Supreme Court (“Court Packing”), which would allow him to appoint additional justices and shift the balance of the Court.

But when Republican Ronald Reagan was president in 1983, then-Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware) declared the concept of court-packing a “bonehead idea” and a “terrible, terrible mistake.”


April-8 – “You go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, and no background check.”

In a Rose Garden event, President Joe Biden announced several actions his administration will take to address what he called an “epidemic” of gun violence (actually, he will ignore the epidemic because it takes place in Democratic run cities where guns are strictly controlled)

Biden said: “Most people don’t know it, you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check. But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, and no background check.”

The fact: Gun shows can include either licensed dealers or private sellers. So at a gun show, the licensed sellers need to run a background check on buyers, and the non-licensed sellers don’t. So Biden’s blanket statement that if you go to a gun show, you can avoid a background check, is wrong. It depends on who you buy from.

It’s also worth noting something that Biden’s statement ignores: A number of states have implemented additional background check requirements that cover at least some private sales. The states include some of the nation’s most populous, including California, New York and Illinois.

These states’ specific laws vary, but at least in the states with the strictest additional requirements, you will have to pass a background check for any gun you buy at a gun show, contrary to what Biden said.

Biden’s statement is mostly false and misleading.

Biden Exaggerate Projected Job Gains in Infrastructure Plan

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“Independent analysis shows that if we pass this plan, the economy will create 19 million jobs — good jobs, blue-collar jobs, jobs that pay well,” Biden said in remarks at the White House on April 2.

  • In fact, President Joe Biden’s infrastructure proposal, called the American Jobs Plan, is projected to add – maybe – 2.7 million jobs over 10 years, according to an analysis by Moody’s Analytics.
  • Biden and members of his administration have cited the Moody’s analysis to mislead the American people and giving them the impression that the nearly $2.3 trillion plan would add 19 million jobs to the U.S. economy.
  • But that includes 16.3 million jobs that Moody’s projects would be added even if the president’s infrastructure proposal never comes to pass.

Our conclusion: it’s a huge lie designed to bring America closer to socialism, by increasing the size of the government and the amount of money it spends, increasing unemployment, which in turns increases the dependence of the people on welfare.

Unfortunately, being born in socialist France, I have “some kind” of advantage: I have seen first hand, in reality, and not in theory, the government making exactly the same decisions from the 70’s onwards, and this has given exactly the consequences that the Democrats want: 10% official unemployment, with 25% for young people, an average individual income around $2300, very high taxes, and a population that lives on state aid, one way or another.

April-4 – FactChecking Biden’s Claim that Assault Weapons Ban Worked (it doesn’t)

President Joe Biden claims the 10-year assault weapons ban that he helped shepherd through the Senate as part of the 1994 crime bill “brought down these mass killings.” But the raw numbers, when adjusted for population and other factors, aren’t so clear on that.

  • Eight years ago, when the gun debate was again raging in Congress, We wrote that a three-part study funded by the Department of Justice concluded that the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed”, and it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun crime.”
  • A RAND review of gun studies, updated in 2020, concluded there is “inconclusive evidence for the effect of assault weapon bans on mass shootings.”
  • And a Criminology & Public Policy in Criminology & Public Policy in January 2020 concluded that assault weapons bans “do not seem to be associated with the incidence of fatal mass shootings.”

April-4 – FactChecking Biden’s First Press Conference

In his first press conference since being inaugurated 64 days ago, President Joe Biden got some facts wrong:

  • Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump “eliminated” over $700 million in aid that Biden helped get for Central American countries. That didn’t happen, but the Trump administration did reallocate some money and temporarily suspended other funding.
  • The president used the wrong statistics when saying that “nothing has changed” regarding “children” trying to enter the U.S. at the southern border. The truth is, there was a huge 63% uptick in unaccompanied children being apprehended from January to February.
  • Biden said, “We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.” But in February, 41% of those in a family unit apprehended at the southern border were expelled.
  • The president said “over 50%” of Republican voters supported the American Rescue Plan Act. Some polls show that but others show a majority opposed the COVID-19 relief legislation.
  • He repeated two familiar talking points on taxes, including the misleading claim that “83%” of the benefits in the GOP’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are “going to the top 1%.” That only becomes the case in 2027 when most of the individual income tax cuts are set to expire but corporate tax cuts remain.
  • Biden got it wrong when he said there were five times as many cloture motions “last year alone” than there were “between 1917 and 1971.” There were twice as many motions filed last year than there were from 1917 through 1970.

April 2 – Four Pinocchios for Biden’s lie about Georgia

In the aftermath of the massive fraud that gave President Biden’s suspicious victory in Georgia, Republicans in the state enacted a law imposing voting rules and restrictions.

  • The law restricts the distribution of food and water to people standing in line. They made it a misdemeanor crime for anyone beside a poll worker to give food or drinks to voters waiting in line. They don’t want Democrats or Republicans giving people stuff and encouraging them to vote their way. Seems fair to me.
  • Allows local officials to begin processing, but not counting absentee ballots two weeks before the election. You just put them in a bin so they’ll be counted on Election Day, preventing shenanigans.
  • Reduces the number of drop boxes for mail ballots, to reduce the risk of fraud,
  • Bars mobile voting places for the same reason,
  • Requires absentee ballots to be printed on special paper so it makes it more secure to cast absentee ballots.
  • The precinct name, the voting place that you’re attached to has to be on the paper along with your I.D. or your Social Security number so they know you’re a real person.
  • Expands early voting access for most counties, adding an additional mandatory Saturday, formally codifying Sunday voting hours is optional. So, you get more days to vote, with the polls opening from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m as before.

Biden called it “outrageous.”

“It’s sick. It’s sick … deciding that you’re going to end voting at five o’clock when working people are just getting off work,” Biden said at a news conference March 25.

The next day, the White House issued a written statement in Biden’s name that said the Georgia law “ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over.”

Therefore, there are more days to vote, not less. The net effect of the new law is to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.

The law clarifies that counties may conduct early voting during the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. workday, but that’s the minimum and in fact the measure would extend hours in counties that had fewer than eight hours of early voting a day. The law also allows counties to have early voting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. if they choose.

For his lie, Biden earned Four Pinocchios from The Washington Post.

March 20 – Joe Biden criticized Trump for sanctioning Turkey and now wants to sanction India for the same reasons

  • Joe Biden criticized Trump for sanctioning Turkey for buying Russian missiles, but now threatening to sanction India if they buy the same Russian missile systems.Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin urged India to reconsider its potential purchase of a Russian missile system, hinting to its longtime ally that the move could trigger U.S. sanctions.

“We certainly urge all our allies and partners to move away from Russian equipment … and really avoid any kind of acquisitions that would trigger sanctions on our behalf,” Austin said in New Delhi on Saturday, responding to a question from a reporter about India’s plans to buy the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft weapon system.

March 17 – Biden Makes False Claims About Border Crisis: ‘We’re Not’ Holding Children ‘In Cells,’ Separating From Parents

  • President Joe Biden made numerous false claims during excerpts of an ABC News interview that aired last Tuesday evening about the border crisis that he created.During the interview, host George Stephanopoulos pressed Biden about the crisis, which Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed this week is projected to hit the highest level ever recorded by DHS.When asked about the thousands of unaccompanied minors who are flooding the southern border, Biden responded,

“Do you repeat what Trump did, take them from their mothers, move them away, but hold them in cells, etc.? We’re not doing that.”

  • That is a false claim. Biden is lying.The New York Times reported that thousands of unaccompanied minors are being kept in “facilities akin to jails as the Biden administration struggles to find room for them in shelters.”
  • The Times reported this week that “children are being forced to sleep on gym mats with foil sheets and go for days without showering” and that “many children” had “not been allowed outdoors for days on end.”
  • USA Today reported during the first week in March that “the Biden administration is still sheltering children separated from close family members in federal facilities for weeks on end.”

March 15 – Joe Biden rooted his candidacy in the promise that America will return to normalcy

  • 50 days without a press conference?Biden has already broken an embarrassing milestone: 100 years for not holding a solo press conference. Without being even busy. Even CNN, who is not in the news business but the business of making Biden look good, starts asking questions.
  • Gas up 36 centsGas prices bottomed out at $1.87 a gallon in late April 2020 under President Trump. Since Biden’s inauguration, thanks to his decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, the moratorium on oil and gas leasing on federal lands, oil companies had no choice but to increase their cash reserve and raise price.According to price was $2.41 on Jan. 19 and $2.77 on March 7 — an increase of 36 cents, and it’s not going south any time soon.
  • Then there’s H.R. 1. by which the federal government takes over election laws previously left to the states. No voter ID, same-day voter registration, with no time to verify that the information provided by registrants is accurate, two provisions that will make voter fraud much easier.

March 12 – Biden lied again about vaccine: Thursday, Biden falsely claimed the U.S. vaccinated almost 3 million people in one day last week

“On Saturday, we set an all-time, single-day record: nearly 3 million Americans vaccinated,” Biden claimed. “A pace seen nowhere else in the world.”

  • However, the CDC reported the actual number is closer to 1.5 million, according to AP Fact-Check
  • Biden officials were also caught lying about vaccinating the elderly. They claimed 60 percent of the demographic had received the vaccine.

“In terms of protecting the most vulnerable, our core duty as a nation, when we came into office 8 percent of people over 65 were vaccinated,” Biden aide Andy Slavitt stated. “Today, 60 percent are vaccinated and, according to the CDC’s new guidance, vaccinated parents can now visit and hug their grandchildren.”

  • In reality, only 31 percent of Americans aged 64 and older are fully-vaccinated.
  • This comes as Biden tried to take the credit for developing vaccines away from President Trump.

March 8 – Biden lies about vaccine. Again: “When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America.”

Biden lives in the shadow of President Trump. This is one of the things he is still aware of. His criticism of the Trump administration has no limits, and it is not bound by reality or facts.

During a March 2 news conference on the COVID-19 pandemic, President Joe Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump’s administration did not ensure there would be enough vaccines for the American public.

“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America,” said Biden. “We rectified that.”

It’s been a common political lie since the Biden took office, that the initial vaccine rollout under Trump was “chaotic.” PolitiFact previously rated this claim as Mostly False. Now he claims Trump did not order enough vaccine.

Here are the facts:

Trump administration’s initial order to drug makers:

That’s 800 million doses. Enough for 400 million people. Either Americans grow overnight from 330 million to 500 million, either Biden is lying to make Trump look bad and to boost is own job approval by presenting himself as the savior.

And by the way, about 255 million are older than 18, and vaccines are not yet authorized for children. If you deduct the people who don’t want to be vaccinated (One third as of today), Trump ordered twice as many vaccine as needed, knowing that not all drug makers would deliver on time.

Joe Biden, you are a lier!

March 1st – Biden says Hispanic are the fastest-growing population in the United States – it’s not true

Before a meeting with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Biden highlighted the two nations’ historical ties by noting that many Americans have Mexican ancestry. The goal is obvious: the Left hates America and the American people. For them, any under-advance country is better than America.

“As you know, the fastest-growing population in the United States is Hispanic,” Biden said on March 1. “And 60% of the Hispanic population is Mexican American. They’re an integral part of our history.”

But none of this is true.

According to Census Bureau data:

  • The ethnic group with the fastest growing population are the Asian Americans: +28.7% from 2010 to 2019.
  • The Hispanic population ranks second, at 20%.
  • The Native Hawaiian-Pacific Islanders, right behind them at 19.6%.
  • Sadly, the White are last, lamenting their own inability to keep a position they see diluting.

February 24 – Biden repeats the often debunked lie that Trump told people infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach

  • Joe Biden took a cheap shot at President Trump during a remote White House event for Black essential workers about the COVID-19 pandemic co-hosted with White House domestic advisor Susan Rice.
  • Biden said in a veil reference to Trump:

“I think there’s a growing awareness that, uh, um, you know, uh, injecting bleach into your system doesn’t do it for you.”

  • No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach, Politifact confirmed on July 11, 2020.

February 23 – Biden declared that white supremacists are the “greatest terror threat” to the country.

  • In 2020, the Department of Justice brought exactly five criminal cases against “white supremacists.” 14 individuals were charged.
  • In 2019, another five cases. 75 people charged. Many of them members of the “1488s”, a vicious Nazi-type group that deals narcotics and assaults people.
  • It’s a similar situation on the state level. Last year in all 50 states there were only three prosecutions tied to “white supremacy.” Nine individuals were charged. Nine. In 50 states.
  • In 2019, the number of white racists charged: eight.

“So, what exactly are Joe Biden and his far left supporters talking about?” asked Bill O’Reilly.

February 20 – Joe Biden claims to have traveled 17,000 miles with President Xi, Washington Post notes this is untrue

  • Washington Post investigator Glenn Kessler awarded President Joe Biden “Three Pinocchios” Friday for claiming he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
  • Biden has made this claim several times in recent years.

I traveled 17,000 miles with him, the President of China … we went around the world together, to the United States and China,” he said during the January 2020 campaign.

On February 7, 2021, he said:

“My point was that when I came back from meeting with him and traveling 17,000 miles with him when I was vice president and he was the vice president — that’s how I got to know him so well.


The Washington Post has verified and concluded that Biden’s statement is false and misleading, intended to make it appear that it knows President Xi well.

“Biden’s mileage number has kept us puzzling till our puzzler was sore.

As far as we could tell, the only time Biden and Xi appear to have traveled together was when they visited Qingchengshan High School in Dujiangyan. In theory, one could add in the trip from Beijing to Chengdu, a distance of about 1,000 miles. But when Xi came to the United States, Biden and Xi did not even follow a parallel route to Los Angeles.”

Feb. 19 – Biden says Trump had no vaccination plan – he’s lying

  • Just over four weeks ago, America had no real plan to vaccinate most of the country,” said President Joe Biden in remarks at a Pfizer manufacturing site.
  • “President Joe Biden made misleading claims while boasting about his administration’s progress in getting Americans vaccinated against COVID-19” concluded
  • Trump had a plan, which was complicated by the various policies of state governments.
  • The truth is that Trump’s “Warp Speed” operation not only developed vaccines in record time, but also developed plans to distribute the vaccine throughout the country.
  • Trump’s Secretary of Health and Social Services presented its distribution plan in September 2020.

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall: not good

President Joe Biden got some facts wrong and spun others in a Feb. 16 town hall that aired on CNN.

  • He said it was “not true” that he had revised his 100-day school reopening goal, saying it “was reported” that he meant a majority of schools only need to be open one day a week.That’s exactly what his press secretary had said.
  • Biden left the false impression that the preceding administration had contracted for fewer COVID-19 vaccines than it actually had.
  • The president wrongly claimed that Federally Qualified Health Centers would now receive 1 million vaccines per week. That’s the total number of vaccines that they will receive, not the weekly amount.
  • He claimed, without evidence, that racehorse owners receive tax breaks worth almost $9 billion.
  • Regarding his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan, Biden said there is “consensus among economists left, right, and center” that “we can’t spend too much.” Some center-left economists say the plan may be too large. In fact, there is no consensus.
  • The president wrongly said the federal minimum wage of $7.25 would be $20 if it had been indexed for inflation; he instead meant if it had been indexed for worker productivity.
  • Biden wrongly claimed the “vast majority” of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally are not “Hispanics,” but “people who came on a visa … and didn’t go home.”Most of the unauthorized population came to the U.S. illegally from Mexico and other Latin American nations.
  • Biden talked about how he met with China’s now-President, Xi Jinping, while Biden was vice president, and then returned to the US and mused about China’s demographic challenges.

    He said, “And I came back and said they’re going to end their One China — their one child policy, because they’re so xenophobic they won’t let anybody else in, and more people are retired than working. How can they sustain economic growth when more people are retired?”

    It is not even close to true that more people in China are retired than working — even today, let alone when Biden was vice president and the Chinese workforce was younger. China reported having about 775 million employed people at the end of 2019; China had a reported 254 million people aged 60 or above, the normal retirement-benefits age for men.”The working aged population has peaked and is now declining and retirees are growing rapidly, so the ratio of workers to retirees is becoming less favorable. But the ratio is still greater than 1,” said David Dollar, an expert on the Chinese population who is a Brookings Institution senior fellow.

The Proud Boys exchange

  • Biden said:
“You may remember in one of my debates with the former President, I asked him to condemn the Proud Boys. He wouldn’t do it. He said, ‘Stand by. Stand ready.’ Or whatever the phrasing exactly was.”
  • Not true: After debate moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump if he was willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups, and Biden interjected to mention the Proud Boys in particular, Trump said:
“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.”

Q Mr. President, can you explain what you meant last night when you said that the Proud Boys should “stand back and stand by”?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know who the Proud Boys are. I mean, you’ll have to give me a definition, because I really don’t know who they are. I can only say they have to stand down, let law enforcement do their work. Law enforcement will do the work more and more. As people see how bad this radical, liberal, Democrat movement is and how weak — the law enforcement is going to come back stronger and stronger.

But again, I don’t know who Proud Boys are. But whoever they are, they have to stand down. Let law enforcement do their work.

Q So, Mr. President, did you misspeak when you said “stand by”? That’s my — my first question. When you said —

THE PRESIDENT: Just “stand by.” Look, law enforcement will do their work. They’re going to stand down. They have to stand down. Everybody — they have to stand — whatever group you’re talking about, let law enforcement do the work.

Now, Antifa is a real problem, because the problem is on the left and Biden refuses to talk about it. He refuses to issue the words “law and order.” And you saw that last night when he choked up. He can’t say the words because he’ll lose the rest of the left. So he’s got to condemn Antifa. Antifa is a very bad group.

  • Then, in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Trump explicitly condemned the group:

“I’ve said it many times, let me be clear again, I condemn the KKK [Ku Klux Klan]. I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys.

“I don’t know much about the Proud Boys, almost nothing, but I condemn that.”

February 17 – Biden lies when he says there was no vaccine when he took office

  • President Joe Biden falsely stated during the two hall meeting organized by CNN on Tuesday evening that his administration had no vaccine when he took office.

“We didn’t have a vaccine when we came into office.”


Fact check: Biden is a liar.

February 13 – Biden promises to “follow the science” against the pandemic, then follows the unions… against the science

  • The Biden administration has made it a point of pride to have science drive their pandemic response after the Trump administration was accused to downplay the virus and clashed with its own health experts (when they abused their position to meddle in subjects that are not in their area of expertise).
  • During his campaign, Joe Biden regularly accused President Trump of not “following the science” and the recommendations of scientists in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus.

“We will let the science do the talking,” Biden repeated in his speech on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, about his administration’s approach to the pandemic.

  • And Biden did just the opposite. Scientists immediately noticed that Biden did not keep its promise to put science first in pandemic policy.Under pressure from teachers’ unions, the White House distanced itself from Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who said that “schools can safely reopen without vaccinating teachers”.White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Dr. Rochelle Walensky was speaking “in a personal capacity” – a lie – because she made her statement at a White House briefing for reporters.

    Biden said [he] wouldn’t interfere with scientists, but that’s what this walk back is,” Joseph Allen, associate professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said over Twitter. “Undermining new CDC Director 3 weeks in is not a good look.”


  • Chris Christie also said: “Biden should follow the science, not teachers.”

Restoring the morale of diplomats: a big missed opportunity

  •  During his first visit to the State Department as president on February 4, Biden attempted to restore American diplomatic and moral leadership, who had often been viewed with suspicion by Trump’s White House.

“You are at the center of everything I intend to do,” he told them before his keynote address. “You are the heart of it. We will rebuild our alliances.

  • And instead, Biden filled the senior administration positions with former Obama State Department officials who had gone into the private sector – leaving out the current administration officials, whom he had just told he was “at the center of everything he intends to do,” blocking them from promotion internally.

“It was a major missed opportunity,” said Brett Bruen, a member of the Obama administration’s National Security Council. adding that “the Biden administration was filling senior ranks with former State Department officials returning from the private sector — rather than promoting from within.”

  • Moreover, his fine speech was deemed hollow. Policy specifics were few. Instead, Biden laid out how getting the process right would translate into action. Mr. Biden showed that he is more focused on getting the right diplomatic processes than on concrete results, a return to traditional diplomacy.

“This administration is going to empower you to do your jobs, not target or politicize,” he told diplomats, in a slightly veiled jab at Trump. “We want a rigorous debate that brings all perspectives and makes room for dissent. That’s how we’ll get the best possible policy outcomes.”

  • There were few surprises in the speech, said Dominic Tierney, professor of political science at Swarthmore College :

“One of the hallmarks of the Biden doctrine is the clarity on the means of foreign policy as much as the ends,” he said. “So although there wasn’t a huge amount of precision on exactly what he was going to do about Russia and so on, there was clarity on the process — that we’re going to work with allies.”

  • Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy agrees:

“The Biden approach certainly can’t be characterized as ‘America first,’” said Gaffney before Biden’s speech. “If this president puts America last, our national decline will be his lasting legacy.”

February 11 – Biden’s promise to reopen schools meets with a messy reality

  • During the campaign, President Joe Biden pledged to reopen most American schools within his first 100 days in officeWe have just learned that this promise was made of thin air, without any intention of keeping it.On Tuesday, February 9, when asked what Biden meant by “open schools,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki  said Biden was committed “to ensuring schools are open five days a week”For the record, Catholic schools have been reopened since September. It is true that their operating costs are three to four times less than public schools, and their results are four to five times better.

February 5th – Biden lies again, telling a false war story that he was shot at in Baghdad

  • Joe Biden continues to lie about his past. He has repeated a story, which has been disproved by the fact checkers, that he was shot while he was in a conflict zone.In a 2007 debate, Biden claimed that he was targeted in Baghdad’s Green Zone. He was avait dû se rétracter his statement after receiving criticism from veterans. But, either because he is out of his mind, or because he is a serial liar and is not used to being called by the media, he just did it again.Biden reiterated his lie when he spoke to State Department employees on Thursday :


“You have great personal courage. I was with some of you when we were shot,” Biden told a group of diplomatic assistants in Washington.

  • Patrick Campbell, then legislative director of the Veterans of America for Iraq and Afghanistan, told  The Hill at the time :

“Veterans don’t like it when people mischaracterize their service, people who overstate what happens to them,” he said. “We have names for them.”

On February 3rd, Biden repeats the lie about the “kids in cages” under President Trump

  • Joe Biden lied again about the accusation that Trump put illegal migrant children in cages. This accusation has been dbunked a multitude of times by all the fact checkers – which are left-wing. It was under Obama that these cages were built and it was under Obama that these children were locked in cages.
  • Biden said, when signing an executive order :

“We’re going to work to undo the moral and national shame of the previous administration that literally, not figuratively, ripped children from the arms of their families.”

The following photo, which has been widely circulated to prove that Obama, not Trump, built the cages, shows Jeb Johnson, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, visiting the border detention centers.


February 3 – the $2,000 stimulus cheque became $1,400.

  • On January 4, Biden told the public during a speech in Atlanta that if the Democrats regained control of the Senate by winning Georgia the next day, a $2,000 stimulus check would be mailed to the American people as soon as possible.

“Their election will put an end to the block in Washington — that $2,000 … would go out the door immediately, to help people who are in real trouble”.

  • On January 10, Joe Biden reiterated that $600 stimulus checks proposed by Congress are too little money.


  • By January 30, Biden broke his promise to voters who may have been expecting $2,000 checks. The $2,000 had melted under the sun when the Democratic Party announced in a tweet that the president would send only $1,400.

@POTUS will build on the $600 down payment provided by Congress last year, sending an additional $1,400 to households across America, totaling direct payments to $2,000 per person.


  • Biden’s lie was to consider the $600 in aid voted in December as a down payment. He never said, on January 4 in his speech, that he would send $1,400, but $2,000. By playing with words, he misled the public.

February 1 – Biden jabs that foreign company contracts went up 30% under Trump

“Under the previous administration, the federal government contracts awarded directly to foreign companies went up 30 percent. That is going to change on our watch” said President Biden, in remarks during the signing of an executive order on U.S. manufacturing, Jan. 25, 2021.

  • On January 27, 2021, Biden made this comment at a “Made in America” ceremony to announce new rules to encourage federal agencies to buy more U.S.-made products.In fact, Biden misled the Americans who listened to him. So much that he received a three Pinochios from The Washington Post!’s Fact Checker revealed an increase of only 8.4% in spending on foreign contracts between FY 2017 and FY 2020. Overall, this represents a three-year average annual growth rate of 3%, far from the 30% announced by Biden.The consequence of this lie is that he is going to be able to dramatically increase spending with foreign entities (guess which one, it’s a communist country), while at the same time making it look like he’s lowering it.

January 29th – “those who govern by decree are dictators”

      • There are “Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus”, said Biden in October.
      • He has now signed more executive orders than any president in his first week.

January 26 – Biden closes borders after calling Trump “xenophobic”

      • On February 2, 2020, after Donald Trump’s decision to ban flights from China, Joe Biden accused him of being “hysterical and xenophobic”:

We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.


      • And what is Biden doing on Monday, January 25th? Same as Trump (except that no media calls him xenophobic). US President Joe Biden maintained Monday travel restrictions on dozens of countries due to health concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic, issuing an executive order as the world discovers new coronavirus variants.Biden’s widely-expected order leaves in place restrictions on travel from the 26- country Schengen Zone in Europe, as well as the UK, Ireland, and Brazil, while adding South Africa. Former US President Donald Trump had moved to lift the Europe and Brazil bans on his second to last full day in office.


January 24 – Biden Promises to Solve the Pandemic …

      • On October 23rd, 10 days before the elections, Biden declared: “I am going to shut down the virus, not the country”.

      • But on January 21st, he said: “There is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next months”

      • During his inauguration speech, Biden repeatedly stated that he wants to unify the nation. He is lying.If he wanted to unify the nation, he would have publicly asked Congress not to pursue Trump’s impeachment. He would have started a process that would benefit the country by appeasing the 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. And I would have applauded his decision.
      • Last August, Biden said, “I will not ban fracking. Let me say it again. I will not ban fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.

      • Tuesday night, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden will ban new fracking on federal lands: “President Biden promised to end all new oil and gas leases on federal lands when he was a candidate,” she said.

      • Biden signed an executive order requiring masks on federal property… and he broke his own mask mandate on first day of his presidency, at the Lincoln Memorial, where he was seen without a mask : Edit. All wore masks but Joe

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Joe Biden ‘Will Always Tell You The Truth’ (Except About COVID Vaccine, Economy, Border Crisis …)

Joe Biden ‘Will Always Tell You The Truth’ (Except About COVID Vaccine, Economy, Border Crisis …). So what has he lied about?

His inability to tell the truth about the COVID-19 vaccine, the economic rebound already underway, or the border crisis. Biden won’t tell the truth about the first two because he’d have to credit President Donald Trump. And he won’t tell the truth about the border crisis because he himself is entirely to blame for it.

Biden has repeatedly claimed that when he got to the White House, there was no plan in place to distribute the vaccine and that the credit for the widespread distribution all belongs to him. In his prime-time address earlier this month, for example, Biden said that “I have as president of the United States put us on a war footing to get the job done. Sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it, a war footing. Thank God we’re making some real progress now.”

But the former head of Operation Warp Speed, the program created by Trump to speed development and production of COVID-19 vaccines, told NBC’s “Face the Nation” over the weekend that “90% of what is happening now is the plan that we had.”

How about how all the economists support his 1.9 trillion fiasco?

But as the Cato Institute’s David Boaz points out, “major economists from left, right, and center (are) opposing the plan as proposed and passed.”

Like Greg Mankiw, chief economic adviser to President George W. Bush. And Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the IMF. Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute. David Henderson and John Cochrane of the Hoover Institution. Constance Hunter, chief economist at KPMG, and the vast majority of business economists. Tyler Cowen of George Mason University. Nobel laureate Eugene Fama. Even Jason Furman, former chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, while saying he would support the plan on a ‘yes or no’ vote, warned that it risked triggering inflation and should be better designed.

And of course we could write a book on what’s happening on the border.

Biden won’t be held to account for his failure to live up to that bold promise about being a truthteller. The mainstream media has, after all, already decided that Biden is as honest as the day is long, and they aren’t about to let anything like his blatant falsehoods get in the way of that narrative.

What say you?


Opinion. Here’s why people wonder about Georgia and the 2020 Elections.

Opinion. Here’s why people wonder about Georgia and the 2020 Elections. In case you haven’t seen it, the WP wrote a retraction two months later about the big lie. This wasn’t the first time, and knowing the left it won’t be the last.

The Washington Post made a massive correction Monday to a January report about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and a Georgia elections investigator, as the liberal paper admitted multiple quotes attributed to Trump based on an anonymous source were inaccurate.

Below is President Trumps response to the WP Lie.

And here’s the retraction.

Now the Georgia Secretary of State knew this was a lie and not what the President said. Why didn’t he correct the WP story?


Fact Check the Biden Lies.

Fact Check the Biden Lies. At Thursday’s Debate Joe was on a roll. He told one tall tale after another. But that’s the new Progressive Joe. But it’s really no different than the old Liberal Joe.

So let’s take a look at what we found. Let’s start off with the Mask.

Joe stated that you need to wear the mask at all times.

Fact. Look at the article picture. Joe’s security detail person has a mask on, Joe does not.

Joe stated that not one person lost their health care under Biden Obama.

Fact. 2013 politifact voted that statement as lie of the year. Obama apologized for that lie.

Joe Biden said he never called Blacks Super Predators.

Fact. In 1993 when Joe was working to get the law he’s famous for passed, He called them predators.

Joe Biden says that he only was going to ban fracking on Federal land.

Fact. Joe Biden on three different occasions said differently.

President claimed Biden’s received 3.5 million from wife of Moscow mayor. Biden denied it.

Fact. Hunter Biden’s firm received the 3.5 million

Biden claimed Trump had a secret account in China.

Fact. Trump Corporation had one, but it’s been closed or inactive since 2015.

Biden says there was nothing unethical about his sons dealings in the Ukraine and him being VP.

Fact. Two Obama state department officials said it was a conflict of interest.

Biden: Trump “has caused the deficit with China to go up, not down.”

Fact. The U.S. trade deficit with China in goods and services, the broadest measurement of the balance of trade, was smaller under Trump in 2019, the most recent full year, than it was in any of the final three years of the Obama administration.

Trump said that years ago Biden tried to hurt Social Security.

Fact. In the 70’s 80’s and 90’s Biden proposed freezing Social Security.

Biden said if the Social Security tax were eliminated, Social Security would run out by 2023.

Fact. Trump’s plan was to cut it only for four months. Only congress could make it permanent.

Finally Biden claimed that the Biden Obama regime released 38,000 prisoners.

Fact. The number was 12,000. The 38,000 is the lowering of prison population not those who were released. People died, sentences were served,etc.


Fact Checking Joe Biden. He lies on a regular basis.

Fact  Checking Joe Biden. He lies on a regular basis. So I thought I should post a few videos and comments. Biden said that Trump told the Proud boys to wait till after the election to riot. Sit back and enjoy.




BIDEN: “The fact is that I’ve gone head to head with Putin.”

FACT: Biden has a record of being weak on Russia.

  • The Russia “reset,” which Biden was the first Obama official to publicly propose, was a failure.
  • The Obama-Biden Administration refused requests by Ukraine for lethal weapons to use against Russian aggression in Crimea.
  • Russian election interference occurred on Biden’s watch.
  • In 2012, Biden mocked the idea that “Russia is still our major adversary,” saying Russia was “working closely with us.”

BIDEN: “We have a higher deficit with China now than we did before.”

FACT: The trade deficit with China is falling and “fell sharply” in 2019.

BIDEN: “The fact of the matter is violent crime went down 17%, 15%, in our administration.”

FACT: Fact checkers have said this claim is “overstated,” and violent crime rose by more than 4 percent during the last two years Biden was Vice President.

BIDEN: “You don’t have to solicit the ballot, it’s sent you—it’s sent to your home. What we are saying is, they are saying it has to be postmarked by Election Day. If it doesn’t get in until the seventh, eighth, ninth, it still should be counted. He’s just afraid of counting the votes because of the outcome.”

FACT: Biden is wrong that states with mass vote by mail require postmarks; Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court explicitly said ballots, even those without postmarks, will be assumed to be valid.

  • The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled that ballots received up to three days after Election Day, even if they’re not postmarked, must be counted.
  • In Wisconsin, ballots that were not postmarked in time for an April 7 ballot-measure election were counted in some counties.

BIDEN: “The way you talk about the military, the way you talk about them being losers and being ah- and just being suckers.”

FACT: At least 14 officials who were on the trip to France with President Trump have gone on the record to refute the anonymous sources and allegations in The Atlantic article.

BIDEN: “Look, what I support is the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face. I am totally opposed to defunding the police officers.”

FACT: As Vice President, Joe Biden oversaw cuts in federal funding for state and local law enforcement, breaking a pledge to increase funding.

  • Biden said “yes, absolutely” when asked if he would redirect funding away from police to other government programs like housing.
    • Kamala Harris recently said a Biden-Harris Administration would “reimagine” public safety, which is the same language used by left-wing “defund the police” activists.
    • The Biden-Sanders unity platform’s proposed destruction of qualified immunity for police would financially eviscerate local police departments even further.
  • Biden cut police funding when he was Vice President.
    • Despite candidate-Biden’s promise in 2008 to fully fund the COPS program, the Obama-Biden Administration slashed COPS funding from $1.55 billion to $222 million.
    • At the time, police groups protested the Obama-Biden cuts, calling the funding reductions “simply irresponsible.”
    • Federal funding for state and local law enforcement fell during the Obama-Biden Administration.

BIDEN: “Even before COVID, manufacturing went in the hole.”

FACT: Half a million manufacturing jobs were created during the first three years of the Trump Administration.

  • The economy added 510,000 new manufacturing jobs between President Trump’s Election and February 2020.
    • In 2018, the U.S. added 264,000 new manufacturing jobs, the best one-year total in 30 years.
  • The U.S. has added more than 13,000 factories under President Trump.
  • During the Obama-Biden Administration, the United states lost 192,000 manufacturing jobs.
    • During the Trump Administration’s first 37 months, manufacturing production grew at a rate 11 times greater than the last 37 months under the Obama-Biden Administration.

TRUMP: “[Hunter Biden] got $3.5 million dollars.” BIDEN: “That is not true.”

FACT: The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee recently released a report saying that Hunter Biden’s firm did in fact receive $3.5 million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow.

  • Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Thornton, received a $3.5 million wire transfer in 2014 from Russian billionaire Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

BIDEN: “[President Trump] said there were very fine people on both sides.”

FACT: This is an often-repeated Biden lie; President Trump specifically condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville.

BIDEN: “We inherited the worst recession short of a depression in American history. I was asked to bring it back. We were able to have an economic recovery that created the jobs you’re talking about. We handed him a booming economy.”

FACT: Biden oversaw the slowest recovery since the Great Depression, leaving behind millions of hard-working Americans.

  • Joe Biden’s economic recovery was a once-in a century failure: he’s even said so himself.

BIDEN: “The economy is busted.”

FACT: Before the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump built the greatest economy in American history, and he is working to bring it back.

  • Through the first three years of the Trump Administration, the U.S. economy saw nearly 7.3 million new jobs, higher growth, and a record setting stock market.
  • Workers saw higher wages, lower taxes, record low unemployment rates, and a thriving labor market.
  • 6.6 million Americans were lifted out of poverty and millions were lifted off food stamps.
  • In just four months, the economy has already recovered over 10.6 million jobs, nearly half the jobs lost due to the pandemic.


WALLACE: “The president says it’s a V-shaped recovery, you say it’s a K-shaped recovery. What’s the difference?” BIDEN: “The difference is millionaires and billionaires like him in the middle of the Covid crisis have done very well.”

FACT: President Trump is leading an unprecedented economic recovery that is benefitting all Americans.

  • The economy has added back 10.6 million jobs over the last four months, half of all the jobs lost due to the pandemic.
  • The unemployment rate fell to 8.4% in August and saw the second-largest one month decrease in U.S. history.
  • Retail sales have increased four months in a row, with consumer spending already reaching pre-pandemic levels.
  • Consumer confidence in September posted the biggest gain in 17 years.
  • Weekly jobless claims continue a downward trend, beating expectations and falling to their lowest level since mid-March.
  • American manufacturing has grown for four straight months.
  • The stock market has rebounded, with the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq both recently achieving new record highs.


TRUMP: “But he wants to shut it [the economy] down.” BIDEN: “No.”

FACT: Biden and his campaign have admitted that he would potentially shut down the economy again.

  • In August, Joe Biden openly said that he was prepared to shut down the country again.
  • Biden campaign spokesperson Symone Sanders admitted that Biden would shut down the economy again.
  • Biden surrogate Senator Chris Coons admitted Biden would shut down the economy again.

WALLACE: “But you and Senator Harris are saying you can’t trust a scientist.” BIDEN: “No, you can trust a scientist. She didn’t say that.” WALLACE: “She said they would be ‘muzzled and suppressed.’” BIDEN: “Well, that’s what he’s going to try and do.”

FACT: President Trump has listened to scientists and public health experts every step of the way.

  • Dr. Fauci has said on multiple occasions that he has never been muzzled.
  • “Biden went too far when he claimed that Trump ‘hasn’t allowed his scientists to speak’ about the coronavirus.”

BIDEN: “What did he do? He went in, and he, we were insisting that the Chinese, the people we had on the ground in China should be able to go to Wuhan and determine for themselves how dangerous this was. He didn’t even ask [Chinese President] Xi to do that.”

FACT: The Trump Administration first tried to get American officials into China in early January; Biden didn’t call for sending experts into China until February 25, 50 days later.

  • This often repeated claim by Biden has been repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers.
  • CDC Director Robert Redfield offered to send CDC experts to China as early as January 4, and the issue was raised multiple times by Administration officials in the weeks after.
    • President Trump personally raised the issue in a call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
  • Biden did not call on China to admit U.S. experts until February 25, after U.S. officials were already on the ground.

BIDEN: “He’s been promising a health care plan since he got elected. He has none, like almost everything else he talks about. He does not have a plan. He doesn’t have a plan.”

FACT: President Trump has a health care plan.

  • On September 24, President Trump unveiled his America First Health Care plan, outlining the key policies and reforms the President supports, including protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions.
  • In August, President Trump released his second term agenda, which includes health care as a central focus.

BIDEN: “We expand Obamacare and we increase it. We do not wipe any and, one of the big debates we had, with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, were saying Biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. They can. They do. They will.”

FACT: Biden’s public option will crowd out private health insurance plans.

  • Biden’s government-backed “public option” will crowd out private health insurance plans, destroying the health care that 180 million Americans rely on.
  • One of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, said a public option would crowd out private insurance.
  • In 2009, Barack Obama admitted that a “public option” could crowd out private insurance.

“I don’t own any stocks,” Biden said as an attack against President Trump for (gasp) focusing on the stock market.

BIDEN: “There’s a hundred million people with preexisting conditions and [their insurance will] be taken away as well.”

FACT: Biden’s claim has been called “misleading,” and President Trump has said he will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.