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Yes Virginia (Fani) You are the one who’s on trial.

Views: 29

Yes Virginia (Fani) You are the one who’s on trial. As you all know a poor excuse for a local yokel prosecutor made up a bunch of charges and used the RICO act to go after the former President and 17 others. She was called to the stand and after a disastrous first day, she called in the calvary. Former Black Panther John Floyd, Daddy.

The state couldn’t take her personal attacks and lies. Plus disrespecting the judge and real lawyers (None took ten years to get their law license) in the room. So against the judges orders it was alleged that she prepped her father.



Politics Opinion

Why you can’t trust the MSM and Progressive politicians. Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention.

Views: 22

Why you can’t trust the MSM and Progressive politicians. Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention. So the impeachment managers tried to pull a fast one. Using fake news they tried to use what they called evidence. Why did they do what they did?

This led to a remarkable moment where Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT), the president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate who is also presiding over the impeachment trial of Trump since Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts declined to preside, given that Trump is no longer in office, made an unclear ruling apparently rejecting Lee’s motion. Lee then appealed his ruling and sought a vote in the Senate to override Leahy, and after several confusing moments the Senate began voting on Lee’s objection to Leahy’s unclear ruling. After a couple senators’ names were called when the clerk began calling the roll of Senators to vote on Lee’s objection, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke up and intervened to stop the vote. Schumer used a tactic called noting the absence of a quorum–essentially pausing the Senate’s formal business as televised for the nation while senators and staff handle a dispute or negotiation off camera–to “work this out.”

Moments later, they came back into action and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)–the House Democrats’ lead impeachment manager–admitted that Cicilline’s characterization of Lee as it related to the Trump-Tuberville phone call, while based on news reports, was inaccurate, and then he withdrew the matter from the record himself without a Senate vote.


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