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What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game eliminate other Democrats.

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What a sly dog. Schiff plays the long game to eliminate other Democrats.Schiff has decided that he can’t beat Porter in a one on one, so he’s built up Garvey hoping Garvey finishes second.

In a two way race Schiff leads Garvey 52-38%. But in a two way race with Porter, it’s tied. In the California races, the top two go on to the next level.

Who supports Schiff?

Democrat mega-donor Ed Buck – who was convicted of two counts of distribution of controlled substances resulting in death in 2022, as Breitbart News reported – was another donor to Schiff’s campaign and was also “a social acquaintance” of the representative.

Furthermore, a “Schiff booster” and lawyer named Arthur Charchian, “the head of the Southern California Armenian Democrats,” was implicated in a money laundering scheme.



Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski.

Views: 23

Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna Vouches For Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski. The private email from Khanna, which Roberts had scrubbed for personal contact details, counter the narrative from Democrats that Bobulinksi is part of a Russian disinformation campaign, as his colleague Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed.

Bobulinksi said during a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he spoke out about the Biden family’s business dealings because he wanted to clear his and his family’s name.

He began speaking out after the New York Post obtained and published Hunter Biden emails that included his name, and the Biden campaign and Schiff began claiming it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. He further said he asked the Biden campaign and Schiff to retract their statements, but they ignored him, forcing him to speak out.


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