Links from other news sources. The Courts

Newly Republican State Supreme Court To Rehear Voter ID, Redistricting Cases – Could Result In 4 New GOP Congressmen Next Election.

Views: 16

Newly Republican State Supreme Court To Rehear Voter ID, Redistricting Cases – Could Result In 4 New GOP Congressmen Next Election.

In the Congress elected in 2020, there were 5 Democrats and 8 Republicans elected from North Carolina.

In the Congress elected in 2022, there were 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans elected from North Carolina (North Carolina gained a seat after 2020 census). The change could allow for 4 more GOP congressmen.







Links from other news sources.

Thanks Joe Biden, three oil companies made over 125 Billion last year. And it wasn’t from increased production.

Views: 6

Thanks Joe Biden, three oil companies made over 125 Billion last year. And it wasn’t from increased production. Yes the profits were flowing. But why? All agree that production was down. Oh the administration was telling us that permits weren’t being used and new permits were issued.

What wasn’t told was that permits were delayed for years before approval is given. Plus new permits were issued but drilling could not begin till objections were resolved with environmental groups.

So the EPA and the federal agencies involved OK the permits but the environmental groups can add additional years on the final approval. So naturally the oil companies costs go up and the middle man passes those on to the independents and they pass it on to the service stations. Who naturally pass the increases on.

Thanks Joe.



She was a true American sports hero. Played to win, not protest

Views: 24

Althea Neale Gibson. Not to many people would remember who she was and what she accomplished. She was hated by the race baiters of her day. A great tennis player who was black, but who rejected the black supremacist’s. She played for herself. not for a race.We have this from a book review in the WSJ.

A new stadium was opened in August 1997 in Flushing, N.Y., home of the U.S. Open tennis tournament. It was named for Arthur Ashe, the only black man to win the championship. He won it once (Althea won it twice), in 1968, winning Wimbledon and the Australian Open once as well. But while Ashe was worthy, surely, of such exalted honor, the stadium should have been named for Althea Gibson.

We don’t know what went through Gibson’s mind on the day the Arthur Ashe Stadium was inaugurated. She was just short of her 70th birthday, living alone and destitute in an apartment in East Orange, N.J. How could she not have wondered why the honor didn’t go to her, the very first black player—male or female—to play in the U.S. National Championships at Forest Hills, N.Y. (the amateur precursor of the U.S. Open)?

In 1957–58 she won the Wimbledon women’s singles and doubles titles and took the U.S. women’s singles championship at Forest Hills. She also won the U.S. mixed doubles and the Australian women’s doubles in 1957. That year Gibson was voted Female Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press.In all, Gibson powered her way to 56 singles and doubles championships

What’s sad is how the author of the book pretty much ignored the fact that Althea couldn’t care less about being a black athlete. She just wanted to be the best athlete.

For her part, however, Gibson downplayed her pioneering role. “I have never regarded myself as a crusader,” she states in her 1958 autobiography, I Always Wanted to Be Somebody. “I don’t consciously beat the drums for any cause, not even the negro in the United States.”


Child Abuse COVID Drugs How sick is this? Medicine Science

#Pfertility: Study Funded By The NIH Finds That 40.2% Of Vaccinated Women Experienced Menstrual Changes

Views: 31

That means that over 40 million women in the United States have had their menstrual cycles affected by the C19 jab.

Project Veritas released another breaking story last night (Feb. 2) featuring Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Walker. This time, he was caught on camera openly admitting concern about women’s cycles and their fertility. As a result, #Pfertility is trending on Twitter.


In light of Project Veritas’ latest bombshell, we have compiled an array of respected voices speaking out about menstrual and fertility concerns. Doctors, scientists, thought leaders, and women across the globe have been screaming from the rooftops on this subject for years now.

(In the interest of brevity, I’ll just post the videos from Vigalent Fox [there are quite a few]. The full article, with Twitter comments, can be found HERE , Some may be out of order —TPR)

Basically, Pfizer knew that there would be problems, they knew that lipid nanoparticles such as in the clot shot accumulated in the ovaries, and Bill Gates (bless his heart) was studying ways to interfere with reproduction.



Back Door Power Grab Links from other news sources.

Just when you thought it was safe to have a gas stove. Department of Energy now wants to regulate gas stoves.

Views: 93

Just when you thought it was safe to have a gas stove. Department of Energy now wants to regulate gas stoves. First a few weeks back, a board member at the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said aloud what the extremists want to do. Go all electric.

Now the Department of Energy  is proposing limits on energy consumption for gas stoves. This from Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers

“This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” said Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.” The trade group said 95% of the market for gas products would likely not meet the new proposed rules.

Bloomberg reported:

Gas stoves are coming under fresh scrutiny as a second federal agency has now stepped into the political firestorm with a proposal for new regulations for the appliances.


The Energy Department proposal, published Wednesday, sets first-of-their-kind limits on energy consumption for the stoves, drawing fear from the industry that the regulation could effectively end the use of some products from the market. The proposal also sets energy usage standards for electric cook tops and new standards for both gas and electric ovens.


The move comes just weeks after an official with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the idea of a ban, igniting criticism from the gas industry and from lawmakers ranging from House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Senator Joe Manchin. Within days, the head of the commission clarified that the agency had no plans for a ban, and the White House issued a statement that said the president didn’t support banning the cooking products either.


The Energy Department’s proposal would reduce energy usage by about 30% relative to the least-efficient products on the market today, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, an environmental group. The proposed standards are based on improved cooking efficiency through the use of design options, such as an optimized burner and improved grates, and some products are already on the market that meet the requirements, the group said.





How do we reward Tony the Fauch for the last three years? Life in prison.

Views: 13

The Fauch not directly, but indirectly he’s responsible for the death of millions worldwide. And if it is proven that he knew and participated in what was  created in the Chinese labs, forget the life in prison. He must get the death penalty.

The lies about masking, herd immunity, Vaccinated people don’t die, it never stops with him. Who can forget the lies under oath to congress. And all the misinformation.


Corruption Crime How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) The Law

11 US cities — all governed by Democratic mayors — listed among 50 most dangerous places in the world

Views: 35

First, let’s define what we mean by “most dangerous” because there are many different “most dangerous” lists out there. Here we are talking about the overall crime rate. Not just the violent crimes that grab headlines. and the list we are using is a live database that is constantly being updated.

For instance, according to St Louis, MO is the 7th most dangerous in the world based on the murder rate per 100k. It is a democrat-run city.(Tishaura Jones). The first six are all in Mexico.

OTOH, The Boutique Adventurer drops St. Louis to #10 with 8 of the 9 above it in Mexico — the ninth being Caracas, Venezuela at #6. Baltimore comes in at #15, the same as on our main database. New Orleans is at #18 and Memphis at #20 while Detroit clocks in at #26.

Curiously, this one doesn’t list ANY US cities in their top 27.

These, like the one I’ll devote the rest of this article to are listed as being compiled in(or for) 2023.


Eleven U.S. cities rank among the 50 most dangerous in the world, according to a recent report published by Numbeo, a global quality of life database. All 11 are governed by Democratic mayors.

Three U.S. cities — Baltimore, Memphis, and Detroit — are ranked among the 20 most dangerous cities on the planet.

The three cities have more in common than just violent crime. All three are run by Democrats.

Baltimore ranks #15 on the annual dangerous cities list, with Memphis and Detroit close behind at #18 and #19, respectively.

Brandon Scott, just 38 years of age, is the mayor of Baltimore. Jim Strickland Jr., an attorney and politician, is the 64th and current mayor of Memphis, where the Memphis police department has just announced plans to permanently deactivate the unit that five of the officers involved in the vicious beating of Tyre Nichols belonged to. Mike Duggan, meanwhile, is currently serving as the mayor of Detroit.

Two more U.S. cities run by Democrats appear among the 30 most dangerous in the world: Albuquerque (#23), where 45-year-old Tim Keller serves as the 30th mayor, and St. Louis (#27), where Tishaura Oneda Jones has served as mayor since April of 2021.

Tracking back for a wider view yields a still grimmer perspective for Democrats, as another six Democrat-run cities rank among the world’s 50 most dangerous: New Orleans (#35), Oakland (#38), Milwaukee (#40), Chicago (#43), Philadelphia (#46), and Houston (#50). Again, all of these cities are run by Democrats.

Numbeo’s report contains both a Crime Index, which is an estimation of overall levels of crime in a given city, and a Safety index. A city with a high safety index is considered very safe. A city with a high crime index is considered anything but. If a city’s crime levels are lower than 20, for instance, this is considered excellent. Crime levels between 20 and 40 are considered good; crime levels between 40 and 60 are moderate; crime levels between 60 and 80 are considered high. Finally, crime levels higher than 80 are considered dangerously high.

The Safety Index, meanwhile, is ranked in the completely opposite way, with scores higher than 80 indicating that a city is very safe, and scores under 20 indicating that a city is borderline uninhabitable.

Baltimore has a Crime Index score of 75.5 and a Safety Index score of 24.5. “Charm City” finds itself sandwiched between Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, and Rosario, Argentina’s third-most populous city.

In 2019, then-U.S. Attorney General William Barr referred to Baltimore as the country’s “robbery capital.” Although the comment was deemed controversial by some commentators, it is amply substantiated by crime statistics. Last year, the city of 576,000 experienced a sharp spike in robberies, with robberies of convenience stores jumping by 300%. Baltimore also suffered a sharp increase in homicides. 

Some 900 miles away, in Memphis, overall crime increased by more than 8% last year. By August of 2022, 4,501 crimes had been reported in the downtown area of the city, 600 more than had been reported by August of 2021, according to the city’s Data Hub.

In Detroit, more than 220 officers left the police department last year. Long known as the automobile capital of the world, Detroit has, in recent times, become more closely associated with assaults, shootings and homicides. On New Year’s Day, for instance, a total of 6 people were shot, one of them fatally. Five days later, a 16-year-old was killed and an 11-year-old was injured in yet another shooting.

Democrats have often been labeled “soft on crime” by their opponents. The latest Numbeo report will do little to stem such denunciations.

Here is an abbreviated list from the Numbeo list linked above:

RankCityCrime IndexSafety Index
1Caracas, Venezuela83.616.4
2Pretoria, South Africa8218
3Durban, South Africa8119
4Johannesburg, South Africa80.719.3
5Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea80.719.3
6San Pedro Sula, Honduras80.519.5
7Kabul, Afghanistan79.820.2
8Rio de Janeiro, Brazil77.622.4
9Fortaleza, Brazil77.322.7
10Natal, Brazil77.222.8
11Port Elizabeth, South Africa76.923.1
12Salvador, Brazil76.623.4
13Recife, Brazil76.423.6
14Port of Spain, Trinidad And Tobago76.223.8
15 *Baltimore, MD, United States75.524.5
16Rosario, Argentina75.224.8
17Alice Springs, Australia74.825.2
18 *Memphis, TN, United States74.825.2
 19 *Detroit, MI, United States74.125.9
23 *Albuquerque, NM, United States71.528.5
27  *Saint Louis, MO, United States70.629.4
35 *New Orleans, LA, United States67.632.4
36Rockhampton, Australia67.632.4
38 *Oakland, CA, United States67.432.6
40 *Milwaukee, WI, United States67.132.9
43 *Chicago, IL, United States66.133.9
46 *Philadelphia, PA, United States64.935.1
48 *Cleveland, OH, United States6436
51 *Houston, TX, United States63.836.2
54 *Atlanta, GA, United States63.536.5

And for our lurkers:

76 *San Francisco, CA, United States61.138.9
145 *Los Angeles, CA, United States52.247.8
168 *
Sacramento, CA


Abortion rights? Child Abuse

Don’t declare abortion a national emergency, declare it Infanticide.

Views: 15

Don’t declare abortion a national emergency, declare it Infanticide. Some Progressives want to declare Abortion a national emergency. That way mothers to be wont. It would allow all 50 states to open the door for mass murder of children. And in the black community you would see PP racking the Benjamins left and right.

If the Congress would instead pass a bill that would declare abortion Infanticide and put penalties on both the mother, doctor, clinic, and hospital, then and only then would we see abortions slowly go away.

The bill may only pass the House at this time, but if in the future the Republicans were to retake the Senate and White House, it would put those who wish to kill children on notice.


COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

We were warned this was coming. Video of Pfizer Employee Explaining COVID Vaccine Research Debunked. Yeah right.

Views: 14

This was how Pfizer decided to combat this. If the person on the video wasn’t a employee, why hasn’t Pfizer said so? And if he never was, will Pfizer sue him? If this turns out that this was a set up, I’ll print a retraction.

Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera videoopens in a new tab or window allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts.

As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.

In the heavily edited clip, the so-called employee can be heard telling the Project Veritas reporter out of the camera frame “don’t tell anyone this, by the way” before outlining seemingly theoretical conversations being had at Pfizer.

A photo of the Pfizer World Headquarters in New York City.

Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera videoopens in a new tab or window allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts.

As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.

In the heavily edited clip, the so-called employee can be heard telling the Project Veritas reporter out of the camera frame “don’t tell anyone this, by the way” before outlining seemingly theoretical conversations being had at Pfizer.


“You know how the virus keeps mutating?” Walker asks in the video. “Well one of the things we’re exploring is, like, why don’t we just mutate it ourselves so … we could create preemptively developed new vaccines, right?”

It is currently unclear if the man in the video is actually an employee of Pfizer, and if that is his real name.

Pfizer released a statementopens in a new tab or window on Friday summarily debunking the claims made in the video, noting that the company “has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution research” related to its “ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”

The company further explained that it has “conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern,” after these new variants have been properly identified by public health authorities, and is used to “rapidly assess the ability of an existing vaccine to induce antibodies that neutralize a newly identified variant of concern.”

Pfizer noted that this research is made public when it is published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal and is used “as one of the steps to determine whether a vaccine update is required.”

In an interview with MedPage Today, Paul Offit, MD, of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, explained the primary concerns with gain-of-function research and why Pfizer’s research efforts are not attempting to produce these kinds of results.

“Usually, when people talk about gaining function, they’re talking about making it so that the virus is either more deadly or more easily transmitted or that it now can jump species,” Offit said.

He noted that this kind of research is tightly regulatedopens in a new tab or window in the U.S., and that regulations against gain-of-function research were the result of one well-documented studyopens in a new tab or window that was conducted several years ago at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In the study, researchers were working with a strain of avian influenza that only reproduced in birds, which was intentionally modified to be reproducible in mammals, specifically in ferrets.

Offit emphasized that unlike the ferret study, Pfizer has been working with an mRNA platform that is coded for coronavirus spike proteins, not a whole virus. Furthermore, Pfizer is only working on one of four possible spike proteins on this particular virus, he added, noting that even if the company was working with all four proteins, it would still not be enough to accomplish gain-of-function results.

“You have a whole virus, which is then modified to become either more contagious or more deadly, but you have to start with a whole virus,” he said.

“If there was some evil hand back there that was trying to make the virus more immune-evasive or more contagious, that would be considered gain-of-function research, but it’s not happening,” he added. “The evil hand is mother nature.”

Overall, the work that has gone into developing a vaccine for COVID has been “remarkably effective,” he said. The reality was that researchers were able to sequence SARS-CoV-2 in a matter of months, conduct two large clinical trials using a technology that had never been used to make a vaccine, and achieved an effectiveness against severe disease that was much greater than expected.

The statement below is very scary.

“This is the best medical achievement in my lifetime,” he said. “And my lifetime includes the development of the polio vaccine.”






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