Links from other news sources. Media Woke Reprints from others. WOKE

What’s the media’s problem with black masculinity? The only black men now being showcased are those who’ve conceded their masculinity.

What’s the media’s problem with black masculinity? The only black men now being showcased are those who’ve conceded their masculinity.

No experience in my many decades on this planet felt more degrading than being repeatedly referred to as “intimidating” by my former boss. As far as I know, the affluent, influential white women that I used to work with at Condé Nast lost their right to refer to their black male employees in such racially laden language long before the death of George Floyd. Especially when I was merely asking my (mostly white and female) underlings to simply do their jobs.

I’m reminded of this charge every time I see a black man done up like a woman — which is seemingly all the time these days. Take Alex Newell and J. Harrison Ghee, who were awarded Best Actor statues at the Tony Awards in June, and both accepted them clad in colorful gowns and full makeup. Or Billy Porter, who donned platform heels and a high-collared, vaguely clerical dress to receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last December. Or look in the pages of Architectural Digest, which recently featured RuPaul on its cover and — during my time working there — profiled the homes of celebrity stylist Law Roach along with Christopher Griffin, also known as the Plant Kween. All black, all stridently positioned and presented as femme.

Don’t get me wrong. I am gay and African American and appreciate efforts to showcase the widest range of men like myself in popular media. The problem is that the only black men — particularly gay black men — now being showcased appear to be those who’ve conceded their masculinity.

To be clear, there is a long tradition of black men costuming themselves as women across screens large and small. Indeed, Tyler Perry — perhaps the most successful black culture creator of all time — first attained stardom as Madea, the smart-talking Aunt Jemima-like caricature who helped make him a billionaire. Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx and Martin Lawrence have also cross-dressed for Hollywood — as have Shawn and Marlon Wayans, whose 2004 cult hit White Chicks rendered them not merely as women, but as white women to boot.



But this most recent embrace of African-American gender ambiguity marks a worrisome evolution from the era of Murphy and Madea. This should come as little surprise. Back in 2007, Oscar-nominated African-American film director John Singleton was already making clear that he was “tired of all these black men in dresses,” going on to wonder, rather presciently, “how come nobody’s protesting that?”

Three years later, Dave Chappelle straight-up declared to Oprah Winfrey, “why all these brothers gotta wear a dress?” Fresh off his $50 million fuck-you to Tinseltown, Chappelle went on to describe himself as a “conspiracy theorist… connecting dots that maybe shouldn’t be connected.” Nearly fifteen years later, those dots — and the power dynamics they connect — have never been clearer.

From MSNBC to major fashion magazines, black women — propelled by the intersecting potency of #MeToo and BLM — now lead much of mainstream media. But this status shift has yet to be extended to black men. In fact, when I became head at Alexa, the New York Post’s lifestyle broadsheet, in 2016, I was the only black male editor-in-chief at a major publication in the entire nation. There are still no others.

Things appeared to be slightly better in Britain, where Edward Enninful was appointed editor-in-chief of British Vogue in 2017. Unlike me — supremely skeptical of all things “woke” — Enninful proved masterful at navigating the ideological zeitgeist now required to succeed as a top corporate creative. He aggressively adopted the race- and gender-first mantras currently powering pop culture, even going as far as to suggest that British Vogue become “gender-neutral.” Yet Enninful was ousted in early June, a casualty of a losing power struggle with his American counterpart, Anna Wintour — the white female boss of my former white female boss with the nasty habit of calling me “intimidating.”

Coincidence, perhaps — but Enninful’s demise can’t help but remind me of Chappelle’s theorizing from so long ago. Women such as Wintour remain unrivaled gatekeepers to rarified worlds of elitism and privilege that are rapidly eroding all around them. Indeed, Wintour is credited with overhauling the sartorial standards of awards shows like the Tonys, where Newell and Ghee recently triumphed so glamorously.



Yet while they front as champions of diversity, these women actually promote a limited view of inclusiveness that reinforces the worst stereotypes of black men — scary, uncivilized, minstrel-like, dangerous. Rather than remedy such outdated views with truly comprehensive displays of what black manhood can be, they erase and neuter them instead. And there’s no better way to do so than to put these men in a dress.

As evidenced by Wintour’s now infamous banishing of the late Vogue editor André Leon Talley — who actually preferred elaborate capes rather than dresses — in the eyes of many powerful white women, powerful black men are little more than dispensable and disposable. Widely regarded as an inevitable successor to Wintour herself, Enninful is now making do with lucrative commercial ventures while staying on at Condé Nast in a hastily-manufactured “global advisory position.”

Meanwhile, as nearly 60 percent of black kids grow up without fathers, this year’s Pride month offered endless additional examples of dudes done up like ladies. Again: representation is a good thing — it matters. But most black men — gay or straight — bear little resemblance to Billy Porter in full make up. Sadly, with black men mostly absent from media C-suites, this is unlikely to change anytime soon — just as women like Wintour have probably always wanted it.

This article was originally published in The Spectator’s August 2023 World edition. 

Child Abuse Education Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

California Travel Ban Stalls Students’ Hopes to Contend in National Chemical Engineers Competition.

California Travel Ban Stalls Students’ Hopes to Contend in National Chemical Engineers Competition. California students denied.

A group of chemical engineering students was denied state funding to participate in a national competition in Florida because of California’s travel ban to certain states that don’t allow biological male athletes to compete in girls’ and women’s sports.

The ban, which Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law in 2019, was recently expanded to include three new states, boosting the total to 26.

As a result, Will Donahue, College Republicans of America president, told the Epoch Times the Chem-E-Car team at California Polytechnic State University—Pomona, was denied state and university funding to participate in the prestigious national American Institute of Chemical Engineers conference in the fall.

“It’s a ridiculous reason why they can’t have state-funded travel,” Mr. Donahue said.


The students, he said, have worked hard to earn their spot in the competition after defeating other California college teams at the Western Regional Conference in the spring.

“It’s a talented team—really smart engineers, and it’s unfortunate that the state is not sponsoring them,” he said.

The cost of travel for the team is estimated at about $6,500 for airfare, hotels, and restaurants, he said.

Epoch Times Photo
Streetview of Cal Poly Pomona in March 2019. (Google Maps/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)

California lawmakers imposed the initial travel ban in 2016 with the passage of Assembly Bill 1887, a law that prohibits employees of state agencies to travel to any state that has enacted laws California deems discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. It also prohibits state-funded travel for employees and students to states on the list.

Legislation targeting the transgender community is part of a “concerning trend of discriminatory practices in states across the country, aiming to roll back hard-won protections,” California Attorney General Rob Bonta said in a July 14 press release.

The law, authored by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell), requires the California attorney general to post and update a list of states that have been targeted under the ban.

Brittani Daniels, vice president of public affairs for the College Republicans, told The Epoch Times that as a former track-and-field athlete, she is “appalled at the unfairness” of letting biological males compete in girls’ and women’s sports.


“It is insane to me that we’re acting like there’s really a debate whether or not boys and girls [should] compete in the same sports [teams],” she said.

Just as athletes compete in national championships, the Chem-E-Car competition is important to chemical engineering students.

“It’s national,” she said. “This is a big deal … and they’re missing out on the opportunity because Governor Newsom wants to let boys play with girls.”

The Cal Poly Pomona team stands a good chance of winning the competition, according to Ms. Daniels, who added the event can open up job opportunities for students after graduation.

“They can’t even go, and they’re brilliant,” she said. “It’s extremely disappointing that students—especially students of color [and] women students—[who] put so much time and energy into being chemical engineering students are not going to have the opportunity to showcase their talents and all their hard work because of a travel ban based on not allowing biological males to compete with women in sports.”

In the competition, students must build a miniature vehicle that starts and stops as a result of a chemical reaction. Each team is given a specific distance that their car must travel, with the goal of achieving as close a distance as possible to the prescribed target.

At the regionals this year, the goal was a distance of 18 meters, and the Pomona team came within 10 centimeters of the target, claiming first place by a wide margin.

The University of California (UC)—San Diego came in second, missing the target by 1.1 meters, and UC Berkeley came in third at 1.75 meters.

Epoch Times Photo
Students pass through Sather Gate of the college campus at the University of California–Berkeley, in a file photo. (David A. Litman/Shutterstock)

Mr. Donahue said College Republicans are “incredibly disappointed” and blamed the travel ban for “stifling student growth.”

“Governor Newsom is preventing Cal Poly engineers, a team comprised mostly of women of color, from competing in a prestigious student competition—at the biggest chemical engineering conference in the world—because Florida doesn’t allow men to compete in women’s sports. This is absurd,” Mr. Donahue said in a July 21 press release.

The College Republicans have started a campaign to raise the funds within the next couple of weeks to send the student engineers, Mr. Donahue said.

“If Governor Newsom doesn’t want to sponsor women of color in STEM, the College Republicans will because this isn’t about political orientation. It’s about doing right by students when radical progressive policy restricts their ability to flourish academically,” he said.

Politics Reprints from others.

Italian Gov’t Bans LGBT Surrogacy, Begins Removing names From Same-Sex Birth Certificates

Kudos to this WOMAN for taking a stand.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is saying “no” to today’s progressive ideology in Italy. No doubt, she has recognized just how toxic this thinking has become, and she is not looking to mimic the outcome.

One might say that she is giving the boot to save the boot from societal unraveling. Meloni sees no progress in moving the needle in a direction that will ultimately hurt the health and welfare of Italy. Thus, she is turning it back through clear, concise action.

At the center of her concerns are safeguarding the family as well as the traditional practices and values fundamental to Italian life. These were the principles she was elected to uphold in October 2022, and she is carrying through.

According to BBC News, Meloni reacted to her win by declaring, “Italians have sent a clear message in favor of a right-wing government led by Brothers of Italy.” They see how detrimental certain changes have been in countries polarized by LGBT lobbyists, gender ideology, mass migration, lost Christianity, and Islamic extremists, and they want none of it.

Of course, this doesn’t make everyone happy. Some see the changes Meloni is making as being archaic and cruel. Included in this group are lesbian couples who consider Italy’s ban on same-sex surrogacy as truly vile.

Italy is now doubling-down on this stance by removing the names of non-biological mothers from the birth certificates of children being raised in LGBT homes. Cries of injustice can be heard loud and clear, with some stating that such decisions place these children in harm’s way, especially in the instance that the biological mother dies. These children may become wards of the state. Then what?

It does give one pause to think, especially when you put yourself in the place of those like Michela Leidi, who learned that her own name would be removed from the birth certificate of her shared daughter with partner Viola. Born to the latter woman, Leidi was not biologically linked to the child, and so she was instructed that her name would be removed, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. “It was if I didn’t exist,” she said.

No doubt, we can all feel for this woman and the few like her. At the same time, you can’t ponder the particular dilemma without looking at the entire picture.

As we live at a time when the desires of some seem to overshadow the well-being of the whole, the outcomes that follow are proving exceedingly interruptive and destructive. As Meloni’s job is to lead her country, doesn’t she inherit the difficult position of doing what is right for all of it while keeping it intact in the process?

She doesn’t have the luxury of pacifying the few. Nor does she see it as a pathway to a brighter tomorrow for Italians.

It is the same rational thinking that resulted in Patrizia Mirigliani, the official patron of the Miss Italy pageant, reaffirming the requirement that “you must be a woman from birth to be a contestant,” according to TrendingPolitics. This rule follows the recent crowning of Miss Netherlands, who happens to be transgender.

Italy isn’t closing its eyes to the big problems becoming “woke” is inviting onto countries who are choosing to follow the crowd. Seeing the results of them clearly, Italy is choosing to emphasize efforts to strengthen Italy, placing it in the best of all positions for the future. The current leadership feels this is a much better strategy.

Basic values need to be reinstituted to bolster the foundation of Italian life. This is especially true when facing the decreasing population crisis Italy is currently dealing with.

“In Italy, marriage is only between a man and a woman, and therefore only the biological parent is the parent whose surname can be registered,” Italy’s minister for parliamentary relations, Luca Ciriani, told RTL radio, per the Advocate.

Biden should take note.

Understanding this, when it leads to the conception of biological children, both the father and mother earn the right of being cited on their children’s birth certificates as parents through the process of procreation. LGBT civil unions, despite being recognized by Italian law, do not lead to biological children. So why should they receive the same right as those that do?

It is fine to change the rules. At certain times, it is called for. The difference to Meloni and other leaders like her is that they don’t see any good in how the rules are presently being changed by those who are succumbing to the pressure to do so. That, alone, is why they are taking a stand. The line needs to be drawn somewhere.

There is nothing more important than a stable existence, whether it be for a nation or in a family. Meloni sees her actions as doing both. And her tenacity, fortitude, and correctness will speak volumes to other countries facing the same dilemma.

She, alone, will make it harder for woke ideology to expand further and progressives to claim more ground. A nemesis of their own construct turning the world upright again. The irony or should I say L’ironia.

True leaders make “protecting their country” their highest priority. This includes “from themselves” when need be. Those that don’t ultimately fail their people. Biden should take a note. Then again, by all recent reports, he already has…that and a few million others to boot..

Giorgia Meloni Torches UN’s LGBT Agenda, Instead Introduces Policy That Christians Will Celebrate

This is notable. While nominally Italy is a religious country — the Vatican is located in Rome, after all — Europeans have a much more ‘relaxed’ view of things than the morally uptight Americans.
Or, as Marlene Dietrich pointed out, “in America, sex is an obsession; in other parts of the world, it’s a fact.” –TPR

Corruption Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Neither Trump’s Election Challenge nor His Electors Were Illegal.

Neither Trump’s Election Challenge nor His Electors Were Illegal.

By Marisa Herman

The accusations forming the basis of a federal investigation of former President Donald Trump and his activities relating to the 2020 election do not represent illegal acts, say law experts and analysts on both sides of the political aisle.

These experts also say that Michigan citizens who were charged for acting as Trump-supporting “alternate electors” for the 2020 Electoral College committed no crime.

Challenging presidential election results is nothing new — and was never considered illegal — until the 2020 election.

Controversies and claims of “stolen” elections have occurred and notably marked the elections of 1800, 1824, 1876, 1912, 1960, and 2000.

And 2020 wasn’t the first election in which “alternate” electors played a role in trying to shape the outcome of the election.

Although Michigan’s attorney general filed felony charges on Tuesday against 16 Republicans who acted as alternate electors for Trump, legal precedent indicates that those alternate presidential electors committed to Trump in seven battleground states likely did not commit any crime.

Curtis Hill, a former Indiana attorney general who is a Republican gubernatorial candidate, said going after alternate electors is “nothing more than another attempt to weaponize our justice system against political opponents.”

“Three times now, the Biden Justice Department has tried to silence President Trump and his supporters because they see him as a threat to their power next year,” Hill said, referencing the 2024 presidential election in which Trump is a front-runner to win the GOP nomination.

“These liberal prosecutors are targeting President Trump and anyone who supported him in the 2020 election because they are worried about their own election chances in next year’s election.”

Michael Markey, a Republican congressional candidate for Michigan’s 3rd District, said that the investigation by the state’s Democrat attorney general, Dana Nessel, “should be concerning for all Michiganders across the state.”

“Election integrity is important, but we secure our elections through legislation, not political prosecutions against our opponents,” Markey said.

Even though Nessel is charging 16 people with eight criminal counts, including forgery and conspiracy to commit election forgery, not every state dealing with the so-called “fake” electors has treated them as criminals.

Last year, the Wisconsin Elections Commission decided unanimously against sanctioning 10 Republicans, including one of the commissioners, for claiming to be presidential electors in 2020.

In a letter and legal memo, the commissioners determined that there was no reasonable suspicion that the would-be electors violated any of the laws the commission oversees.

“Wisconsin law does not prohibit an alternative set of electors from meeting,” the commission’s attorneys wrote in the memo.

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who is now the state’s governor, told The Associated Press that he doesn’t believe there was evidence that the actions of the “fake” electors in his state met the legal standards for forgery.

Nevada’s Democrat attorney general has stated he won’t bring charges, either.

In Georgia, a prosecutor has already cut immunity deals with at least eight of the alternate electors as Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis investigates Trump’s purported efforts to overturn the election in the Peach State.

Wren Williams, a sitting Republican Virginia delegate who served on Trump’s Wisconsin legal team, said there is nothing illegal about selecting alternate electors.

“Selecting alternate electors is not illegal,” Williams said. “In fact, there is no legal precedent to say alternate electors should be prosecuted for doing their assigned tasks.”

He said Biden’s Justice Department “has its man, but continues in search of a crime” by tapping state attorneys general to “carry on this absurd witch hunt.”

Though some critics may argue the alternate electors were “fraudulent,” an article published by liberal-leaning Slate argues that the loyal Trump electors were “acting on the basis of a well-known precedent, in the face of an even better-known feature of our Constitution.”

The article pointed out that “under our law, any candidate challenging the results of a presidential election must take steps very much like what these electors did.”

The outlet noted that under the U.S. Constitution, states have the power to set the “matter” in which electors are appointed and Congress has the power to say when those electors must cast their votes.

“In close elections, that deadline can create an obvious problem,” the article states. “If the election is still contested in a state at the time the electors are to vote, which slate of electors should vote?”

Because Congress has a strict deadline on when electors are required to cast their votes, both slates of electors have often cast their ballots on the day that Congress chooses to set the vote.

It is a scenario that played out during the 1960 presidential election.

Hawaii was participating in its first presidential election since becoming a state, in a race between Democrat John F. Kennedy and Republican Richard Nixon.

Kennedy had already secured the necessary Electoral College votes to win the presidency, but the Aloha State still gave the win there to Nixon based on a razor-thin 140-vote margin.

Democrats decided to challenge the result, forcing a recount that was still underway on Dec. 19, the federally-mandated date on which presidential electors from around the country were required to cast their votes.

On that day, electors backing Nixon and electors backing Kennedy both signed their own certificates for their preferred candidate. Both signed certificates sent to Washington.

Kennedy ultimately became the winner following the recount, beating Nixon by just 115 votes.

The decision by Hawaii Democrats to deploy alternate electors in that race is being cited as a precedent for other states that took similar steps in 2020. No one sought to indict these electors or prosecute Kennedy over the matter.

Attorney, author, and TV and radio host Mark Levin has argued that an election isn’t over until “Congress says it’s done.”

During an episode of his Fox News’ “Life, Liberty, and Levin,” he pointed out that the “system is built for objections and no election is over until Congress determines it is.”

“Congress is the last check,” he said. “Not the courts, not the ballot boxes.”

Because Congress has the last say, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., was able to have “objected to a Republican president at one time” and why Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., objected to the 2004 election results, Levin noted.

When it comes to the issue of the so-called fake electors, Levin said that is “not a crime either.”

“You might not like it,” he said. “You might think it’s weird; you might think it’s unethical; but it’s not a crime.”

That there is seemingly nothing illegal about deploying alternate electors could be why former Trump election challenge lawyer John Eastman is not a target for special counsel Jack Smith’s grand jury investigation of the 2020 presidential election challenge.

Eastman has been credited with coming up with the legal avenues Trump used to contest the 2020 election, including reportedly calling for Vice President Mike Pence to kick the contested Electoral College votes back to the state legislatures to reconsider their support for them.

Eastman’s attorney, Charles Burnham, told Politico that Eastman doesn’t expect to receive a “target letter” since “raising concerns about illegality in the conduct of an election is not now and has never been sanctionable.”

Trump posted on Truth Social that he expects to be indicted by Smith’s grand jury because he received a “target letter.”

Politico reports that investigators have probed Trump’s role in the use of alternate electors.

Two attorneys with direct knowledge of the letter told NBC News that federal statutes are mentioned, including deprivation of rights under color of law, conspiracy to defraud the U.S., and tampering with a witness.

Child Abuse Education Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized WOKE

Affirmative action Ass is shown the door. California Has No Right to Stop Parental Notification on Transgenderism.

Affirmative action Ass is shown the door. California Has No Right to Stop Parental Notification on Transgenderism. We did a article on this last week, but I missed this tweet.

My new American hero school board President Sonja Shaw told Breitbart News on Sunday that Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State of California were trying to intimidate parents across the state on transgender policy.

Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) sent the board a letter in which he said: “In addition to infringing upon student privacy, forced “outing” of students to their parents is very likely to result in significant emotional, mental, and even physical harm and subject students to discriminatory harassment.”  And Shaw’s response.

“They go into ed[ucational] codes and things like that, which are laws, but then there’s that area where it’s ‘guidelines’ … and guidelines, we both know, are not laws. We keep showing them, and telling them, ‘Show us the law that we’re breaking?’ … They can’t do that. That’s why they’re upset.” The state had sent Thurmond to the school board meeting to intimidate the board and the parents — and to send a broader message, Shaw said.


Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Uncategorized

Oh, you poor baby. Former US attorney raises red flag about Judge Aileen Cannon’s Trump trial scheduling.

Oh, you poor baby. Former US attorney raises red flag about Judge Aileen Cannon’s Trump trial scheduling.

Story by Tom Boggioni Raw Story.

Donald Trump, Aileen Cannon
© Raw Story

Reflecting on concerns about Donald Trump’s trial date in a Florida courtroom where special counsel Jack Smith will attempt to make the case that the former president stole national defense secret documents and defied efforts by the government to reclaim them, former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance acknowledged that it is very likely the date will get moved and then cautioned to expect a very long delay that could extend until after the 2024 presidential election.

At issue, she explained in her Substack column published on Monday, is the simple fact that federal judges like U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon have busy schedules and fitting in what is expected to be a month-long trial is no easy task.

As it stands now, the Trump trial is expected to begin in May of 2024 after the DOJ asked for a December 2023 date.


“If Judge Cannon were to decide that… a delay in the trial date was necessary, it’s unlikely that would mean the trial would get pushed back a few days, or a week,” she wrote. “That’s because federal judges don’t usually have big open blocks of time on their calendar.”



“If Judge Cannon were to decide that… a delay in the trial date was necessary, it’s unlikely that would mean the trial would get pushed back a few days, or a week,” she wrote. “That’s because federal judges don’t usually have big open blocks of time on their calendar.”

As Vance explained, finding a block of uninterrupted time won’t be easy.


“If Judge Cannon were to decide that… a delay in the trial date was necessary, it’s unlikely that would mean the trial would get pushed back a few days, or a week,” she wrote. “That’s because federal judges don’t usually have big open blocks of time on their calendar.”


She added, “Setting a new date would mean looking for open space on the Judge’s calendar. Trump’s lawyers said the trial would take months, but even if we go with the government’s more reasonable suggestion of weeks, a delay could easily move the trial back until after the election.”

“While Judge Cannon may have deemed it unnecessary to consider the 2024 election at ‘this juncture,’ that doesn’t mean she won’t revisit her decision down the road and permit Trump to campaign instead of appear in court. But even mundane delays could derail the speedy trial the Special Counsel has worked so had to obtain here,” she concluded.

Biden Cartel Corruption Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

CNN panelist calls out VP Harris over ‘completely made up’ Florida slavery curriculum claim.

Hanna Panreck

By Hanna Panreck | Fox News

CNN panelist calls out VP Harris over ‘completely made up’ Florida slavery curriculum claim.


CNN political commentator Scott Jennings called out Vice President Harris on Sunday over her claim that Florida’s middle school curriculum included lessons on how enslaved people “benefited from slavery.”

CNN “State of the Union” host Dana Bash asked the panelists about how Democrats have been calling for Harris to “get out there more.”

“What is amazing to me [is] that how little Kamala Harris apparently has to do that she can read something on Twitter one day and be on the airplane the next to make something literally out of nothing. This is a completely made-up deal. I looked at the standards, I even looked at an analysis of the standards, in every instance where the word slavery or slave was used, I even read the statement of the African-American scholars that wrote the standards – not [Florida Gov.] Ron DeSantis, but the scholars,” he said.

“Everybody involved in this says this is completely a fabricated issue and yet look at how quickly Kamala Harris jumped on it. So, the fact that this is her best moment, a fabricated matter, is pretty ridiculous,” Jennings continued.

Biden Pandemic COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Lying to Congress about COVID origins and funding.

This long article from the Intercept documents how Kristian Andersen of Scripts Institute (La Jolla, California) lied to Congress last week by implying that he did not have any grant funding pending when he initially wrote about the lab origins. The logic is quite compelling that Andersen lied to Congress.

But what I found most disturbing was the image of the slack chat messaging that these so-called scientists had when discussing how they would skew the lab origins story to make it appear that the virus was of natural origins.

In the above message, Dr. Andersen writes in the first message that the furin cleavage site has convinced that most likely the virus is man-made. But by the end of the discussion, he writes that he will create a parallel document about the scenarios for natural origins and write that section all differently.

Andersen, returning to the question of Covid’s origin, repeated that “Natural selection and accidental release are both plausible scenarios explaining the data – and a priori should be equally weighed as possible explanations. The presence of a furin [cleavage site] a posteriori” — the furin cleavage site was the characteristic of the virus that the scientists thought was indicative of engineering or other lab origin — “moves me slightly more towards accidental release, but it’s well above my paygrade to call the shots on a final conclusion.”

In fact, Andersen would be listed as the lead author on the conclusive paper (determining that the virus was of natural origins). Rambaut responded by warning of the geopolitical fallout of such a claim. “Given the shit show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release, my feeling is we should say that given there is no evidence of a specifically engineered virus, we cannot possible distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content to with ascribing it to natural processes.”

Dr. Christian Andersen also writes that he is upset the the GOF work was done in a low level BSL lab and he isn’t sure that GOF research is worth the risk. None of this of course is conveyed the original peer-reviewed papers about the natural origin that he wrote and the Fauci /NIH cabal used to insist that the virus was of natural origins, deflecting the blame for the lab leak away from the US government.

This is criminal. The original paper is fraudulent and charges should be brought against Dr. Christian Andersen for lying to Congress and for impeding a federal investigation into the origins of COVID-19, going back to 2020.

Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. WOKE

Jason Aldean addresses criticism of country music video: ‘This one goes too far’

Jason Aldean addresses criticism of country music video: ‘This one goes too far’.

By Tracy Wright | Fox News

Jason Aldean denies that his song, “Try That in a Small Town,” has racial undertones in the wake of online backlash after his music video was released last week.

Aldean, 46, rejected the notion that the tune, which hit airwaves in May and only recently received visuals, referenced “race or points to it.” In the music video, Aldean touts how small towns wouldn’t put up with the kind of riots and lawlessness many cities across the country faced during the summer of 2020.

“In the past 24 hours I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject to the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests,” Aldean shared with his nearly 8 million fans across social media. “These references are not only meritless, but dangerous.”

Brittany Aldean shared a selfie with her husband while on the beach and wrote, “Never apologize for speaking the truth.”

The second single from his as-yet untitled 11th studio album also faced criticism for its accompanying music video, which featured footage from Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

“There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it- and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage -and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music- this one goes too far,” he wrote in posts shared on Instagram and Twitter.

Some of the lyrics in the song included in his forthcoming album include, “Yeah, ya think you’re tough? Well, try that in a small town, see how far ya make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own, you cross that line, it won’t take long for you to find out, I recommend you don’t.”

Aldean continued writing in his post, “And so many pointed out, I was present at Route 91, where so many lost their lives- and our community recently suffered another heartbreaking tragedy. NO ONE, including me, wants to continue to see senseless headlines or families ripped apart.”

The country singer was one of the headlining acts at the 2017 Las Vegas music festival where a mass shooting occurred; a gunman killed 60 people and wounded more than 400 attendees after firing more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition into the crowd from a 32nd-floor suite at the Mandalay Bay.

“‘Try That In A Small Town, for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences of background or belief,” Aldean wrote. “Because they were our neighbors, and that was above any differences.”

He added, “My political views have never been something I’ve hidden from, and I know that a lot of us in this Country don’t agree on how we get back to a sense of normalcy where we go at least a day without a headline that keeps us up at night. But the desire for it to- that’s what this song is about.”

The “Got What I Got” singer was also criticized for choosing to film the video at the Maury County Courthouse.

Mississippi Free Press news editor Ashton Pittman said the site of the video is where a “white lynch mob strung Henry Choate up at the Maury County Courthouse in Columbia, Tenn., after dragging his body through the streets with a car in 1927. That’s where Aldean chose to sing about murdering people who don’t respect police.”

On Wednesday, the production company for the music video, TackleBox, confirmed the music video was shot at Maury County Courthouse, adding that it is a “popular filming location outside of Nashville.” Several music videos and movies have filmed there, including the Lifetime Original movie “Steppin’ into the Holiday” with Mario Lopez and Jana Kramer. TackleBox also noted that the location was featured in a Runaway June music video for their 2019 song “We Were Rich,” the 2022 Paramount holiday film “A Nashville Country Christmas” with Tanya Tucker, and Miley Cyrus’ 2009 film “Hannah Montana: The Movie.”

In its statement, the company said, “Any alternative narrative suggesting the music video’s location decision is false,” and noted that Aldean did not pick the location.

Three days after Aldean’s new video was released, CMT pulled the video from rotation.


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Biden screws Union workers again. Willing to Slash United Auto Worker Union Wages to Appease Green Energy Cult.

Biden screws Union workers again. Willing to Slash United Auto Worker Union Wages to Appease Green Energy Cult.

By Becky Noble

Among  Joe Biden’s many carefully cultivated personas of family man and elder statesman is also his longtime support of America’s Union members—the blue-collar men and women who work as painters, construction workers, and electricians. Apparently, Joe Biden takes their votes for granted, much like he does minority Americans, and those who could soon find out how Joe really feels about union workers are in the auto industry. There is a new report from the United Auto Workers (UAW), and it seems to detail how Joe Biden is choosing sides between those who are pushing for more aggressive green energy policies and union employees.

As part of the ill-fated Inflation Reduction Act, which, of course, does nothing to reduce inflation, companies that produce electric vehicles (EVs), and also the batteries used to power them, could hit the jackpot of roughly $220 billion in taxpayer-funded subsidies by 2031. Because of a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act, the nation’s automakers are allowed to take advantage of tax credits if not only the EVs but the batteries as well are primarily sourced in the U.S. and are manufactured in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. What does this mean for the average union auto worker? It means that large automakers will see billions of dollars in new wealth, what is essentially an industry bailout, at the expense of American taxpayers and union wages.

As an example, the UAW report looked at what happened in Lordstown, Ohio. Lordstown was once the site of a GM assembly plant. Now, in place of the assembly plant sits the GM and LG Ultium Cells plant. Ultium Cells manufactures EV batteries. Evidently, manufacturing EV batteries is not nearly as lucrative as assembling cars. Workers at the old assembly plant used to make around $30 an hour. Workers at the Ultium Cells plant are earning half that, around $16.50 an hour, with a bump up to $20 an hour after seven years of employment. If you do the math, that is about a 45 percent drop in wages. Contrast that with the fact that GM and LG, through just the Ultium Cells plant, could rake in subsidies of more than $1 billion annually thanks to Joe Biden’s EV tax credits.

As one might expect, this is not sitting well with the UAW. Response in the report to this reads in part:

We cannot allow a race to the bottom for America’s working families. The UAW fully supports the transition to a more climate-friendly auto industry, and we are convinced that it can be done without making workers pay the price. … there is a real danger that hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars will subsidize an EV industry that underpays and endangers workers.

The UAW may support transitioning to a more “climate-friendly” industry, but it may come with a risk of committing suicide.

This isn’t the first time Joe Biden has thrown his beloved unions under the bus to avoid the wrath of the green energy cultists. On day one of his presidency, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline project that would have resulted in thousands of high-paying, high skilled union jobs. TC Energy Corp. was the company that owned the pipeline, along with the government of Alberta, Canada. The plan was for the company to award contracts to six American contractors to help build the pipeline. The American contractors would have been responsible for hiring roughly 7,000 workers. Thanks, Joe.

What may also be another slap in the face to union auto workers is the fact that many dealerships have EVs sitting on their lots with no buyers in sight. The nationwide supply of EVs is up almost 350 percent, translating to around 92,000 units. At a three-month supply, that is twice the industry average, and clearly, sales are not keeping up with output. Many models are luxury models that have steep price tags, which make them ineligible for tax credits.

The UAW has responded to Joe Biden giving them a second shove under the bus in the form of withholding an immediate endorsement for 2024. In May, in a memo to union rank and file, UAW President Shawn Fain said:

We’ll stand with whoever stands with our members in that fight. The federal government is pouring billions into the electric vehicle transition, with no strings attached and no commitment to workers … We want to see national leadership have our back on this before we make any commitments.

America’s unions used to be Joe Biden’s best friends. Perhaps they are discovering that the corporations they work for are his new best friends.

Becky Noble has been a political writer for over ten years. She has written for Politichicks, The Black Sphere, and The Political Insider. She holds a degree in Communications/Journalism from Regent University.