America's Heartland Commentary Crime Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

How stupid is he? ‘Children of people who look like me run to the police, others have to run from [the police].’

Views: 36

How stupid is he? ‘Children of people who look like me run to the police, others have to run from [the police].’

Hey Tim, maybe they ran because they were caught committing a crime. Here’s this clown justifying the burning and rioting. People of color who obey our laws and don’t commit crimes have no need to fear the police. People of color who support this team run because of the crimes they commit or are about to commit.

Mr. Walz’s skin color bore on his legitimacy as a decision-maker, he said: “I will not patronize you as a white male without living those experiences of how difficult” it is to have a police force occupying one’s neighborhood. He described the riots themselves as a manifestation of systemic racism: “What the world has witnessed since the killing of George Floyd on Monday has been a visceral pain, a community trying to understand who we are and where we go from here.” Mr. Walz imputed a sacramental quality to the looted and torched buildings: “The ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of pain, of anguish, unheard.”

So a criminal was put down with excessive force, and that justified the looting, rioting, and burning down a section of a city?

In 2022 Mr. Walz declared May 25 “George Floyd Remembrance Day”… Mr. Walz signed legislation in 2023 to lessen criminal penalties, expunge convictions and reopen felony murder sentences ….


Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel

Short and sweet. Republican growth and what life would look like under Harris.

Views: 17

Short and sweet. Republican growth and what life would look like under Harris.

@RealPData looked at the swings of certain demographics from the NYT’s final PA poll from 2020 and compared it to their poll released just a few days ago. The results show a massive gain for Trump in the 18-29 age range, among women generally, and in the non-White demographic in PA. This is a good sign as all eyes are on PA. If Trump wins PA he has a 96% chance of winning the Presidency.

As you look at the numbers below, Republicans are growing.

New GOP voters are also outnumbering new Democrat voters in Pennsylvania 4 to 1 during Kamala’s honeymoon month. Republicans also had a net gain of 252,000+ registrations in July while Democrats lost a total of 19,000 voters in the same period. This shows that the Trump campaign’s ground game is more impressive than most realized.



Commentary Corruption Elections Faked news Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

You believe this? Harris’ Editing of Google.

Views: 23

You believe this? Harris’ Editing of Google.

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found.

Since Aug. 3, nearly a dozen news companies have been used in these types of search ads from the Harris campaign, Axios found.


America's Heartland Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Short and sweet. This video says it all. JD Vance.

Views: 13

Short and sweet. This video says it all. JD Vance.

I don’t have much to say about this except this is how you bitch slap a NY Times reporter Ohio style.

The simple truth is Americans are finding the basic necessities in middle-class life less affordable. Americans are becoming, especially young people, are becoming paupers in their own country.


Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Unions Work Place

More Union workers are supporting Trump than ever before.

Views: 12

More Union workers are supporting Trump than ever before.

Maybe not the teachers or government workers, but the Joe bag of donut workers are. Even never Trumper pollster Frank Luntz is seeing it.

Why are Union Members Turning to Trump?

One of the key reasons cited by Frank Luntz for President Trump’s popularity among union members is that they feel their voices are not being heard by their union leaders. In his focus groups, Luntz found that many union members expressed frustration with their leadership, feeling that they do not truly represent their interests. This sentiment of being disenfranchised by traditional union leadership has driven many union members to look for alternative candidates who they believe will better advocate for their needs.

Moreover, President Trump’s focus on job creation and his efforts to renegotiate trade deals have resonated with union members, particularly those in industries that have been hard hit by globalization. Trump’s promises to bring back manufacturing jobs and protect American workers have struck a chord with many union members who feel that their livelihoods are at risk.


Anti Semitic Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Education Harris Harris Cartel Hate Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources.

Progressives hate towards Jews.

Views: 17

Progressives hate towards Jews.

According to the College Fix, here’s a list of the ten most disturbing acts of antisemitism of the school year,

1. ‘Scholar-activist’ allegedly firebombed police car at UC Berkeley – The man charged in the incident is a recent doctoral graduate of African American studies from Northwestern University. Allegedly, he targeted a police car and several university buildings to show support for pro-Palestinian protesters.

2. Columbia University admin caught mocking antisemitism panel – Three of them are now on leave after the texts, discovered by The Washington Free Beacon, “dismiss[ed] claims of anti-Semitism and suggest[ed] … that Jewish figures on campus were exploiting the moment for ‘fundraising potential.’”

3. Jewish students prevented from attending classes at MIT – In a November post on X, Professor Retsef Levi said Jewish students “were physically prevented from attending class by a hostile group of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel MIT students.”

4. Graduation ceremonies disrupted by anti-Israel protesters – Yale and George Washington university students disrupted commencement ceremonies to show their support for the pro-Palestinian cause.

At McGill University, a graduating pro-Palestinian student made what appeared to be “spitting motions” at faculty members and then unfurled a banner that read “Divest from Death” as she walked across the stage.

Meanwhile, Harvard’s commencement speaker was accused of making antisemitic remarks.

5. Cornell student charged with threatening to slaughter Jewish students – New York student Patrick Dai pleaded guilty in April, after admitting he posted threatening messages online in October. The posts included threats to shoot Jewish students and slit their throats.

6. ‘Hitler was right,’ ‘gas the Jews,’ ‘death to kikes,’: Messages seen at NYU – These were just a sample of the graffiti and other threatening messages Jewish students and employees reported seeing at campuses across the country. In another case, the words “Holocaust 2.0” were found written on the ground after a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Maryland.

7. UCLA accused of allowing ‘Jewish exclusion’ zone – The California university is being sued for discrimination. In the lawsuit, Jewish students allege pro-Palestinian protesters restricted their access to campus, and UCLA administrators did nothing to stop them.

8. Jewish student’s door set on fire at Drexel University – The student’s dorm room door was targeted just three days after the Hamas attack. The student said she believed her outspoken support of Israel was the reason.

9. University of Michigan regent’s office vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti – Regent Jordan Acker, who is Jewish, described the crime as an act of “antisemitism” after noting none of the other regents were targeted.

10. More than 1,000 complaints against anti-Israel protesters documented at just one university – Among the many reports to DePaul University, a student told campus Public Safety that “she was followed through the Quad where she overheard ‘I want to kill her’ and ‘I want to rape her;’” and “told ‘You’re Jewish scum.’”


Back Door Power Grab Commentary Elections Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Trump

Trump no tax on tips costs 250 billion over 10 years. Harris plan costs 500 billion. Trumps is revenue neutral. Harris’s is not.

Views: 21

Trump no tax on tips costs 250 billion over 10 years. Harris plan costs 500 billion. Trumps is revenue neutral. Harris’s is not.

So why is Harris’s so much more? She also adds raising the Minimum wage to $20.00 federally. But yet she bragged about casting the tie breaking vote that added IRS agents to track tip workers who Harris and Biden claimed were tax cheats.

Why is Trump’s plan revenue neutral? The removal of the undocumented meaning no more paying for their children’s education and no more social benefits or free medical and housing.


Economy Education Elections Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

The Elon/Trump Interview: Highlights and Clips.

Views: 45

The Elon/Trump Interview: Highlights and Clips.

AUG 13, 2024

In a live interview that captured the attention of millions, Elon Musk and Donald Trump discussed the state of America, touching on issues ranging from censorship to border security to political lawfare to the attempted assassination of Trump.

The conversation revealed deep concerns about the country’s direction and a shared determination to fight against the forces they believe are undermining it.

The interview began with Elon Musk highlighting a massive DDoS attack that disrupted the live broadcast and delayed it well past its scheduled 8 PM broadcast. Musk said this was a clear indication of the strong opposition to allowing President Trump’s voice to be heard. “This massive [DDOS] attack illustrates that there’s a lot of opposition to people just hearing what President Trump has to say.”

From there, the conversation shifted to a more ominous topic—the ideal location for a sniper. Musk found it particularly interesting how Thomas Crooks had chosen the most obvious spot for an assassination attempt, and nobody saw it coming. “If the goal is to assassinate, what’s your favorite spot? That building. That building would be number one,” Musk observed, with Trump agreeing, “That would have been the spot.”

Musk praised Trump for his response to the assassination attempt, noting that instead of retreating and crumbling in fear, he pumped his fist and shouted, “Fight, fight, fight!”

Your actions after that assassination attempt were inspiring,” Musk told Trump, who reflected on how that day deepened his belief in God. Trump credited a famous immigration chart for turning his head and ultimately saving his life.

The discussion then turned to policy, with Trump criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her hypocrisy. Trump accused Harris of stealing his “no tax on tips” idea while simultaneously supporting increased IRS surveillance on people’s tips. “These people are FAKE,” Trump declared, pointing out how the administration had previously hired 88,000 IRS agents to target waitresses and caddies over tips, only for Harris to adopt his policy when it suited her politically.

Musk then issued a dire warning about the future of America if the current border policies continue. “I’m not sure we’ve got a country if open borders persist for another four years,” Musk warned. Trump stressed that if Kamala gets into office, it would lead to 50 to 60 million people entering the country from all over the world.

Trump, never one to shy away from harsh criticism, took aim at President Joe Biden. In a scathing remark, Trump said Joe Biden’s IQ is so low that “he might not even have an IQ at all.” “There’s nothing on the board that goes this low.

As the conversation continued, Musk proposed a bold plan to cut government spending, linking inflation directly to government overspending. “Inflation comes from government overspending because the checks never bounce when it’s written by the government,” Musk explained. He suggested the creation of a “government efficiency commission” to scrutinize and reduce unnecessary expenditures, pointing out that the national debt’s interest payments have now surpassed the defense budget—a situation that demands immediate action.

Finally, Musk addressed the issue of censorship, calling out European Commissioner Thierry Breton for trying to censor his conversation with Trump. Breton’s warning—“With great audience comes greater responsibility”—was met with a sharp response from Musk, who shared a meme telling Breton to “take a big step back and literally f—k your own face.”

In contrast to the censorship regimes across the world, Musk told Trump, “I think it’s obvious that you’re a believer and an advocate of free speech.”


“Because during your first time as president, you were attacked relentlessly every day, often very unfairly with false attacks. And you didn’t try to shut down the media. You didn’t try to inhibit their freedom of speech. And I think that says a lot.”

This viral conversation, which has amassed over 79 million views in just four hours, can be listened to on replay on Donald Trump’s 𝕏 page.


Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary COVID Harris Harris Cartel Medicine Poetic Justice

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

Views: 26

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

So after six jabs, and numerous times of masking up, what does the Fauch say you should do? Get jabbed again and continue to mask up.

Scientific evidence has shown that vaccinated people are contracting COVID far more often than those not vaccinated against the disease and make up the majority of COVID-19 deaths. Double and tripled-vaxxed individuals have the highest rate.

The good news? More and more parents aren’t vaccinating their children for COVID. If in our lifetime, there is another COVID type pandemic, let’s hope folks like Tony the Fauch aren’t used as a go to medical  expert.


America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Ferguson police officer fighting for his life. Attacked by Progressive leftists. 5 arrested.

Views: 48

Ferguson police officer fighting for his life. Attacked by Progressive leftists. 5 arrested. Two other officers also were hurt, one sustaining an ankle injury and another an abrasion. Both were treated at the scene.

This from CBS. Violent protests marking 10 years since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a pivotal moment in the national Black Lives Matter movement.

Several people were arrested at the protest and five are facing charges, CBS News affiliate KMOV reported. One of the suspects, 28-year-old Elijah Gantt of East St. Louis, is charged with first-degree assault, resisting arrest, first-degree property damage and two counts of fourth-degree assault, KMOV reported. Police say Gantt was one of many who pulled on and damaged a section of fencing around the police station. Police said body camera footage showed officers ordering Gantt to stop and telling him he was being arrested.


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