America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Worse than Springfield, Ohio. Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Undocumented Hell.

Views: 37

Worse than Springfield, Ohio. Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Undocumented Hell.

This hits close to home for me because back in the 90’s I worked out of Charleroi. I have good friends who live and work there. A small town of about 4,000 flooded with the undocumented who are given temporary amnesty to take the few jobs that are left.

At one time the town was 70% homes and 30% rentals. A city councilman said that’s now flipflopped. Because longtime residents have up and moved away and rental corporations have spent millions buying up homes to convert them into rentals to get the government subsidized money that follows the migrants. Oh, and the small Latino population have fled from the Haitian and Liberian undocumented brought in by Harris and Biden.


Commentary Debates Lies Links from other news sources.

Facts from Jonathan Turley.

Views: 16

Facts from Jonathan Turley. Below are the facts as Turley saw them. If folks with an open mind look at how ABC did this debate and how Harris answered, you can only have one choice. Donald J. Trump. “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”

That famous line from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) remains a virtual mantra for politicians and pundits. Yet, judging from the presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, we have officially entered the post-truth political era.

ABC News has been widely criticized for the bias of the two moderators Linsey Davis and David Muir. Even liberal outlets acknowledged that the two journalists seemed inclined to “fact check” only Trump. In the meantime, they allowed clearly false statements from Harris go unchallenged.

Three of the unchecked claims are being widely disseminated by supporters, including some in the media. Here are three legal “facts” that are being repeated despite being clearly untrue.

Crime is down under the Biden-Harris administration. “

One of the most notable slap downs by ABC followed Trump commenting that crime rates have drastically risen during the Biden-Harris administration. Muir immediately balked and declared: “As you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”

Harris and her allies have been repeating the claim by ABC. But the actual statistics show that Trump was right. The Justice Department’s released survey found that, under the Biden administration, there has been a significant increase in crime. Violent crime was up 37 percent from 2020 to 2023, rape is up 42 percent, robbery is up 63 percent and stranger violence is up 61 percent. Other reports had shown startling increases such as a doubling of carjackings in D.C. in 2023.

Harris has not supported transgender operations for undocumented migrants.”

Some of the greatest mocking in the media concerned Trump’s statement that Harris has supported transgender conversion treatment for undocumented persons.

New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser immediately wrote. “What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris’s point.”

On CNN, Wolf Blitzer declared how “outlandish” it was for Trump to make such a claim. But it’s true.

In 2019, Harris told the ACLU that she not only supported such operations but actively worked for at least one such procedure to take place.  Erin Burnett of CNN was gobsmacked by the notion of taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants. “She actually supported that?”

Even the New York Times later admitted that the “wildest sounding attack line” from Trump was “ true.”

Harris does not support the right to abortion in the final three months of a pregnancy.  

 Trump said Harris supports laws allowing abortions in “the seventh month, the eighth month, [and] the ninth month,” to which Harris retorted: “C’mon,” “no,” and “that’s not true,”

But in fact, many states, including Minnesota under Gov. Tim Walz (D), protect the right of a woman to abort a baby into the ninth month. While it is often said that this is left to the mother and her doctor, the law gives the decision to the mother.

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report estimated in 2019 that about 4,882 abortions were performed that year at least 21 weeks or later into pregnancy.

 Nine states permit abortions throughout the entirety of pregnancy. Harris has supported these state laws and certainly did not answer the question on what limits she would support, other than saying that she supports Roe v. Wade.

The issue is not fact-checking, but the failure to do so equally and accurately. ABC actually disseminated false information under the mantle of fact-checking, and that’s a real problem.

Moderator Linsey Davis admitted later that ABC did not want a repeat of what had happened in the last debate. Trump was given free rein, and the moderators limited themselves to asking questions and enforcing time limits. CNN was praised in that debate across the political spectrum for being even-handed.

 While Trump can legitimately object to a three-against-one debate format, Harris’s victory was clear not dependent on bad calls by the refs. However, there has been little overall movement in the polls, even though 67 million people were watching.

The era of post-truth politics is evident in Harris repeating false claims about Trump’s support for “Project 2025” and debunked claims regarding his comments about an extreme-right Charlottesville rally in 2017. Leading Democrats continue to make these false claims, in some cases despite knowing that they are false.

With the help of the media, we have reduced our election to a political Slurpee. It’s all sugar rush and no nutritional value. We now have pundits supporting the idea of no further debates and even arguing that Harris shouldn’t give any interviews because it’s too risky.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) explained that Harris should avoid one-on-one media interviews. I suppose, as president, she will need to insist on meeting foreign leaders only in CNN town hall events.

If you do not say anything, there are no facts to check. The election then becomes a vote over whether you are for or against “joy.”

What is clear from the ABC debate is that citizens are on their own in the election.


Commentary Democrat Harris Harris Cartel Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

What is she trying to say? America doesn’t understand California Pig Latin.

Views: 39

What is she trying to say? America doesn’t understand California Pig Latin.

They just can’t let her out by herself. Harris did an interview with a local newsperson and I guess you can say it was California Pig Latin.

Here’s the question. “I wonder if there are one or two spots, policy areas or approaches where you would say I’m a different person [than Joe Biden]?” asked Taff.

“My approach is about new ideas, new policies that are directed at the current moment. And also, to be very honest with you, my focus is very much in what we need to do over the next ten twenty years to catch up to the twenty first century,” Harris replied.

What in the hell does that mean? Next question. Taff also asked Harris how she would go about bringing “down prices and making life more affordable for people.”

What the hell is she talking about?


Abortion rights? Biden Cartel Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

You make the call. Abortions favored by most?

Views: 38

You make the call. Abortions favored by most?

The Progressives always claim that Americans overwhelmingly support Abortions. Oh really? According to Gallup’s May 2024 update on Americans’ abortion views, 35% believe abortion should be legal “under any circumstances,” 50% say it should be legal “only under certain circumstances.”

A May 1-24, 2023, survey asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy and found about two-thirds of Americans saying it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose legal abortion in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.

2024 polls, with 54% currently saying abortion is morally acceptable and 37% calling it morally wrong.

So, there is a slight majority for Abortion the first trimester, but that goes away the second and third.



Biden Cartel California. Commentary Corruption Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

California and their wasting of water.

Views: 24

California and their wasting of water.

In case you missed it, President Trump was in California at a fundraiser held for him by a relative of the Governor. One of the things he pointed out was the misuse of water.

Heavy storms have flooded parts of California, but the state has been unable to capture billions of gallons of water that are flowing unchecked into the ocean. Not me saying this, but MSM.

Since the beginning of January, a series of atmospheric rivers has disgorged trillions of gallons of much-needed moisture across drought-stricken California, but only a small fraction of that water has so far made it into storage. In the delta — the heart of the state’s vast water system — nearly 95% of incoming water has flowed into the Pacific Ocean, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.


Biden Biden Cartel Crime Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Data backs up Trump on crime increase, violence up under Biden-Harris administration.

Views: 27

Data backs up Trump on crime increase, violence up under Biden-Harris administration.

Crime rates remained elevated last year under President Biden, according to Justice Department data released Thursday that challenges a prevailing media and White House narrative.

The data comes from a massive annual government-run survey of crime victims.

It found 22.5 of every 1,000 residents reported being the victim of a violent crime in 2023, and 102.2 per 1,000 reported facing a property crime.

“Violent crime increased by 37% under the Biden administration, compared to a drop of 17% under the Trump administration,” he said.

Mr. Trump’s campaign said the data showed “crime rates remain WAY UP under Kamala Harris — throwing a dagger straight through the heart of claims to the contrary by Democrats and their Fake News allies.”

The Washington Times has reached out to the White House and Ms. Harris’ campaign for response.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics runs the National Crime Victimization Survey, which annually reaches nearly a quarter-million people in 150,000 households.

It is one of two primary national tallies of overall crime rates. The FBI’s national crime reporting database compiles crimes reported to local police departments.

The FBI data suggested that crime reports had dropped over the past couple of years, but the victimization data suggests this is false.

The issue played out during the presidential debate Tuesday when Mr. Trump made crime rates a theme of attack on Ms. Harris.

“Crime is through the roof,” Mr. Trump said.

At that point, David Muir, the moderator for debate host ABC, stepped in to fact-check Mr. Trump using FBI data.

“President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country,” he said.

Mr. Trump said the FBI’s data was suspect, and Mr. Lott said he is right to be skeptical.

In 2020, 97% of police departments reported their data to the FBI, though 10% reported incomplete data. By 2022, 31% weren’t reporting data at all and another 24% were reporting incomplete data.

That means less than half of police departments were reporting complete data to the FBI, Mr. Lott said. A further issue is how often people report crimes to police.

ABC didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics data released Thursday says overall crime reporting rates remained the same from 2022 to 2023 but dropped significantly in some categories, such as robberies and motor vehicle thefts.

Mr. Lott said the victimization data showed significant improvements in several major crimes during the Trump administration. He said aggravated assaults fell by 24% under Mr. Trump but rose 55% under Mr. Biden, according to the data for 2023.

Robbery, which fell 6% under Mr. Trump, is up 63% under Mr. Biden. Rape, which was flat under Mr. Trump, is up 42% under Mr. Biden.

The FBI has better data for one crime: homicide. It is almost always reported, and the victimization survey has no way to measure it.

The latest full-year FBI data, covering 2022, showed a 6.1% drop in homicides from 2021.

Some experts said they don’t think either survey alone is a proper indicator of crime rates and said aggregating the numbers for a national picture doesn’t make sense. Those experts argue that there are too many regional factors.

Looking over a longer horizon, crime rates under Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are much lower than in the early 1990s, when violent crime victimization neared 80 per 1,000 residents, or more than three times their current rate.

Both are statistically unchanged from 2022 but are significantly

higher than in 2020, the last year under President Trump.

The data said Americans aren’t reporting some of the most common crimes to police as often. Just 44% of self-reported robbery victims said they filed a police report last year, down substantially from 64% in 2022.

The numbers indicate that crime has risen under Mr. Biden and fell during the Trump administration, said John R. Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, who has tracked the data over the years.

He said the new data undercuts claims by the Biden White House, Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign and news media figures that crime rates are falling. Their claims are based on FBI data.


Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Lies Links from other news sources.

Another revelation and truth about Harris.

Views: 64

Another revelation and truth about Harris.

When Harris was picked, the only dirt on Harris was her banging Willie Brown. Leftists saw nothing wrong with that since morals and ethics was never a requirement for Progressives.

Now since her being the Democrat nominee so much has come out about her. So, lets continue to add more revelations. Beginning with her sorority sister.

ABC News failed to disclose that Kamala Harris and ABC News anchor Linsey Davis, who co-moderated Tuesday night’s debate between Harris and President Trump, are sorority sisters in the influential Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. AKA formed a PAC in August after Harris became the Democrats’ presidential nominee.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Democrat Economy Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Tell me again why we’re better off now?

Views: 39

Tell me again why we’re better off now?

Fanatics on the left keep telling us how good things are today vs four years ago. Oh really? Let’s take a look.

Overall, food prices have risen about 22.8% in the last four years, based on a FOX Business analysis. That figure is roughly in line with the rise in meat prices in that time span, which are up nearly 22.6% since 2020.

Egg prices have skyrocketed more than 60.7% since August 2020 — due in part to an outbreak of avian influenza that impacted production in 2022, as well as rising costs for feed, energy and labor.

Other food categories have seen more modest price growth in the last four years, as dairy products are up 16% while fruits and vegetables are up about 13.8%.

Shelter prices have increased nearly 23.4% since August 2020, with rents for primary residences up by a similar amoun

Overall energy costs have increased about 42.4% over the past four years, with fuel oil spiking 70.3%.

New vehicles are up 19.5%, while prices for used cars and trucks have risen over 17.9% since August 2020. Auto insurance prices have surged by nearly 52.4% since that time.


Gas prices have risen by more than 50% in the last four years. (Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via / Getty Images)

Health care costs have increased at a slower rate than other categories, as prices for medical care services are up about 7.4% since August 2020, although prices for hospital services are up more than 17.8%.

Prices for education and communication services — a category that includes tuition and fees for various levels of schooling as well as internet, telephone and postage services — are up about 7.9% compared with four years ago.

Airline fares have risen nearly 21.7% since August 2020.


America's Heartland Debates Elections Harris Harris Cartel Lies Links from other news sources.

So, what did we learn from the debate?

Views: 20

So, what did we learn from the debate?

The most obvious was that Trump was debating three people, not just Harris. Two moderators who would fact check Trump (falsely) but did not fact check Harris. A moderator who lied that no state allows abortion after birth, but yet Axios reports that six states plus DC have no restrictions at all. Later it was revealed it’s actually nine.

Now last night CNN revealed that their poll conducted following the recent presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris revealed that Trump’s lead over Harris on the critical issue of the economy has grown. The percentage of debate watchers who trust Trump more on handling the economy rose from 16% to 20%, further solidifying his reputation in this key area.

The CNN poll results suggest that Trump’s economic message continues to resonate with a significant portion of the electorate, particularly as economic concerns such as inflation and job security remain at the forefront of voters’ minds.



Fact checking ABC and Harris.

Views: 32

Fact checking ABC and Harris.

Last night we had the debate. For some reason the ABC moderators did a fact check on Trump seven times. But for some reason didn’t fact check Harris. So let’s look at the Harris lies.

Many of their fact-checks were incorrect or incomplete. A list of the seven most obvious examples follows (quotes taken from the ABC News transcript):

  • LINSEY DAVIS: There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born. Madam vice president, I want to get your response to President Trump.
  • DAVID MUIR: I just want to clarify here, you bring up Springfield, Ohio. And ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community
  • DAVID MUIR: President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country…
  • DAVID MUIR: The question was about you as president, not about Former Speaker Pelosi. But I do want Vice President Harris to respond here.
  • DAVID MUIR: I did watch all of these pieces of video. I didn’t detect the sarcasm, lost by a whisker, we didn’t quite make it, and we should just point out as clarification, and you know this, you and your allies, 60 cases in front of many judges…
  • DAVID MUIR: Mr. President, thank you. Vice President Harris, you heard the president there tonight. He said he didn’t say that he lost by a whisker. So he still believes he did not lose the election. That was won by President Biden and yourself.
  • DAVID MUIR: President Trump, thank you. You did bring up something, you said she went to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Vice President Harris, have you ever met Vladimir Putin, can you clarify tonight?

Trump to Implement his Project 2025.

False. Trump had nothing to do with 2025. A Heritage Foundation wish list.

Harris claim of never favoring a Fracking ban.

False. During a CNN town hall on climate change in 2019 when she was still a Senator, Harris said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Harris claimed that Trump would sign a National Abortion Ban.

False. Trump has said he has “no regrets” in selecting the Supreme Court justices who overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. But he also repeatedly has promised that if elected, he will not sign a federal abortion ban into law and will leave the issue up to the states.

Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression.

False. Unemployment rapidly declined to 6.4% in January 2021 by the time Trump left office, as the economy started to rebalance. And that 6.4% unemployment rate is still better than the 10% peak during the Great Recession in October 2009.

If you eliminate pandemic statistics, the lowest unemployment rate under Trump was just slightly higher than the lowest point under Biden. Both were good: 3.5% under Trump and 3.4% under Biden at their lowest respectively, according to data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Comments will have more fact checks.


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